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Example 66 with Predicate

use of in project selenium-tests by Wikia.

the class DeleteDialog method confirmAndWait.

public void confirmAndWait() {
    new WebDriverWait(driver, DiscussionsConstants.TIMEOUT).until((Predicate<WebDriver>) input -> -> p.getAttribute("class").contains("is-deleted")));
Also used : WebDriver(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver) WebDriverWait( List(java.util.List) Predicate( WebDriver(org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver) WebElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement) FindBy( WebDriverWait(

Example 67 with Predicate

use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.

the class Commands method wereAfter.

     * Creates a predicate for filtering commands created after the passed timestamp.
public static Predicate<Command> wereAfter(final Timestamp from) {
    return new Predicate<Command>() {

        public boolean apply(@Nullable Command request) {
            final Timestamp timestamp = getTimestamp(request);
            return Timestamps2.isLaterThan(timestamp, from);
Also used : Timestamp( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) Predicate(

Example 68 with Predicate

use of in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class RepositoryLibrarySupport method addSupport.

public void addSupport(@NotNull Module module, @NotNull final ModifiableRootModel rootModel, @NotNull ModifiableModelsProvider modifiableModelsProvider) {
    LibraryTable.ModifiableModel modifiableModel = modifiableModelsProvider.getLibraryTableModifiableModel(module.getProject());
    Library library = Iterables.find(Arrays.asList(modifiableModel.getLibraries()), new Predicate<Library>() {

        public boolean apply(@Nullable Library library) {
            return isLibraryEqualsToSelected(library);
    }, null);
    if (library == null) {
        library = createNewLibrary(module, modifiableModel);
    } else {
    final DependencyScope dependencyScope = LibraryDependencyScopeSuggester.getDefaultScope(library);
    final ModifiableRootModel moduleModifiableModel = modifiableModelsProvider.getModuleModifiableModel(module);
    LibraryOrderEntry foundEntry = (LibraryOrderEntry) Iterables.find(Arrays.asList(moduleModifiableModel.getOrderEntries()), new Predicate<OrderEntry>() {

        public boolean apply(@Nullable OrderEntry entry) {
            return entry instanceof LibraryOrderEntry && ((LibraryOrderEntry) entry).getScope() == dependencyScope && isLibraryEqualsToSelected(((LibraryOrderEntry) entry).getLibrary());
    }, null);
    if (foundEntry == null) {
Also used : LibraryTable(com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.LibraryTable) Library(com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.Library) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) Predicate(

Example 69 with Predicate

use of in project libresonic by Libresonic.

the class ITunesParser method parsePlaylists.

private List<ITunesPlaylist> parsePlaylists() throws Exception {
    List<ITunesPlaylist> playlists = new ArrayList<ITunesPlaylist>();
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(iTunesXml);
    try {
        ITunesPlaylist playlist = null;
        XMLStreamReader streamReader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(in);
        while (streamReader.hasNext()) {
            int code =;
            if (code == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
                String key = readKey(streamReader);
                if ("Playlist ID".equals(key)) {
                    playlist = new ITunesPlaylist(readNextTag(streamReader));
                if (playlist != null) {
                    if ("Name".equals(key)) {
               = readNextTag(streamReader);
                    } else if ("Smart Info".equals(key)) {
               = true;
                    } else if ("Visible".equals(key)) {
                        playlist.visible = false;
                    } else if ("Distinguished Kind".equals(key)) {
                        playlist.distinguishedKind = readNextTag(streamReader);
                    } else if ("Track ID".equals(key)) {
    } finally {
    return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(playlists, new Predicate<ITunesPlaylist>() {

        public boolean apply(ITunesPlaylist input) {
            return input.isIncluded();
Also used : XMLStreamReader( FileInputStream( InputStream( FileInputStream( Predicate(

Example 70 with Predicate

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class Compilation method compile.

	 * Compiles an expression to a normalized (decision-tree-like) expression.
	 * @param inputExpression
	 * @param mapFromVariableNameToTypeName
	 * @param mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString
	 * @param additionalTypes
	 * @param solverListener if not null, invoked on solver used for compilation, before and after compilation starts; returned solver on 'before' invocation is used (it may be the same one used as argument, of course).
	 * @return
public static Expression compile(Expression inputExpression, Theory theory, Map<String, String> mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, Map<String, String> mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName, Map<String, String> mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, Collection<Type> additionalTypes, Function<MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator, MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator> solverListener) {
    // the group actually does not matter, because we are not going to have any indices.
    AssociativeCommutativeGroup group = new Max();
    // The solver for the parameters above.
    MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator solver = new SGDPLLT();
    if (solverListener != null) {
        solver = solverListener.apply(solver);
    // We use the Prolog convention of small-letter initials for constants, but we need an exception for the random variables.
    Predicate<Expression> isPrologConstant = new PrologConstantPredicate();
    Predicate<Expression> isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate = e -> isPrologConstant.apply(e) && !mapFromVariableNameToTypeName.containsKey(e);
    Map<String, String> mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName = new LinkedHashMap<>(mapFromVariableNameToTypeName);
    // Solve the problem.
    // no indices; we want to keep all variables
    List<Expression> indices = Util.list();
    Expression result = solver.solve(group, inputExpression, indices, mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, additionalTypes, isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate, theory);
    if (solverListener != null) {
    return result;
Also used : Type( MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator( SGDPLLT( Collection(java.util.Collection) Expression( Function(java.util.function.Function) Theory( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) List(java.util.List) Predicate( Max( Map(java.util.Map) Util( AssociativeCommutativeGroup( PrologConstantPredicate( MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator( Max( SGDPLLT( PrologConstantPredicate( Expression( AssociativeCommutativeGroup( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)


Predicate ( List (java.util.List)37 Test (org.junit.Test)37 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)34 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)33 Map (java.util.Map)24 UUID (java.util.UUID)21 IOException ( File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)15 Set (java.util.Set)14 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)14 ImmutableList ( Collection (java.util.Collection)11 DateTime (org.joda.time.DateTime)9 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)8 Path ( Expression ( Util ( XtextResource (org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource)7