use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class Context method extendWith.
* Extends context with index expressions, taking into account that new contextual variables may collide with existing ones.
* In this case, it renames the incoming variables to unique identifiers and replaces them in the types of remaining
* index expressions. It also renames the variables in a given expressions supposed to be in their scope (for example,
* the head and condition of an intensionally defined set).
* Returns the new context and the index expressions and expression in scope after the renaming.
* @param indexExpressions
* @param expressionInScope
* @return the new context and the index expressions and expression in scope after the renaming
default default Triple<Context, ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet, Expression> extendWith(ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet indexExpressions, Expression expressionInScope) {
Triple<Context, ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet, Expression> result;
if (thereExists(getIndices(indexExpressions), index -> this.containsSymbol(index))) {
// OPTIMIZATION: only kick in this entire procedure when extending with symbol in the context (previous ones could have been dealt with normally).
// the objects to be returned in the triple:
Context newContext = this;
ArrayList<Expression> newIndexExpressionsList = new ArrayList<>(indexExpressions.getList());
Expression newExpressionInScope = expressionInScope;
// Collects all existing symbols to be able to create unique symbols
Set<Expression> alreadyDefined = Util.set();
alreadyDefined.addAll(Expressions.freeSymbols(new DefaultTuple(newIndexExpressionsList), this));
alreadyDefined.addAll(Expressions.freeSymbols(expressionInScope, this));
Predicate<Expression> isAlreadyDefined = e -> alreadyDefined.contains(e);
for (int i = 0; i != newIndexExpressionsList.size(); i++) {
Expression indexExpression = newIndexExpressionsList.get(i);
Symbol index = (Symbol) indexExpression.get(0);
Expression type = indexExpression.get(1);
PairOf<Expression> newIndexAndNewExpressionInScope = Expressions.standardizeApart(index, isAlreadyDefined, newExpressionInScope);
Expression newIndex = newIndexAndNewExpressionInScope.first;
newExpressionInScope = newIndexAndNewExpressionInScope.second;
// type should not contain the index
Expression newIndexExpression = apply(IN, newIndex, type);
newIndexExpressionsList.set(i, newIndexExpression);
for (int j = i + 1; j != newIndexExpressionsList.size(); j++) {
Expression anotherIndexExpression = newIndexExpressionsList.get(j);
Expression anotherIndex = anotherIndexExpression.get(0);
Expression anotherType = anotherIndexExpression.get(1);
Expression newAnotherType = anotherType.replaceSymbol(index, newIndex, this);
// anotherIndex is a symbols and does not contain index
Expression newAnotherIndexExpression = apply(IN, anotherIndex, newAnotherType);
newIndexExpressionsList.set(j, newAnotherIndexExpression);
ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet newIndexExpressions = new ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet(newIndexExpressionsList);
newContext = newContext.extendWith(newIndexExpressions);
result = triple(newContext, newIndexExpressions, newExpressionInScope);
} else {
// no collision; usual extension and the expressions do not change.
result = triple(extendWith(indexExpressions), indexExpressions, expressionInScope);
return result;
use of in project beam by apache.
the class LocalFileSystem method matchOne.
private MatchResult matchOne(String spec) throws IOException {
File file = Paths.get(spec).toFile();
if (file.exists()) {
return MatchResult.create(Status.OK, ImmutableList.of(toMetadata(file)));
File parent = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
if (!parent.exists()) {
return MatchResult.create(Status.NOT_FOUND, Collections.<Metadata>emptyList());
// Method getAbsolutePath() on Windows platform may return something like
// "c:\temp\file.txt". FileSystem.getPathMatcher() call below will treat
// '\' (backslash) as an escape character, instead of a directory
// separator. Replacing backslash with double-backslash solves the problem.
// We perform the replacement on all platforms, even those that allow
// backslash as a part of the filename, because Globs.toRegexPattern will
// eat one backslash.
String pathToMatch = file.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"));
final PathMatcher matcher = java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + pathToMatch);
// TODO: Avoid iterating all files:
Iterable<File> files =;
Iterable<File> matchedFiles = Iterables.filter(files, Predicates.and(, new Predicate<File>() {
public boolean apply(File input) {
return matcher.matches(input.toPath());
List<Metadata> result = Lists.newLinkedList();
for (File match : matchedFiles) {
if (result.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: consider to return Status.OK for globs.
return MatchResult.create(Status.NOT_FOUND, new FileNotFoundException(String.format("No files found for spec: %s.", spec)));
} else {
return MatchResult.create(Status.OK, result);
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class ObservationTest method filterPropertyOfChild.
public void filterPropertyOfChild() throws RepositoryException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
assumeTrue(observationManager instanceof ObservationManagerImpl);
ObservationManagerImpl oManager = (ObservationManagerImpl) observationManager;
ExpectationListener listener = new ExpectationListener();
FilterBuilder builder = new FilterBuilder();
// Events for all items that have a property "b/c/foo" with value "bar"
builder.condition("b/c"), "foo", new Predicate<PropertyState>() {
public boolean apply(PropertyState property) {
return "bar".equals(property.getValue(STRING));
Node testNode = getNode(TEST_PATH);
Node a = testNode.addNode("a");
a.addNode("b").addNode("c").setProperty("foo", "bar");
Node x = testNode.addNode("x");
x.addNode("b").addNode("c").setProperty("foo", "baz");
listener.expect(a.getPath(), NODE_ADDED);
List<Expectation> missing = listener.getMissing(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue("Missing events: " + missing, missing.isEmpty());
List<Event> unexpected = listener.getUnexpected();
assertTrue("Unexpected events: " + unexpected, unexpected.isEmpty());
use of in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestNonTxIndexBuilder method assertContains.
// Assert that the given collection of indexUpdates contains the given cell
private void assertContains(Collection<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>> indexUpdates, final long mutationTs, final byte[] row, final Type cellType, final byte[] fam, final byte[] qual, final long cellTs) {
Predicate<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>> hasCellPredicate = new Predicate<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>>() {
public boolean apply(Pair<Mutation, byte[]> input) {
assertEquals(TEST_TABLE_INDEX_STRING, Bytes.toString(input.getSecond()));
Mutation mutation = input.getFirst();
if (mutationTs == mutation.getTimeStamp()) {
NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> familyCellMap = mutation.getFamilyCellMap();
Cell updateCell = familyCellMap.get(fam).get(0);
if (cellType == KeyValue.Type.codeToType(updateCell.getTypeByte()) && Bytes.compareTo(fam, CellUtil.cloneFamily(updateCell)) == 0 && Bytes.compareTo(qual, CellUtil.cloneQualifier(updateCell)) == 0 && cellTs == updateCell.getTimestamp()) {
return true;
return false;
Optional<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>> tryFind = Iterables.tryFind(indexUpdates, hasCellPredicate);
use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class FileCacheStats method build.
* Retrieves all the files present in the fs cache folder and builds the in-memory cache.
private int build() {
int count = 0;
// Move older generation cache downloaded files to the new folder
// Iterate over all files in the cache folder
Iterator<File> iter = Files.fileTreeTraverser().postOrderTraversal(cacheRoot).filter(new Predicate<File>() {
public boolean apply(File input) {
return input.isFile() && !normalizeNoEndSeparator(input.getParent()).equals(cacheRoot.getAbsolutePath());
while (iter.hasNext()) {
File toBeSyncedFile =;
try {
put(toBeSyncedFile.getName(), toBeSyncedFile, false);
LOG.trace("Added file [{}} to in-memory cache", toBeSyncedFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error in putting cached file in map[{}]", toBeSyncedFile);
LOG.trace("[{}] files put in im-memory cache", count);
return count;