use of in project copybara by google.
the class Workflow method run.
public void run(Path workdir, ImmutableList<String> sourceRefs) throws RepoException, IOException, ValidationException {
if (sourceRefs.size() > 1) {
throw new CommandLineException(String.format("Workflow does not support multiple source_ref arguments yet: %s", ImmutableList.copyOf(sourceRefs)));
@Nullable String sourceRef = sourceRefs.size() == 1 ? sourceRefs.get(0) : null;
try (ProfilerTask ignore = profiler().start("run/" + name)) {
console.progress("Getting last revision: " + "Resolving " + ((sourceRef == null) ? "origin reference" : sourceRef));
O resolvedRef = generalOptions.repoTask("origin.resolve_source_ref", () -> origin.resolve(sourceRef));
logger.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Running Copybara for workflow '%s' and ref '%s': %s", name, resolvedRef.asString(), this.toString()));
logger.log(Level.INFO, String.format("Using working directory : %s", workdir));
ImmutableList.Builder<DestinationEffect> allEffects = ImmutableList.builder();
WorkflowRunHelper<O, D> helper = newRunHelper(workdir, resolvedRef, sourceRef, event -> {
eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(event));
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start(mode.toString().toLowerCase())) {;
} finally {
if (!getGeneralOptions().dryRunMode) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("after_all_migration")) {
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> effects =;
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> resultEffects = runHooks(effects, getAfterAllMigrationActions(), // Only do this once for all the actions
memoized(c -> helper.getOriginReader().getFeedbackEndPoint(c)), // Only do this once for all the actions
memoized(c -> helper.getDestinationWriter().getFeedbackEndPoint(c)), resolvedRef);
if (effects.size() != resultEffects.size()) {
console.warn("Effects where created in after_all_migrations, but they are ignored.");
use of in project copybara by google.
the class Workflow method runHooks.
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> runHooks(ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> effects, ImmutableList<Action> actions, LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> originEndpoint, LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> destinationEndpoint, Revision resolvedRef) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(getConsole());
List<DestinationEffect> hookDestinationEffects = new ArrayList<>();
for (Action action : actions) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running after migration hook: " + action.getName());
FinishHookContext context = new FinishHookContext(action, originEndpoint, destinationEndpoint, ImmutableList.copyOf(effects), generalOptions.labels, resolvedRef, console);;
return ImmutableList.<DestinationEffect>builder().addAll(effects).addAll(hookDestinationEffects).build();
use of in project copybara by google.
the class ActionContext method recordEffect.
@StarlarkMethod(name = "record_effect", doc = "Records an effect of the current action.", parameters = { @Param(name = "summary", doc = "The summary of this effect", named = true), @Param(name = "origin_refs", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = OriginRef.class) }, doc = "The origin refs", named = true), @Param(name = "destination_ref", doc = "The destination ref", named = true), @Param(name = "errors", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class) }, defaultValue = "[]", doc = "An optional list of errors", named = true), @Param(name = "type", doc = "The type of migration effect:<br>" + "<ul>" + "<li><b>'CREATED'</b>: A new review or change was created.</li>" + "<li><b>'UPDATED'</b>: An existing review or change was updated.</li>" + "<li><b>'NOOP'</b>: The change was a noop.</li>" + "<li><b>'NOOP_AGAINST_PENDING_CHANGE'</b>: The change was a noop, relative" + "to an existing pending change.</li>" + "<li><b>'INSUFFICIENT_APPROVALS'</b>: The effect couldn't happen because " + "the change doesn't have enough approvals.</li>" + "<li><b>'ERROR'</b>: A user attributable error happened that prevented " + "the destination from creating/updating the change. " + "<li><b>'STARTED'</b>: The initial effect of a migration that depends on a " + "previous one. This allows to have 'dependant' migrations defined by users.\n" + "An example of this: a workflow migrates code from a Gerrit review to a " + "GitHub PR, and a feedback migration migrates the test results from a CI in " + "GitHub back to the Gerrit change.\n" + "This effect would be created on the former one.</li>" + "</ul>", defaultValue = "\"UPDATED\"", named = true) })
public void recordEffect(String summary, // <OriginRef>
Sequence<?> originRefs, DestinationRef destinationRef, // <String>
Sequence<?> errors, String typeStr) throws EvalException {
DestinationEffect.Type type = SkylarkUtil.stringToEnum("type", typeStr, DestinationEffect.Type.class);
newDestinationEffects.add(new DestinationEffect(type, summary, Sequence.cast(originRefs, OriginRef.class, "origin_refs"), destinationRef, Sequence.cast(errors, String.class, "errors")));
use of in project copybara by google.
the class Feedback method run.
public void run(Path workdir, ImmutableList<String> sourceRefs) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
ImmutableList.Builder<ActionResult> allResultsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
String suffix = Joiner.on('_').join(sourceRefs).replaceAll("([/ ])", "_");
String root = "run/" + name + "/" + suffix.substring(0, Math.min(suffix.length(), 20));
try (ProfilerTask ignore = profiler().start(root)) {
for (Action action : actions) {
ArrayList<DestinationEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
try (ProfilerTask ignore2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(generalOptions.console());
eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationStarted(new ChangeMigrationStartedEvent()));
FeedbackMigrationContext context = new FeedbackMigrationContext(this, action, generalOptions.cliLabels(), sourceRefs, console);;
ActionResult actionResult = context.getActionResult();
// First error aborts the execution of the other actions
ValidationException.checkCondition(actionResult.getResult() != Result.ERROR, "Feedback migration '%s' action '%s' returned error: %s. Aborting execution.", name, action.getName(), actionResult.getMsg());
} finally {
eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(ImmutableList.copyOf(effects), getOriginDescription(), getDestinationDescription())));
ImmutableList<ActionResult> allResults =;
// This check also returns true if there are no actions
if ( -> a.getResult() == Result.NO_OP)) {
String detailedMessage = allResults.isEmpty() ? "actions field is empty" :;
throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("Feedback migration '%s' was noop. Detailed messages: %s", name, detailedMessage));