use of in project copybara by google.
the class GitHubPrWriteHook method beforePush.
public void beforePush(GitRepository scratchClone, MessageInfo messageInfo, boolean skipPush, List<? extends Change<?>> originChanges) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
if (skipPush || generalOptions.allowEmptyDiff(allowEmptyDiff)) {
for (Change<?> originalChange : originChanges) {
String configProjectName = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(repoUrl);
GitHubApi api = gitHubOptions.newGitHubApi(configProjectName);
try {
ImmutableList<PullRequest> pullRequests = api.getPullRequests(configProjectName, PullRequestListParams.DEFAULT.withHead(String.format("%s:%s", ghHost.getUserNameFromUrl(repoUrl), this.prBranchToUpdate)));
// We don't want to throw EmptyChangeException for some of the prs with the empty diff.
if (pullRequests.size() != 1) {
SameGitTree sameGitTree = new SameGitTree(scratchClone, repoUrl, generalOptions, partialFetch);
PullRequest pullRequest = pullRequests.get(0);
if (sameGitTree.hasSameTree(pullRequest.getHead().getSha())) {
throw new RedundantChangeException(String.format("Skipping push to the existing pr %s/pull/%s as the change %s is empty.", repoUrl, pullRequest.getNumber(), originalChange.getRef()), pullRequest.getHead().getSha());
} catch (GitHubApiException e) {
if (e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND || e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
console.verboseFmt("Branch %s does not exist", this.prBranchToUpdate);
throw e;
use of in project copybara by google.
the class GerritDestinationTest method testNoAllowEmptyPatchSet.
public void testNoAllowEmptyPatchSet() throws Exception {
// TODO(b/111567027): Add a test setting options.gitDestination.localRepoPath = some_folder.
// Currently it doesn't work for unrelated reasons (refs/for/master is not a branch name
// so we gene
Path workTree = Files.createTempDirectory("populate");
GitRepository repo = repo().withWorkTree(workTree);
writeFile(workTree, "foo.txt", "" + "Base file\n" + "This is the original content\n" + "\n" + "This is a common part\n" + "That needs to be changed\n" + "And this remains constant\n");
writeFile(workTree, "non_relevant.txt", "foo");
repo.simpleCommand("commit", "-m", "Old parent");
GitRevision oldParent = repo.resolveReference("HEAD");
String firstChange = "" + "Base file\n" + "This is the original content\n" + "\n" + "This is a common part\n" + "The content is changed\n" + "And this remains constant\n";
writeFile(workdir, "foo.txt", firstChange);
writeFile(workdir, "non_relevant.txt", "foo");
String primaryBranch = repo.getPrimaryBranch();
assertThatGerritCheckout(repo(), "refs/for/" + primaryBranch).containsFile("non_relevant.txt", "foo").containsFile("foo.txt", firstChange).containsNoMoreFiles();
GitRevision currentRev = repo.resolveReference(getGerritRef(repo, "refs/for/" + primaryBranch));
repo.simpleCommand("update-ref", "refs/changes/10/12310/1", currentRev.getSha1());
// To avoid the non-fastforward. In real Gerrit this is not a problem
repo.simpleCommand("update-ref", "-d", getGerritRef(repo, "refs/for/" + primaryBranch));
writeFile(workTree, "foo.txt", "" + "Base file modified\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "\n" + "This is a common part\n" + "That needs to be changed\n" + "And this remains constant\n");
writeFile(workTree, "non_relevant.txt", "bar");
repo.simpleCommand("commit", "-m", "New parent");
GitRevision newParent = repo.resolveReference("HEAD");
String secondChange = "" + "Base file modified\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "\n" + "This is a common part\n" + "The content is changed\n" + "And this remains constant\n";
writeFile(workdir, "foo.txt", secondChange);
writeFile(workdir, "non_relevant.txt", "bar");
mockChangeFound(currentRev, 12310);
RedundantChangeException e = assertThrows(RedundantChangeException.class, () -> runAllowEmptyPatchSetFalse(newParent.getSha1()));
assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Skipping creating a new Gerrit PatchSet for change" + " https://localhost:33333/foo/bar/q/12310 since the diff is the same from the" + " previous PatchSet");
// No push happened
assertThat(repo().refExists("refs/for/" + primaryBranch)).isFalse();
String thirdChange = "" + "Base file modified\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "This is the modified content\n" + "\n" + "This is a common part--> But we are changing it now\n" + "The content is changed\n" + "And this remains constant\n";
writeFile(workdir, "foo.txt", thirdChange);
writeFile(workdir, "non_relevant.txt", "bar");
assertThatGerritCheckout(repo(), "refs/for/" + primaryBranch).containsFile("non_relevant.txt", "bar").containsFile("foo.txt", thirdChange).containsNoMoreFiles();
use of in project copybara by google.
the class GitHubPrDestinationTest method emptyChange.
public void emptyChange() throws Exception {
Writer<GitRevision> writer = getWriterForTestEmptyDiff();
GitRepository remote = gitUtil.mockRemoteRepo("");
addFiles(remote, null, "first change", ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("foo.txt", "").buildOrThrow());
String baseline = remote.resolveReference("HEAD").getSha1();
addFiles(remote, "test_feature", "second change", ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put("foo.txt", "test").buildOrThrow());
String changeHead = remote.resolveReference("HEAD").getSha1();
gitUtil.mockApi("GET", getPullRequestsUrl("test_feature"), mockResponse("[{" + " \"id\": 1,\n" + " \"number\": 12345,\n" + " \"state\": \"closed\",\n" + " \"title\": \"test summary\",\n" + " \"body\": \"test summary\"," + " \"head\": {\"sha\": \"" + changeHead + "\"}," + " \"base\": {\"sha\": \"" + baseline + "\"}" + "}]"));
writeFile(this.workdir, "foo.txt", "test");
RedundantChangeException e = assertThrows(RedundantChangeException.class, () -> writer.write(TransformResults.of(this.workdir, new DummyRevision("one")).withBaseline(baseline).withChanges(new Changes(ImmutableList.of(toChange(new DummyRevision("feature"), new Author("Foo Bar", ""))), ImmutableList.of())).withLabelFinder(Functions.forMap(ImmutableMap.of("aaa", ImmutableList.of("first a", "second a")))), Glob.ALL_FILES, console));
assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("Skipping push to the existing pr " + "as the change feature is empty.");