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Example 1 with GitHubApiException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubEndPoint method getPullRequests.

@StarlarkMethod(name = "get_pull_requests", doc = "Get Pull Requests for a repo", parameters = { @Param(name = "head_prefix", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, named = true, doc = "Only return PRs wher the branch name has head_prefix", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "base_prefix", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, named = true, doc = "Only return PRs where the destination branch name has base_prefix", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "state", doc = "State of the Pull Request. Can be `\"OPEN\"`, `\"CLOSED\"` or `\"ALL\"`", defaultValue = "\"OPEN\"", named = true), @Param(name = "sort", doc = "Sort filter for retrieving the Pull Requests. Can be `\"CREATED\"`," + " `\"UPDATED\"` or `\"POPULARITY\"`", named = true, defaultValue = "\"CREATED\""), @Param(name = "direction", doc = "Direction of the filter. Can be `\"ASC\"` or `\"DESC\"`", defaultValue = "\"ASC\"", named = true) }, allowReturnNones = true)
public ImmutableList<PullRequest> getPullRequests(Object headPrefixParam, Object basePrefixParam, String state, String sort, String direction) throws EvalException, RepoException {
    try {
        String project = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(url);
        PullRequestListParams request = PullRequestListParams.DEFAULT;
        String headPrefix = convertFromNoneable(headPrefixParam, null);
        String basePrefix = convertFromNoneable(basePrefixParam, null);
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(headPrefix)) {
            checkCondition(SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.matches(headPrefix), "'%s' is not a valid head_prefix (%s is used for validation)", headPrefix, SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.pattern());
            request = request.withHead(headPrefix);
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(basePrefix)) {
            checkCondition(SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.matches(basePrefix), "'%s' is not a valid base_prefix (%s is used for validation)", basePrefix, SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.pattern());
            request = request.withHead(basePrefix);
        return apiSupplier.load(console).getPullRequests(project, request.withState(stringToEnum("state", state, StateFilter.class)).withDirection(stringToEnum("direction", direction, DirectionFilter.class)).withSort(stringToEnum("sort", sort, SortFilter.class)));
    } catch (GitHubApiException e) {
        return returnNullOnNotFound(e);
    } catch (ValidationException | RuntimeException e) {
        throw Starlark.errorf("Error calling get_pull_requests: %s", e.getMessage());
Also used : DirectionFilter( ValidationException( GitHubApiException( PullRequestListParams( StarlarkMethod( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with GitHubApiException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubPrWriteHook method beforePush.

public void beforePush(GitRepository scratchClone, MessageInfo messageInfo, boolean skipPush, List<? extends Change<?>> originChanges) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
    if (skipPush || generalOptions.allowEmptyDiff(allowEmptyDiff)) {
    for (Change<?> originalChange : originChanges) {
        String configProjectName = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(repoUrl);
        GitHubApi api = gitHubOptions.newGitHubApi(configProjectName);
        try {
            ImmutableList<PullRequest> pullRequests = api.getPullRequests(configProjectName, PullRequestListParams.DEFAULT.withHead(String.format("%s:%s", ghHost.getUserNameFromUrl(repoUrl), this.prBranchToUpdate)));
            // We don't want to throw EmptyChangeException for some of the prs with the empty diff.
            if (pullRequests.size() != 1) {
            SameGitTree sameGitTree = new SameGitTree(scratchClone, repoUrl, generalOptions, partialFetch);
            PullRequest pullRequest = pullRequests.get(0);
            if (sameGitTree.hasSameTree(pullRequest.getHead().getSha())) {
                throw new RedundantChangeException(String.format("Skipping push to the existing pr %s/pull/%s as the change %s is empty.", repoUrl, pullRequest.getNumber(), originalChange.getRef()), pullRequest.getHead().getSha());
        } catch (GitHubApiException e) {
            if (e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND || e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
                console.verboseFmt("Branch %s does not exist", this.prBranchToUpdate);
            throw e;
Also used : GitHubApi( PullRequest( GitHubApiException( RedundantChangeException(

Example 3 with GitHubApiException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubWriteHook method afterPush.

public ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> afterPush(String serverResponse, MessageInfo messageInfo, GitRevision pushedRevision, List<? extends Change<?>> originChanges) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
    ImmutableList.Builder<DestinationEffect> baseEffects = ImmutableList.<DestinationEffect>builder().addAll(super.afterPush(serverResponse, messageInfo, pushedRevision, originChanges));
    if (prBranchToUpdate == null || !deletePrBranch) {
    String projectId = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(repoUrl);
    GitHubApi api = gitHubOptions.newGitHubApi(projectId);
    for (Change<?> change : originChanges) {
        Dict<String, String> labelDict = change.getLabelsForSkylark();
        String updatedPrBranchName = getUpdatedPrBranch(labelDict);
        checkCondition(!Objects.equals(updatedPrBranchName, "master"), "Cannot delete 'master' branch from GitHub");
        String completeRef = String.format("refs/heads/%s", updatedPrBranchName);
        try {
            api.deleteReference(projectId, completeRef);
            baseEffects.add(new DestinationEffect(Type.UPDATED, String.format("Reference '%s' deleted", completeRef), ImmutableList.of(change), new DestinationRef(completeRef, "ref_deleted", "" + projectId + "/tree/" + updatedPrBranchName)));
        } catch (GitHubApiException e) {
            if (e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND || e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
                console.infoFmt("Branch %s does not exist", updatedPrBranchName);
                logger.atInfo().log("Branch %s does not exist", updatedPrBranchName);
            throw e;
Also used : GitHubApi( DestinationRef( DestinationEffect( ImmutableList( GitHubApiException(

Example 4 with GitHubApiException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubEndPoint method createStatus.

@StarlarkMethod(name = "create_status", doc = "Create or update a status for a commit. Returns the status created.", parameters = { @Param(name = "sha", named = true, doc = "The SHA-1 for which we want to create or update the status"), @Param(name = "state", named = true, doc = "The state of the commit status: 'success', 'error', 'pending' or 'failure'"), @Param(name = "context", doc = "The context for the commit status. Use a value like 'copybara/import_successful'" + " or similar", named = true), @Param(name = "description", named = true, doc = "Description about what happened"), @Param(name = "target_url", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, named = true, doc = "Url with expanded information about the event", defaultValue = "None") })
public Status createStatus(String sha, String state, String context, String description, Object targetUrl) throws EvalException, RepoException, ValidationException {
    try {
        checkCondition(State.VALID_VALUES.contains(state), "Invalid value for state. Valid values: %s", State.VALID_VALUES);
        checkCondition(GitRevision.COMPLETE_SHA1_PATTERN.matcher(sha).matches(), "Not a valid complete SHA-1: %s", sha);
        checkCondition(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(description), "description cannot be empty");
        checkCondition(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(context), "context cannot be empty");
        String project = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(url);
        return apiSupplier.load(console).createStatus(project, sha, new CreateStatusRequest(State.valueOf(state.toUpperCase()), convertFromNoneable(targetUrl, null), description, context));
    } catch (GitHubApiException gae) {
        if (gae.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
            throw new ValidationException("GitHub was unable to process the request " + gae.getError(), gae);
        throw gae;
    } catch (ValidationException | RuntimeException e) {
        throw Starlark.errorf("Error calling create_status: %s", e.getMessage());
Also used : CreateStatusRequest( ValidationException( GitHubApiException( StarlarkMethod(

Example 5 with GitHubApiException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubWriteHook method beforePush.

public void beforePush(GitRepository scratchClone, MessageInfo messageInfo, boolean skipPush, List<? extends Change<?>> originChanges) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
    if (skipPush || prBranchToUpdate == null) {
    String configProjectName = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(repoUrl);
    GitHubApi api = gitHubOptions.newGitHubApi(configProjectName);
    for (Change<?> change : originChanges) {
        Dict<String, String> labelDict = change.getLabelsForSkylark();
        String updatedPrBranchName = getUpdatedPrBranch(labelDict);
        String completeRef = String.format("refs/heads/%s", updatedPrBranchName);
        try {
            // fails with NOT_FOUND if doesn't exist
            api.getReference(configProjectName, completeRef);
            generalOptions.repoTask("push current commit to the head of pr_branch_to_update", () -> scratchClone.push().withRefspecs(repoUrl, ImmutableList.of(scratchClone.createRefSpec("+HEAD:" + completeRef))).run());
        } catch (GitHubApiException e) {
            if (e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.NOT_FOUND || e.getResponseCode() == ResponseCode.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
                console.verboseFmt("Branch %s does not exist", updatedPrBranchName);
                logger.atInfo().log("Branch %s does not exist", updatedPrBranchName);
            throw e;
Also used : GitHubApi( GitHubApiException(


GitHubApiException ( GitHubApi ( ValidationException ( StarlarkMethod ( ImmutableList ( DestinationEffect ( DestinationRef ( WriterContext ( RedundantChangeException ( CreateStatusRequest ( PullRequestListParams ( DirectionFilter ( PullRequest ( DummyRevision ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1