Search in sources :

Example 6 with ValidationException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class MigrateCmd method loadConfig.

private Config loadConfig(Options options, ConfigLoader configLoader, String migrationName) throws IOException, ValidationException {
    GeneralOptions generalOptions = options.get(GeneralOptions.class);
    Console console = generalOptions.console();
    Config config = configLoader.load(console);
    console.progress("Validating configuration");
    ValidationResult result = configValidator.validate(config, migrationName);
    if (!result.hasErrors()) {
        return config;
    console.error("Configuration is invalid.");
    throw new ValidationException("Error validating configuration: Configuration is invalid.");
Also used : ValidationException( Config( Console( ValidationResult(

Example 7 with ValidationException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class ValidateCmd method validate.

 * Validates that the configuration is correct and that there is a valid migration specified by
 * {@code migrationName}.
 * <p>Note that, besides validating the specific migration, all the configuration will be
 * validated syntactically.
 * Returns true iff this configuration is valid.
private ValidationResult validate(Options options, ConfigLoader configLoader, String migrationName) throws IOException {
    Console console = options.get(GeneralOptions.class).console();
    ValidationResult.Builder resultBuilder = new ValidationResult.Builder();
    try {
        Config config = configLoader.load(console);
        resultBuilder.append(configValidator.validate(config, migrationName));
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
        // The validate subcommand should not throw Validation exceptions but log a result
        StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(e.getMessage()).append("\n");
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        while (cause != null) {
            error.append("  CAUSED BY: ").append(cause.getMessage()).append("\n");
            cause = cause.getCause();
Also used : ValidationException( Config( Console( ValidationResult(

Example 8 with ValidationException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubEndPoint method getPullRequests.

@StarlarkMethod(name = "get_pull_requests", doc = "Get Pull Requests for a repo", parameters = { @Param(name = "head_prefix", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, named = true, doc = "Only return PRs wher the branch name has head_prefix", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "base_prefix", allowedTypes = { @ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class) }, named = true, doc = "Only return PRs where the destination branch name has base_prefix", defaultValue = "None"), @Param(name = "state", doc = "State of the Pull Request. Can be `\"OPEN\"`, `\"CLOSED\"` or `\"ALL\"`", defaultValue = "\"OPEN\"", named = true), @Param(name = "sort", doc = "Sort filter for retrieving the Pull Requests. Can be `\"CREATED\"`," + " `\"UPDATED\"` or `\"POPULARITY\"`", named = true, defaultValue = "\"CREATED\""), @Param(name = "direction", doc = "Direction of the filter. Can be `\"ASC\"` or `\"DESC\"`", defaultValue = "\"ASC\"", named = true) }, allowReturnNones = true)
public ImmutableList<PullRequest> getPullRequests(Object headPrefixParam, Object basePrefixParam, String state, String sort, String direction) throws EvalException, RepoException {
    try {
        String project = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(url);
        PullRequestListParams request = PullRequestListParams.DEFAULT;
        String headPrefix = convertFromNoneable(headPrefixParam, null);
        String basePrefix = convertFromNoneable(basePrefixParam, null);
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(headPrefix)) {
            checkCondition(SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.matches(headPrefix), "'%s' is not a valid head_prefix (%s is used for validation)", headPrefix, SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.pattern());
            request = request.withHead(headPrefix);
        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(basePrefix)) {
            checkCondition(SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.matches(basePrefix), "'%s' is not a valid base_prefix (%s is used for validation)", basePrefix, SAFE_BRANCH_NAME_PREFIX.pattern());
            request = request.withHead(basePrefix);
        return apiSupplier.load(console).getPullRequests(project, request.withState(stringToEnum("state", state, StateFilter.class)).withDirection(stringToEnum("direction", direction, DirectionFilter.class)).withSort(stringToEnum("sort", sort, SortFilter.class)));
    } catch (GitHubApiException e) {
        return returnNullOnNotFound(e);
    } catch (ValidationException | RuntimeException e) {
        throw Starlark.errorf("Error calling get_pull_requests: %s", e.getMessage());
Also used : DirectionFilter( ValidationException( GitHubApiException( PullRequestListParams( StarlarkMethod( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 9 with ValidationException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubEndPoint method updateReference.

@StarlarkMethod(name = "update_reference", doc = "Update a reference to point to a new commit. Returns the info of the reference.", parameters = { @Param(name = "ref", named = true, doc = "The name of the reference."), @Param(name = "sha", doc = "The id for the commit" + " status.", named = true), @Param(name = "force", named = true, doc = "Indicates whether to force the update or to make sure the update is a" + " fast-forward update. Leaving this out or setting it to false will make" + " sure you're not overwriting work. Default: false") })
public Ref updateReference(String sha, String ref, boolean force) throws EvalException, RepoException {
    try {
        checkCondition(GitRevision.COMPLETE_SHA1_PATTERN.matcher(sha).matches(), "Not a valid complete SHA-1: %s", sha);
        checkCondition(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ref), "ref cannot be empty");
        if (!ref.startsWith("refs/")) {
            // TODO(malcon): Remove this functionality and use a check once library migrated.
            console.warnFmt("Non-complete ref passed to update_reference '%s'. Assuming refs/heads/%s", ref, ref);
            ref = "refs/heads/" + ref;
        String project = ghHost.getProjectNameFromUrl(url);
        return apiSupplier.load(console).updateReference(project, ref, new UpdateReferenceRequest(sha, force));
    } catch (ValidationException | RuntimeException e) {
        throw Starlark.errorf("Error calling update_reference: %s", e.getMessage());
Also used : UpdateReferenceRequest( ValidationException( StarlarkMethod(

Example 10 with ValidationException

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubPrOrigin method checkRequiredCheckRuns.

 * Check that the PR has a conclusion of "success" for each check_run whose name is in the list
 * provided in the `required_check_runs` param
private void checkRequiredCheckRuns(GitHubApi api, String project, PullRequest prData) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
    Set<String> requiredCheckRuns = getRequiredCheckRuns();
    if (forceImport() || requiredCheckRuns.isEmpty()) {
    try (ProfilerTask ignore = generalOptions.profiler().start("github_api_get_combined_status")) {
        CheckRuns checkRuns = api.getCheckRuns(project, prData.getHead().getSha());
        Set<String> requiredButNotPresent = Sets.newHashSet(requiredCheckRuns);
        List<CheckRun> passedCheckRuns = checkRuns.getCheckRuns().stream().filter(e -> e.getConclusion().equals("success")).collect(Collectors.toList());
        requiredButNotPresent.removeAll(Collections2.transform(passedCheckRuns, CheckRun::getName));
        if (!requiredButNotPresent.isEmpty()) {
            throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("Cannot migrate because the following check runs " + "have not been passed: %s", project, prData.getNumber(), requiredButNotPresent));
Also used : GitHubUtil.asHeadRef( Origin( CombinedStatus( Collections2( Review( ImmutableListMultimap.toImmutableListMultimap( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Change( BaselinesWithoutLabelVisitor( CannotResolveRevisionException( Endpoint( Splitter( GeneralOptions( Path(java.nio.file.Path) ImmutableSetMultimap( User( ProfilerTask( ImmutableSet( ImmutableList.toImmutableList( Set(java.util.Set) Collectors( Collectors.joining( Sets( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) GitHubApi( PullRequest( GitHubUtil.asMergeRef( ImmutableListMultimap( AutoValue( Optional(java.util.Optional) Joiner( AuthorAssociation( Iterables( CheckRuns( ValidationException.checkCondition( RepoException( SubmoduleStrategy( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GitHubUtil( Label( State( ImmutableList( Issue( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) GitLogEntry( Uninterruptibles( EmptyChangeException( Preconditions.checkNotNull( CharMatcher( ValidationException( ReaderImpl( PatchTransformation( Console( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Authoring( Checker( Glob( CheckRun( Preconditions( Status( GitHubHost( GitHubPrUrl( VisibleForTesting( Collections(java.util.Collections) CheckRuns( ProfilerTask( CheckRun( EmptyChangeException(


ValidationException ( Test (org.junit.Test)125 Path (java.nio.file.Path)33 RepoException ( NonReversibleValidationException ( ImmutableList ( IOException ( Console ( EmptyChangeException ( DummyRevision ( Glob ( ProfilerTask ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)13 Migration ( TestingConsole ( Iterables ( Change ( CannotResolveRevisionException ( Collectors ( WriterContext (