Search in sources :

Example 21 with ProfilerTask

use of in project copybara by google.

the class Feedback method run.

public void run(Path workdir, ImmutableList<String> sourceRefs) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
    ImmutableList.Builder<ActionResult> allResultsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    String suffix = Joiner.on('_').join(sourceRefs).replaceAll("([/ ])", "_");
    String root = "run/" + name + "/" + suffix.substring(0, Math.min(suffix.length(), 20));
    try (ProfilerTask ignore = profiler().start(root)) {
        for (Action action : actions) {
            ArrayList<DestinationEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
            try (ProfilerTask ignore2 = profiler().start(action.getName())) {
                SkylarkConsole console = new SkylarkConsole(generalOptions.console());
                eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationStarted(new ChangeMigrationStartedEvent()));
                FeedbackMigrationContext context = new FeedbackMigrationContext(this, action, generalOptions.cliLabels(), sourceRefs, console);
                ActionResult actionResult = context.getActionResult();
                // First error aborts the execution of the other actions
                ValidationException.checkCondition(actionResult.getResult() != Result.ERROR, "Feedback migration '%s' action '%s' returned error: %s. Aborting execution.", name, action.getName(), actionResult.getMsg());
            } finally {
                eventMonitors().dispatchEvent(m -> m.onChangeMigrationFinished(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(ImmutableList.copyOf(effects), getOriginDescription(), getDestinationDescription())));
    ImmutableList<ActionResult> allResults =;
    // This check also returns true if there are no actions
    if ( -> a.getResult() == Result.NO_OP)) {
        String detailedMessage = allResults.isEmpty() ? "actions field is empty" :;
        throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("Feedback migration '%s' was noop. Detailed messages: %s", name, detailedMessage));
Also used : Action( ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent( ImmutableList( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SkylarkConsole( ActionResult( ProfilerTask( DestinationEffect( ChangeMigrationStartedEvent( EmptyChangeException(

Example 22 with ProfilerTask

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitHubPrOrigin method checkRequiredLabels.

 * Check that the PR has all the labels provided in the `required_labels` param
private void checkRequiredLabels(GitHubApi api, String project, PullRequest prData) throws ValidationException, RepoException {
    Set<String> requiredLabels = getRequiredLabels();
    Set<String> retryableLabels = getRetryableLabels();
    if (forceImport() || requiredLabels.isEmpty()) {
    int retryCount = 0;
    Set<String> requiredButNotPresent;
    do {
        Issue issue;
        try (ProfilerTask ignore = generalOptions.profiler().start("github_api_get_issue")) {
            issue = api.getIssue(project, prData.getNumber());
        requiredButNotPresent = Sets.newHashSet(requiredLabels);
        requiredButNotPresent.removeAll(Collections2.transform(issue.getLabels(), Label::getName));
        // If we got all the labels we want or none of the ones we didn't get are retryable, return.
        if (requiredButNotPresent.isEmpty() || Collections.disjoint(requiredButNotPresent, retryableLabels)) {
        Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    } while (retryCount < RETRY_COUNT);
    if (!requiredButNotPresent.isEmpty()) {
        throw new EmptyChangeException(String.format("Cannot migrate because it is missing the following" + " labels: %s", project, prData.getNumber(), requiredButNotPresent));
Also used : Issue( ProfilerTask( EmptyChangeException( Endpoint(

Example 23 with ProfilerTask

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitIntegrateChanges method doIntegrate.

private void doIntegrate(GitRepository repository, GeneralOptions generalOptions, Predicate<String> externalFiles, TransformResult result, MessageInfo messageInfo) throws CannotIntegrateException, RepoException {
    for (LabelFinder label : result.findAllLabels()) {
        if (!label.isLabel() || !this.label.equals(label.getName())) {
        if (label.getValue().isEmpty()) {
            throw new CannotIntegrateException("Found an empty value for label " + this.label);
        try (ProfilerTask ignore = generalOptions.profiler().start("integrate", ImmutableMap.of("URL", label.getValue()))) {
            generalOptions.console().progressFmt("Integrating change from '%s'", label.getValue());
            IntegrateLabel integrateLabel = GitHubPrIntegrateLabel.parse(label.getValue(), repository, generalOptions);
            if (integrateLabel == null) {
                integrateLabel = GerritIntegrateLabel.parse(label.getValue(), repository, generalOptions);
                if (integrateLabel == null) {
                    GitRevision gitRevision = GitRepoType.GIT.resolveRef(repository, /*repoUrl=*/
                    null, label.getValue(), generalOptions, /*describeVersion=*/
                    false, /*partialFetch*/
                    integrateLabel = IntegrateLabel.genericGitRevision(gitRevision);
            strategy.integrate(repository, integrateLabel, externalFiles, label, messageInfo, generalOptions.console(), generalOptions.getDirFactory());
        } catch (ValidationException e) {
            throw new CannotIntegrateException("Error resolving " + label.getValue(), e);
Also used : ValidationException( ProfilerTask( LabelFinder(

Example 24 with ProfilerTask

use of in project copybara by google.

the class Mirror method defaultMirror.

private void defaultMirror(GitRepository repo) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
    List<String> fetchRefspecs = -> r.originToOrigin().toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    generalOptions.console().progressFmt("Fetching from %s", origin);
    Profiler profiler = generalOptions.profiler();
    try (ProfilerTask ignore1 = profiler.start("fetch")) {
        repo.fetch(origin, /*prune=*/
        true, /*force=*/
        true, fetchRefspecs, partialFetch);
    if (generalOptions.dryRunMode) {
        generalOptions.console().progressFmt("Skipping push to %s. You can check the" + " commits to push in: %s", destination, repo.getGitDir());
    } else {
        generalOptions.console().progressFmt("Pushing to %s", destination);
        List<Refspec> pushRefspecs = mirrorOptions.forcePush || generalOptions.isForced() ? : refspec;
        try (ProfilerTask ignore1 = profiler.start("push")) {
            repo.push().prune(prune).withRefspecs(destination, pushRefspecs).run();
        } catch (NonFastForwardRepositoryException e) {
            // multiple refs, and that mirrors, it is better to just fail and tell the user.
            throw new ValidationException("Error pushing some refs because origin is behind:" + e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : ConfigFile( ActionResult( Iterables( GITHUB_COM( RepoException( DestinationEffect( ImmutableList( Result( GeneralOptions( Path(java.nio.file.Path) Profiler( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ImmutableSetMultimap( DestinationRef( ProfilerTask( Migration( EmptyChangeException( Action( ValidationException( SkylarkConsole( IOException( Collectors( Dict( List(java.util.List) ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent( Preconditions( VisibleForTesting( FluentLogger( ValidationException( Profiler( ProfilerTask(

Example 25 with ProfilerTask

use of in project copybara by google.

the class GitVisitorUtil method visitChanges.

 * Visits
static void visitChanges(GitRevision start, ChangesVisitor visitor, ChangeReader.Builder queryChanges, GeneralOptions generalOptions, String type, int visitChangePageSize) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
    int skip = 0;
    boolean finished = false;
    try (ProfilerTask ignore = generalOptions.profiler().start(type + "/visit_changes")) {
        while (!finished) {
            ImmutableList<Change<GitRevision>> result;
            try (ProfilerTask ignore2 = generalOptions.profiler().start("git_log_" + skip + "_" + visitChangePageSize)) {
                result = queryChanges.setSkip(skip).setLimit(visitChangePageSize).build().run(start.getSha1()).reverse();
            if (result.isEmpty()) {
            skip += result.size();
            for (Change<GitRevision> current : result) {
                if (visitor.visit(current) == VisitResult.TERMINATE) {
                    finished = true;
    if (skip == 0) {
        throw new CannotResolveRevisionException("Cannot resolve reference " + start.getSha1());
Also used : ProfilerTask( CannotResolveRevisionException( Change(


ProfilerTask ( ValidationException ( ImmutableList ( EmptyChangeException ( RepoException ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 Change ( Endpoint ( CannotResolveRevisionException ( SkylarkConsole ( IOException ( VisibleForTesting ( Preconditions ( ImmutableSetMultimap ( Action ( ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)4 ImmutableList.toImmutableList ( ImmutableListMultimap ( ImmutableListMultimap.toImmutableListMultimap (