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Example 86 with Artifact

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ArtifactFunction method createAggregatingValue.

private static AggregatingArtifactValue createAggregatingValue(Artifact artifact, ActionAnalysisMetadata action, FileArtifactValue value, SkyFunction.Environment env) throws InterruptedException {
    // This artifact aggregates other artifacts. Keep track of them so callers can find them.
    ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<Artifact, FileArtifactValue>> inputs = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry : env.getValues(ArtifactSkyKey.mandatoryKeys(action.getInputs())).entrySet()) {
        Artifact input = ArtifactSkyKey.artifact(entry.getKey());
        SkyValue inputValue = entry.getValue();
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(inputValue, "%s has null dep %s", artifact, input);
        if (!(inputValue instanceof FileArtifactValue)) {
            // We do not recurse in aggregating middleman artifacts.
            Preconditions.checkState(!(inputValue instanceof AggregatingArtifactValue), "%s %s %s", artifact, action, inputValue);
        inputs.add(Pair.of(input, (FileArtifactValue) inputValue));
    return new AggregatingArtifactValue(, value);
Also used : SkyKey( SkyValue( ImmutableList( Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap( Artifact( OwnedArtifact( TreeFileArtifact( Pair(

Example 87 with Artifact

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ConfiguredTargetFunction method createConfiguredTarget.

private ConfiguredTargetValue createConfiguredTarget(SkyframeBuildView view, Environment env, Target target, BuildConfiguration configuration, OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, ConfiguredTarget> depValueMap, ImmutableMap<Label, ConfigMatchingProvider> configConditions, NestedSetBuilder<Package> transitivePackages) throws ConfiguredTargetFunctionException, InterruptedException {
    StoredEventHandler events = new StoredEventHandler();
    BuildConfiguration ownerConfig = (configuration == null) ? null : configuration.getArtifactOwnerConfiguration();
    CachingAnalysisEnvironment analysisEnvironment = view.createAnalysisEnvironment(new ConfiguredTargetKey(target.getLabel(), ownerConfig), false, events, env, configuration);
    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
        return null;
    ConfiguredTarget configuredTarget = view.createConfiguredTarget(target, configuration, analysisEnvironment, depValueMap, configConditions);
    if (events.hasErrors()) {
        throw new ConfiguredTargetFunctionException(new ConfiguredValueCreationException("Analysis of target '" + target.getLabel() + "' failed; build aborted", target.getLabel()));
    Preconditions.checkState(!analysisEnvironment.hasErrors(), "Analysis environment hasError() but no errors reported");
    if (env.valuesMissing()) {
        return null;
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(configuredTarget, target);
    ImmutableMap<Artifact, ActionAnalysisMetadata> generatingActions;
    // rule implementation).
    try {
        generatingActions = Actions.filterSharedActionsAndThrowActionConflict(analysisEnvironment.getRegisteredActions());
    } catch (ActionConflictException e) {
        throw new ConfiguredTargetFunctionException(e);
    return new ConfiguredTargetValue(configuredTarget, generatingActions,;
Also used : BuildConfiguration( StoredEventHandler( ActionConflictException( ConfiguredTarget( MergedConfiguredTarget( ActionAnalysisMetadata( CachingAnalysisEnvironment( Artifact( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 88 with Artifact

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ActionExecutionFunction method addDiscoveredInputs.

private static void addDiscoveredInputs(Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> inputData, Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>> expandedArtifacts, Iterable<Artifact> discoveredInputs, Environment env) throws InterruptedException {
    // We do not do a getValuesOrThrow() call for the following reasons:
    // 1. No exceptions can be thrown for non-mandatory inputs;
    // 2. Any derived inputs must be in the transitive closure of this action's inputs. Therefore,
    // if there was an error building one of them, then that exception would have percolated up to
    // this action already, through one of its declared inputs, and we would not have reached input
    // discovery.
    // Therefore there is no need to catch and rethrow exceptions as there is with #checkInputs.
    Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> nonMandatoryDiscovered = env.getValues(newlyDiscoveredInputsToSkyKeys(discoveredInputs, inputData.keySet()));
    if (!env.valuesMissing()) {
        for (Entry<SkyKey, SkyValue> entry : nonMandatoryDiscovered.entrySet()) {
            Artifact input = ArtifactSkyKey.artifact(entry.getKey());
            if (entry.getValue() instanceof TreeArtifactValue) {
                TreeArtifactValue treeValue = (TreeArtifactValue) entry.getValue();
                expandedArtifacts.put(input, ImmutableSet.<Artifact>copyOf(treeValue.getChildren()));
                inputData.put(input, treeValue.getSelfData());
            } else {
                inputData.put(input, (FileArtifactValue) entry.getValue());
Also used : SkyKey( SkyValue( Artifact(

Example 89 with Artifact

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ActionExecutionFunction method checkInputs.

   * Declare dependency on all known inputs of action. Throws exception if any are known to be
   * missing. Some inputs may not yet be in the graph, in which case the builder should abort.
private Pair<Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue>, Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>>> checkInputs(Environment env, Action action, Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<MissingInputFileException, ActionExecutionException>> inputDeps) throws ActionExecutionException {
    int missingCount = 0;
    int actionFailures = 0;
    boolean catastrophe = false;
    // Only populate input data if we have the input values, otherwise they'll just go unused.
    // We still want to loop through the inputs to collect missing deps errors. During the
    // evaluator "error bubbling", we may get one last chance at reporting errors even though
    // some deps are still missing.
    boolean populateInputData = !env.valuesMissing();
    NestedSetBuilder<Cause> rootCauses = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
    Map<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> inputArtifactData = new HashMap<>(populateInputData ? inputDeps.size() : 0);
    Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>> expandedArtifacts = new HashMap<>(populateInputData ? 128 : 0);
    ActionExecutionException firstActionExecutionException = null;
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<MissingInputFileException, ActionExecutionException>> depsEntry : inputDeps.entrySet()) {
        Artifact input = ArtifactSkyKey.artifact(depsEntry.getKey());
        try {
            SkyValue value = depsEntry.getValue().get();
            if (populateInputData) {
                if (value instanceof AggregatingArtifactValue) {
                    AggregatingArtifactValue aggregatingValue = (AggregatingArtifactValue) value;
                    for (Pair<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> entry : aggregatingValue.getInputs()) {
                        inputArtifactData.put(entry.first, entry.second);
                    // We have to cache the "digest" of the aggregating value itself,
                    // because the action cache checker may want it.
                    inputArtifactData.put(input, aggregatingValue.getSelfData());
                    ImmutableList.Builder<Artifact> expansionBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
                    for (Pair<Artifact, FileArtifactValue> pair : aggregatingValue.getInputs()) {
                } else if (value instanceof TreeArtifactValue) {
                    TreeArtifactValue treeValue = (TreeArtifactValue) value;
                    expandedArtifacts.put(input, ImmutableSet.<Artifact>copyOf(treeValue.getChildren()));
                    // Again, we cache the "digest" of the value for cache checking.
                    inputArtifactData.put(input, treeValue.getSelfData());
                } else {
                    Preconditions.checkState(value instanceof FileArtifactValue, depsEntry);
                    inputArtifactData.put(input, (FileArtifactValue) value);
        } catch (MissingInputFileException e) {
            if (input.getOwner() != null) {
                rootCauses.add(new LabelCause(input.getOwner()));
        } catch (ActionExecutionException e) {
            if (firstActionExecutionException == null) {
                firstActionExecutionException = e;
            catastrophe = catastrophe || e.isCatastrophe();
    // We need to rethrow first exception because it can contain useful error message
    if (firstActionExecutionException != null) {
        if (missingCount == 0 && actionFailures == 1) {
            // having to copy the root causes to the upwards transitive closure.
            throw firstActionExecutionException;
        throw new ActionExecutionException(firstActionExecutionException.getMessage(), firstActionExecutionException.getCause(), action,, catastrophe, firstActionExecutionException.getExitCode());
    if (missingCount > 0) {
        for (Cause missingInput : {
            env.getListener().handle(Event.error(action.getOwner().getLocation(), String.format("%s: missing input file '%s'", action.getOwner().getLabel(), missingInput.getLabel())));
        throw new ActionExecutionException(missingCount + " input file(s) do not exist", action,, /*catastrophe=*/
    return Pair.of(inputArtifactData, expandedArtifacts);
Also used : SkyKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ImmutableList( ValueOrException2( Artifact( SkyValue( Cause( LabelCause( LabelCause( Collection(java.util.Collection) AlreadyReportedActionExecutionException( ActionExecutionException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) Map(java.util.Map) MissingInputFileException(

Example 90 with Artifact

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SandboxStrategy method getMounts.

public Map<PathFragment, Path> getMounts(Spawn spawn, ActionExecutionContext executionContext) throws ExecException {
    try {
        Map<PathFragment, ActionInput> inputMap = spawnInputExpander.getInputMapping(spawn, executionContext.getArtifactExpander(), executionContext.getActionInputFileCache(), executionContext.getExecutor().getContext(FilesetActionContext.class));
        Map<PathFragment, Path> mounts = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<PathFragment, ActionInput> e : inputMap.entrySet()) {
            mounts.put(e.getKey(), execRoot.getRelative(e.getValue().getExecPath()));
        // inputs.
        for (ActionInput input : spawn.getInputFiles()) {
            if (input instanceof Artifact && ((Artifact) input).isTreeArtifact()) {
                List<Artifact> containedArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
                executionContext.getArtifactExpander().expand((Artifact) input, containedArtifacts);
                // only mount empty TreeArtifacts as directories.
                if (containedArtifacts.isEmpty()) {
                    inputMap.put(input.getExecPath(), input);
        return mounts;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new EnvironmentalExecException("Could not prepare mounts for sandbox execution", e);
Also used : Path( ActionInput( PathFragment( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( EnvironmentalExecException( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) FilesetActionContext( Artifact( Map(java.util.Map) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)


Artifact ( Test (org.junit.Test)242 PathFragment ( TreeFileArtifact ( SpecialArtifact ( NestedSetBuilder ( ConfiguredTarget ( RuleConfiguredTargetBuilder ( ImmutableList ( Action ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)40 SpawnAction ( Path ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)37 Map (java.util.Map)36 Root ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)31 ImmutableMap ( TransitiveInfoCollection (