use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class TreeArtifactBuildTest method testDigestInjection.
// This is more a smoke test than anything, because it turns out that:
// 1) there is no easy way to turn fast digests on/off for these test cases, and
// 2) injectDigest() doesn't really complain if you inject bad digests or digests
// for nonexistent files. Instead some weird error shows up down the line.
// In fact, there are no tests for injectDigest anywhere in the codebase.
// So all we're really testing here is that injectDigest() doesn't throw a weird exception.
// TODO(bazel-team): write real tests for injectDigest, here and elsewhere.
public void testDigestInjection() throws Exception {
TreeArtifactTestAction action = new TreeArtifactTestAction(outOne) {
public void execute(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext) throws ActionExecutionException {
try {
writeFile(outOneFileOne, "one");
writeFile(outOneFileTwo, "two");
MetadataHandler md = actionExecutionContext.getMetadataHandler();
FileStatus stat = outOneFileOne.getPath().stat(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW);
md.injectDigest(outOneFileOne, new InjectedStat(stat.getLastModifiedTime(), stat.getSize(), stat.getNodeId()), Hashing.md5().hashString("one", Charset.forName("UTF-8")).asBytes());
stat = outOneFileTwo.getPath().stat(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW);
md.injectDigest(outOneFileTwo, new InjectedStat(stat.getLastModifiedTime(), stat.getSize(), stat.getNodeId()), Hashing.md5().hashString("two", Charset.forName("UTF-8")).asBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);