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Example 1 with BuildResult

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class RunCommand method exec.

public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) {
    RunOptions runOptions = options.getOptions(RunOptions.class);
    // This list should look like: ["//executable:target", "arg1", "arg2"]
    List<String> targetAndArgs = options.getResidue();
    // The user must at the least specify an executable target.
    if (targetAndArgs.isEmpty()) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Must specify a target to run"));
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    String targetString = targetAndArgs.get(0);
    List<String> runTargetArgs = targetAndArgs.subList(1, targetAndArgs.size());
    RunUnder runUnder = options.getOptions(BuildConfiguration.Options.class).runUnder;
    OutErr outErr = env.getReporter().getOutErr();
    List<String> targets = (runUnder != null) && (runUnder.getLabel() != null) ? ImmutableList.of(targetString, runUnder.getLabel().toString()) : ImmutableList.of(targetString);
    BuildRequest request = BuildRequest.create(this.getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).name(), options, env.getRuntime().getStartupOptionsProvider(), targets, outErr, env.getCommandId(), env.getCommandStartTime());
    currentRunUnder = runUnder;
    BuildResult result;
    try {
        result = processRequest(env, request);
    } finally {
        currentRunUnder = null;
    if (!result.getSuccess()) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Build failed. Not running target"));
        return result.getExitCondition();
    // Make sure that we have exactly 1 built target (excluding --run_under),
    // and that it is executable.
    // These checks should only fail if keepGoing is true, because we already did
    // validation before the build began.  See {@link #validateTargets()}.
    Collection<ConfiguredTarget> targetsBuilt = result.getSuccessfulTargets();
    ConfiguredTarget targetToRun = null;
    ConfiguredTarget runUnderTarget = null;
    if (targetsBuilt != null) {
        int maxTargets = runUnder != null && runUnder.getLabel() != null ? 2 : 1;
        if (targetsBuilt.size() > maxTargets) {
            return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
        for (ConfiguredTarget target : targetsBuilt) {
            ExitCode targetValidation = fullyValidateTarget(env, target);
            if (!targetValidation.equals(ExitCode.SUCCESS)) {
                return targetValidation;
            if (runUnder != null && target.getLabel().equals(runUnder.getLabel())) {
                if (runUnderTarget != null) {
                    env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "Can't identify the run_under target from multiple options?"));
                    return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
                runUnderTarget = target;
            } else if (targetToRun == null) {
                targetToRun = target;
            } else {
                return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    // Handle target & run_under referring to the same target.
    if ((targetToRun == null) && (runUnderTarget != null)) {
        targetToRun = runUnderTarget;
    if (targetToRun == null) {
        return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR;
    Path executablePath = Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetToRun.getProvider(FilesToRunProvider.class).getExecutable().getPath());
    BuildConfiguration configuration = targetToRun.getConfiguration();
    if (configuration == null) {
        // The target may be an input file, which doesn't have a configuration. In that case, we
        // choose any target configuration.
        configuration = result.getBuildConfigurationCollection().getTargetConfigurations().get(0);
    Path workingDir;
    try {
        workingDir = ensureRunfilesBuilt(env, targetToRun);
    } catch (CommandException e) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Error creating runfiles: " + e.getMessage()));
        return ExitCode.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR;
    List<String> args = runTargetArgs;
    FilesToRunProvider provider = targetToRun.getProvider(FilesToRunProvider.class);
    RunfilesSupport runfilesSupport = provider == null ? null : provider.getRunfilesSupport();
    if (runfilesSupport != null && runfilesSupport.getArgs() != null) {
        List<String> targetArgs = runfilesSupport.getArgs();
        if (!targetArgs.isEmpty()) {
            args = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(targetArgs.size() + runTargetArgs.size());
    String productName = env.getRuntime().getProductName();
    // We now have a unique executable ready to be run.
    // We build up two different versions of the command to run: one with an absolute path, which
    // we'll actually run, and a prettier one with the long absolute path to the executable
    // replaced with a shorter relative path that uses the symlinks in the workspace.
    PathFragment prettyExecutablePath = OutputDirectoryLinksUtils.getPrettyPath(executablePath, env.getWorkspaceName(), env.getWorkspace(), options.getOptions(BuildRequestOptions.class).getSymlinkPrefix(productName), productName);
    List<String> cmdLine = new ArrayList<>();
    if (runOptions.scriptPath == null) {
        PathFragment processWrapperPath = env.getBlazeWorkspace().getBinTools().getExecPath(PROCESS_WRAPPER);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(processWrapperPath, PROCESS_WRAPPER + " not found in embedded tools");
    List<String> prettyCmdLine = new ArrayList<>();
    // at the start of the command line.
    if (runUnder != null) {
        String runUnderValue = runUnder.getValue();
        if (runUnderTarget != null) {
            // --run_under specifies a target. Get the corresponding executable.
            // This must be an absolute path, because the run_under target is only
            // in the runfiles of test targets.
            runUnderValue = runUnderTarget.getProvider(FilesToRunProvider.class).getExecutable().getPath().getPathString();
            // If the run_under command contains any options, make sure to add them
            // to the command line as well.
            List<String> opts = runUnder.getOptions();
            if (!opts.isEmpty()) {
                runUnderValue += " " + ShellEscaper.escapeJoinAll(opts);
        cmdLine.add(runUnderValue + " " + executablePath.getPathString() + " " + ShellEscaper.escapeJoinAll(args));
        prettyCmdLine.add(runUnderValue + " " + prettyExecutablePath.getPathString() + " " + ShellEscaper.escapeJoinAll(args));
    } else {
    // Add a newline between the blaze output and the binary's output.
    if (runOptions.scriptPath != null) {
        String unisolatedCommand = CommandFailureUtils.describeCommand(CommandDescriptionForm.COMPLETE_UNISOLATED, cmdLine, null, workingDir.getPathString());
        if (writeScript(env, runOptions.scriptPath, unisolatedCommand)) {
            return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return ExitCode.RUN_FAILURE;
    env.getReporter().handle(, "Running command line: " + ShellEscaper.escapeJoinAll(prettyCmdLine))); command = new CommandBuilder().addArgs(cmdLine).setEnv(env.getClientEnv()).setWorkingDir(workingDir).build();
    try {
        // Restore a raw EventHandler if it is registered. This allows for blaze run to produce the
        // actual output of the command being run even if --color=no is specified.
        // The command API is a little strange in that the following statement
        // will return normally only if the program exits with exit code 0.
        // If it ends with any other code, we have to catch BadExitStatusException.
        command.execute(,, outErr.getOutputStream(), outErr.getErrorStream(), true).getTerminationStatus().getExitCode();
        return ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    } catch (BadExitStatusException e) {
        String message = "Non-zero return code '" + e.getResult().getTerminationStatus().getExitCode() + "' from command: " + e.getMessage();
        return ExitCode.RUN_FAILURE;
    } catch (AbnormalTerminationException e) {
        // The process was likely terminated by a signal in this case.
        return ExitCode.INTERRUPTED;
    } catch (CommandException e) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Error running program: " + e.getMessage()));
        return ExitCode.RUN_FAILURE;
Also used : BuildRequestOptions( RunUnder( FilesToRunProvider( ExitCode( PathFragment( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BuildConfiguration( RunfilesSupport( AbnormalTerminationException( BadExitStatusException( Path( OutErr( ConfiguredTarget( CommandException( BuildRequest( BuildResult( CommandBuilder(

Example 2 with BuildResult

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TestCommand method doTest.

private ExitCode doTest(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options, AggregatingTestListener testListener) {
    BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime();
    // Run simultaneous build and test.
    List<String> targets = ProjectFileSupport.getTargets(runtime, options);
    BuildRequest request = BuildRequest.create(getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).name(), options, runtime.getStartupOptionsProvider(), targets, env.getReporter().getOutErr(), env.getCommandId(), env.getCommandStartTime());
    BuildResult buildResult = new BuildTool(env).processRequest(request, null);
    Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets = buildResult.getTestTargets();
    // TODO(bazel-team): don't handle isEmpty here or fix up a bunch of tests
    if (buildResult.getSuccessfulTargets() == null) {
        // This can happen if there were errors in the target parsing or loading phase
        // (original exitcode=BUILD_FAILURE) or if there weren't but --noanalyze was given
        // (original exitcode=SUCCESS).
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Couldn't start the build. Unable to run tests"));
        return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.PARSING_FAILURE : buildResult.getExitCondition();
    // more tests
    if (testTargets.isEmpty()) {
        env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(null, "No test targets were found, yet testing was requested"));
        return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.NO_TESTS_FOUND : buildResult.getExitCondition();
    boolean buildSuccess = buildResult.getSuccess();
    boolean testSuccess = analyzeTestResults(testTargets, testListener, options);
    if (testSuccess && !buildSuccess) {
        // If all tests run successfully, test summary should include warning if
        // there were build errors not associated with the test targets.
        printer.printLn(AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR + "All tests passed but there were other errors during the build.\n" + AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT);
    return buildSuccess ? (testSuccess ? ExitCode.SUCCESS : ExitCode.TESTS_FAILED) : buildResult.getExitCondition();
Also used : BuildResult( BuildTool( ConfiguredTarget( BuildRequest( BlazeRuntime(

Example 3 with BuildResult

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildEventStreamerTest method testMissingPrerequisits.

public void testMissingPrerequisits() {
    // Verify that an event where the prerequisite is never coming till the end of
    // the build still gets posted, with the prerequisite aborted.
    RecordingBuildEventTransport transport = new RecordingBuildEventTransport();
    BuildEventStreamer streamer = new BuildEventStreamer(ImmutableSet.<BuildEventTransport>of(transport));
    BuildEventId expectedId = testId("the target");
    BuildEvent startEvent = new GenericBuildEvent(testId("Initial"), ImmutableSet.<BuildEventId>of(ProgressEvent.INITIAL_PROGRESS_UPDATE, expectedId, BuildEventId.buildFinished()));
    BuildEventId rootCauseId = testId("failure event");
    BuildEvent failedTarget = new GenericOrderEvent(expectedId, ImmutableSet.<BuildEventId>of(rootCauseId));
    streamer.buildEvent(new BuildCompleteEvent(new BuildResult(0)));
    List<BuildEvent> allEventsSeen = transport.getEvents();
    assertEquals(startEvent.getEventId(), allEventsSeen.get(0).getEventId());
    assertEquals(BuildEventId.buildFinished(), allEventsSeen.get(1).getEventId());
    BuildEvent linkEvent = allEventsSeen.get(2);
    assertEquals(ProgressEvent.INITIAL_PROGRESS_UPDATE, linkEvent.getEventId());
    assertEquals(rootCauseId, allEventsSeen.get(3).getEventId());
    assertEquals(failedTarget.getEventId(), allEventsSeen.get(4).getEventId());
Also used : GenericBuildEvent( BuildResult( BuildEventId( BuildEvent( GenericBuildEvent( BuildCompleteEvent( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with BuildResult

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class AggregatingTestListener method buildCompleteEvent.

public void buildCompleteEvent(BuildCompleteEvent event) {
    BuildResult result = event.getResult();
    if (result.wasCatastrophe()) {
        blazeHalted = true;
    buildComplete(result.getActualTargets(), result.getSuccessfulTargets());
Also used : BuildResult( Subscribe(

Example 5 with BuildResult

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildEventStreamerTest method testReferPastEvent.

public void testReferPastEvent() {
    // Verify that, if an event is refers to a previously done event, that duplicated
    // late-referenced event is not expected again.
    RecordingBuildEventTransport transport = new RecordingBuildEventTransport();
    BuildEventStreamer streamer = new BuildEventStreamer(ImmutableSet.<BuildEventTransport>of(transport));
    BuildEvent startEvent = new GenericBuildEvent(testId("Initial"), ImmutableSet.<BuildEventId>of(ProgressEvent.INITIAL_PROGRESS_UPDATE, BuildEventId.buildFinished()));
    BuildEvent earlyEvent = new GenericBuildEvent(testId("unexpected"), ImmutableSet.<BuildEventId>of());
    BuildEvent lateReference = new GenericBuildEvent(testId("late reference"), ImmutableSet.of(earlyEvent.getEventId()));
    streamer.buildEvent(new BuildCompleteEvent(new BuildResult(0)));
    List<BuildEvent> eventsSeen = transport.getEvents();
    int earlyEventCount = 0;
    for (BuildEvent event : eventsSeen) {
        if (event.getEventId().equals(earlyEvent.getEventId())) {
    // The early event should be reported precisely once.
    assertEquals(1, earlyEventCount);
Also used : GenericBuildEvent( BuildResult( BuildEvent( GenericBuildEvent( BuildCompleteEvent( BuildEventWithOrderConstraint( Test(org.junit.Test)


BuildResult ( BuildEvent ( GenericBuildEvent ( BuildCompleteEvent ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 ConfiguredTarget ( BuildRequest ( Subscribe ( FilesToRunProvider ( RunfilesSupport ( BuildConfiguration ( RunUnder ( BuildEventId ( BuildEventWithOrderConstraint ( BuildRequestOptions ( BuildTool ( BlazeRuntime ( AbnormalTerminationException ( BadExitStatusException ( CommandException (