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Example 1 with Attribute

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class XmlOutputFormatter method createTargetElement.

   * Creates and returns a new DOM tree for the specified build target.
   * XML structure:
   * - element tag is <source-file>, <generated-file> or <rule
   *   class="cc_library">, following the terminology of
   *   {@link Target#getTargetKind()}.
   * - 'name' attribute is target's label.
   * - 'location' attribute is consistent with output of --output location.
   * - rule attributes are represented in the DOM structure.
   * @throws InterruptedException
private Element createTargetElement(Document doc, Target target) throws InterruptedException {
    Element elem;
    if (target instanceof Rule) {
        Rule rule = (Rule) target;
        elem = doc.createElement("rule");
        elem.setAttribute("class", rule.getRuleClass());
        for (Attribute attr : rule.getAttributes()) {
            PossibleAttributeValues values = getPossibleAttributeValues(rule, attr);
            if (values.source == AttributeValueSource.RULE || options.xmlShowDefaultValues) {
                Element attrElem = createValueElement(doc, attr.getType(), values);
                attrElem.setAttribute("name", attr.getName());
        // host-configuration outputs, and default values.
        for (Label label : rule.getLabels(dependencyFilter)) {
            Element inputElem = doc.createElement("rule-input");
            inputElem.setAttribute("name", label.toString());
        for (Label label : aspectResolver.computeAspectDependencies(target, dependencyFilter).values()) {
            Element inputElem = doc.createElement("rule-input");
            inputElem.setAttribute("name", label.toString());
        for (OutputFile outputFile : rule.getOutputFiles()) {
            Element outputElem = doc.createElement("rule-output");
            outputElem.setAttribute("name", outputFile.getLabel().toString());
        for (String feature : rule.getFeatures()) {
            Element outputElem = doc.createElement("rule-default-setting");
            outputElem.setAttribute("name", feature);
    } else if (target instanceof PackageGroup) {
        PackageGroup packageGroup = (PackageGroup) target;
        elem = doc.createElement("package-group");
        elem.setAttribute("name", packageGroup.getName());
        Element includes = createValueElement(doc, BuildType.LABEL_LIST, packageGroup.getIncludes());
        includes.setAttribute("name", "includes");
        Element packages = createValueElement(doc, Type.STRING_LIST, packageGroup.getContainedPackages());
        packages.setAttribute("name", "packages");
    } else if (target instanceof OutputFile) {
        OutputFile outputFile = (OutputFile) target;
        elem = doc.createElement("generated-file");
        elem.setAttribute("generating-rule", outputFile.getGeneratingRule().getLabel().toString());
    } else if (target instanceof InputFile) {
        elem = doc.createElement("source-file");
        InputFile inputFile = (InputFile) target;
        if (inputFile.getName().equals("BUILD")) {
            addSubincludedFilesToElement(doc, elem, inputFile);
            addSkylarkFilesToElement(doc, elem, inputFile);
            addFeaturesToElement(doc, elem, inputFile);
            elem.setAttribute("package_contains_errors", String.valueOf(inputFile.getPackage().containsErrors()));
        addPackageGroupsToElement(doc, elem, inputFile);
    } else if (target instanceof EnvironmentGroup) {
        EnvironmentGroup envGroup = (EnvironmentGroup) target;
        elem = doc.createElement("environment-group");
        elem.setAttribute("name", envGroup.getName());
        Element environments = createValueElement(doc, BuildType.LABEL_LIST, envGroup.getEnvironments());
        environments.setAttribute("name", "environments");
        Element defaults = createValueElement(doc, BuildType.LABEL_LIST, envGroup.getDefaults());
        defaults.setAttribute("name", "defaults");
    } else if (target instanceof FakeSubincludeTarget) {
        elem = doc.createElement("source-file");
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(target.toString());
    elem.setAttribute("name", target.getLabel().toString());
    String location = getLocation(target, options.relativeLocations);
    if (!options.xmlLineNumbers) {
        int firstColon = location.indexOf(':');
        if (firstColon != -1) {
            location = location.substring(0, firstColon);
    elem.setAttribute("location", location);
    return elem;
Also used : OutputFile( Attribute( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Label( PackageGroup( InputFile( EnvironmentGroup( FakeSubincludeTarget( Rule(

Example 2 with Attribute

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TransitiveBaseTraversalFunction method getStrictLabelAspectKeys.

   * Return an Iterable of SkyKeys corresponding to the Aspect-related dependencies of target.
   * <p>This method may return a precise set of aspect keys, but may need to request additional
   * dependencies from the env to do so.
private Iterable<SkyKey> getStrictLabelAspectKeys(Target target, Map<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<NoSuchPackageException, NoSuchTargetException>> depMap, Environment env) throws InterruptedException {
    List<SkyKey> depKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (target instanceof Rule) {
        Map<Label, ValueOrException2<NoSuchPackageException, NoSuchTargetException>> labelDepMap = new HashMap<>(depMap.size());
        for (Entry<SkyKey, ValueOrException2<NoSuchPackageException, NoSuchTargetException>> entry : depMap.entrySet()) {
            labelDepMap.put((Label) entry.getKey().argument(), entry.getValue());
        Multimap<Attribute, Label> transitions = ((Rule) target).getTransitions(DependencyFilter.NO_NODEP_ATTRIBUTES);
        for (Entry<Attribute, Label> entry : transitions.entries()) {
            ValueOrException2<NoSuchPackageException, NoSuchTargetException> value = labelDepMap.get(entry.getValue());
            for (Label label : getAspectLabels((Rule) target, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), value, env)) {
    return depKeys;
Also used : SkyKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Attribute( Label( ValueOrException2( NoSuchPackageException( NoSuchTargetException( Rule(

Example 3 with Attribute

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TransitiveTargetFunction method computeSkyValue.

public SkyValue computeSkyValue(TargetAndErrorIfAny targetAndErrorIfAny, TransitiveTargetValueBuilder builder) {
    Target target = targetAndErrorIfAny.getTarget();
    NoSuchTargetException errorLoadingTarget = targetAndErrorIfAny.getErrorLoadingTarget();
    // Get configuration fragments directly required by this rule.
    if (target instanceof Rule) {
        Rule rule = (Rule) target;
        // Declared by the rule class:
        ConfigurationFragmentPolicy configurationFragmentPolicy = rule.getRuleClassObject().getConfigurationFragmentPolicy();
        for (ConfigurationFragmentFactory factory : ruleClassProvider.getConfigurationFragments()) {
            Class<? extends Fragment> fragment = factory.creates();
            // (named) fragments.
            if (configurationFragmentPolicy.isLegalConfigurationFragment(fragment)) {
                addFragmentIfNew(builder, fragment.asSubclass(BuildConfiguration.Fragment.class));
        // Declared by late-bound attributes:
        for (Attribute attr : rule.getAttributes()) {
            if (attr.isLateBound()) {
                addFragmentsIfNew(builder, attr.getLateBoundDefault().getRequiredConfigurationFragments());
        // corresponding fragments in their configurations to properly resolve:
        if (rule.getRuleClass().equals(ConfigSettingRule.RULE_NAME)) {
            addFragmentsIfNew(builder, ConfigSettingRule.requiresConfigurationFragments(rule, optionsToFragmentMap));
        // Fragments to unconditionally include:
        addFragmentIfNew(builder, ruleClassProvider.getUniversalFragment().asSubclass(BuildConfiguration.Fragment.class));
Also used : Target( ConfigurationFragmentPolicy( NoSuchTargetException( Attribute( ConfigSettingRule( Rule( ConfigurationFragmentFactory( Fragment(

Example 4 with Attribute

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class DependencyResolver method resolveLateBoundAttributes.

   * Resolves the dependencies for all late-bound attributes in this rule.
   * <p>Late-bound attributes need special handling because they require configuration
   * transitions to determine their values.
   * <p>In other words, the normal process of dependency resolution is:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Find every label value in the rule's attributes</li>
   *   <li>Apply configuration transitions over each value to get its dep configuration
   *   <li>Return each value with its dep configuration</li>
   * </ol>
   * This doesn't work for late-bound attributes because you can't get their values without
   * knowing the configuration first. And that configuration may not be the owning rule's
   * configuration. Specifically, {@link LateBoundDefault#useHostConfiguration()} switches to the
   * host config and late-bound split attributes branch into multiple split configs.
   * <p>This method implements that logic and makes sure the normal configuration
   * transition logic mixes with it cleanly.
   * @param depResolver the resolver for this rule's deps
   * @param ruleConfig the rule's configuration
   * @param hostConfig the equivalent host configuration
private void resolveLateBoundAttributes(RuleResolver depResolver, BuildConfiguration ruleConfig, BuildConfiguration hostConfig) throws EvalException, InvalidConfigurationException, InconsistentAspectOrderException, InterruptedException {
    ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap = depResolver.attributeMap;
    for (AttributeAndOwner attributeAndOwner : depResolver.attributes) {
        Attribute attribute = attributeAndOwner.attribute;
        if (!attribute.isLateBound() || !attribute.getCondition().apply(attributeMap)) {
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration> lateBoundDefault = (LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration>) attribute.getLateBoundDefault();
        Collection<BuildOptions> splitOptions = getSplitOptions(depResolver.rule, attribute, ruleConfig);
        if (!splitOptions.isEmpty()) {
            // Late-bound attribute with a split transition:
            // Since we want to get the same results as BuildConfiguration.evaluateTransition (but
            // skip it since we've already applied the split), we want to make sure this logic
            // doesn't do anything differently. evaluateTransition has additional logic
            // for host configs and attributes with configurators. So we check here that neither of
            // of those apply, in the name of keeping the fork as simple as possible.
            Verify.verify(attribute.getConfigurator() == null);
            Iterable<BuildConfiguration> splitConfigs;
            if (!ruleConfig.useDynamicConfigurations()) {
                splitConfigs = ruleConfig.getSplitConfigurations(attribute.getSplitTransition(depResolver.rule));
            } else {
                splitConfigs = getConfigurations(ruleConfig.fragmentClasses(), splitOptions);
                if (splitConfigs == null) {
                    // Need Skyframe deps.
            for (BuildConfiguration splitConfig : splitConfigs) {
                for (Label dep : resolveLateBoundAttribute(depResolver.rule, attribute, splitConfig, attributeMap)) {
                    // Skip the normal config transition pipeline and directly feed the split config. This
                    // is because the split already had to be applied to determine the attribute's value.
                    // This makes the split logic in the normal pipeline redundant and potentially
                    // incorrect.
                    depResolver.resolveDep(attributeAndOwner, dep, splitConfig);
        } else {
            // Late-bound attribute without a split transition:
            for (Label dep : resolveLateBoundAttribute(depResolver.rule, attribute, lateBoundDefault.useHostConfiguration() ? hostConfig : ruleConfig, attributeMap)) {
                // Process this dep like a normal attribute.
                depResolver.resolveDep(attributeAndOwner, dep);
Also used : BuildConfiguration( Attribute( BuildOptions( Label( LateBoundDefault(

Example 5 with Attribute

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class DependencyResolver method resolveImplicitAttributes.

/** Resolves the dependencies for all implicit attributes in this rule. */
private void resolveImplicitAttributes(RuleResolver depResolver) throws InterruptedException, InconsistentAspectOrderException {
    // Since the attributes that come from aspects do not appear in attributeMap, we have to get
    // their values from somewhere else. This incidentally means that aspects attributes are not
    // configurable. It would be nice if that wasn't the case, but we'd have to revamp how
    // attribute mapping works, which is a large chunk of work.
    Rule rule = depResolver.rule;
    Label ruleLabel = rule.getLabel();
    ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap = depResolver.attributeMap;
    ImmutableSet<String> mappedAttributes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(attributeMap.getAttributeNames());
    for (AttributeAndOwner attributeAndOwner : depResolver.attributes) {
        Attribute attribute = attributeAndOwner.attribute;
        if (!attribute.isImplicit() || !attribute.getCondition().apply(attributeMap)) {
        if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL) {
            Label label = mappedAttributes.contains(attribute.getName()) ? attributeMap.get(attribute.getName(), BuildType.LABEL) : BuildType.LABEL.cast(attribute.getDefaultValue(rule));
            if (label != null) {
                label = ruleLabel.resolveRepositoryRelative(label);
                depResolver.resolveDep(attributeAndOwner, label);
        } else if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL_LIST) {
            List<Label> labelList;
            if (mappedAttributes.contains(attribute.getName())) {
                labelList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Label label : attributeMap.get(attribute.getName(), BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) {
            } else {
                labelList = BuildType.LABEL_LIST.cast(attribute.getDefaultValue(rule));
            for (Label label : labelList) {
                depResolver.resolveDep(attributeAndOwner, ruleLabel.resolveRepositoryRelative(label));
Also used : Attribute( Label( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ImmutableList( List(java.util.List) Rule(


Attribute ( Test (org.junit.Test)37 Label ( Rule ( BuildConfiguration ( AttributeMap ( Target ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)7 ImmutableList ( ImmutableMap ( ConfiguredTarget ( ConfigMatchingProvider ( RuleClass ( SkyKey ( LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)6 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)6 AspectDescriptor ( Map (java.util.Map)5 Dependency (