use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PackageFactory method createPackageFromPreprocessingResult.
* Package creation.
* Loads, scans parses and evaluates the build file at "buildFile", and
* creates and returns a Package builder instance capable of building a package identified by
* "packageId".
* <p>This method returns a builder to allow the caller to do additional work, if necessary.
* <p>This method assumes "packageId" is a valid package name according to the
* {@link LabelValidator#validatePackageName} heuristic.
* <p>See {@link #evaluateBuildFile} for information on AST retention.
* <p>Executes {@code globber.onCompletion()} on completion and executes
* {@code globber.onInterrupt()} on an {@link InterruptedException}.
// Used outside of bazel!
public Package.Builder createPackageFromPreprocessingResult(String workspaceName, PackageIdentifier packageId, Path buildFile, Preprocessor.Result preprocessingResult, List<Statement> preludeStatements, Map<String, Extension> imports, ImmutableList<Label> skylarkFileDependencies, RuleVisibility defaultVisibility, Globber globber) throws InterruptedException {
StoredEventHandler localReporterForParsing = new StoredEventHandler();
// Run the lexer and parser with a local reporter, so that errors from other threads do not
// show up below.
BuildFileAST buildFileAST = parseBuildFile(packageId, preprocessingResult.result, preludeStatements, localReporterForParsing);
AstAfterPreprocessing astAfterPreprocessing = new AstAfterPreprocessing(preprocessingResult, buildFileAST, localReporterForParsing);
return createPackageFromPreprocessingAst(workspaceName, packageId, buildFile, astAfterPreprocessing, imports, skylarkFileDependencies, defaultVisibility, globber);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class PackageFunction method loadPackage.
* Constructs a {@link Package} object for the given package using legacy package loading.
* Note that the returned package may be in error.
* <p>May return null if the computation has to be restarted.
* <p>Exactly one of {@code replacementContents} and {@code buildFileValue} will be
* non-{@code null}. The former indicates that we have a faux BUILD file with the given contents
* and the latter indicates that we have a legitimate BUILD file and should actually do
* preprocessing.
private CacheEntryWithGlobDeps<Package.Builder> loadPackage(String workspaceName, @Nullable String replacementContents, PackageIdentifier packageId, Path buildFilePath, @Nullable FileValue buildFileValue, RuleVisibility defaultVisibility, List<Statement> preludeStatements, Path packageRoot, Environment env) throws InterruptedException, PackageFunctionException {
CacheEntryWithGlobDeps<Package.Builder> packageFunctionCacheEntry = packageFunctionCache.getIfPresent(packageId);
if (packageFunctionCacheEntry == null) {
profiler.startTask(ProfilerTask.CREATE_PACKAGE, packageId.toString());
if (packageProgress != null) {
try {
CacheEntryWithGlobDeps<AstAfterPreprocessing> astCacheEntry = astCache.getIfPresent(packageId);
if (astCacheEntry == null) {
if (showLoadingProgress.get()) {
env.getListener().handle(Event.progress("Loading package: " + packageId));
// We use a LegacyGlobber that doesn't sort the matches for each individual glob pattern,
// since we want to sort the final result anyway.
LegacyGlobber legacyGlobber = packageFactory.createLegacyGlobberThatDoesntSort(buildFilePath.getParentDirectory(), packageId, packageLocator);
SkyframeHybridGlobber skyframeGlobber = new SkyframeHybridGlobber(packageId, packageRoot, env, legacyGlobber);
Preprocessor.Result preprocessingResult;
if (replacementContents == null) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildFileValue, packageId);
byte[] buildFileBytes;
try {
buildFileBytes = buildFileValue.isSpecialFile() ? FileSystemUtils.readContent(buildFilePath) : FileSystemUtils.readWithKnownFileSize(buildFilePath, buildFileValue.getSize());
} catch (IOException e) {
// transient.
throw new PackageFunctionException(new BuildFileContainsErrorsException(packageId, e.getMessage()), Transience.TRANSIENT);
try {
preprocessingResult = packageFactory.preprocess(buildFilePath, packageId, buildFileBytes, skyframeGlobber);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PackageFunctionException(new BuildFileContainsErrorsException(packageId, "preprocessing failed" + e.getMessage(), e), Transience.TRANSIENT);
} else {
ParserInputSource replacementSource = ParserInputSource.create(replacementContents, buildFilePath.asFragment());
preprocessingResult = Preprocessor.Result.noPreprocessing(replacementSource);
StoredEventHandler astParsingEventHandler = new StoredEventHandler();
BuildFileAST ast = PackageFactory.parseBuildFile(packageId, preprocessingResult.result, preludeStatements, astParsingEventHandler);
// If no globs were fetched during preprocessing, then there's no need to reuse the
// legacy globber instance during BUILD file evaluation since the performance argument
// below does not apply.
Set<SkyKey> globDepsRequested = skyframeGlobber.getGlobDepsRequested();
LegacyGlobber legacyGlobberToStore = globDepsRequested.isEmpty() ? null : legacyGlobber;
astCacheEntry = new CacheEntryWithGlobDeps<>(new AstAfterPreprocessing(preprocessingResult, ast, astParsingEventHandler), globDepsRequested, legacyGlobberToStore);
astCache.put(packageId, astCacheEntry);
AstAfterPreprocessing astAfterPreprocessing = astCacheEntry.value;
Set<SkyKey> globDepsRequestedDuringPreprocessing = astCacheEntry.globDepKeys;
SkylarkImportResult importResult;
try {
importResult = fetchImportsFromBuildFile(buildFilePath, packageId, astAfterPreprocessing.ast, env, skylarkImportLookupFunctionForInlining);
} catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
throw new PackageFunctionException(e, Transience.PERSISTENT);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw e;
if (importResult == null) {
return null;
// If a legacy globber was used to evaluate globs during preprocessing, it's important that
// we reuse that globber during BUILD file evaluation for performance, in the case that
// globs were fetched lazily during preprocessing. See Preprocessor.Factory#considersGlobs.
LegacyGlobber legacyGlobber = astCacheEntry.legacyGlobber != null ? astCacheEntry.legacyGlobber : packageFactory.createLegacyGlobber(buildFilePath.getParentDirectory(), packageId, packageLocator);
SkyframeHybridGlobber skyframeGlobber = new SkyframeHybridGlobber(packageId, packageRoot, env, legacyGlobber);
Package.Builder pkgBuilder = packageFactory.createPackageFromPreprocessingAst(workspaceName, packageId, buildFilePath, astAfterPreprocessing, importResult.importMap, importResult.fileDependencies, defaultVisibility, skyframeGlobber);
Set<SkyKey> globDepsRequested = ImmutableSet.<SkyKey>builder().addAll(globDepsRequestedDuringPreprocessing).addAll(skyframeGlobber.getGlobDepsRequested()).build();
packageFunctionCacheEntry = new CacheEntryWithGlobDeps<>(pkgBuilder, globDepsRequested, null);
if (packageProgress != null) {
packageFunctionCache.put(packageId, packageFunctionCacheEntry);
} finally {
return packageFunctionCacheEntry;