use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ProguardHelper method getProguardOutputs.
public static ProguardOutput getProguardOutputs(Artifact outputJar, @Nullable Artifact proguardSeeds, @Nullable Artifact proguardUsage, RuleContext ruleContext, JavaSemantics semantics, @Nullable Artifact proguardOutputMap) throws InterruptedException {
JavaOptimizationMode optMode = getJavaOptimizationMode(ruleContext);
boolean mappingRequested = genProguardMapping(ruleContext.attributes());
Artifact proguardOutputProtoMap = null;
Artifact proguardConstantStringMap = null;
if (mappingRequested || optMode.alwaysGenerateOutputMapping()) {
// TODO(bazel-team): if rex is enabled, the proguard map will change and then will no
// longer correspond to the proto map
proguardOutputProtoMap = semantics.getProtoMapping(ruleContext);
if (genObfuscatedConstantStringMap(ruleContext.attributes())) {
proguardConstantStringMap = semantics.getObfuscatedConstantStringMap(ruleContext);
Artifact proguardConfigOutput = ruleContext.getImplicitOutputArtifact(JavaSemantics.JAVA_BINARY_PROGUARD_CONFIG);
return new ProguardOutput(outputJar, proguardOutputMap, proguardOutputProtoMap, proguardSeeds, proguardUsage, proguardConstantStringMap, proguardConfigOutput);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ProguardHelper method applyProguardIfRequested.
* Creates an action to run Proguard to <i>output</i> the given {@code deployJar} artifact if
* --java_optimization_mode calls for it from an assumed input artifact {@link
* JavaSemantics#JAVA_BINARY_MERGED_JAR}. Returns the artifacts that Proguard will generate or
* {@code null} if Proguard isn't used.
* <p>If this method returns artifacts then {@link
*} needs to write the assumed input
* artifact (instead of the conventional deploy.jar, which now Proguard writes). Do not use this
* method for binary rules that themselves declare {@link #PROGUARD_SPECS} attributes, which as of
* includes 1/2016 {@code android_binary} and {@code android_test}.
public ProguardOutput applyProguardIfRequested(RuleContext ruleContext, Artifact deployJar, ImmutableList<Artifact> bootclasspath, String mainClassName, JavaSemantics semantics) throws InterruptedException {
JavaOptimizationMode optMode = getJavaOptimizationMode(ruleContext);
if (optMode == JavaOptimizationMode.NOOP || optMode == JavaOptimizationMode.LEGACY) {
// For simplicity do nothing in LEGACY mode
return null;
Preconditions.checkArgument(!bootclasspath.isEmpty(), "Bootclasspath should not be empty");
FilesToRunProvider proguard = findProguard(ruleContext);
if (proguard == null) {
ruleContext.ruleError("--proguard_top required for --java_optimization_mode=" + optMode);
return null;
ImmutableList<Artifact> proguardSpecs = collectProguardSpecs(ruleContext, bootclasspath, mainClassName);
Artifact singleJar = ruleContext.getImplicitOutputArtifact(JavaSemantics.JAVA_BINARY_MERGED_JAR);
// TODO(bazel-team): Verify that proguard spec files don't contain -printmapping directions
// which this -printmapping command line flag will override.
Artifact proguardOutputMap = null;
if (genProguardMapping(ruleContext.attributes()) || optMode.alwaysGenerateOutputMapping()) {
proguardOutputMap = ruleContext.getImplicitOutputArtifact(JavaSemantics.JAVA_BINARY_PROGUARD_MAP);
return createProguardAction(ruleContext, proguard, singleJar, proguardSpecs, /* proguardSeeds */
(Artifact) null, /* proguardUsage */
(Artifact) null, /* proguardMapping */
(Artifact) null, bootclasspath, deployJar, semantics, /* optimizationPases */
3, proguardOutputMap, /* useSingleJarForProguardLibraryJars */
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class AndroidBinary method createEmptyProguardAction.
private static ProguardOutput createEmptyProguardAction(RuleContext ruleContext, JavaSemantics semantics, Artifact proguardOutputJar, Artifact deployJarArtifact, Artifact proguardOutputMap) throws InterruptedException {
NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> failures = NestedSetBuilder.<Artifact>stableOrder();
ProguardOutput outputs = ProguardHelper.getProguardOutputs(proguardOutputJar, /* proguardSeeds */
(Artifact) null, /* proguardUsage */
(Artifact) null, ruleContext, semantics, proguardOutputMap);
JavaOptimizationMode optMode = getJavaOptimizationMode(ruleContext);
ruleContext.registerAction(new FailAction(ruleContext.getActionOwner(),, String.format("Can't run Proguard %s", optMode == JavaOptimizationMode.LEGACY ? "without proguard_specs" : "in optimization mode " + optMode)));
return new ProguardOutput(deployJarArtifact, null, null, null, null, null, null);
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ProguardHelper method createProguardAction.
* Creates an action to run Proguard over the given {@code programJar} with various other given
* inputs to produce {@code proguardOutputJar}. If requested explicitly, or implicitly with
* --java_optimization_mode, the action also produces a mapping file (which shows what methods and
* classes in the output Jar correspond to which methods and classes in the input). The "pair"
* returned by this method indicates whether a mapping is being produced.
* <p>See the Proguard manual for the meaning of the various artifacts in play.
* @param proguard Proguard executable to use
* @param proguardSpecs Proguard specification files to pass to Proguard
* @param proguardMapping optional mapping file for Proguard to apply
* @param libraryJars any other Jar files that the {@code programJar} will run against
* @param mappingRequested whether to ask Proguard to output a mapping file (a mapping will be
* produced anyway if --java_optimization_mode includes obfuscation)
* @param optimizationPasses if not null specifies to break proguard up into multiple passes with
* the given number of optimization passes.
* @param proguardOutputMap mapping generated by Proguard if requested. could be null.
* @param useSingleJarForProguardLibraryJars whether to combine all library jars into a single jar
* file before processing with Proguard
public static ProguardOutput createProguardAction(RuleContext ruleContext, FilesToRunProvider proguard, Artifact programJar, ImmutableList<Artifact> proguardSpecs, @Nullable Artifact proguardSeeds, @Nullable Artifact proguardUsage, @Nullable Artifact proguardMapping, Iterable<Artifact> libraryJars, Artifact proguardOutputJar, JavaSemantics semantics, @Nullable Integer optimizationPasses, @Nullable Artifact proguardOutputMap, boolean useSingleJarForProguardLibraryJars) throws InterruptedException {
JavaOptimizationMode optMode = getJavaOptimizationMode(ruleContext);
Preconditions.checkArgument(optMode != JavaOptimizationMode.NOOP);
Preconditions.checkArgument(optMode != JavaOptimizationMode.LEGACY || !proguardSpecs.isEmpty());
ProguardOutput output = getProguardOutputs(proguardOutputJar, proguardSeeds, proguardUsage, ruleContext, semantics, proguardOutputMap);
if (useSingleJarForProguardLibraryJars && Iterables.size(libraryJars) > 1) {
JavaTargetAttributes attributes = new JavaTargetAttributes.Builder(semantics).build();
Artifact combinedLibraryJar = getProguardTempArtifact(ruleContext,, "combined_library_jars.jar");
new DeployArchiveBuilder(semantics, ruleContext).setOutputJar(combinedLibraryJar).setAttributes(attributes).addRuntimeJars(libraryJars).build();
libraryJars = ImmutableList.of(combinedLibraryJar);
if (optimizationPasses == null) {
// Run proguard as a single step.
Builder builder = makeBuilder(proguard, programJar, proguardSpecs, proguardMapping, libraryJars, output.getOutputJar(), output.getMapping(), output.getProtoMapping(), output.getSeeds(), output.getUsage(), output.getConstantStringObfuscatedMapping(), output.getConfig()).setProgressMessage("Trimming binary with Proguard").addOutput(proguardOutputJar);
} else {
// Optimization passes have been specified, so run proguard in multiple phases.
Artifact lastStageOutput = getProguardTempArtifact(ruleContext,, "proguard_preoptimization.jar");
ruleContext.registerAction(makeBuilder(proguard, programJar, proguardSpecs, proguardMapping, libraryJars, output.getOutputJar(), /* proguardOutputMap */
null, /* proguardOutputProtoMap */
null, // ProGuard only prints seeds during INITIAL and NORMAL runtypes.
output.getSeeds(), /* proguardUsage */
null, /* constantStringObfuscatedMapping */
null, /* proguardConfigOutput */
null).setProgressMessage("Trimming binary with Proguard: Verification/Shrinking Pass").addArgument("-runtype INITIAL").addArgument("-nextstageoutput").addOutputArgument(lastStageOutput).build(ruleContext));
for (int i = 0; i < optimizationPasses; i++) {
Artifact optimizationOutput = getProguardTempArtifact(ruleContext,, "proguard_optimization_" + (i + 1) + ".jar");
ruleContext.registerAction(makeBuilder(proguard, programJar, proguardSpecs, proguardMapping, libraryJars, output.getOutputJar(), /* proguardOutputMap */
null, /* proguardOutputProtoMap */
null, /* proguardSeeds */
null, /* proguardUsage */
null, /* constantStringObfuscatedMapping */
null, /* proguardConfigOutput */
null).setProgressMessage("Trimming binary with Proguard: Optimization Pass " + (i + 1)).addArgument("-runtype OPTIMIZATION").addArgument("-laststageoutput").addInputArgument(lastStageOutput).addArgument("-nextstageoutput").addOutputArgument(optimizationOutput).build(ruleContext));
lastStageOutput = optimizationOutput;
Builder builder = makeBuilder(proguard, programJar, proguardSpecs, proguardMapping, libraryJars, output.getOutputJar(), output.getMapping(), output.getProtoMapping(), // runtype FINAL does not produce seeds.
null, /* proguardSeeds */
output.getUsage(), output.getConstantStringObfuscatedMapping(), output.getConfig()).setProgressMessage("Trimming binary with Proguard: Obfuscation and Final Output Pass").addArgument("-runtype FINAL").addArgument("-laststageoutput").addInputArgument(lastStageOutput).addOutput(proguardOutputJar);
return output;
use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.
the class ProguardHelper method collectTransitiveProguardSpecs.
* Retrieves the full set of proguard specs that should be applied to this binary, including the
* specs passed in, if Proguard should run on the given rule. {@link #createProguardAction}
* relies on this method returning an empty list if the given rule doesn't declare specs in
* --java_optimization_mode=legacy.
* <p>If Proguard shouldn't be applied, or the legacy link mode is used and there are no
* proguard_specs on this rule, an empty list will be returned, regardless of any given specs or
* specs from dependencies.
* {@link} relies on
* that behavior.
public static ImmutableList<Artifact> collectTransitiveProguardSpecs(RuleContext ruleContext, Iterable<Artifact> specsToInclude) {
JavaOptimizationMode optMode = getJavaOptimizationMode(ruleContext);
if (optMode == JavaOptimizationMode.NOOP) {
return ImmutableList.of();
ImmutableList<Artifact> proguardSpecs = ruleContext.attributes().has(PROGUARD_SPECS, BuildType.LABEL_LIST) ? ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifacts(PROGUARD_SPECS, Mode.TARGET).list() : ImmutableList.<Artifact>of();
if (optMode == JavaOptimizationMode.LEGACY && proguardSpecs.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
// TODO(bazel-team): In modes except LEGACY verify that proguard specs don't include -dont...
// flags since those flags would override the desired optMode
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Artifact> builder = ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(Artifact.EXEC_PATH_COMPARATOR).addAll(proguardSpecs).addAll(specsToInclude).addAll(ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifacts(":extra_proguard_specs", Mode.TARGET).list());
for (ProguardSpecProvider dep : ruleContext.getPrerequisites("deps", Mode.TARGET, ProguardSpecProvider.class)) {
// Generate and include implicit Proguard spec for requested mode.
if (!optMode.getImplicitProguardDirectives().isEmpty()) {
Artifact implicitDirectives = getProguardConfigArtifact(ruleContext,;
ruleContext.registerAction(FileWriteAction.create(ruleContext, implicitDirectives, optMode.getImplicitProguardDirectives(), /*makeExecutable=*/