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Example 11 with Index

use of in project java-firestore by googleapis.

the class FirestoreAdminClient method deleteIndex.

 * Deletes a composite index.
 * <p>Sample code:
 * <pre>{@code
 * try (FirestoreAdminClient firestoreAdminClient = FirestoreAdminClient.create()) {
 *   String name = IndexName.of("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]", "[COLLECTION]", "[INDEX]").toString();
 *   firestoreAdminClient.deleteIndex(name);
 * }
 * }</pre>
 * @param name Required. A name of the form
 *     `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/collectionGroups/{collection_id}/indexes/{index_id}`
 * @throws if the remote call fails
public final void deleteIndex(String name) {
    DeleteIndexRequest request = DeleteIndexRequest.newBuilder().setName(name).build();
Also used : DeleteIndexRequest(

Example 12 with Index

use of in project java-firestore by googleapis.

the class FirestoreAdminClient method deleteIndex.

 * Deletes a composite index.
 * <p>Sample code:
 * <pre>{@code
 * try (FirestoreAdminClient firestoreAdminClient = FirestoreAdminClient.create()) {
 *   IndexName name = IndexName.of("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]", "[COLLECTION]", "[INDEX]");
 *   firestoreAdminClient.deleteIndex(name);
 * }
 * }</pre>
 * @param name Required. A name of the form
 *     `projects/{project_id}/databases/{database_id}/collectionGroups/{collection_id}/indexes/{index_id}`
 * @throws if the remote call fails
public final void deleteIndex(IndexName name) {
    DeleteIndexRequest request = DeleteIndexRequest.newBuilder().setName(name == null ? null : name.toString()).build();
Also used : DeleteIndexRequest(

Example 13 with Index

use of in project s1tbx by senbox-org.

the class NetCDFWriter method writeBandRasterData.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void writeBandRasterData(final Band sourceBand, final int regionX, final int regionY, final int regionWidth, final int regionHeight, final ProductData regionData, ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException {
    final int[] origin = new int[2];
    origin[1] = regionX;
    origin[0] = regionY;
    try {
        final ArrayDouble dataTemp = new ArrayDouble.D2(regionHeight, regionWidth);
        final Index index = dataTemp.getIndex();
        int i = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < regionHeight; ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < regionWidth; ++x) {
                index.set(y, x);
                dataTemp.set(index, regionData.getElemDoubleAt(i));
        netCDFWriteable.write(sourceBand.getName(), origin, dataTemp);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : ArrayDouble(ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) IOException( InvalidRangeException(ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException)

Example 14 with Index

use of in project ncWMS by Unidata.

the class CdmUtils method readTimeseries.

public static List<Float> readTimeseries(NetcdfDataset nc, GridDatatype grid, HorizontalGrid horizGrid, List<Integer> tIndices, int zIndex, HorizontalPosition xy) throws IOException {
    GridCoordinates gridCoords = horizGrid.findNearestGridPoint(xy);
    if (gridCoords == null) {
        // a list of nulls
        return nullList(tIndices.size());
    int i = gridCoords.getCoordinateValue(0);
    int j = gridCoords.getCoordinateValue(1);
    int firstTIndex = tIndices.get(0);
    int lastTIndex = tIndices.get(tIndices.size() - 1);
    RangesList rangesList = new RangesList(grid);
    rangesList.setTRange(firstTIndex, lastTIndex);
    rangesList.setZRange(zIndex, zIndex);
    rangesList.setYRange(j, j);
    rangesList.setXRange(i, i);
    // We read data for the whole time range.  This may mean grabbing
    // data we don't need.
    // TODO: use a datareadingstrategy here to read point-by-point for
    // local files?
    DataChunk dataChunk = DataChunk.readDataChunk(grid.getVariable(), rangesList);
    // Copy the data to the required array, discarding the points we
    // don't need
    List<Float> tsData = new ArrayList<Float>(tIndices.size());
    Index index = dataChunk.getIndex();
    index.set(new int[index.getRank()]);
    for (int tIndex : tIndices) {
        int tIndexOffset = tIndex - firstTIndex;
        // This will happen if the layer has no t axis
        if (tIndexOffset < 0)
            tIndexOffset = 0;
        index.setDim(rangesList.getTAxisIndex(), tIndexOffset);
        // Read the data from the chunk, applying enhancement if necessary
        float val = dataChunk.readFloatValue(index);
        // Replace missing values with nulls
        tsData.add(Float.isNaN(val) ? null : val);
    return tsData;
Also used : GridCoordinates(org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoordinates) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) LatLonPoint(ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint)

Example 15 with Index

use of in project mzmine2 by mzmine.

the class NetCDFReadTask method readNextScan.

 * Reads one scan from the file. Requires that general information has already been read.
private Scan readNextScan() throws IOException {
    // Get scan starting position and length
    int[] scanStartPosition = new int[1];
    int[] scanLength = new int[1];
    Integer[] startAndLength = scansIndex.get(scanNum);
    // End of file
    if (startAndLength == null) {
        return null;
    scanStartPosition[0] = startAndLength[0];
    scanLength[0] = startAndLength[1];
    // Get retention time of the scan
    Double retentionTime = scansRetentionTimes.get(scanNum);
    if (retentionTime == null) {
        logger.severe("Could not find retention time for scan " + scanNum);
        throw (new IOException("Could not find retention time for scan " + scanNum));
    // An empty scan needs special attention..
    if (scanLength[0] == 0) {
        return new SimpleScan(null, scanNum, 1, retentionTime.doubleValue(), 0, 0, null, new DataPoint[0], MassSpectrumType.CENTROIDED, PolarityType.UNKNOWN, "", null);
    // Is there any way how to extract polarity from netcdf?
    PolarityType polarity = PolarityType.UNKNOWN;
    // Is there any way how to extract scan definition from netcdf?
    String scanDefinition = "";
    // Read mass and intensity values
    Array massValueArray;
    Array intensityValueArray;
    try {
        massValueArray =, scanLength);
        intensityValueArray =, scanLength);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not read from variables mass_values and/or intensity_values.", e);
        throw (new IOException("Could not read from variables mass_values and/or intensity_values."));
    Index massValuesIndex = massValueArray.getIndex();
    Index intensityValuesIndex = intensityValueArray.getIndex();
    int arrayLength = massValueArray.getShape()[0];
    DataPoint[] dataPoints = new DataPoint[arrayLength];
    for (int j = 0; j < arrayLength; j++) {
        Index massIndex0 = massValuesIndex.set0(j);
        Index intensityIndex0 = intensityValuesIndex.set0(j);
        double mz = massValueArray.getDouble(massIndex0) * massValueScaleFactor;
        double intensity = intensityValueArray.getDouble(intensityIndex0) * intensityValueScaleFactor;
        dataPoints[j] = new SimpleDataPoint(mz, intensity);
    // Auto-detect whether this scan is centroided
    MassSpectrumType spectrumType = ScanUtils.detectSpectrumType(dataPoints);
    SimpleScan buildingScan = new SimpleScan(null, scanNum, 1, retentionTime.doubleValue(), 0, 0, null, dataPoints, spectrumType, polarity, scanDefinition, null);
    return buildingScan;
Also used : PolarityType(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PolarityType) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) MassSpectrumType(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.MassSpectrumType) IOException( IOException( DataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.DataPoint) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) SimpleScan(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleScan) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint) DataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.DataPoint) SimpleDataPoint(net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimpleDataPoint)


Index (ucar.ma2.Index)30 Array (ucar.ma2.Array)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Test (org.junit.Test)15 AbstractMessage ( Attribute (ucar.nc2.Attribute)11 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)10 IOException ( ArrayFloat (ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat)10 Index ( Dimension (ucar.nc2.Dimension)9 NetcdfFileWriteable (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable)8 Variable (ucar.nc2.Variable)8 ArrayDouble (ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble)7 NetcdfFile (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile)7 SampleModel (java.awt.image.SampleModel)5 Index ( IndexName ( Operation ( File (