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Example 31 with Index

use of in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class MercatorOceanConverter method run.

private void run(String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut) {
    try {
        final File fileIn = new File(fileNameIn);
        final NetcdfFile ncFileIn =;
        final File fileOut = new File(fileNameOut);
        // keep original name
        final File outputFile = File.createTempFile(fileIn.getName(), ".tmp");
        final NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
        // input dimensions
        final Dimension latOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        final Dimension lonOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        // input VARIABLES
        // Variable time_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("time");
        // Array time_0_Data =;
        // Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
        final Variable lonOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        final int nLon = lonOriginalDim.getLength();
        final Variable latOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        final int nLat = latOriginalDim.getLength();
        final Array latOriginalData =;
        final Index latOriginalIndex = latOriginalData.getIndex();
        final Array lonOriginalData =;
        final Index lonOriginalIndex = lonOriginalData.getIndex();
        final Variable depthOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(// Depth
        final int nLevels = depthOriginalVar.getDimension(0).getLength();
        final Array depthOriginalData =;
        // Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension("time",
        // timeDim0.getLength());
        Dimension latDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, nLat);
        Dimension lonDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LON, nLon);
        Dimension depthDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, nLevels);
        Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, 1);
        // writing file
        computeMatrixExtremes(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, nLon, nLat, latOriginalIndex, lonOriginalIndex);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.copyGlobalAttributes(ncFileOut, ncFileIn.getGlobalAttributes());
        // //
        // Time requires a special Management
        // //
        // time Variable
        Variable timeVar = ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { timeDim });
        Attribute referenceTime = ncFileIn.findGlobalAttribute(TIME_ORIGIN);
        Attribute forecastDate = ncFileIn.findGlobalAttribute(FORECAST_DAY);
        int numDay = 0;
        if (referenceTime != null && forecastDate != null) {
            numDay = setTime(ncFileOut, referenceTime, forecastDate);
        // final float referenceTime = setTimeVariableAttributes(timeVar,
        // ncFileOut);
        // lat Variable
        ArrayFloat latDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latOriginalDim.getLength() });
        Index latDestIndex = latDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { latDim });
        // NOTE: A Strange BUG (I guess)
        // when you copy attributes from old vars to new vars, it overwrite
        // coordvars!!!
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, UNITS, latOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        // new String[] { "long_name", UNITS, "step" , "axis"});
        for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
            latDestData.setFloat(latDestIndex.set(yPos), new Float(this.ymax - (new Float(yPos).floatValue() * this.periodY)).floatValue());
        // lon Variable
        ArrayFloat lonDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { lonOriginalDim.getLength() });
        Index lonDestIndex = lonDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { lonDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, UNITS, lonOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        // new String[] { "long_name", UNITS, "step", "axis"});
        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
            lonDestData.setFloat(lonDestIndex.set(xPos), new Float(this.xmin + (new Float(xPos).floatValue() * this.periodX)).floatValue());
        // depth level Variable
        ArrayFloat depthDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { depthDim.getLength() });
        Index depthDestIndex = depthDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { depthDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, UNITS, depthOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        final Attribute positiveAttrib = depthOriginalVar.findAttribute("positive");
        String positiveValue = "down";
        if (positiveAttrib != null)
            positiveValue = positiveAttrib.getStringValue();
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "positive", positiveValue);
        for (int wPos = 0; wPos < depthDim.getLength(); wPos++) {
            depthDestData.setFloat(depthDestIndex.set(wPos), depthOriginalData.getFloat(depthDestIndex));
        int numVars = 0;
        final ArrayList<String> variables = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        // {} Variables
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
            String varName = (String) VARIABLES.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            if (var != null) {
                boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, "depth");
                if (hasLocalDepth)
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim });
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, latDim, lonDim });
                NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(var, ncFileOut, new String[] { "positions" });
        // writing bin data ...
        ArrayFloat timeData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { timeDim.getLength() });
        Index timeIndex = timeData.getIndex();
        timeData.setFloat(timeIndex.set(0), numDay);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, timeData);
        Variable latitudeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, latDestData);
        Variable longitudeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lonDestData);
        Variable depthVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthDestData);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
            final String varName = (String) variables.get(i);
            final Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            final boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, "depth");
            final Array originalData =;
            Index varIndex = originalData.getIndex();
            final DataType varDataType = var.getDataType();
            final Attribute fv = var.findAttribute("_FillValue");
            float fillValue = Float.NaN;
            if (fv != null) {
                fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
            Array destArray = null;
            int[] dimensions = null;
            if (hasLocalDepth) {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), depthDim.getLength(), nLat, nLon };
            } else {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), nLat, nLon };
            destArray = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(dimensions, varDataType);
            Index destIndex = destArray.getIndex();
            ArrayFloat tempData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latOriginalDim.getLength(), lonOriginalDim.getLength() });
            Index tempIndex = tempData.getIndex();
            if (hasLocalDepth) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthDim.getLength(); levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
                            tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), originalData.getFloat(varIndex.set(levelPos, yPos, xPos)));
                    final WritableRaster outData = Resampler(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, lonOriginalDim.getLength(), latOriginalDim.getLength(), 2, tempData, fillValue);
                    for (int j = 0; j < latOriginalDim.getLength(); j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); k++) {
                            float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                            destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(0, levelPos, j, k), sample);
            } else {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
                        tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), originalData.getFloat(varIndex.set(yPos, xPos)));
                final WritableRaster outData = Resampler(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, lonOriginalDim.getLength(), latOriginalDim.getLength(), 2, tempData, fillValue);
                for (int j = 0; j < latOriginalDim.getLength(); j++) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); k++) {
                        float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                        destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(0, j, k), sample);
            // }
            ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // something bad happened
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
Also used : NetcdfFileWriteable(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable) Variable(ucar.nc2.Variable) Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) Dimension(ucar.nc2.Dimension) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) IOException( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) DataType(ucar.ma2.DataType) File( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile)

Example 32 with Index

use of in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class MercatorOceanConverter method Resampler.

private WritableRaster Resampler(final Array latData, final Array lonData, final int imageWidth, final int imageHeight, final int polyDegree, final Array data, final float fillValue) {
    final Index latIndex = latData.getIndex();
    final Index lonIndex = lonData.getIndex();
    final int numCoeffs = (polyDegree + 1) * (polyDegree + 2) / 2;
    final int XOFFSET = 0;
    final int YOFFSET = 1;
    final int stepX = 2;
    final int stepY = 2;
    int numNeededPoints = 0;
    for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi += stepX) {
        for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi += stepY) {
    computeMatrixExtremes(latData, lonData, imageWidth, imageHeight, latIndex, lonIndex);
    float[] destCoords = new float[2 * numNeededPoints];
    float[] srcCoords = new float[2 * numNeededPoints];
         * Copy source and destination coordinates into float arrays. The
         * destination coordinates are scaled in order to gets values similar to
         * source coordinates (values will be identical if all "real world"
         * coordinates are grid indices multiplied by a constant).
    int offset = 0;
    for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi += stepY) {
        for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi += stepX) {
            srcCoords[offset] = xi;
            srcCoords[offset + 1] = yi;
            destCoords[offset] = (float) ((lonData.getFloat(lonIndex.set(xi)) - this.xmin) / this.periodX);
            destCoords[offset + 1] = (float) ((this.ymax - latData.getFloat(latIndex.set(yi))) / this.periodY);
            // destCoords[offset + 1] = ((latData.getFloat(latIndex.set(yi))
            // - this.ymin) / this.periodY);
            offset += 2;
    GMatrix A = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, numCoeffs);
    for (int coord = 0; coord < numNeededPoints; coord++) {
        int var = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= polyDegree; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                double value = Math.pow(destCoords[2 * coord + XOFFSET], (double) (i - j)) * Math.pow(destCoords[2 * coord + YOFFSET], (double) j);
                A.setElement(coord, var++, value);
    GMatrix AtAi = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, numCoeffs);
    GMatrix Ap = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, numNeededPoints);
    AtAi.mulTransposeLeft(A, A);
    Ap.mulTransposeRight(AtAi, A);
    GMatrix xVector = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, 1);
    GMatrix yVector = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, 1);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < numNeededPoints; idx++) {
        xVector.setElement(idx, 0, srcCoords[2 * idx + XOFFSET]);
        yVector.setElement(idx, 0, srcCoords[2 * idx + YOFFSET]);
    GMatrix xCoeffsG = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
    GMatrix yCoeffsG = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
    xCoeffsG.mul(Ap, xVector);
    yCoeffsG.mul(Ap, yVector);
    float[] xCoeffs = new float[numCoeffs];
    float[] yCoeffs = new float[numCoeffs];
    for (int ii = 0; ii < numCoeffs; ii++) {
        xCoeffs[ii] = new Double(xCoeffsG.getElement(ii, 0)).floatValue();
        yCoeffs[ii] = new Double(yCoeffsG.getElement(ii, 0)).floatValue();
    WritableRaster outDataCube;
    WritableRandomIter iteratorDataCube;
    SampleModel outSampleModel = RasterFactory.createBandedSampleModel(// data type
    DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, // width
    imageWidth, // height
    imageHeight, // num bands
    outDataCube = Raster.createWritableRaster(outSampleModel, null);
    iteratorDataCube = RandomIterFactory.createWritable(outDataCube, null);
    // Transfering data in the WritableRaster structure
    Index indexInputVar = data.getIndex();
    for (int jj = 0; jj < outDataCube.getNumBands(); jj++) {
        for (int kk = 0; kk < outDataCube.getWidth(); kk++) {
            for (int ll = 0; ll < outDataCube.getHeight(); ll++) {
                iteratorDataCube.setSample(kk, ll, jj, data.getFloat(indexInputVar.set(ll, kk)));
    WritableRaster target = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(outSampleModel, null);
    for (int bi = 0; bi < outDataCube.getNumBands(); bi++) {
        for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi++) {
            for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi++) {
                GMatrix regressionVec = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
                int var = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= polyDegree; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                        double value = Math.pow(xi, (double) (i - j)) * Math.pow(yi, (double) j);
                        regressionVec.setElement(var++, 0, value);
                GMatrix xG = new GMatrix(1, 1);
                GMatrix yG = new GMatrix(1, 1);
                xG.mulTransposeLeft(regressionVec, xCoeffsG);
                yG.mulTransposeLeft(regressionVec, yCoeffsG);
                int X = (int) Math.round(xG.getElement(0, 0));
                int Y = (int) Math.round(yG.getElement(0, 0));
                if (X >= 0 && Y >= 0 && X < imageWidth && Y < imageHeight) {
                    target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, outDataCube.getSampleFloat(X, Y, bi));
                } else {
                    // TODO: Change with fillvalue
                    // target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, Float.NaN);
                    target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, fillValue);
    return target;
Also used : WritableRandomIter( SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) GMatrix(javax.vecmath.GMatrix) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) Index(ucar.ma2.Index)

Example 33 with Index

use of in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFCF_CLewis_Converter method run.

private void run(String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut) {
    try {
        NetcdfFile ncFileIn =;
        ncFileIn.writeCDL(System.out, true);
        NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(fileNameOut);
        // input dimensions
        Dimension timeDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("time");
        Dimension latDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("lat");
        Dimension lonDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("lon");
        // input variables
        Variable time_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("time");
        Array time_0_Data =;
        Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
        Variable lon_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("lon");
        final int nLon = lon_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
        Variable lat_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("lat");
        final int nLat = lat_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
        Array lat_0_Data =;
        Index lat_0_Index = lat_0_Data.getIndex();
        Array lon_0_Data =;
        Index lon_0_Index = lon_0_Data.getIndex();
        // Depth
        Variable z_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("z");
        final int nLevels = z_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
        Array z_0_Data =;
        Index z_0_Index = z_0_Data.getIndex();
        Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension("time", timeDim0.getLength());
        Dimension latDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, latDim0.getLength());
        Dimension lonDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lonDim0.getLength());
        Dimension depthDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, nLevels);
        // writing file
        this.computeMatrixExtremes(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), lat_0_Index, lon_0_Index);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.copyGlobalAttributes(ncFileOut, ncFileIn.getGlobalAttributes());
        // //
        // Time requires a special Management
        // //
        // time Variable
        ncFileOut.addVariable("time", DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { timeDim });
        // ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute("Time", "long_name", "Time");
        final float referenceTime = setTimeVariableAttributes(time_0, ncFileOut);
        // lat Variable
        ArrayFloat lat_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength() });
        Index lat_1_Index = lat_1_Data.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { latDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, UNITS, lat_0.getUnitsString());
        for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
            lat_1_Data.setFloat(lat_1_Index.set(yPos), new Float(this.ymax - (new Float(yPos).floatValue() * this.periodY)).floatValue());
        // new Float(
        // this.ymin
        // + (new Float(yPos)
        // .floatValue() * this.periodY))
        // .floatValue());
        // lon Variable
        ArrayFloat lon_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { lonDim0.getLength() });
        Index lon_1_Index = lon_1_Data.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { lonDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, UNITS, lon_0.getUnitsString());
        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
            lon_1_Data.setFloat(lon_1_Index.set(xPos), new Float(this.xmin + (new Float(xPos).floatValue() * this.periodX)).floatValue());
        // depth level Variable
        ArrayFloat depthlevelDim_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { depthDim.getLength() });
        Index depthlevelDim_1_Index = depthlevelDim_1_Data.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { depthDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, UNITS, z_0.getUnitsString());
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "positive", "up");
        for (int wPos = 0; wPos < depthDim.getLength(); wPos++) {
            depthlevelDim_1_Data.setFloat(depthlevelDim_1_Index.set(wPos), z_0_Data.getFloat(depthlevelDim_1_Index));
        // {} Variables
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
            String varName = variables.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim });
            NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(var, ncFileOut, new String[] { "positions" });
        // writing bin data ...
        ArrayFloat timeData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { timeDim.getLength() });
        Index timeIndex = timeData.getIndex();
        for (int t = 0; t < timeDim.getLength(); t++) {
            float julianTime = time_0_Data.getFloat(time_0_Index.set(t)) - referenceTime;
            timeData.setFloat(timeIndex.set(t), julianTime);
        ncFileOut.write("time", timeData);
        Variable timeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("time");
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, lat_1_Data);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lon_1_Data);
        Variable depthVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("depth");
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthlevelDim_1_Data);
        // TODO: AutoApply MASK?
        ArrayFloat maskMatrix = new ArrayFloat.D2(latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength());
        Index maskIma = maskMatrix.getIndex();
        if (APPLY_MASK) {
            Variable mask = ncFileIn.findVariable("mask");
            Array maskData =;
            Index maskIndex = maskData.getIndex();
            ArrayFloat tempData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength(), lonDim0.getLength() });
            Index tempIndex = tempData.getIndex();
            for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
                for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
                    tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), maskData.getFloat(maskIndex.set(yPos, xPos)));
            WritableRaster outData = this.Resampler(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), 2, tempData, -1);
            for (int j = 0; j < latDim0.getLength(); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < lonDim0.getLength(); k++) {
                    float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                    maskMatrix.setFloat(maskIma.set(j, k), sample);
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
            String varName = variables.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            Array originalVarData =;
            Index varIndex = originalVarData.getIndex();
            Attribute fv = var.findAttribute("_FillValue");
            float fillValue = Float.NaN;
            if (fv != null) {
                fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
            ArrayFloat T_tmp_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength(), lonDim0.getLength() });
            Index T_tmp_Index = T_tmp_Data.getIndex();
            ArrayFloat Tmatrix = new ArrayFloat.D4(timeDim.getLength(), depthDim.getLength(), latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength());
            Index Tima = Tmatrix.getIndex();
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timeDim0.getLength(); tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthDim.getLength(); levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
                            T_tmp_Data.setFloat(T_tmp_Index.set(yPos, xPos), originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos, levelPos)));
                    WritableRaster outData = this.Resampler(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), 2, T_tmp_Data, fillValue);
                    for (int j = 0; j < latDim0.getLength(); j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < lonDim0.getLength(); k++) {
                            float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                            if (APPLY_MASK) {
                                float maskValue = maskMatrix.getFloat(maskIma.set(j, k));
                                if (maskValue == 0)
                                    sample = fillValue;
                            Tmatrix.setFloat(Tima.set(tPos, levelPos, j, k), sample);
            ncFileOut.write(varName, Tmatrix);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : NetcdfFileWriteable(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable) Variable(ucar.nc2.Variable) Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) Dimension(ucar.nc2.Dimension) IOException( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster)

Example 34 with Index

use of in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFCF_CLewis_Converter method setTimeVariableAttributes.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// HELPERS !!!
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private float setTimeVariableAttributes(Variable time_0, NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut) throws IOException {
    Array time_0_Data =;
    Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
    final String name = time_0.getName();
    final float referenceTime = time_0_Data.getFloat(time_0_Index.set(0));
    float fTime = referenceTime;
    Attribute offset = time_0.findAttribute("add_offset");
    if (offset != null)
        fTime += offset.getNumericValue().floatValue();
    GregorianCalendar calendar = null;
    if (time_0.getDescription().toLowerCase().contains("modified julian")) {
        calendar = NetCDFConverterUtilities.fromModifiedJulian(fTime, time_0.getDescription(), time_0.getUnitsString());
    } else {
        calendar = NetCDFConverterUtilities.fromJulian(fTime);
    final String year = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    final String month = Integer.toString((calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
    final String day = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
    String hour = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR));
    if (hour.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
        hour += "0";
    String minute = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
    if (minute.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
        minute += "0";
    String second = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
    if (second.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
        second += "0";
    final String millisecond = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
    final StringBuffer sbTime = new StringBuffer(year).append("-").append(month).append("-").append(day).append(" ").append(hour).append(":").append(minute).append(":").append(second).append(".").append(millisecond);
    ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(name, "units", "days since " + sbTime.toString());
    ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(name, "long_name", "time");
    return referenceTime;
Also used : Array(ucar.ma2.Array) Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Index(ucar.ma2.Index)

Example 35 with Index

use of in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFCF_CLewis_Converter method Resampler.

private WritableRaster Resampler(final Array latData, final Array lonData, final int imageWidth, final int imageHeight, final int polyDegree, final Array data, final float fillValue) {
    final Index latIndex = latData.getIndex();
    final Index lonIndex = lonData.getIndex();
    final int numCoeffs = (polyDegree + 1) * (polyDegree + 2) / 2;
    final int XOFFSET = 0;
    final int YOFFSET = 1;
    final int stepX = 2;
    final int stepY = 2;
    int numNeededPoints = 0;
    for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi += stepX) {
        for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi += stepY) {
    computeMatrixExtremes(latData, lonData, imageWidth, imageHeight, latIndex, lonIndex);
    float[] destCoords = new float[2 * numNeededPoints];
    float[] srcCoords = new float[2 * numNeededPoints];
         * Copy source and destination coordinates into float arrays. The
         * destination coordinates are scaled in order to gets values similar to
         * source coordinates (values will be identical if all "real world"
         * coordinates are grid indices multiplied by a constant).
    int offset = 0;
    for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi += stepY) {
        for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi += stepX) {
            srcCoords[offset] = xi;
            srcCoords[offset + 1] = yi;
            destCoords[offset] = (float) ((lonData.getFloat(lonIndex.set(xi)) - this.xmin) / this.periodX);
            destCoords[offset + 1] = (float) ((this.ymax - latData.getFloat(latIndex.set(yi))) / this.periodY);
            // destCoords[offset + 1] = ((latData.getFloat(latIndex.set(yi)) - this.ymin) / this.periodY);
            offset += 2;
    GMatrix A = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, numCoeffs);
    for (int coord = 0; coord < numNeededPoints; coord++) {
        int var = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i <= polyDegree; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                double value = Math.pow(destCoords[2 * coord + XOFFSET], (double) (i - j)) * Math.pow(destCoords[2 * coord + YOFFSET], (double) j);
                A.setElement(coord, var++, value);
    GMatrix AtAi = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, numCoeffs);
    GMatrix Ap = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, numNeededPoints);
    AtAi.mulTransposeLeft(A, A);
    Ap.mulTransposeRight(AtAi, A);
    GMatrix xVector = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, 1);
    GMatrix yVector = new GMatrix(numNeededPoints, 1);
    for (int idx = 0; idx < numNeededPoints; idx++) {
        xVector.setElement(idx, 0, srcCoords[2 * idx + XOFFSET]);
        yVector.setElement(idx, 0, srcCoords[2 * idx + YOFFSET]);
    GMatrix xCoeffsG = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
    GMatrix yCoeffsG = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
    xCoeffsG.mul(Ap, xVector);
    yCoeffsG.mul(Ap, yVector);
    float[] xCoeffs = new float[numCoeffs];
    float[] yCoeffs = new float[numCoeffs];
    for (int ii = 0; ii < numCoeffs; ii++) {
        xCoeffs[ii] = new Double(xCoeffsG.getElement(ii, 0)).floatValue();
        yCoeffs[ii] = new Double(yCoeffsG.getElement(ii, 0)).floatValue();
    WritableRaster outDataCube;
    WritableRandomIter iteratorDataCube;
    SampleModel outSampleModel = RasterFactory.createBandedSampleModel(// data type
    DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, // width
    imageWidth, // height
    imageHeight, // num bands
    outDataCube = Raster.createWritableRaster(outSampleModel, null);
    iteratorDataCube = RandomIterFactory.createWritable(outDataCube, null);
    // Transfering data in the WritableRaster structure
    Index indexInputVar = data.getIndex();
    for (int jj = 0; jj < outDataCube.getNumBands(); jj++) {
        for (int kk = 0; kk < outDataCube.getWidth(); kk++) {
            for (int ll = 0; ll < outDataCube.getHeight(); ll++) {
                iteratorDataCube.setSample(kk, ll, jj, data.getFloat(indexInputVar.set(ll, kk)));
    WritableRaster target = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(outSampleModel, null);
    for (int bi = 0; bi < outDataCube.getNumBands(); bi++) {
        for (int yi = 0; yi < imageHeight; yi++) {
            for (int xi = 0; xi < imageWidth; xi++) {
                float[] dstCoords = new float[2];
                GMatrix regressionVec = new GMatrix(numCoeffs, 1);
                int var = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= polyDegree; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                        double value = Math.pow(xi, (double) (i - j)) * Math.pow(yi, (double) j);
                        regressionVec.setElement(var++, 0, value);
                GMatrix xG = new GMatrix(1, 1);
                GMatrix yG = new GMatrix(1, 1);
                xG.mulTransposeLeft(regressionVec, xCoeffsG);
                yG.mulTransposeLeft(regressionVec, yCoeffsG);
                int X = (int) Math.round(xG.getElement(0, 0));
                int Y = (int) Math.round(yG.getElement(0, 0));
                if (X >= 0 && Y >= 0 && X < imageWidth && Y < imageHeight) {
                    target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, outDataCube.getSampleFloat(X, Y, bi));
                } else {
                    // TODO: Change with fillvalue
                    // target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, Float.NaN);
                    target.setSample(xi, yi, bi, fillValue);
    return target;
Also used : WritableRandomIter( SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) GMatrix(javax.vecmath.GMatrix) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) Index(ucar.ma2.Index)


Index (ucar.ma2.Index)30 Array (ucar.ma2.Array)20 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Test (org.junit.Test)15 AbstractMessage ( Attribute (ucar.nc2.Attribute)11 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)10 IOException ( ArrayFloat (ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat)10 Index ( Dimension (ucar.nc2.Dimension)9 NetcdfFileWriteable (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable)8 Variable (ucar.nc2.Variable)8 ArrayDouble (ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble)7 NetcdfFile (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile)7 SampleModel (java.awt.image.SampleModel)5 Index ( IndexName ( Operation ( File (