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Example 1 with Parser

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserRunner method parse.

public static ParseResult parse(StaticSourceFile sourceFile, String sourceString, Config config, ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
    // TODO(johnlenz): unify "SourceFile", "Es6ErrorReporter" and "Config"
    String sourceName = sourceFile.getName();
    try {
        SourceFile file = new SourceFile(sourceName, sourceString);
        boolean keepGoing = config.runMode() == Config.RunMode.KEEP_GOING;
        Es6ErrorReporter es6ErrorReporter = new Es6ErrorReporter(errorReporter, keepGoing); es6config = newParserConfig(config);
        Parser p = new Parser(es6config, es6ErrorReporter, file);
        ProgramTree tree = p.parseProgram();
        Node root = null;
        List<Comment> comments = ImmutableList.of();
        FeatureSet features = p.getFeatures();
        if (tree != null && (!es6ErrorReporter.hadError() || keepGoing)) {
            IRFactory factory = IRFactory.transformTree(tree, sourceFile, config, errorReporter);
            root = factory.getResultNode();
            features = features.union(factory.getFeatures());
            root.putProp(Node.FEATURE_SET, features);
            if (config.jsDocParsingMode().shouldParseDescriptions()) {
                comments = p.getComments();
        return new ParseResult(root, comments, features, p.getSourceMapURL());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Exception parsing \"" + sourceName + "\"", t);
Also used : Comment( ProgramTree( Node( Parser( FeatureSet( StaticSourceFile( SourceFile(

Example 2 with Parser

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserRunner method detectFeatures.

// TODO(sdh): this is less useful if we end up needing the node for library version detection
public static FeatureSet detectFeatures(String sourcePath, String sourceString) {
    SourceFile file = new SourceFile(sourcePath, sourceString);
    ErrorReporter reporter = IRFactory.NULL_REPORTER; config = newParserConfig(IRFactory.NULL_CONFIG);
    Parser p = new Parser(config, new Es6ErrorReporter(reporter, false), file);
    ProgramTree tree = p.parseProgram();
    StaticSourceFile simpleSourceFile = new SimpleSourceFile(sourcePath, false);
    return IRFactory.detectFeatures(tree, simpleSourceFile, sourceString).union(p.getFeatures());
Also used : ErrorReporter( ProgramTree( SimpleSourceFile( SimpleSourceFile( StaticSourceFile( SourceFile( StaticSourceFile( Parser(


Parser ( SourceFile ( ProgramTree ( StaticSourceFile ( FeatureSet ( Comment ( ErrorReporter ( Node ( SimpleSourceFile (