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Example 1 with FeatureSet

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SyncCompilerFeatures method process.

public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    FeatureSet featureSet = FeatureSet.BARE_MINIMUM;
    for (Node rootNode : ImmutableList.of(externs, root)) {
        for (Node childNode = rootNode.getFirstChild(); childNode != null; childNode = childNode.getNext()) {
            FeatureSet featuresInScript = NodeUtil.getFeatureSetOfScript(childNode);
            if (featuresInScript != null) {
                featureSet = featureSet.with(featuresInScript);
Also used : Node( FeatureSet(

Example 2 with FeatureSet

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class RewritePolyfills method getPolyfillSupportedFeatureSet.

 * If the given `Node` is a polyfill definition, return the `FeatureSet` which should be
 * considered to already include that polyfill (making it unnecessary).
 * <p>Otherwise, return `null`.
private FeatureSet getPolyfillSupportedFeatureSet(Node maybePolyfill) {
    FeatureSet polyfillSupportFeatureSet = null;
    if (NodeUtil.isExprCall(maybePolyfill)) {
        Node call = maybePolyfill.getFirstChild();
        Node name = call.getFirstChild();
        if (name.matchesQualifiedName("$jscomp.polyfill")) {
            final String nativeVersionStr = name.getNext().getNext().getNext().getString();
            polyfillSupportFeatureSet = FeatureSet.valueOf(nativeVersionStr);
            // Safari has been really slow to implement these regex features, even though it has
            // kept on top of the features we polyfill, so we want to ignore the regex features
            // when deciding whether the polyfill should be considered "already supported" in the
            // target environment.
            // NOTE: This special case seems reasonable for now, but if further divergence occurs
            // we should consider doing a more direct solution by having the polyfill definitions
            // report names of `FeatureSet` values representing browser `FeatureSet` year instead of
            // spec release year.
            polyfillSupportFeatureSet = polyfillSupportFeatureSet.without(Feature.REGEXP_FLAG_S, Feature.REGEXP_LOOKBEHIND, Feature.REGEXP_NAMED_GROUPS, Feature.REGEXP_UNICODE_PROPERTY_ESCAPE);
    return polyfillSupportFeatureSet;
Also used : Node( FeatureSet( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with FeatureSet

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class AstValidatorTest method testFeatureValidation.

 * Tests that AstValidator checks for the given feature in the AST
 * <p>This will raise an error if a) the AST parsed from {@code code} lacks {@code feature}, or b)
 * AstValidator does not validate {@code feature}'s presence in the AST.
private void testFeatureValidation(String code, Feature feature) {
    Node script = getLastCompiler().getJsRoot().getFirstChild();
    // Remove `feature` from the SCRIPT node's feature set, checking that it was originally present,
    // and then validate that AstValidator errors because it expects `feature` to be present.
    FeatureSet currentFeatures = NodeUtil.getFeatureSetOfScript(script);
    script.putProp(Node.FEATURE_SET, currentFeatures.without(feature));
    expectInvalid(script, Check.SCRIPT);
Also used : Node( FeatureSet(

Example 4 with FeatureSet

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class PolymerClassRewriter method rewritePolymerCall.

 * Rewrites a given call to Polymer({}) to a set of declarations and assignments which can be
 * understood by the compiler.
 * @param cls The extracted {@link PolymerClassDefinition} for the Polymer element created by this
 *     call.
 * @param traversal Nodetraversal used here to identify the scope in which Polymer exists
void rewritePolymerCall(final PolymerClassDefinition cls, NodeTraversal traversal) {
    Node callParent = cls.definition.getParent();
    // Determine whether we are in a Polymer({}) call at the top level versus in an assignment.
    Node exprRoot = callParent.isExprResult() ? callParent : callParent.getParent();
    checkState(NodeUtil.isStatementParent(exprRoot.getParent()), exprRoot.getParent());
    Node objLit = checkNotNull(cls.descriptor);
    // Add {@code @lends} to the object literal.
    JSDocInfo.Builder objLitDoc = JSDocInfo.builder().parseDocumentation();
    JSTypeExpression jsTypeExpression = new JSTypeExpression(IR.string( + ".prototype").srcref(exprRoot), exprRoot.getSourceFileName());
    addTypesToFunctions(objLit,, cls.defType);
    PolymerPassStaticUtils.switchDollarSignPropsToBrackets(objLit, compiler);
    PolymerPassStaticUtils.quoteListenerAndHostAttributeKeys(objLit, compiler);
    for (MemberDefinition prop : cls.props) {
        if (prop.value.isObjectLit()) {
            PolymerPassStaticUtils.switchDollarSignPropsToBrackets(prop.value, compiler);
    // The propsAndBehaviorBlock holds code generated for the  Polymer's properties and behaviors
    Node propsAndBehaviorBlock = IR.block();
    JSDocInfo.Builder constructorDoc = this.getConstructorDoc(cls);
    // Remove the original constructor JS docs from the objlit.
    Node ctorKey = cls.constructor.value.getParent();
    if (ctorKey != null) {
    // Check for a conflicting definition of PolymerElement
    if (!traversal.inGlobalScope()) {
        Var polymerElement = traversal.getScope().getVar("PolymerElement");
        if (polymerElement != null && !polymerElement.getScope().isGlobal()) {
            Node nameNode = polymerElement.getNameNode();
  , POLYMER_ELEMENT_CONFLICT, nameNode.getSourceFileName(), Integer.toString(nameNode.getLineno()), Integer.toString(nameNode.getCharno())));
    Node declarationCode = generateDeclarationCode(exprRoot, cls, constructorDoc, traversal);
    String basePath = + ".prototype.";
    appendBehaviorPropertiesToBlock(cls, propsAndBehaviorBlock, basePath, /*isExternsBlock*/
    appendPropertiesToBlock(cls.props, propsAndBehaviorBlock, basePath, /* isExternsBlock= */
    appendBehaviorMembersToBlock(cls, propsAndBehaviorBlock);
    ImmutableList<MemberDefinition> readOnlyPropsAll = parseReadOnlyProperties(cls, propsAndBehaviorBlock);
    ImmutableList<MemberDefinition> attributeReflectedPropsAll = parseAttributeReflectedProperties(cls);
    createExportsAndExterns(cls, readOnlyPropsAll, attributeReflectedPropsAll);
    removePropertyDocs(objLit, cls.defType);
    Node propsAndBehaviorCode = propsAndBehaviorBlock.removeChildren();
    Node parent = exprRoot.getParent();
    // exported.
    if (!traversal.inGlobalScope() && cls.hasGeneratedLhs && ! {
        Node enclosingNode = NodeUtil.getEnclosingNode(parent, node -> node.isScript() || node.isModuleBody() || isIIFE(node) || isFunctionArgInGoogLoadModule(node));
        // For module, IIFE and goog.LoadModule enclosed Polymer calls, the declaration code and the
        // code generated from properties and behavior have to be hoisted in different places within
        // the AST. We want to insert the generated declarations to global scope, and insert the
        // propsAndbehaviorCode in the same scope. Hence, dealing with them separately.
        insertGeneratedDeclarationCodeToGlobalScope(enclosingNode, declarationCode);
        if (propsAndBehaviorCode != null) {
            insertGeneratedPropsAndBehaviorCode(enclosingNode, propsAndBehaviorCode);
    } else {
        Node beforeRoot = exprRoot.getPrevious();
        if (beforeRoot == null) {
            if (propsAndBehaviorCode != null) {
        } else {
            if (propsAndBehaviorCode != null) {
                parent.addChildrenAfter(propsAndBehaviorCode, beforeRoot);
    if (propsAndBehaviorCode != null) {
    // we might need to update the FeatureSet.
    if (cls.features != null) {
        Node scriptNode = NodeUtil.getEnclosingScript(parent);
        FeatureSet oldFeatures = (FeatureSet) scriptNode.getProp(Node.FEATURE_SET);
        FeatureSet newFeatures = oldFeatures.union(cls.features);
        if (!newFeatures.equals(oldFeatures)) {
            scriptNode.putProp(Node.FEATURE_SET, newFeatures);
    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(exprRoot)) {
        Node assignExpr = varToAssign(exprRoot);
    // with the class members.
    if (polymerVersion > 1 && propertyRenamingEnabled && cls.descriptor != null) {
        Node props = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(cls.descriptor, "properties");
        if (props != null && props.isObjectLit()) {
            addPropertiesConfigObjectReflection(cls, props);
Also used : Node( JSTypeExpression( FeatureSet( JSDocInfo( MemberDefinition(

Example 5 with FeatureSet

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class PolymerClassDefinition method extractFromCallNode.

 * Validates the class definition and if valid, destructively extracts the class definition from
 * the AST.
static PolymerClassDefinition extractFromCallNode(Node callNode, AbstractCompiler compiler, ModuleMetadata moduleMetadata, PolymerBehaviorExtractor behaviorExtractor) {
    Node descriptor = NodeUtil.getArgumentForCallOrNew(callNode, 0);
    if (descriptor == null || !descriptor.isObjectLit()) {
        // report bad class definition, PolymerPassErrors.POLYMER_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID));
        return null;
    int paramCount = callNode.getChildCount() - 1;
    if (paramCount != 1) {, PolymerPassErrors.POLYMER_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS));
        return null;
    Node elName = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "is");
    if (elName == null) {, PolymerPassErrors.POLYMER_MISSING_IS));
        return null;
    boolean hasGeneratedLhs = false;
    Node target;
    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(callNode.getGrandparent())) {
        target =;
    } else if (callNode.getParent().isAssign()) {
        if (isGoogModuleExports(callNode.getParent())) {
            // `exports = Polymer({` in a goog.module requires special handling, as adding a
            // duplicate assignment to exports just confuses the compiler. Create a dummy declaration
            // var exportsForPolymer$jscomp0 = Polymer({ // ...
            target = createDummyGoogModuleExportsTarget(compiler, callNode);
        } else {
            target = callNode.getParent().getFirstChild().cloneTree();
    } else {
        String elNameStringBase = elName.isQualifiedName() ? elName.getQualifiedName().replace('.', '$') : elName.getString();
        String elNameString =, elNameStringBase);
        elNameString += "Element";
        target =;
        hasGeneratedLhs = true;
    JSDocInfo classInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(target);
    JSDocInfo ctorInfo = null;
    Node constructor = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "factoryImpl");
    if (constructor == null) {
        constructor = NodeUtil.emptyFunction();
    } else {
        ctorInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(constructor);
    Node baseClass = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "extends");
    String nativeBaseElement = baseClass == null ? null : baseClass.getString();
    Node behaviorArray = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "behaviors");
    ImmutableList<BehaviorDefinition> behaviors = behaviorExtractor.extractBehaviors(behaviorArray, moduleMetadata);
    List<MemberDefinition> properties = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<MemberDefinition, BehaviorDefinition> behaviorProps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (BehaviorDefinition behavior : behaviors) {
        for (MemberDefinition prop : behavior.props) {
            behaviorProps.put(prop, behavior);
    overwriteMembersIfPresent(properties, PolymerPassStaticUtils.extractProperties(descriptor, DefinitionType.ObjectLiteral, compiler, /**
     * constructor=
    // Behaviors might get included multiple times for the same element. See test case
    // testDuplicatedBehaviorsAreCopiedOnce
    // In those cases, behaviorProps will have repeated names. We must remove those duplicates.
    // Remove behavior properties which are already present in element properties
    removeBehaviorPropsOverlappingWithElementProps(behaviorProps, properties);
    FeatureSet newFeatures = null;
    if (!behaviors.isEmpty()) {
        newFeatures = behaviors.get(0).features;
        for (int i = 1; i < behaviors.size(); i++) {
            newFeatures = newFeatures.union(behaviors.get(i).features);
    List<MemberDefinition> methods = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Node keyNode = descriptor.getFirstChild(); keyNode != null; keyNode = keyNode.getNext()) {
        boolean isFunctionDefinition = keyNode.isMemberFunctionDef() || (keyNode.isStringKey() && keyNode.getFirstChild().isFunction());
        if (isFunctionDefinition) {
            methods.add(new MemberDefinition(NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(keyNode), keyNode, keyNode.getFirstChild()));
    return new PolymerClassDefinition(DefinitionType.ObjectLiteral, callNode, target, hasGeneratedLhs, descriptor, classInfo, new MemberDefinition(ctorInfo, null, constructor), nativeBaseElement, properties, behaviorProps, methods, behaviors, newFeatures);
Also used : Node( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSDocInfo( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) FeatureSet( BehaviorDefinition( MemberDefinition( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


FeatureSet ( Node ( MemberDefinition ( JSDocInfo ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)3 ImmutableList ( BehaviorDefinition ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Name ( Ref ( Polyfill ( Parser ( SourceFile ( Comment ( ProgramTree ( JSDocInfoBuilder ( JSTypeExpression ( StaticSourceFile ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1