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Example 1 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SymbolTable method getAllSymbolsForType.

 * Gets all symbols associated with the given type.
 * For union types, this may be multiple symbols.
 * For instance types, this will return the constructor of
 * that instance.
public List<Symbol> getAllSymbolsForType(JSType type) {
    if (type == null) {
        return ImmutableList.of();
    UnionType unionType = type.toMaybeUnionType();
    if (unionType != null) {
        List<Symbol> result = new ArrayList<>(2);
        for (JSType alt : unionType.getAlternates()) {
            // Our type system never has nested unions.
            Symbol altSym = getSymbolForTypeHelper(alt, true);
            if (altSym != null) {
        return result;
    Symbol result = getSymbolForTypeHelper(type, true);
    return result == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.of(result);
Also used : UnionType( JSType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 2 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method updateBind.

 * When "bind" is called on a function, we infer the type of the returned
 * "bound" function by looking at the number of parameters in the call site.
 * We also infer the "this" type of the target, if it's a function expression.
private void updateBind(Node n) {
    CodingConvention.Bind bind = compiler.getCodingConvention().describeFunctionBind(n, false, true);
    if (bind == null) {
    Node target =;
    FunctionType callTargetFn = getJSType(target).restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().toMaybeFunctionType();
    if (callTargetFn == null) {
    if (bind.thisValue != null && target.isFunction()) {
        JSType thisType = getJSType(bind.thisValue);
        if (thisType.toObjectType() != null && !thisType.isUnknownType() && callTargetFn.getTypeOfThis().isUnknownType()) {
            callTargetFn = new FunctionBuilder(registry).copyFromOtherFunction(callTargetFn).withTypeOfThis(thisType.toObjectType()).build();
    n.setJSType(callTargetFn.getBindReturnType(// getBindReturnType expects the 'this' argument to be included.
    bind.getBoundParameterCount() + 1));
Also used : JSType( FunctionBuilder( Node( FunctionType(

Example 3 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method getPropertyType.

private JSType getPropertyType(JSType objType, String propName, Node n, FlowScope scope) {
    // We often have a couple of different types to choose from for the
    // property. Ordered by accuracy, we have
    // 1) A locally inferred qualified name (which is in the FlowScope)
    // 2) A globally declared qualified name (which is in the FlowScope)
    // 3) A property on the owner type (which is on objType)
    // 4) A name in the type registry (as a last resort)
    JSType propertyType = null;
    boolean isLocallyInferred = false;
    // Scopes sometimes contain inferred type info about qualified names.
    String qualifiedName = n.getQualifiedName();
    StaticTypedSlot<JSType> var = qualifiedName != null ? scope.getSlot(qualifiedName) : null;
    if (var != null) {
        JSType varType = var.getType();
        if (varType != null) {
            boolean isDeclared = !var.isTypeInferred();
            isLocallyInferred = (var != currentScope.getSlot(qualifiedName));
            if (isDeclared || isLocallyInferred) {
                propertyType = varType;
    if (propertyType == null && objType != null) {
        JSType foundType = objType.findPropertyType(propName);
        if (foundType != null) {
            propertyType = foundType;
    if (propertyType != null && objType != null) {
        JSType restrictedObjType = objType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
        if (!restrictedObjType.getTemplateTypeMap().isEmpty() && propertyType.hasAnyTemplateTypes()) {
            TemplateTypeMap typeMap = restrictedObjType.getTemplateTypeMap();
            TemplateTypeMapReplacer replacer = new TemplateTypeMapReplacer(registry, typeMap);
            propertyType = propertyType.visit(replacer);
    if ((propertyType == null || propertyType.isUnknownType()) && qualifiedName != null) {
        // If we find this node in the registry, then we can infer its type.
        ObjectType regType = ObjectType.cast(registry.getType(qualifiedName));
        if (regType != null) {
            propertyType = regType.getConstructor();
    if (propertyType == null) {
        return unknownType;
    } else if (propertyType.isEquivalentTo(unknownType) && isLocallyInferred) {
        // then use CHECKED_UNKNOWN_TYPE instead to indicate that.
        return getNativeType(CHECKED_UNKNOWN_TYPE);
    } else {
        return propertyType;
Also used : TemplateTypeMap( ObjectType( JSType( TemplateTypeMapReplacer(

Example 4 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method dereferencePointer.

 * If we access a property of a symbol, then that symbol is not
 * null or undefined.
private FlowScope dereferencePointer(Node n, FlowScope scope) {
    if (n.isQualifiedName()) {
        JSType type = getJSType(n);
        JSType narrowed = type.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
        if (!type.equals(narrowed)) {
            scope = narrowScope(scope, n, narrowed);
    return scope;
Also used : JSType(

Example 5 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInference method maybeResolveTemplatedType.

private void maybeResolveTemplatedType(JSType paramType, JSType argType, Map<TemplateType, JSType> resolvedTypes, Set<JSType> seenTypes) {
    if (paramType.isTemplateType()) {
        // example: @param {T}
        resolvedTemplateType(resolvedTypes, paramType.toMaybeTemplateType(), argType);
    } else if (paramType.isUnionType()) {
        // example: @param {Array.<T>|NodeList|Arguments|{length:number}}
        UnionType unionType = paramType.toMaybeUnionType();
        for (JSType alernative : unionType.getAlternates()) {
            maybeResolveTemplatedType(alernative, argType, resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
    } else if (paramType.isFunctionType()) {
        FunctionType paramFunctionType = paramType.toMaybeFunctionType();
        FunctionType argFunctionType = argType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().collapseUnion().toMaybeFunctionType();
        if (argFunctionType != null && argFunctionType.isSubtype(paramType)) {
            // infer from return type of the function type
            maybeResolveTemplatedType(paramFunctionType.getTypeOfThis(), argFunctionType.getTypeOfThis(), resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
            // infer from return type of the function type
            maybeResolveTemplatedType(paramFunctionType.getReturnType(), argFunctionType.getReturnType(), resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
            // infer from parameter types of the function type
            maybeResolveTemplateTypeFromNodes(paramFunctionType.getParameters(), argFunctionType.getParameters(), resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
    } else if (paramType.isRecordType() && !paramType.isNominalType()) {
        // example: @param {{foo:T}}
        if (seenTypes.add(paramType)) {
            ObjectType paramRecordType = paramType.toObjectType();
            ObjectType argObjectType = argType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().toObjectType();
            if (argObjectType != null && !argObjectType.isUnknownType() && !argObjectType.isEmptyType()) {
                Set<String> names = paramRecordType.getPropertyNames();
                for (String name : names) {
                    if (paramRecordType.hasOwnProperty(name) && argObjectType.hasProperty(name)) {
                        maybeResolveTemplatedType(paramRecordType.getPropertyType(name), argObjectType.getPropertyType(name), resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
    } else if (paramType.isTemplatizedType()) {
        // example: @param {Array<T>}
        TemplatizedType templatizedParamType = paramType.toMaybeTemplatizedType();
        int keyCount = templatizedParamType.getTemplateTypes().size();
        // types with no type arguments.
        if (keyCount > 0) {
            ObjectType referencedParamType = templatizedParamType.getReferencedType();
            JSType argObjectType = argType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().collapseUnion();
            if (argObjectType.isSubtypeOf(referencedParamType)) {
                // If the argument type is a subtype of the parameter type, resolve any
                // template types amongst their templatized types.
                TemplateTypeMap paramTypeMap = paramType.getTemplateTypeMap();
                ImmutableList<TemplateType> keys = paramTypeMap.getTemplateKeys();
                TemplateTypeMap argTypeMap = argObjectType.getTemplateTypeMap();
                for (int index = keys.size() - keyCount; index < keys.size(); index++) {
                    TemplateType key = keys.get(index);
                    maybeResolveTemplatedType(paramTypeMap.getResolvedTemplateType(key), argTypeMap.getResolvedTemplateType(key), resolvedTypes, seenTypes);
Also used : UnionType( ObjectType( TemplateTypeMap( JSType( Set(java.util.Set) BooleanLiteralSet( FunctionType( TemplateType( TemplatizedType(


JSType ( Node ( FunctionType ( ObjectType ( JSDocInfo ( FlowScope ( TemplateType ( TemplateTypeMap ( UnionType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 EnumType ( JSTypeRegistry ( TemplateTypeMapReplacer ( ImmutableMap ( Branch ( Scope ( Token ( FunctionBuilder ( TemplatizedType ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2