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Example 16 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class Matchers method jsDocType.

 * Returns a Matcher that matches nodes that contain JS Doc that specify the
 * {@code @type} annotation equivalent to the provided type.
public static Matcher jsDocType(final String type) {
    return new Matcher() {

        public boolean matches(Node node, NodeMetadata metadata) {
            JSType providedJsType = getJsType(metadata, type);
            if (providedJsType == null) {
                return false;
            providedJsType = providedJsType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
            // The JSDoc for a var declaration is on the VAR node, but the type only
            // exists on the NAME node.
            // TODO(mknichel): Make NodeUtil.getBestJSDoc public and use that.
            JSDocInfo jsDoc = node.getParent().isVar() ? node.getParent().getJSDocInfo() : node.getJSDocInfo();
            JSType jsType = node.getJSType();
            return jsDoc != null && jsDoc.hasType() && jsType != null && providedJsType.isEquivalentTo(jsType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined());
Also used : JSType( Node( JSDocInfo(

Example 17 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class Matchers method enumDefinitionOfType.

 * Returns a Matcher that matches definitions of an enum of the given type.
public static Matcher enumDefinitionOfType(final String type) {
    return new Matcher() {

        public boolean matches(Node node, NodeMetadata metadata) {
            JSType providedJsType = getJsType(metadata, type);
            if (providedJsType == null) {
                return false;
            providedJsType = providedJsType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
            JSType jsType = node.getJSType();
            return jsType != null && jsType.isEnumType() && providedJsType.isEquivalentTo(jsType.toMaybeEnumType().getElementsType().getPrimitiveType());
Also used : JSType( Node(

Example 18 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting.

private FlowScope caseAndOrNotShortCircuiting(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, boolean outcome) {
    // left type
    JSType leftType = getTypeIfRefinable(left, blindScope);
    boolean leftIsRefineable;
    if (leftType != null) {
        leftIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        leftIsRefineable = false;
        leftType = left.getJSType();
        blindScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(left, blindScope, outcome);
    // restricting left type
    JSType restrictedLeftType = (leftType == null) ? null : leftType.getRestrictedTypeGivenToBooleanOutcome(outcome);
    if (restrictedLeftType == null) {
        return firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(right, blindScope, outcome);
    blindScope = maybeRestrictName(blindScope, left, leftType, leftIsRefineable ? restrictedLeftType : null);
    // right type
    JSType rightType = getTypeIfRefinable(right, blindScope);
    boolean rightIsRefineable;
    if (rightType != null) {
        rightIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        rightIsRefineable = false;
        rightType = right.getJSType();
        blindScope = firstPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(right, blindScope, outcome);
    if (outcome) {
        JSType restrictedRightType = (rightType == null) ? null : rightType.getRestrictedTypeGivenToBooleanOutcome(outcome);
        // creating new scope
        return maybeRestrictName(blindScope, right, rightType, rightIsRefineable ? restrictedRightType : null);
    return blindScope;
Also used : JSType(

Example 19 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SemanticReverseAbstractInterpreter method caseEquality.

private FlowScope caseEquality(Node left, Node right, FlowScope blindScope, Function<TypePair, TypePair> merging) {
    // left type
    JSType leftType = getTypeIfRefinable(left, blindScope);
    boolean leftIsRefineable;
    if (leftType != null) {
        leftIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        leftIsRefineable = false;
        leftType = left.getJSType();
    // right type
    JSType rightType = getTypeIfRefinable(right, blindScope);
    boolean rightIsRefineable;
    if (rightType != null) {
        rightIsRefineable = true;
    } else {
        rightIsRefineable = false;
        rightType = right.getJSType();
    // merged types
    TypePair merged = merging.apply(new TypePair(leftType, rightType));
    // creating new scope
    if (merged != null) {
        return maybeRestrictTwoNames(blindScope, left, leftType, leftIsRefineable ? merged.typeA : null, right, rightType, rightIsRefineable ? merged.typeB : null);
    return blindScope;
Also used : JSType( TypePair(

Example 20 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ClosureReverseAbstractInterpreterTest method testClosureFunction.

private void testClosureFunction(String function, JSType type, JSType trueType, JSType falseType) {
    // function(a) where a : type
    Node n = compiler.parseTestCode("var a; " + function + "(a)");
    Node call = n.getLastChild().getLastChild();
    Node name = call.getLastChild();
    TypedScope scope = (TypedScope) SyntacticScopeCreator.makeTyped(compiler).createScope(n, null);
    FlowScope flowScope = LinkedFlowScope.createEntryLattice(scope);
    assertEquals(Token.CALL, call.getToken());
    assertEquals(Token.NAME, name.getToken());
    flowScope.inferSlotType("a", type);
    ClosureReverseAbstractInterpreter rai = new ClosureReverseAbstractInterpreter(registry);
    // trueScope
    Asserts.assertTypeEquals(trueType, rai.getPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(call, flowScope, true).getSlot("a").getType());
    // falseScope
    JSType aType = rai.getPreciserScopeKnowingConditionOutcome(call, flowScope, false).getSlot("a").getType();
    if (falseType == null) {
    } else {
        Asserts.assertTypeEquals(falseType, aType);
Also used : JSType( Node( ClosureReverseAbstractInterpreter( FlowScope(


JSType ( Node ( FunctionType ( ObjectType ( JSDocInfo ( FlowScope ( TemplateType ( TemplateTypeMap ( UnionType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 EnumType ( JSTypeRegistry ( TemplateTypeMapReplacer ( ImmutableMap ( Branch ( Scope ( Token ( FunctionBuilder ( TemplatizedType ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2