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Example 41 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class PartialCompilationTest method testUnresolvedBaseClassDoesNotHideFields.

public void testUnresolvedBaseClassDoesNotHideFields() throws Exception {
    assertPartialCompilationSucceeds("/** @constructor @extends {MissingBase} */", "var Klass = function () {", "  /** @type {string} */", ";", "};");
    TypedVar x = compiler.getTopScope().getSlot("Klass");
    JSType type = x.getType();
    FunctionType fType = (FunctionType) type;
Also used : JSType( FunctionType(

Example 42 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInferenceTest method testAssertObject5.

public void testAssertObject5() {
    JSType startType = createNullableType(ALL_TYPE);
    assuming("x", startType);
    inFunction("out1 = x;" + "out2 = /** @type {!Array} */ (goog.asserts.assertObject(x));");
    verify("out1", startType);
    verify("out2", ARRAY_TYPE);
Also used : JSType(

Example 43 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeMatchingStrategyTest method assertMatch.

private static void assertMatch(TypeMatchingStrategy typeMatchingStrategy, String templateType, String type, boolean isMatch, boolean isLooseMatch) {
    // It's important that the test uses the same compiler to compile the template type and the
    // type to be matched. Otherwise, equal types won't be considered equal.
    Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
    CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
    compiler.compile(ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("externs", EXTERNS)), ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("test", String.format("/** @type {%s} */ var x; /** @type {%s} */ var y;", templateType, type))), options);
    Node script = compiler.getRoot().getLastChild().getFirstChild();
    Node xNode = script.getFirstChild();
    Node yNode = script.getLastChild();
    JSType templateJsType = xNode.getFirstChild().getJSType();
    JSType jsType = yNode.getFirstChild().getJSType();
    MatchResult matchResult = typeMatchingStrategy.match(templateJsType, jsType);
    assertEquals(isMatch ? "'" + templateJsType + "' should match '" + jsType + "'" : "'" + templateType + "' should not match '" + type + "'", isMatch, matchResult.isMatch());
    assertEquals(isLooseMatch ? "'" + templateType + "' should loosely match '" + type + "'" : "'" + templateType + "' should not loosely match '" + type + "'", isLooseMatch, matchResult.isLooseMatch());
Also used : JSType( Node( MatchResult(

Example 44 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInferenceTest method testAssertNumber3.

public void testAssertNumber3() {
    // Make sure it ignores expressions.
    JSType startType = createNullableType(ALL_TYPE);
    assuming("x", startType);
    inFunction("out1 = x; out2 = goog.asserts.assertNumber(x + x);");
    verify("out1", startType);
    verify("out2", NUMBER_TYPE);
Also used : JSType(

Example 45 with JSType

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeInferenceTest method testAssert5.

public void testAssert5() {
    JSType startType = createNullableType(OBJECT_TYPE);
    assuming("x", startType);
    assuming("y", startType);
    inFunction("goog.asserts.assert(x || y); out1 = x; out2 = y;");
    verify("out1", startType);
    verify("out2", startType);
Also used : JSType(


JSType ( Node ( FunctionType ( ObjectType ( JSDocInfo ( FlowScope ( TemplateType ( TemplateTypeMap ( UnionType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 EnumType ( JSTypeRegistry ( TemplateTypeMapReplacer ( ImmutableMap ( Branch ( Scope ( Token ( FunctionBuilder ( TemplatizedType ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2