use of in project iosched by google.
the class DataSourceInput method fetchAllDataSources.
public JsonDataSources fetchAllDataSources() throws IOException {
JsonDataSources sources = new JsonDataSources();
for (EnumType type : getType().getEnumConstants()) {
JsonArray data = fetch(type);
if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"result for " + type + ": entities=" + data.size());
sources.addSource(new JsonDataSource(type, data));
return sources;
use of in project iosched by google.
the class CMSUpdateServlet method process.
private void process(HttpServletResponse resp, boolean showOnly) throws IOException {
// everything ok, let's update
StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder();
JsonObject contents = new JsonObject();
JsonDataSources sources = new VendorDynamicInput().fetchAllDataSources();
for (String entity : sources) {
JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
JsonDataSource source = sources.getSource(entity);
for (JsonObject obj : source) {
summary.append(entity).append(": ").append(source.size()).append("\n");
contents.add(entity, array);
if (showOnly) {
// Show generated contents to the output
Writer writer = Channels.newWriter(Channels.newChannel(resp.getOutputStream()), "UTF-8");
JsonWriter outputWriter = new JsonWriter(writer);
outputWriter.setIndent(" ");
new Gson().toJson(contents, outputWriter);
} else {
// Write file to cloud storage
CloudFileManager fileManager = new CloudFileManager();
fileManager.createOrUpdate("__raw_session_data.json", contents, true);
// send email
Message message = new Message();
message.setSubject("[iosched-data-update] Manual sync from CMS");
message.setTextBody("Hey,\n\n" + "(this message is autogenerated)\n" + "This is a heads up that " + userService.getCurrentUser().getEmail() + " has just updated the IOSched 2015 data from the Vendor CMS.\n\n" + "Here is a brief status of what has been extracted from the Vendor API:\n" + summary + "\n\n" + "If you want to check the most current data that will soon be sync'ed to the IOSched Android app, " + "check this link:\n" + "This data will remain unchanged until someone with proper privileges updates it again on\n\n" + "Thanks!\n\n" + "A robot on behalf of the IOSched team!\n\n" + "PS: you are receiving this either because you are an admin of the IOSched project or " + "because you are in a hard-coded list of I/O organizers. If you don't want to " + "receive it anymore, pay me a beer and ask kindly.");
// TODO(arthurthompson): Reimplement mailing, it currently fails due to invalid sender.