use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CDatabaseLoader method loadDatabase.
* Loads the content of a database.
* @param parent Parent window used for dialogs.
* @param database The database to load.
public static void loadDatabase(final Window parent, final IDatabase database) {
final CDatabaseLoaderOperation operation = new CDatabaseLoaderOperation(database);
try {
} catch (final CouldntLoadDriverException exception) {
final String message = "E00012: " + "Database driver could not be loaded";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not create a database connection because the database " + "driver '%s' could not be loaded", database.getConfiguration().getDriver()), new String[] { "The database driver string is wrong.", "The database driver file could not be found." }, new String[] { "BinNavi can not load data from the given database until the " + "problem is resolved." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final CouldntLoadDataException exception) {
final String message = "E00014: " + "Could not load data from the database";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("An error occurred when loading data from the database.", new String[] { "The connection to the database was dropped while the data was loaded.", "The database contains inconsistent information." }, new String[] { "Close the database and open it again. Maybe close and re-start " + "BinNavi too. If the program persists, please contact the BinNavi support." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final InvalidDatabaseException exception) {
final String message = "E00015: " + "Database is in an inconsistent state";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("The selected database contains an invalid combination of BinNavi tables.", new String[] { "An earlier connection attempt failed and left the database in an " + "inconsistent state.", "Some BinNavi tables were deleted accidentally by an outside program." }, new String[] { "BinNavi can not use this database anymore. If the database is " + "empty, please delete the database and create a new database to work with " + "BinNavi. If the database already contains data please contact the BinNavi " + "support." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final CouldntInitializeDatabaseException exception) {
final String message = "E00016: Database could not be initialized";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("BinNavi could not initialize the tables required for storing disassembly data " + "in the database.", new String[] { "There might have been a communication problem with the database." }, new String[] { "The database is probably corrupted at this point. It is " + "recommended to delete the database. Afterwards you can try again with a " + "fresh database. If you do not want to do this please contact the BinNavi " + "support to find out what other options exist for you." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException exception) {
final String message = "E00017: " + "Database has invalid exporter tables";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("BinNavi could not load data from the selected database because the database " + "contains invalid exporter tables", new String[] { "The database is too old to use with BinNavi." }, new String[] { "It is recommended to create a database for this version of " + "BinNavi. If you do not want to do this please contact the BinNavi support " + "to find out what other options exist for you." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final InvalidDatabaseVersionException exception) {
final String exceptionVersion = exception.getVersion().getString();
if (!exceptionVersion.equals("4.0.0") || !exceptionVersion.equals("5.0.0")) {
CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, String.format("You are trying to connect to an outdated BinNavi %s database.\n\n" + "Unfortunately you can not upgrade this database. Please create a " + "new database and export your modules again.", exceptionVersion));
} else {
CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, String.format("You are trying to connect to an outdated BinNavi %s database.\n\n" + "You have the option to update the database.", exceptionVersion));
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == CMessageBox.showYesNoQuestion(parent, "Do you want to upgrade the database now?\n\n(The upgrade process can take " + "very long depending on the size of your current database)\n\n(Make " + "sure that the identity field contains a user name)")) {
final CDefaultProgressOperation updateOperation = new CDefaultProgressOperation("Upgrading database", true, false);
updateOperation.getProgressPanel().setText("Upgrading database");
try {
} catch (final CouldntUpdateDatabaseException upgradeException) {
final String message = "E00018: " + "Database could not be upgraded";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not upgrade the database (database error %d). " + "This is a serious problem because the database could be " + "left in an inconsistent state. Please try to fix the " + "problem that led to the error and try to update the " + "database again.", upgradeException.getErrorCode()), new String[] { getErrorCode(upgradeException) }, new String[] { "Please note that nobody must work with this database " + "until the database conversion process is complete. If someone " + "works with the database in its current state, partial or total " + "data loss could happen." });, message, description, exception);
} finally {
loadDatabase(parent, database);
} else {
} catch (final CouldntConnectException exception) {
final CDatabaseConfiguration config = database.getConfiguration();
if (exception.getSqlState().equalsIgnoreCase(PostgreSQLErrorCodes.INVALID_PASSWORD)) {
CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, String.format("The password for user '%s' on database '%s' is invalid", config.getUser(), config.getUrl()));
if (exception.getSqlState().equalsIgnoreCase(PostgreSQLErrorCodes.POSTGRES_INVALID_CATALOG_NAME)) {
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == CMessageBox.showYesNoCancelQuestion(parent, String.format("The database '%s' does not exist. Do you want to create it now?", config.getUrl()))) {
CDatabaseCreator.createDatabase(parent, config);
} else {
final String message = "E00013: Database connection could not be established";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not connect to the database '%s'", database.getConfiguration().getName()), new String[] { exception.getMessage() }, new String[] { "BinNavi can not load data from the given database until the " + "problem is resolved." });, message, description, exception);
} catch (final LoadCancelledException exception) {
// We do not signal to the user that he cancelled loading.
} finally {
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CDatabaseConnection method connect.
public static Pair<CConnection, SQLProvider> connect(final CDatabaseConfiguration m_databaseConfiguration, final IDatabaseLoadProgressReporter<LoadEvents> reporter) throws CouldntLoadDriverException, CouldntConnectException, CouldntInitializeDatabaseException, InvalidDatabaseException, InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException, LoadCancelledException {
try {
reportProgress(reporter, LoadEvents.CONNECTING_TO_DATABASE);
final CConnection connection = new CConnection(m_databaseConfiguration);
final AbstractSQLProvider sql = new PostgreSQLProvider(connection);
reportProgress(reporter, LoadEvents.CHECKING_EXPORTER_TABLE_FORMAT);
if (!sql.isExporterDatabaseFormatValid()) {
throw new InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException("E00202: Database exporter format is not compatible with " + Constants.PROJECT_NAME_VERSION);
reportProgress(reporter, LoadEvents.CHECKING_INITIALIZATION_STATUS);
final DatabaseVersion databaseVersion = sql.getDatabaseVersion();
final DatabaseVersion currentVersion = new DatabaseVersion(Constants.PROJECT_VERSION);
if ((databaseVersion.compareTo(currentVersion) == 0) && !sql.isInitialized()) {
reportProgress(reporter, LoadEvents.INITIALIZING_DATABASE_TABLES);
if ((databaseVersion.compareTo(currentVersion) == 0) && !sql.isInitialized()) {
throw new CouldntInitializeDatabaseException("E00052: Database could not be initialized.");
return new Pair<CConnection, SQLProvider>(connection, sql);
} catch (final CouldntLoadDataException e) {
throw new CouldntConnectException(e, 0, "");
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new CouldntConnectException(e, e.getErrorCode(), e.getSQLState());
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class PostgreSQLTypeInstanceFunctionsTests method setUp.
public void setUp() throws IOException, CouldntLoadDriverException, CouldntConnectException, IllegalStateException, CouldntLoadDataException, InvalidDatabaseException, CouldntInitializeDatabaseException, CouldntSaveDataException, InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException, InvalidDatabaseVersionException, LoadCancelledException, FileReadException {
final String[] parts = CConfigLoader.loadPostgreSQL();
database = new CDatabase("None", CJdbcDriverNames.jdbcPostgreSQLDriverName, parts[0], "test_disassembly", parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], false, false);
try {
final Field privateProviderField = CDatabase.class.getDeclaredField("provider");
provider = (SQLProvider) privateProviderField.get(database);
} catch (final Exception exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
provider.createDebuggerTemplate("Test Debugger", "localhost", 2222);
final CProject project = provider.createProject("Test Project");
provider.createAddressSpace(project, "Test Address Space");
module = database.getContent().getModules().get(0);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CDatabase method connect.
public void connect() throws CouldntLoadDriverException, CouldntConnectException, InvalidDatabaseException, CouldntInitializeDatabaseException, InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException, LoadCancelledException {
isConnecting = true;
try {
final Pair<CConnection, SQLProvider> connectionData = CDatabaseConnection.connect(description, loadReporter);
provider = connectionData.second();
} catch (final CouldntLoadDriverException exception) {;
throw exception;
} catch (final CouldntConnectException exception) {;
throw exception;
} catch (final CouldntInitializeDatabaseException exception) {;
throw exception;
} catch (final InvalidDatabaseException exception) {;
throw exception;
} catch (final InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException exception) {;
throw exception;
} catch (final LoadCancelledException exception) {;
throw exception;
} finally {
isConnecting = false;
for (final IDatabaseListener listener : listeners) {
try {
} catch (final Exception exception) {
try {
final PostgreSQLNotificationProvider notificationProvider = PostgreSQLNotificationProvider.initialize(provider, description);
} catch (final SQLException exception) {
NaviLogger.severe("Error: Could not establish a channel for receiving notifications from the database %s", exception);