use of in project binnavi by google.
the class StandAlone method getPluginInterface.
// ! Returns the BinNavi plugin interface.
* Returns the plugin interface that can be used from stand-alone scripts.
* @return The plugin interface that can be used from stand-alone scripts.
public static synchronized PluginInterface getPluginInterface() {
try {
} catch (final FileReadException exception) {
NaviLogger.severe("Error: could not read config file.");
final CDatabaseManager manager = CDatabaseManager.instance();
final PluginRegistry registry = new PluginRegistry();
if (pluginInterface == null) {
pluginInterface = PluginInterface.instance("", /* start path */
manager, registry);
return pluginInterface;
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class PostgreSQLTypeInstanceFunctionsTests method setUp.
public void setUp() throws IOException, CouldntLoadDriverException, CouldntConnectException, IllegalStateException, CouldntLoadDataException, InvalidDatabaseException, CouldntInitializeDatabaseException, CouldntSaveDataException, InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException, InvalidDatabaseVersionException, LoadCancelledException, FileReadException {
final String[] parts = CConfigLoader.loadPostgreSQL();
database = new CDatabase("None", CJdbcDriverNames.jdbcPostgreSQLDriverName, parts[0], "test_disassembly", parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], false, false);
try {
final Field privateProviderField = CDatabase.class.getDeclaredField("provider");
provider = (SQLProvider) privateProviderField.get(database);
} catch (final Exception exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
provider.createDebuggerTemplate("Test Debugger", "localhost", 2222);
final CProject project = provider.createProject("Test Project");
provider.createAddressSpace(project, "Test Address Space");
module = database.getContent().getModules().get(0);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CConfigurationFileCreator method setupConfigurationFile.
* Loads and initializes the configuration file.
* @return False, if the configuration file already existed. True, if it was created.
public static boolean setupConfigurationFile() {
try {
final FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(NAVI_LOG_FILE, MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE, LOG_ROTATE_COUNT);
fileHandler.setFormatter(new NaviLogFormatter());
} catch (final IOException exception) {
final String message = "E00002: " + "Could not create the log file";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not create the log file '%s'.", NAVI_LOG_FILE), new String[] { "Some kind of IO problem occurred. Please check the stack trace " + "for more details" }, new String[] { "The error log file can not be stored" });, message, description, exception);
}"Loading configuration file");
try {
return ConfigManager.instance().read();
} catch (final FileReadException exception) {
final String configFileName = ConfigHelper.getConfigFileName(Constants.COMPANY_NAME, Constants.PROJECT_NAME, Constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
final String message = "E00003: " + "Malformed configuration file";
final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("The configuration file '%s' could not be read because it contains " + "malformed XML.", configFileName), new String[] { "You edited the configuration file manually and made a mistake", "The configuration file was corrupted randomly" }, new String[] { "After closing this dialog you will be asked if you want to run " + "BinNavi with default settings or if you want to repair the configuration " + "file manually." });, message, description, exception);
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != CMessageBox.showYesNoQuestion(null, "Do you want to run BinNavi with default settings? If you choose 'No', " + "BinNavi will exit so you can repair the configuration file manually.")) {
// Before running BinNavi, the problem with the configuration file should be fixed.
final File file = new File(configFileName);
if (!file.delete()) {
final String innerMessage = "E00004: " + "Could not delete malformed configuration file";
final String innerDescription = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("The malformed configuration file '%s' could not be deleted.", configFileName), new String[] { "The configuration file is in use by another program", "Some kind of IO problem occurred" }, new String[] { "BinNavi will exit after you close this error dialog and you " + "will have to delete or fix the malformed configuration file manually." });, innerMessage, innerDescription);
try {
// the configuration file again, the configuration file should be newly created.
return ConfigManager.instance().read();
} catch (final FileReadException e) {
// This should actually never happen.
final String innerMessage = "E00005: " + "Could not create configuration file";
final String innerDescription = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not create the new configuration file '%s'.", configFileName), new String[] { "Some kind of IO problem occurred" }, new String[] { "BinNavi will exit after you close this error dialog. Try to " + "find out why the configuration file could not be created. " + "You may also want to contact the BinNavi support at this point." });, innerMessage, innerDescription);
return false;