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Example 1 with IDatabase

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CProjectMainFrame method setVisible.

public void setVisible(final boolean visible) {
    if (m_firstStart) {;
        CMessageBox.showInformation(getRootPane(), "Please configure your IDA Pro settings and install the required IDA Pro plugins now." + "\n\nIf you want to reconfigure these settings later you can find them in the " + "Settings dialog of this window.");
        final String file = CActionProvider.selectIDADirectory(getRootPane(), ConfigManager.instance().getGeneralSettings().getIdaDirectory());
        if (file != null) {
    if (insufficientMemory()) {
        CMessageBox.showInformation(this, "You are using BinNavi with less than the recommended 512 MB of memory.\n" + "Please check binnavi.bat in your BinNavi directory to find out how to increase " + "the available memory.");
    // Connect the databases to be connected automatically.
    for (final IDatabase database : CDatabaseManager.instance()) {
        if (database.getConfiguration().isAutoConnect()) {
            CDatabaseConnectionFunctions.openDatabase(this, database);
Also used : IDatabase(

Example 2 with IDatabase

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class TraceLoggerTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws CouldntLoadDataException, InvalidDatabaseVersionException {
    final SQLProvider mockProvider = new MockSqlProvider();
    // CDatabase("", "", "", "", "", false,
    final IDatabase internalDatabase = new MockDatabase();
    // false);
    final Database database = new Database(internalDatabase);
    final MockProject mockProject = new MockProject();
    final ITreeNode<CTag> nodeRootNode = new TreeNode<CTag>(new CTag(0, "", "", TagType.NODE_TAG, mockProvider));
    final Tree<CTag> nodeTagTree = new Tree<CTag>(nodeRootNode);
    final TagManager nodeTagManager = new TagManager(new CTagManager(nodeTagTree, TagType.NODE_TAG, mockProvider));
    final ITreeNode<CTag> viewRootNode = new TreeNode<CTag>(new CTag(0, "", "", TagType.VIEW_TAG, mockProvider));
    final Tree<CTag> viewTagTree = new Tree<CTag>(viewRootNode);
    final TagManager viewTagManager = new TagManager(new CTagManager(viewTagTree, TagType.VIEW_TAG, mockProvider));
    final Module module = new Module(database, mockModule, nodeTagManager, viewTagManager);
    final Project project = new Project(database, mockProject, nodeTagManager, viewTagManager);
    m_mockModule = new Module(database, mockModule, viewTagManager, nodeTagManager);
    m_debugSettings = new ModuleTargetSettings(m_mockModule.getNative());
    m_mockDebugger = new MockDebugger(m_debugSettings);
    m_mockDebugger.setAddressTranslator(mockModule, new CAddress(0), new CAddress(0x1000));
    final Debugger debugger = new Debugger(m_mockDebugger);
    m_logger = new TraceLogger(debugger, module);
    m_projectLogger = new TraceLogger(debugger, project);
Also used : MockDebugger( IDatabase( CTag( CTagManager( ModuleTargetSettings( SQLProvider( CAddress( MockProject( MockProject( Project( MockDebugger( CTagManager( TagManager( MockSqlProvider( TreeNode( ITreeNode( MockDatabase( Database( IDatabase( MockDatabase( Tree( MockModule( Module( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 3 with IDatabase

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class DatabaseManager method addDatabase.

// ESCA-JAVA0138: Takes more than 5 arguments to define the whole database in one step.
// ! Adds a new database.
   * Adds a new database configuration to the database manager.
   * @param description The description of the new database configuration. This is the text that is
   *        displayed in the project tree.
   * @param driver The driver that is used to connect to the database.
   * @param host Host address of the database server.
   * @param name The name of the database on the database server.
   * @param user The user that is used to connect to the database.
   * @param password The password that is used to connect to the database.
   * @param identity The identity under which the current user operates.
   * @param savePassword Flag that indicates whether the password should be saved in the
   *        configuration file.
   * @param autoConnect Flag that indicates whether this a connection to this database is
   *        established automatically when BinNavi starts.
   * @return The created database.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if any of the passed arguments are null.
public Database addDatabase(final String description, final String driver, final String host, final String name, final String user, final String password, final String identity, final boolean savePassword, final boolean autoConnect) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(description, "Error: description argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(driver, "Error: driver argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(host, "Error: host argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Error: name argument can not be null");
    final IDatabase newDatabase = m_manager.addDatabase(new CDatabase(description, driver, host, name, user, password, identity, savePassword, autoConnect));
    return ObjectFinders.getObject(newDatabase, m_databases);
Also used : CDatabase( IDatabase(

Example 4 with IDatabase

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class View2D method findView.

   * Searches for the API view that wraps a given internal view.
   * @param database Database to search for.
   * @param internalView Internal view to search for.
   * @param databases Databases to search through.
   * @return The API view that wraps the given internal view.
private static View findView(final IDatabase database, final INaviView internalView, final List<Database> databases) {
    final Database apiDatabase = ObjectFinders.getObject(database, databases);
    View view = null;
    for (final Module m : apiDatabase.getModules()) {
        if (!m.isLoaded()) {
        view = ObjectFinders.getObject(internalView, m.getViews());
        if (view != null) {
            return view;
    for (final Project project : apiDatabase.getProjects()) {
        if (!project.isLoaded()) {
        view = ObjectFinders.getObject(internalView, project.getViews());
        if (view != null) {
            return view;
    throw new IllegalStateException("Error: Unknown view");
Also used : Project( Database( IDatabase( Module( View( INaviView(

Example 5 with IDatabase

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CViewOpener method showForwardedFunction.

   * Shows a forwarded function in a graph window.
   * @param parent Parent window that is used as the parent of all dialogs.
   * @param container View container that provides the context in which a view is opened.
   * @param view The view to show.
   * @param function The imported function to show.
   * @param window Graph window where the graph is shown. If this value is null, the graph is shown
   *        in a new window.
private static void showForwardedFunction(final Window parent, final IViewContainer container, final INaviView view, final INaviFunction function, final CGraphWindow window) {
    if (container instanceof CModuleContainer) {
        CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, "Please open forwarded views from inside a project.");
    final IDatabase database = container.getDatabase();
    final int moduleId = function.getForwardedFunctionModuleId();
    final INaviModule forwardedModule = database.getContent().getModule(moduleId);
    if (forwardedModule == null) {
        final String message = "E00019: " + "Forwarded view can not be loaded (Unknown module)";
        final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("BinNavi could not open the forwarded view because the module of " + "the forwarding target is unknown.", new String[] { "Probably the result of a bug in BinNavi" }, new String[] { "The view can not be opened. Try to update the " + "forwarding target again. Restart BinNavi if the view " + "can still not be opened. Contact the BinNavi support if necessary." });, message, description);
    } else if (forwardedModule.isLoaded()) {
        final IAddress address = function.getForwardedFunctionAddress();
        final INaviFunction forwardedFunction = forwardedModule.getContent().getFunctionContainer().getFunction(address);
        if (forwardedFunction == null) {
            final String message = "E00020: " + "Forwarded view can not be loaded (Unknown function)";
            final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("BinNavi could not open the forwarded view because the target function is unknown.", new String[] { "Probably the result of a bug in BinNavi" }, new String[] { "The view can not be opened. Try to update the forwarding target " + "again. Restart BinNavi if the view can still not be opened. Contact the " + "BinNavi support if necessary." });
  , message, description);
        } else {
            final INaviView forwardedView = forwardedModule.getContent().getViewContainer().getView(forwardedFunction);
            if (forwardedView == null) {
                final String message = "E00107: " + "Forwarded view can not be loaded (Unknown view)";
                final String description = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("BinNavi could not open the forwarded view because the target view is unknown.", new String[] { "Probably the result of a bug in BinNavi" }, new String[] { "The view can not be opened. Try to update the forwarding target " + "again. Restart BinNavi if the view can still not be opened. Contact the " + "BinNavi support if necessary." });
      , message, description);
            } else {
                CGraphOpener.showGraph(container, forwardedView, window, parent);
    } else {
        if (CMessageBox.showYesNoQuestion(parent, "The view can not be opened because it is forwarded to an unloaded module.\n\n" + "Do you want to load the forwarded module now?") == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
            CModuleLoader.loadModule(parent, forwardedModule);
            if (forwardedModule.isLoaded()) {
                // Just call this function recursively now that the module is loaded.
                showForwardedFunction(parent, container, view, function, window);
Also used : IDatabase( INaviView( INaviModule( CModuleContainer( INaviFunction( IAddress(


IDatabase ( Database ( Module ( Project ( INaviModule ( INaviView ( DatabaseManager ( TagManager ( View ( CDatabase ( CDatabaseManager ( CouldntLoadDataException ( LoadCancelledException ( SQLProvider ( MockDatabase ( MockSqlProvider ( MockDebugger ( CDatabaseNode ( CTag ( CTagManager (