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the class GenJsCodeVisitor method generateFunctionBody.
* Generates the function body.
protected CodeChunk generateFunctionBody(TemplateNode node) {
// Type check parameters.
CodeChunk paramDeclarations = genParamTypeChecks(node);
SanitizedContentKind kind = node.getContentKind();
CodeChunk bodyAndReturn;
if (isComputableAsJsExprsVisitor.exec(node)) {
// Case 1: The code style is 'concat' and the whole template body can be represented as JS
// expressions. We specially handle this case because we don't want to generate the variable
// 'output' at all. We simply concatenate the JS expressions and return the result.
List<CodeChunk.WithValue> templateBodyChunks = genJsExprsVisitor.exec(node);
if (kind == null) {
// The template is not strict. Thus, it may not apply an escaping directive to *every* print
// command, which means that some of its print commands could produce a number. Thus, there
// is a danger that a plus operator between two expressions in the list will do numeric
// addition instead of string concatenation. Furthermore, a non-strict template always needs
// to return a string, but if there is just one expression in the list, and we return it as
// is, we may not always produce a string (since an escaping directive may not be getting
// applied in that expression at all, or a directive might be getting applied that produces
// SanitizedContent). We thus call a method that makes sure to return an expression that
// produces a string and is in no danger of using numeric addition when concatenating the
// expressions in the list.
bodyAndReturn = return_(CodeChunkUtils.concatChunksForceString(templateBodyChunks));
} else {
// The template is strict. Thus, it applies an escaping directive to *every* print command,
// which means that no print command produces a number, which means that there is no danger
// of a plus operator between two print commands doing numeric addition instead of string
// concatenation. And since a strict template needs to return SanitizedContent, it is ok to
// get an expression that produces SanitizedContent, which is indeed possible with an
// escaping directive that produces SanitizedContent. Thus, we do not have to be extra
// careful when concatenating the expressions in the list.
bodyAndReturn = return_(sanitize(CodeChunkUtils.concatChunks(templateBodyChunks), kind));
} else {
// Case 2: Normal case.
CodeChunk codeChunk = visitChildrenReturningCodeChunk(node);
bodyAndReturn = CodeChunk.statements(codeChunk, return_(sanitize(id("output"), kind)));
return CodeChunk.statements(paramDeclarations, bodyAndReturn);
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenJsCodeVisitor method genParamTypeChecks.
* Generate code to verify the runtime types of the input params. Also typecasts the input
* parameters and assigns them to local variables for use in the template.
* @param node the template node.
protected CodeChunk genParamTypeChecks(TemplateNode node) {
ImmutableList.Builder<CodeChunk> declarations = ImmutableList.builder();
for (TemplateParam param : node.getAllParams()) {
if (param.declLoc() != TemplateParam.DeclLoc.HEADER) {
String paramName =;
SoyType paramType = param.type();
CodeChunk.Generator generator = templateTranslationContext.codeGenerator();
CodeChunk.WithValue paramChunk = TranslateExprNodeVisitor.genCodeForParamAccess(paramName, param.isInjected());
JsType jsType = getJsType(paramType);
// The value that will be type-tested.
String paramAlias = genParamAlias(paramName);
CodeChunk.WithValue coerced = jsType.getValueCoercion(paramChunk, generator);
if (coerced != null) {
// since we have coercion logic, dump into a temporary
paramChunk = generator.declarationBuilder().setRhs(coerced).build().ref();
// The param value to assign
CodeChunk.WithValue value;
Optional<CodeChunk.WithValue> typeAssertion = jsType.getTypeAssertion(paramChunk, generator);
// The type-cast expression.
if (typeAssertion.isPresent()) {
value =, stringLiteral(paramName), paramChunk, stringLiteral(jsType.typeExpr()));
} else {
value = paramChunk;
VariableDeclaration.Builder declarationBuilder = VariableDeclaration.builder(paramAlias).setRhs(value).setGoogRequires(jsType.getGoogRequires());
declarationBuilder.setJsDoc("/** @type {" + jsType.typeExpr() + "} */");
VariableDeclaration declaration =;
templateTranslationContext.soyToJsVariableMappings().put(paramName, id(paramAlias));
return CodeChunk.statements(;
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class AssistantForHtmlMsgs method generateMsgGroupCode.
* Returns a code chunk of idom instructions that output the contents of a translated message as
* HTML. For example:
* <pre>
* {msg desc="Says hello to a person."}Hello {$name}!{/msg}
* </pre>
* compiles to
* <pre>
* /** @desc Says hello to a person. *{@literal /}
* var MSG_EXTERNAL_6936162475751860807 = goog.getMsg(
* 'Hello {$name}!',
* {'name': '\u00010\u0001'});
* var lastIndex_1153 = 0, partRe_1153 = /\x01\d+\x01/g, match_1153;
* do {
* match_1153 = partRe_1153.exec(MSG_EXTERNAL_6936162475751860807) || undefined;
* incrementalDom.text(goog.string.unescapeEntities(
* MSG_EXTERNAL_6936162475751860807.substring(
* lastIndex_1153, match_1153 && match_1153.index)));
* lastIndex_1153 = partRe_1153.lastIndex;
* switch (match_1153 && match_1153[0]) {
* case '\u00010\u0001':
* var dyn8 =;
* if (typeof dyn8 == 'function') dyn8();
* else if (dyn8 != null) incrementalDom.text(dyn8);
* break;
* }
* } while (match_1153);
* </pre>
* Each interpolated MsgPlaceholderNode (either for HTML tags or for print statements) compiles to
* a separate {@code case} statement.
CodeChunk generateMsgGroupCode(MsgFallbackGroupNode node) {
Preconditions.checkState(placeholderNames.isEmpty(), "This class is not reusable.");
// Non-HTML {msg}s should be extracted into LetContentNodes and handled by jssrc.
Preconditions.checkArgument(node.getHtmlContext() == HtmlContext.HTML_PCDATA, "AssistantForHtmlMsgs is only for HTML {msg}s.");
// All of these helper variables must have uniquely-suffixed names because {msg}s can be nested.
// It'd be nice to move this codegen to a Soy template...
// The raw translated text, with placeholder placeholders.
CodeChunk.WithValue translationVar = super.generateMsgGroupVariable(node);
// If there are no placeholders, we don't need anything special (but we still need to unescape).
if (placeholderNames.isEmpty()) {
CodeChunk.WithValue unescape =;
// it into a fresh variable.
if (!translationVar.isCheap()) {
translationVar = translationContext.codeGenerator().declarationBuilder().setRhs(translationVar).build().ref();
// Declare everything.
// The mutable (tracking index of last match) regex to find the placeholder placeholders.
VariableDeclaration regexVar = VariableDeclaration.builder("partRe_" + node.getId()).setRhs(CodeChunk.regexLiteral(PLACEHOLDER_REGEX)).build();
// The current placeholder from the regex.
VariableDeclaration matchVar = VariableDeclaration.builder("match_" + node.getId()).build();
// The index of the end of the previous placeholder, where the next raw text run starts.
VariableDeclaration lastIndexVar = VariableDeclaration.builder("lastIndex_" + node.getId()).setRhs(CodeChunk.number(0)).build();
List<CodeChunk> doBody = new ArrayList<>();
// match_XXX = partRe_XXX.exec(MSG_EXTERNAL_XXX) || undefined;
doBody.add(matchVar.ref().assign(regexVar.ref().dotAccess("exec").call(translationVar).or("undefined"), translationContext.codeGenerator())));
// Replace null with undefined. This is necessary to make substring() treat falsy as an omitted
// parameter, so that it goes until the end of the string. Otherwise, the non-numeric parameter
// would be coerced to zero.
// Emit the (possibly-empty) run of raw text since the last placeholder, until this placeholder,
// or until the end of the source string.
CodeChunk.WithValue endIndex = matchVar.ref().and(matchVar.ref().dotAccess("index"), translationContext.codeGenerator());
CodeChunk.WithValue unescape ="substring").call(lastIndexVar.ref(), endIndex));
// switch (match_XXX && match_XXX[0]) { ... }
SwitchBuilder switchBuilder = CodeChunk.switch_(matchVar.ref().and(matchVar.ref().bracketAccess(CodeChunk.number(0)), translationContext.codeGenerator()));
for (Map.Entry<String, MsgPlaceholderNode> ph : placeholderNames.entrySet()) {
switchBuilder.case_(CodeChunk.stringLiteral(ph.getKey()), master.visitForUseByAssistantsAsCodeChunk(ph.getValue()));
return CodeChunk.statements(CodeChunk.statements(translationVar.initialStatements()), regexVar, lastIndexVar, matchVar, DoWhile.builder().setCondition(matchVar.ref()).setBody(CodeChunk.statements(doBody)).build());
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenIncrementalDomCodeVisitor method visitLetParamContentNode.
* Generates the content of a {@code let} or {@code param} statement. For HTML and attribute
* let/param statements, the generated instructions inside the node are wrapped in a function
* which will be optionally passed to another template and invoked in the correct location. All
* other kinds of let statements are generated as a simple variable.
private void visitLetParamContentNode(RenderUnitNode node, String generatedVarName) {
// The html transform step, performed by HTMLTransformVisitor, ensures that
// we always have a content kind specified.
checkState(node.getContentKind() != null);
IncrementalDomCodeBuilder jsCodeBuilder = getJsCodeBuilder();
SanitizedContentKind prevContentKind = jsCodeBuilder.getContentKind();
CodeChunk definition;
switch(node.getContentKind()) {
case HTML:
definition = VariableDeclaration.builder(generatedVarName).setRhs(CodeChunk.function(ImmutableList.<String>of(), visitChildrenReturningCodeChunk(node))).build();
// We do our own initialization, so mark it as such.
String outputVarName = generatedVarName + "_output";
definition = CodeChunk.statements(VariableDeclaration.builder(outputVarName).setRhs(LITERAL_EMPTY_STRING).build(), visitChildrenReturningCodeChunk(node), VariableDeclaration.builder(generatedVarName).setRhs(JsRuntime.sanitizedContentOrdainerFunctionForInternalBlocks(node.getContentKind()).call(id(outputVarName))).build());
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenIncrementalDomCodeVisitor method visitMsgFallbackGroupNode.
protected void visitMsgFallbackGroupNode(MsgFallbackGroupNode node) {
CodeChunk.WithValue msgExpression;
switch(node.getHtmlContext()) {
CodeChunk chunk = new AssistantForHtmlMsgs(this, /* master */
jsSrcOptions, genCallCodeUtils, isComputableAsJsExprsVisitor, templateAliases, genJsExprsVisitor, templateTranslationContext, errorReporter).generateMsgGroupCode(node);
// must unescape the translations before passing them to the idom APIs.
msgExpression = new AssistantForAttributeMsgs(this, /* master */
jsSrcOptions, genCallCodeUtils, isComputableAsJsExprsVisitor, templateAliases, genJsExprsVisitor, templateTranslationContext, errorReporter).generateMsgGroupVariable(node);
msgExpression = getAssistantForMsgs().generateMsgGroupVariable(node);