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Example 21 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperServlet method doGet.

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpReq, HttpServletResponse httpRes) throws ServletException, IOException {
    List<GHPoint> requestPoints = getPoints(httpReq, "point");
    GHResponse ghRsp = new GHResponse();
    double minPathPrecision = getDoubleParam(httpReq, WAY_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, 1d);
    boolean writeGPX = "gpx".equalsIgnoreCase(getParam(httpReq, "type", "json"));
    boolean enableInstructions = writeGPX || getBooleanParam(httpReq, INSTRUCTIONS, true);
    boolean calcPoints = getBooleanParam(httpReq, CALC_POINTS, true);
    boolean enableElevation = getBooleanParam(httpReq, "elevation", false);
    boolean pointsEncoded = getBooleanParam(httpReq, "points_encoded", true);
    String vehicleStr = getParam(httpReq, "vehicle", "car");
    String weighting = getParam(httpReq, "weighting", "fastest");
    String algoStr = getParam(httpReq, "algorithm", "");
    String localeStr = getParam(httpReq, "locale", "en");
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
    if (!ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        try {
            if (requestPoints.isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have to pass at least one point");
            List<Double> favoredHeadings = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
            try {
                favoredHeadings = getDoubleParamList(httpReq, "heading");
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("heading list in wrong format: " + e.getMessage());
            if (!encodingManager.supports(vehicleStr)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vehicle not supported: " + vehicleStr);
            } else if (enableElevation && !hasElevation) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Elevation not supported!");
            } else if (favoredHeadings.size() > 1 && favoredHeadings.size() != requestPoints.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of 'heading' parameters must be <= 1 " + "or equal to the number of points (" + requestPoints.size() + ")");
            List<String> pointHints = Arrays.asList(getParams(httpReq, POINT_HINT));
            if (pointHints.size() > 0 && pointHints.size() != requestPoints.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("If you pass " + POINT_HINT + ", you need to pass a hint for every point, empty hints will be ignored");
            List<String> pathDetails = Arrays.asList(getParams(httpReq, PATH_DETAILS));
            FlagEncoder algoVehicle = encodingManager.getEncoder(vehicleStr);
            GHRequest request;
            if (favoredHeadings.size() > 0) {
                // if only one favored heading is specified take as start heading
                if (favoredHeadings.size() == 1) {
                    List<Double> paddedHeadings = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(requestPoints.size(), Double.NaN));
                    paddedHeadings.set(0, favoredHeadings.get(0));
                    request = new GHRequest(requestPoints, paddedHeadings);
                } else {
                    request = new GHRequest(requestPoints, favoredHeadings);
            } else {
                request = new GHRequest(requestPoints);
            initHints(request.getHints(), httpReq.getParameterMap());
            request.setVehicle(algoVehicle.toString()).setWeighting(weighting).setAlgorithm(algoStr).setLocale(localeStr).setPointHints(pointHints).setPathDetails(pathDetails).getHints().put(CALC_POINTS, calcPoints).put(INSTRUCTIONS, enableInstructions).put(WAY_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, minPathPrecision);
            ghRsp = graphHopper.route(request);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    float took = sw.stop().getSeconds();
    String infoStr = httpReq.getRemoteAddr() + " " + httpReq.getLocale() + " " + httpReq.getHeader("User-Agent");
    String logStr = httpReq.getQueryString() + " " + infoStr + " " + requestPoints + ", took:" + took + ", " + algoStr + ", " + weighting + ", " + vehicleStr;
    httpRes.setHeader("X-GH-Took", "" + Math.round(took * 1000));
    int alternatives = ghRsp.getAll().size();
    if (writeGPX && alternatives > 1)
        ghRsp.addError(new IllegalArgumentException("Alternatives are currently not yet supported for GPX"));
    if (ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        logger.error(logStr + ", errors:" + ghRsp.getErrors());
    } else {
        PathWrapper altRsp0 = ghRsp.getBest(); + ", alternatives: " + alternatives + ", distance0: " + altRsp0.getDistance() + ", time0: " + Math.round(altRsp0.getTime() / 60000f) + "min" + ", points0: " + altRsp0.getPoints().getSize() + ", debugInfo: " + ghRsp.getDebugInfo());
    if (writeGPX) {
        if (ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        } else {
            // no error => we can now safely call getFirst
            String xml = createGPXString(httpReq, httpRes, ghRsp.getBest());
            writeResponse(httpRes, xml);
    } else {
        Map<String, Object> map = routeSerializer.toJSON(ghRsp, calcPoints, pointsEncoded, enableElevation, enableInstructions);
        Object infoMap = map.get("info");
        if (infoMap != null)
            ((Map) infoMap).put("took", Math.round(took * 1000));
        if (ghRsp.hasErrors())
            writeJsonError(httpRes, SC_BAD_REQUEST, objectMapper.getNodeFactory().pojoNode(map));
        else {
            writeJson(httpReq, httpRes, objectMapper.getNodeFactory().pojoNode(map));
Also used : FlagEncoder(com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder) GHResponse(com.graphhopper.GHResponse) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) GHRequest(com.graphhopper.GHRequest) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)

Example 22 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class AlternativeRoutingTemplate method isReady.

public boolean isReady(PathMerger pathMerger, Translation tr) {
    if (pathList.isEmpty())
        throw new RuntimeException("Empty paths for alternative route calculation not expected");
    // if alternative route calculation was done then create the responses from single paths
    PointList wpList = getWaypoints();
    pathMerger.doWork(altResponse, Collections.singletonList(pathList.get(0)), tr);
    for (int index = 1; index < pathList.size(); index++) {
        PathWrapper tmpAltRsp = new PathWrapper();
        pathMerger.doWork(tmpAltRsp, Collections.singletonList(pathList.get(index)), tr);
    return true;
Also used : PointList(com.graphhopper.util.PointList) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)

Example 23 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class TestAlgoCollector method assertDistance.

public TestAlgoCollector assertDistance(AlgoHelperEntry algoEntry, List<QueryResult> queryList, OneRun oneRun) {
    List<Path> altPaths = new ArrayList<>();
    QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(algoEntry.getForQueryGraph());
    AlgorithmOptions opts = algoEntry.getAlgorithmOptions();
    FlagEncoder encoder = opts.getWeighting().getFlagEncoder();
    if (encoder.supports(TurnWeighting.class)) {
        if (!opts.getTraversalMode().isEdgeBased()) {
            errors.add("Cannot use TurnWeighting with a node based traversal");
            return this;
        algoEntry.setAlgorithmOptions(AlgorithmOptions.start(opts).weighting(new TurnWeighting(opts.getWeighting(), (TurnCostExtension) queryGraph.getExtension())).build());
    RoutingAlgorithmFactory factory = algoEntry.createRoutingFactory();
    for (int i = 0; i < queryList.size() - 1; i++) {
        RoutingAlgorithm algo = factory.createAlgo(queryGraph, algoEntry.getAlgorithmOptions());
        // if (!algoEntry.getExpectedAlgo().equals(algo.toString())) {
        // errors.add("Algorithm expected " + algoEntry.getExpectedAlgo() + " but was " + algo.toString());
        // return this;
        // }
        Path path = algo.calcPath(queryList.get(i).getClosestNode(), queryList.get(i + 1).getClosestNode());
    PathMerger pathMerger = new PathMerger().setCalcPoints(true).setSimplifyResponse(false).setEnableInstructions(true);
    PathWrapper rsp = new PathWrapper();
    pathMerger.doWork(rsp, altPaths, trMap.getWithFallBack(Locale.US));
    if (rsp.hasErrors()) {
        errors.add("response for " + algoEntry + " contains errors. Expected distance: " + oneRun.getDistance() + ", expected points: " + oneRun + ". " + queryList + ", errors:" + rsp.getErrors());
        return this;
    PointList pointList = rsp.getPoints();
    double tmpDist = pointList.calcDistance(distCalc);
    if (Math.abs(rsp.getDistance() - tmpDist) > 2) {
        errors.add(algoEntry + " path.getDistance was  " + rsp.getDistance() + "\t pointList.calcDistance was " + tmpDist + "\t (expected points " + oneRun.getLocs() + ", expected distance " + oneRun.getDistance() + ") " + queryList);
    if (Math.abs(rsp.getDistance() - oneRun.getDistance()) > 2) {
        errors.add(algoEntry + " returns path not matching the expected distance of " + oneRun.getDistance() + "\t Returned was " + rsp.getDistance() + "\t (expected points " + oneRun.getLocs() + ", was " + pointList.getSize() + ") " + queryList);
    // There are real world instances where A-B-C is identical to A-C (in meter precision).
    if (Math.abs(pointList.getSize() - oneRun.getLocs()) > 1) {
        errors.add(algoEntry + " returns path not matching the expected points of " + oneRun.getLocs() + "\t Returned was " + pointList.getSize() + "\t (expected distance " + oneRun.getDistance() + ", was " + rsp.getDistance() + ") " + queryList);
    return this;
Also used : TurnWeighting(com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.TurnWeighting) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) TurnCostExtension(

Example 24 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperWeb method createPathWrapper.

public static PathWrapper createPathWrapper(JSONObject path, boolean tmpCalcPoints, boolean tmpInstructions, boolean tmpElevation, boolean turnDescription) {
    PathWrapper pathWrapper = new PathWrapper();
    if (pathWrapper.hasErrors())
        return pathWrapper;
    if (path.has("snapped_waypoints")) {
        String snappedPointStr = path.getString("snapped_waypoints");
        PointList snappedPoints = WebHelper.decodePolyline(snappedPointStr, 5, tmpElevation);
    if (tmpCalcPoints) {
        String pointStr = path.getString("points");
        PointList pointList = WebHelper.decodePolyline(pointStr, 100, tmpElevation);
        if (tmpInstructions) {
            JSONArray instrArr = path.getJSONArray("instructions");
            InstructionList il = new InstructionList(null);
            int viaCount = 1;
            for (int instrIndex = 0; instrIndex < instrArr.length(); instrIndex++) {
                JSONObject jsonObj = instrArr.getJSONObject(instrIndex);
                double instDist = jsonObj.getDouble("distance");
                String text = turnDescription ? jsonObj.getString("text") : jsonObj.getString("street_name");
                long instTime = jsonObj.getLong("time");
                int sign = jsonObj.getInt("sign");
                JSONArray iv = jsonObj.getJSONArray("interval");
                int from = iv.getInt(0);
                int to = iv.getInt(1);
                PointList instPL = new PointList(to - from, tmpElevation);
                for (int j = from; j <= to; j++) {
                    instPL.add(pointList, j);
                InstructionAnnotation ia = InstructionAnnotation.EMPTY;
                if (jsonObj.has("annotation_importance") && jsonObj.has("annotation_text")) {
                    ia = new InstructionAnnotation(jsonObj.getInt("annotation_importance"), jsonObj.getString("annotation_text"));
                Instruction instr;
                if (sign == Instruction.USE_ROUNDABOUT || sign == Instruction.LEAVE_ROUNDABOUT) {
                    RoundaboutInstruction ri = new RoundaboutInstruction(sign, text, ia, instPL);
                    if (jsonObj.has("exit_number")) {
                    if (jsonObj.has("exited")) {
                        if (jsonObj.getBoolean("exited"))
                    if (jsonObj.has("turn_angle")) {
                        // TODO provide setTurnAngle setter
                        double angle = jsonObj.getDouble("turn_angle");
                        ri.setRadian((angle < 0 ? -Math.PI : Math.PI) - angle);
                    instr = ri;
                } else if (sign == Instruction.REACHED_VIA) {
                    ViaInstruction tmpInstr = new ViaInstruction(text, ia, instPL);
                    instr = tmpInstr;
                } else if (sign == Instruction.FINISH) {
                    instr = new FinishInstruction(instPL, 0);
                } else {
                    instr = new Instruction(sign, text, ia, instPL);
                // This can be changed by passing <code>turn_description=false</code>.
                if (turnDescription)
    double distance = path.getDouble("distance");
    long time = path.getLong("time");
    return pathWrapper;
Also used : JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)

Example 25 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperWeb method route.

public GHResponse route(GHRequest request) {
    try {
        String places = "";
        for (GHPoint p : request.getPoints()) {
            places += "point=" + + "," + p.lon + "&";
        boolean tmpInstructions = request.getHints().getBool("instructions", instructions);
        boolean tmpCalcPoints = request.getHints().getBool("calc_points", calcPoints);
        boolean tmpTurnDescription = request.getHints().getBool("turn_description", turnDescription);
        if (tmpInstructions && !tmpCalcPoints)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot calculate instructions without points (only points without instructions). " + "Use calc_points=false and instructions=false to disable point and instruction calculation");
        boolean tmpElevation = request.getHints().getBool("elevation", elevation);
        String url = routeServiceUrl + "?" + places + "&type=json" + "&instructions=" + tmpInstructions + "&points_encoded=true" + "&calc_points=" + tmpCalcPoints + "&algorithm=" + request.getAlgorithm() + "&locale=" + request.getLocale().toString() + "&elevation=" + tmpElevation;
        if (!request.getVehicle().isEmpty())
            url += "&vehicle=" + request.getVehicle();
        if (!key.isEmpty())
            url += "&key=" + key;
        for (Entry<String, String> entry : request.getHints().toMap().entrySet()) {
            String urlKey = entry.getKey();
            String urlValue = entry.getValue();
            // use lower case conversion for check only!
            if (ignoreSet.contains(urlKey.toLowerCase()))
            if (urlValue != null && !urlValue.isEmpty())
                url += "&" + WebHelper.encodeURL(urlKey) + "=" + WebHelper.encodeURL(urlValue);
        String str = downloader.downloadAsString(url, true);
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(str);
        GHResponse res = new GHResponse();
        if (res.hasErrors())
            return res;
        JSONArray paths = json.getJSONArray("paths");
        for (int index = 0; index < paths.length(); index++) {
            JSONObject path = paths.getJSONObject(index);
            PathWrapper altRsp = createPathWrapper(path, tmpCalcPoints, tmpInstructions, tmpElevation, tmpTurnDescription);
        return res;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Problem while fetching path " + request.getPoints() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
Also used : DetailedRuntimeException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.DetailedRuntimeException) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) GHResponse(com.graphhopper.GHResponse) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) DetailedRuntimeException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.DetailedRuntimeException) PointOutOfBoundsException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointOutOfBoundsException) PointNotFoundException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointNotFoundException) DetailedIllegalArgumentException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.DetailedIllegalArgumentException) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) ConnectionNotFoundException(com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.ConnectionNotFoundException)


PathWrapper (com.graphhopper.PathWrapper)25 GHPoint (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)14 Test (org.junit.Test)14 GHRequest (com.graphhopper.GHRequest)13 GHResponse (com.graphhopper.GHResponse)13 JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)3 Graph ( NodeAccess ( PointList (com.graphhopper.util.PointList)2 PathDetail (com.graphhopper.util.details.PathDetail)2 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 GTFSFeed (com.conveyal.gtfs.GTFSFeed)1 Stop (com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Stop)1 StopTime (com.conveyal.gtfs.model.StopTime)1 ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)1 InvalidProtocolBufferException ( GtfsRealtime ( GraphHopperAPI (com.graphhopper.GraphHopperAPI)1 Trip (com.graphhopper.Trip)1