use of com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class S3Sources method s3.
* Creates an AWS S3 {@link BatchSource} which lists all the objects in the
* bucket-list using given {@code prefix}, reads them line by line,
* transforms each line to the desired output object using given {@code
* mapFn} and emits them to downstream.
* <p>
* The source does not save any state to snapshot. If the job is restarted,
* it will re-emit all entries.
* <p>
* The default local parallelism for this processor is 2.
* <p>
* Here is an example which reads the objects from a single bucket with
* applying the given prefix.
* <pre>{@code
* Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
* BatchStage<String> srcStage = p.readFrom(S3Sources.s3(
* Arrays.asList("bucket1", "bucket2"),
* "prefix",
* StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
* () -> S3Client.create(),
* (filename, line) -> line
* ));
* }</pre>
* @param bucketNames list of bucket-names
* @param prefix the prefix to filter the objects. Optional, passing
* {@code null} will list all objects.
* @param clientSupplier function which returns the s3 client to use
* one client per processor instance is used
* @param mapFn the function which creates output object from each
* line. Gets the object name and line as parameters
* @param <T> the type of the items the source emits
public static <T> BatchSource<T> s3(@Nonnull List<String> bucketNames, @Nullable String prefix, @Nonnull Charset charset, @Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends S3Client> clientSupplier, @Nonnull BiFunctionEx<String, String, ? extends T> mapFn) {
String charsetName =;
FunctionEx<InputStream, Stream<String>> readFileFn = responseInputStream -> {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(responseInputStream, Charset.forName(charsetName)));
return reader.lines();
return s3(bucketNames, prefix, clientSupplier, readFileFn, mapFn);
use of com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class ManagedContextTest method testSinks.
private void testSinks(SupplierEx<? extends AnotherSinkContext> sinkSupplier) {
Sink<Object> sink = SinkBuilder.sinkBuilder("sink", c -> sinkSupplier.get()).receiveFn((c, i) -> assertEquals(INJECTED_VALUE, c.injectedValue)).build();
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create();
use of com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class JobMetrics_NonSharedClusterTest method when_noMetricCollectionYet_then_emptyMetrics.
public void when_noMetricCollectionYet_then_emptyMetrics() {
Config config = smallInstanceConfig();
HazelcastInstance inst = createHazelcastInstance(config);
DAG dag = new DAG();
dag.newVertex("v1", (SupplierEx<Processor>) NoOutputSourceP::new).localParallelism(1);
// Initial collection interval is 1 second. So let's run a job and wait until it has metrics.
Job job1 = inst.getJet().newJob(dag, JOB_CONFIG_WITH_METRICS);
try {
JetTestSupport.assertTrueEventually(() -> assertFalse(job1.getMetrics().metrics().isEmpty()), 10);
} catch (AssertionError e) {
// If we don't get metrics in 10 seconds, ignore it, we probably missed the first collection
// with this job. We might have caught a different error, let's log it at least.
logger.warning("Ignoring this error: " + e, e);
// Let's do a second job for which we know there will be no metrics collection. It should
// return empty metrics because the next collection will be in 10_000 seconds.
Job job2 = inst.getJet().newJob(dag, JOB_CONFIG_WITH_METRICS);
assertJobStatusEventually(job2, RUNNING);
use of com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class ExecutionLifecycleTest method when_clientJoinBeforeAndAfterComplete_then_exceptionEquals.
public void when_clientJoinBeforeAndAfterComplete_then_exceptionEquals() {
// not applicable to light jobs - we can't connect to light jobs after they complete
DAG dag = new DAG();
Vertex noop = dag.newVertex("noop", (SupplierEx<Processor>) NoOutputSourceP::new).localParallelism(1);
Vertex faulty = dag.newVertex("faulty", () -> new MockP().setCompleteError(MOCK_ERROR)).localParallelism(1);
dag.edge(between(noop, faulty));
Job job = newJob(client(), dag, null);
assertJobStatusEventually(job, RUNNING);
Throwable excBeforeComplete;
Throwable excAfterComplete;
try {
throw new AssertionError("should have failed");
} catch (Exception e) {
excBeforeComplete = e;
// create a new client that will join the job after completion
HazelcastInstance client2 = factory().newHazelcastClient();
Job job2 = client2.getJet().getJob(job.getId());
try {
throw new AssertionError("should have failed");
} catch (Exception e) {
excAfterComplete = e;
}"exception before completion", excBeforeComplete);"exception after completion", excAfterComplete);
// Then
assertInstanceOf(CompletionException.class, excBeforeComplete);
assertInstanceOf(CompletionException.class, excAfterComplete);
Throwable causeBefore = excBeforeComplete.getCause();
Throwable causeAfter = excAfterComplete.getCause();
assertEquals(causeBefore.getClass(), causeAfter.getClass());
assertContains(causeAfter.getMessage(), causeBefore.getMessage());
use of com.hazelcast.function.SupplierEx in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class WriteJdbcPTest method failTwiceDataSourceSupplier.
private static SupplierEx<DataSource> failTwiceDataSourceSupplier() {
return new SupplierEx<DataSource>() {
int remainingFailures = 2;
public DataSource getEx() throws SQLException {
DataSource realDs = (DataSource) createDataSource(false);
DataSource mockDs = mock(DataSource.class);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
if (remainingFailures-- > 0) {
throw new SQLException("connection failure");
return realDs.getConnection();
return mockDs;