use of com.hazelcast.sql.impl.schema.Mapping in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class MappingColumnsTable method rows.
protected List<Object[]> rows() {
List<Object[]> rows = new ArrayList<>(mappings.size());
for (Mapping mapping : mappings) {
List<MappingField> fields = mapping.fields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
MappingField field = fields.get(i);
Object[] row = new Object[] { catalog(), schema,,, field.externalName(), i + 1, String.valueOf(true), field.type().getTypeFamily().name() };
for (View view : views) {
for (int i = 0; i < view.viewColumnNames().size(); i++) {
Object[] row = new Object[] { catalog(), schema,, view.viewColumnNames().get(i), null, i + 1, String.valueOf(true), view.viewColumnTypes().get(i).getTypeFamily().name() };
return rows;
use of com.hazelcast.sql.impl.schema.Mapping in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class TableResolverImpl method createMapping.
// region mapping
public void createMapping(Mapping mapping, boolean replace, boolean ifNotExists) {
Mapping resolved = resolveMapping(mapping);
String name =;
if (ifNotExists) {
tableStorage.putIfAbsent(name, resolved);
} else if (replace) {
tableStorage.put(name, resolved);
} else if (!tableStorage.putIfAbsent(name, resolved)) {
throw QueryException.error("Mapping or view already exists: " + name);
use of com.hazelcast.sql.impl.schema.Mapping in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class TableResolverImpl method getTables.
public List<Table> getTables() {
Collection<Object> objects = tableStorage.allObjects();
List<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>(objects.size() + 3);
for (Object o : objects) {
if (o instanceof Mapping) {
tables.add(toTable((Mapping) o));
} else if (o instanceof View) {
tables.add(toTable((View) o));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected: " + o);
Collection<Mapping> mappings = -> o instanceof Mapping).map(m -> (Mapping) m).collect(Collectors.toList());
Collection<View> views = -> o instanceof View).map(v -> (View) v).collect(Collectors.toList());
tables.add(new TablesTable(CATALOG, SCHEMA_NAME_INFORMATION_SCHEMA, SCHEMA_NAME_PUBLIC, mappings, views));
tables.add(new MappingColumnsTable(CATALOG, SCHEMA_NAME_INFORMATION_SCHEMA, SCHEMA_NAME_PUBLIC, mappings, views));
return tables;
use of com.hazelcast.sql.impl.schema.Mapping in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class SqlDataSerializerHook method createFactory.
public DataSerializableFactory createFactory() {
ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>[] constructors = new ConstructorFunction[LEN];
constructors[QUERY_DATA_TYPE] = arg -> new QueryDataType();
constructors[QUERY_ID] = arg -> new QueryId();
constructors[ROW_HEAP] = arg -> new HeapRow();
constructors[ROW_EMPTY] = arg -> EmptyRow.INSTANCE;
constructors[LAZY_TARGET] = arg -> new LazyTarget();
constructors[INDEX_FILTER_VALUE] = arg -> new IndexFilterValue();
constructors[INDEX_FILTER_EQUALS] = arg -> new IndexEqualsFilter();
constructors[INDEX_FILTER_RANGE] = arg -> new IndexRangeFilter();
constructors[INDEX_FILTER_IN] = arg -> new IndexInFilter();
constructors[EXPRESSION_COLUMN] = arg -> new ColumnExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_NULL] = arg -> new IsNullPredicate();
constructors[TARGET_DESCRIPTOR_GENERIC] = arg -> GenericQueryTargetDescriptor.DEFAULT;
constructors[QUERY_PATH] = arg -> new QueryPath();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CONSTANT] = arg -> new ConstantExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_PARAMETER] = arg -> new ParameterExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CAST] = arg -> new CastExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_DIVIDE] = arg -> new DivideFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_MINUS] = arg -> new MinusFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_MULTIPLY] = arg -> new MultiplyFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_PLUS] = arg -> new PlusFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_UNARY_MINUS] = arg -> new UnaryMinusFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_AND] = arg -> new AndPredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_OR] = arg -> new OrPredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_NOT] = arg -> new NotPredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_COMPARISON] = arg -> new ComparisonPredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_TRUE] = arg -> new IsTruePredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_TRUE] = arg -> new IsNotTruePredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_FALSE] = arg -> new IsFalsePredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_FALSE] = arg -> new IsNotFalsePredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_NULL] = arg -> new IsNotNullPredicate();
constructors[EXPRESSION_ABS] = arg -> new AbsFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_SIGN] = arg -> new SignFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_RAND] = arg -> new RandFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_DOUBLE] = arg -> new DoubleFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_FLOOR_CEIL] = arg -> new FloorCeilFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_ROUND_TRUNCATE] = arg -> new RoundTruncateFunction<>();
constructors[INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH] = arg -> new SqlYearMonthInterval();
constructors[INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND] = arg -> new SqlDaySecondInterval();
constructors[EXPRESSION_ASCII] = arg -> new AsciiFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CHAR_LENGTH] = arg -> new CharLengthFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_INITCAP] = arg -> new InitcapFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_LOWER] = arg -> new LowerFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_UPPER] = arg -> new UpperFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CONCAT] = arg -> new ConcatFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_LIKE] = arg -> new LikeFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_SUBSTRING] = arg -> new SubstringFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_TRIM] = arg -> new TrimFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_REPLACE] = arg -> new ReplaceFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_POSITION] = arg -> new PositionFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_REMAINDER] = arg -> new RemainderFunction<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CONCAT_WS] = arg -> new ConcatWSFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_CASE] = arg -> new CaseExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_EXTRACT] = arg -> new ExtractFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_DOUBLE_DOUBLE] = arg -> new DoubleBiFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ] = arg -> new ToTimestampTzFunction();
constructors[EXPRESSION_TO_EPOCH_MILLIS] = arg -> new ToEpochMillisFunction();
constructors[MAPPING] = arg -> new Mapping();
constructors[MAPPING_FIELD] = arg -> new MappingField();
constructors[EXPRESSION_SEARCHABLE] = arg -> new SearchableExpression<>();
constructors[EXPRESSION_SEARCH] = arg -> new SearchPredicate();
constructors[VIEW] = arg -> new View();
return new ArrayDataSerializableFactory(constructors);
use of com.hazelcast.sql.impl.schema.Mapping in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class PlanExecutorTest method test_createMappingExecution.
@Parameters({ "true, false", "false, true" })
public void test_createMappingExecution(boolean replace, boolean ifNotExists) {
// given
Mapping mapping = mapping();
CreateMappingPlan plan = new CreateMappingPlan(planKey(), mapping, replace, ifNotExists, planExecutor);
// when
SqlResult result = planExecutor.execute(plan);
// then
verify(catalog).createMapping(mapping, replace, ifNotExists);