use of in project phoss-directory by phax.
the class LocalHost8080FuncTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
// Set test BC provider first!
final File aTestClientCertificateKeyStore = new File("src/test/resources/smp.pilot.jks");
if (aTestClientCertificateKeyStore.exists()) {
// https
final KeyStore aKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(EKeyStoreType.JKS, aTestClientCertificateKeyStore.getAbsolutePath(), "peppol");
// Try to create the socket factory from the provided key store
final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
aKeyManagerFactory.init(aKeyStore, "peppol".toCharArray());
final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
aSSLContext.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
final Client aClient = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(aSSLContext).hostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifierVerifyAll(false)).build();
m_aTarget ="https://localhost:8080");
} else {
// http only
LOGGER.warn("The SMP pilot keystore is missing for the tests! Client certificate handling will not be tested!");
final Client aClient = ClientBuilder.newClient();
m_aTarget ="http://localhost:8080");
use of in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AbstractHttpSenderModule method createSSLContext.
* Create the {@link SSLContext} to be used for https connections. By default
* the SSL context will trust all hosts and present no keys. Override this
* method in a subclass to customize this handling.
* @return The created {@link SSLContext}. May not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* If something internally goes wrong.
public SSLContext createSSLContext() throws GeneralSecurityException {
// Trust all server certificates
final SSLContext aSSLCtx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
aSSLCtx.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
return aSSLCtx;
use of in project ph-web by phax.
the class HttpClientSettings method setSSLContextTrustAll.
* Attention: INSECURE METHOD!<br>
* Set the a special SSL Context that does not expect any specific server
* certificate. To be totally loose, you should also set a hostname verifier
* that accepts all host names.
* @return this for chaining
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* In case TLS initialization fails
public final HttpClientSettings setSSLContextTrustAll() throws GeneralSecurityException {
final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
aSSLContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
return setSSLContext(aSSLContext);
use of in project peppol-commons by phax.
the class MainForArunFromBasware method main.
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
// Your SMP ID
final String SMP_ID = "TEST-SMP";
// Use SMK or SML?
// Keystore path and password
final EKeyStoreType eKeyStoreType = EKeyStoreType.JKS;
final String sKeystorePath = "keystore/smp.pilot.jks";
final String sKeystorePassword = "peppol";
// Participant to be created
final String sServiceGroupID = "0088:5798000000001";
// Create (true) or delete (false) participant?
final boolean bCreate = false;
// Proxy server settings
final String sProxyHostname = null;
final int nProxyPort = 0;
// Set proxy as system properties
if (nProxyPort > 0 && StringHelper.hasText(sProxyHostname)) {
SystemProperties.setPropertyValue("http.proxyHost", sProxyHostname);
SystemProperties.setPropertyValue("http.proxyPort", nProxyPort);
SystemProperties.setPropertyValue("https.proxyHost", sProxyHostname);
SystemProperties.setPropertyValue("https.proxyPort", nProxyPort);
final ManageParticipantIdentifierServiceCaller aParticipantClient = new ManageParticipantIdentifierServiceCaller(aSMLInfo);
if (aSMLInfo.isClientCertificateRequired()) {
// Main key storage
final KeyStore aKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(eKeyStoreType, sKeystorePath, sKeystorePassword);
// Key manager
final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
aKeyManagerFactory.init(aKeyStore, sKeystorePassword.toCharArray());
// Assign key manager and empty trust manager to SSL context
final SSLContext aSSLCtx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
aSSLCtx.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
// Main WS call
final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID = PeppolIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE.createParticipantIdentifierWithDefaultScheme(sServiceGroupID);
if (bCreate) {
// Create
aParticipantClient.create(SMP_ID, aServiceGroupID);"Successfully created participant " + aServiceGroupID.getURIEncoded());
} else {
// Delete
aParticipantClient.delete(SMP_ID, aServiceGroupID);"Successfully deleted participant " + aServiceGroupID.getURIEncoded());
use of in project ph-commons by phax.
the class WSClientConfig method setSSLSocketFactoryTrustAll.
* Set the {@link SSLSocketFactory} to be used by this client to one that
* trusts all servers.
* @param bDebugMode
* <code>true</code> for extended debug logging, <code>false</code> for
* production.
* @throws KeyManagementException
* if initializing the SSL context failed
* @return this for chaining
* @since 9.1.5
public final WSClientConfig setSSLSocketFactoryTrustAll(final boolean bDebugMode) throws KeyManagementException {
try {
final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
aSSLContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(bDebugMode) }, null);
final SSLSocketFactory aSF = aSSLContext.getSocketFactory();
return setSSLSocketFactory(aSF);
} catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TLS 1.2 is not supported", ex);