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Example 1 with TrustManagerTrustAll

use of in project peppol-commons by phax.

the class SSLConnectFuncTest method testConnect.

public void testConnect() throws Exception {
    // Load the client certificate
    final KeyStore aKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(KEYSTORE_TYPE, KEYSTORE_PATH, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
    final KeyManagerFactory aKMF = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
    aKMF.init(aKeyStore, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
    // Trust all
    final TrustManager[] aTrustMgrs = new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) };
    // SSL context
    final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    aSSLContext.init(aKMF.getKeyManagers(), aTrustMgrs, null);
    // Configure and open connection
    final HttpsURLConnection aURLConn = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(SML_INFO.getManagementServiceURL()).openConnection();
    aURLConn.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifierVerifyAll(true));
    // Debug status on URL connection
    if (true) {"Status code:  " + aURLConn.getResponseCode());"Cipher suite: " + aURLConn.getCipherSuite());"Encoding:     " + aURLConn.getContentEncoding());
        if (true) {
            int i = 0;
            for (final Certificate aCert : aURLConn.getServerCertificates()) {
      " Cert " + (++i) + ":");
      "  Cert type:  " + aCert.getType());
      "  Hash code:  " + aCert.hashCode());
      "  Algorithm:  " + aCert.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
      "  Format:     " + aCert.getPublicKey().getFormat());
                if (aCert instanceof X509Certificate) {
                    final X509Certificate aX509 = (X509Certificate) aCert;
          "   Principal: " + aX509.getIssuerX500Principal());
          "   Subject:   " + aX509.getSubjectX500Principal());
    try {
        // Show success
        final String sResult = StreamHelper.getAllBytesAsString(aURLConn.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);"\n" + sResult);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
        // Show error
        final String sError = StreamHelper.getAllBytesAsString(aURLConn.getErrorStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);"\n" + sError);
Also used : SSLContext( IOException( KeyStore( URL( X509Certificate( KeyManagerFactory( TrustManager( HostnameVerifierVerifyAll( TrustManagerTrustAll( HttpsURLConnection( X509Certificate( Certificate( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with TrustManagerTrustAll

use of in project peppol-commons by phax.

the class AbstractSMLClientTestCase method createConfiguredSSLSocketFactory.

public static final SSLSocketFactory createConfiguredSSLSocketFactory(@Nonnull final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo, final boolean bDebug) throws Exception {
    if (!aSMLInfo.isClientCertificateRequired())
        return null;
    // Main key storage
    final KeyStore aKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(KEYSTORE_TYPE, KEYSTORE_PATH, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
    // Key manager
    final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
    aKeyManagerFactory.init(aKeyStore, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
    // Assign key manager and empty trust manager to SSL context
    final SSLContext aSSLCtx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    aSSLCtx.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(bDebug) }, null);
    return aSSLCtx.getSocketFactory();
Also used : SSLContext( KeyStore( TrustManagerTrustAll( KeyManagerFactory( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with TrustManagerTrustAll

use of in project phoss-smp by phax.

the class SMPKeyManager method createSSLContext.

 * Create an SSLContext based on the configured key store and trust store.
 * This is required for communication with the SMI/SML as well as other
 * network dependent components like the Peppol Directory.
 * @return A new {@link SSLContext} and never <code>null</code>.
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException
 *         In case something goes wrong :)
public SSLContext createSSLContext() throws GeneralSecurityException {
    // Key manager
    final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
    aKeyManagerFactory.init(getKeyStore(), SMPServerConfiguration.getKeyStoreKeyPassword());
    // Trust manager
    final TrustManager[] aTrustManagers;
    if (SMPTrustManager.isTrustStoreValid()) {
        // Explicitly use the configured truststore
        final TrustManagerFactory aTrustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
        aTrustManagers = aTrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers();
    } else {
        // No trust store defined
        aTrustManagers = new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll() };
        LOGGER.warn("No truststore is configured, so the build SSL/TLS connection will trust all hosts!");
    // Assign key manager and empty trust manager to SSL/TLS context
    final SSLContext aSSLCtx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    aSSLCtx.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), aTrustManagers, null);
    return aSSLCtx;
Also used : TrustManagerFactory( SSLContext( TrustManagerTrustAll( KeyManagerFactory( TrustManager( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 4 with TrustManagerTrustAll

use of in project peppol-practical by phax.

the class PagePublicToolsSMPSML method _loadKeyStoreAndCreateSSLSocketFactory.

private static SSLSocketFactory _loadKeyStoreAndCreateSSLSocketFactory(@Nonnull final IKeyStoreType aKeyStoreType, @Nullable final String sSecurityProvider, @Nullable final IFileItem aKeyStoreFile, @Nullable final String sKeyStorePassword, @Nonnull final FormErrorList aFormErrors, @Nonnull final Locale aDisplayLocale) {
    KeyStore aKeyStore = null;
    if (aKeyStoreFile == null || aKeyStoreFile.getSize() == 0L)
        aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE, "A key store file must be selected!");
    else if (sKeyStorePassword == null) {
        aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE_PW, "The key store password is missing!");
    } else {
        // Try to load the key store
        try (final InputStream aIS = aKeyStoreFile.getInputStream()) {
            aKeyStore = StringHelper.hasText(sSecurityProvider) ? aKeyStoreType.getKeyStore(sSecurityProvider) : aKeyStoreType.getKeyStore();
            aKeyStore.load(aIS, sKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
            // Get all aliases
            final ICommonsList<String> aAllAliases = CollectionHelper.newList(aKeyStore.aliases());
  "Successfully loaded key store of type " + aKeyStoreType.getID() + " containing " + aAllAliases.size() + " aliases");
            // Check key and certificate count
            final LocalDate aNow = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDate();
            int nKeyCount = 0;
            int nCertificateCount = 0;
            int nInvalidKeyCount = 0;
            for (final String sAlias : aAllAliases) {
                final boolean bIsKeyEntry = aKeyStore.isKeyEntry(sAlias);
                final boolean bIsCertificateEntry = aKeyStore.isCertificateEntry(sAlias);
                if (bIsKeyEntry)
                if (bIsCertificateEntry)
      "  Alias '" + sAlias + "'" + (bIsKeyEntry ? " [key entry]" : "") + (bIsCertificateEntry ? " [certificate]" : ""));
                if (bIsKeyEntry)
                    try {
                        // Read key and check for validity
                        final KeyStore.ProtectionParameter aProtection = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(sKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
                        final KeyStore.Entry aEntry = aKeyStore.getEntry(sAlias, aProtection);
                        if (aEntry instanceof KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) {
                            final Certificate aCert = ((KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) aEntry).getCertificate();
                            if (aCert instanceof X509Certificate) {
                                final X509Certificate aX509Cert = (X509Certificate) aCert;
                                final LocalDate aNotBefore = PDTFactory.createLocalDate(aX509Cert.getNotBefore());
                                final LocalDate aNotAfter = PDTFactory.createLocalDate(aX509Cert.getNotAfter());
                                if (aNow.isBefore(aNotBefore)) {
                                    final String sMsg = "The key '" + sAlias + "' in the keystore is not valid before " + PDTToString.getAsString(aNotBefore, aDisplayLocale) + "!";
                                    aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE, sMsg);
                                if (aNow.isAfter(aNotAfter)) {
                                    final String sMsg = "The key '" + sAlias + "' in the keystore is not valid after " + PDTToString.getAsString(aNotAfter, aDisplayLocale) + "!";
                                    aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE, sMsg);
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    // Ignore
            if (nInvalidKeyCount > 0) {
                // Error messages are already displayed
                aKeyStore = null;
            } else if (nKeyCount != 1) {
                final String sMsg = "The keystore must contain exactly one key entry but " + nKeyCount + " key entries and " + nCertificateCount + " certificate entries were found!";
                aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE, sMsg);
                aKeyStore = null;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            final String sMsg = "The key store could not be loaded with the provided password. ";
            aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE_PW, sMsg + AppCommonUI.getTechnicalDetailsString(ex, true));
            aKeyStore = null;
    SSLSocketFactory aSocketFactory = null;
    if (aKeyStore != null) {
        // Try to create the socket factory from the provided key store
        try {
            final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
            aKeyManagerFactory.init(aKeyStore, sKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
            final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
            aSSLContext.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
            aSocketFactory = aSSLContext.getSocketFactory();
  "Successfully created TLS socket factory with the provided keystore password!");
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            final String sMsg = "Failed to use the provided key store for TLS connection. ";
            aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_KEYSTORE, sMsg + AppCommonUI.getTechnicalDetailsString(ex, true));
    return aSocketFactory;
Also used : ICommonsList(com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsList) InputStream( PDTToString(com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTToString) PDTFromString(com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTFromString) SSLContext( KeyStore( LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) X509Certificate( CertificateExpiredException( ClientTransportException( CertificateNotYetValidException( UnknownHostException( KeyManagerFactory( SSLSocketFactory( TrustManagerTrustAll( X509Certificate( Certificate( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 5 with TrustManagerTrustAll

use of in project phoss-directory by phax.

the class IndexerResourceTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    // Set test BC provider first!
    final File aTestClientCertificateKeyStore = new File("src/test/resources/smp.pilot.jks");
    if (aTestClientCertificateKeyStore.exists()) {
        // https
        m_aServer = MockServer.startSecureServer();
        final KeyStore aKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.loadKeyStoreDirect(EKeyStoreType.JKS, aTestClientCertificateKeyStore.getAbsolutePath(), "peppol");
        // Try to create the socket factory from the provided key store
        final KeyManagerFactory aKeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
        aKeyManagerFactory.init(aKeyStore, "peppol".toCharArray());
        final SSLContext aSSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
        aSSLContext.init(aKeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers(), new TrustManager[] { new TrustManagerTrustAll(false) }, null);
        final Client aClient = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(aSSLContext).hostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifierVerifyAll(false)).build();
        m_aTarget =;
    } else {
        // http only
        LOGGER.warn("The SMP pilot keystore is missing for the tests! Client certificate handling will not be tested!");
        m_aServer = MockServer.startRegularServer();
        final Client aClient = ClientBuilder.newClient();
        m_aTarget =;
Also used : HostnameVerifierVerifyAll( SSLContext( Client( File( KeyStore( TrustManagerTrustAll( KeyManagerFactory( Before(org.junit.Before)


TrustManagerTrustAll ( SSLContext ( KeyManagerFactory ( KeyStore ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)4 HostnameVerifierVerifyAll ( File ( Certificate ( X509Certificate ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)2 SSLSocketFactory ( TrustManager ( Client ( Before (org.junit.Before)2 OverrideOnDemand (com.helger.commons.annotation.OverrideOnDemand)1 ICommonsList (com.helger.commons.collection.impl.ICommonsList)1 PDTFromString (com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTFromString)1 PDTToString (com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTToString)1 ISMLInfo (com.helger.peppol.sml.ISMLInfo)1 ManageParticipantIdentifierServiceCaller (com.helger.peppol.smlclient.ManageParticipantIdentifierServiceCaller)1