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Example 1 with CSSMediaQuery

use of com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaQuery in project ph-css by phax.

the class MediaQueryTools method getWrappedInMediaQuery.

 * Get the CSS wrapped in the specified media query. Note: all existing rule
 * objects are reused, so modifying them also modifies the original CSS!
 * @param aCSS
 *        The CSS to be wrapped. May not be <code>null</code>.
 * @param aMediaQueries
 *        The media queries to use. May neither be <code>null</code> nor empty
 *        nor may it contain <code>null</code> elements.
 * @param bAllowNestedMediaQueries
 *        if <code>true</code> nested media queries are allowed,
 *        <code>false</code> if they are prohibited.
 * @return <code>null</code> if out CSS cannot be wrapped, the newly created
 *         {@link CascadingStyleSheet} object otherwise.
public static CascadingStyleSheet getWrappedInMediaQuery(@Nonnull final CascadingStyleSheet aCSS, @Nonnull @Nonempty final Iterable<? extends CSSMediaQuery> aMediaQueries, final boolean bAllowNestedMediaQueries) {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aCSS, "CSS");
    ValueEnforcer.notEmpty(aMediaQueries, "MediaQueries");
    if (!canWrapInMediaQuery(aCSS, bAllowNestedMediaQueries))
        return null;
    final CascadingStyleSheet ret = new CascadingStyleSheet();
    // Copy all import rules
    for (final CSSImportRule aImportRule : aCSS.getAllImportRules()) {
        if (aImportRule.hasMediaQueries()) {
            // import rule already has a media query - do not alter
        } else {
            // Create a new rule and add the passed media queries
            final CSSImportRule aNewImportRule = new CSSImportRule(aImportRule.getLocation());
            for (final CSSMediaQuery aMediaQuery : aMediaQueries) aNewImportRule.addMediaQuery(aMediaQuery);
    // Copy all namespace rules
    for (final CSSNamespaceRule aNamespaceRule : aCSS.getAllNamespaceRules()) ret.addNamespaceRule(aNamespaceRule);
    // Create a single top-level media rule ...
    // into this media rule
    final CSSMediaRule aNewMediaRule = new CSSMediaRule();
    for (final CSSMediaQuery aMediaQuery : aMediaQueries) aNewMediaRule.addMediaQuery(aMediaQuery);
    // ... and add the existing top-level rules into this media rule
    for (final ICSSTopLevelRule aRule : aCSS.getAllRules()) aNewMediaRule.addRule(aRule);
    // Finally add the resulting media rule into the new CSS
    return ret;
Also used : CascadingStyleSheet(com.helger.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet) CSSMediaQuery(com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaQuery) ICSSTopLevelRule(com.helger.css.decl.ICSSTopLevelRule) CSSImportRule(com.helger.css.decl.CSSImportRule) CSSMediaRule(com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaRule) CSSNamespaceRule(com.helger.css.decl.CSSNamespaceRule) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with CSSMediaQuery

use of com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaQuery in project ph-css by phax.

the class MediaQueryToolsTest method testGetWrapped.

public void testGetWrapped() {
    // Read and arbitrary CSS
    final CascadingStyleSheet aBaseCSS = CSSReader.readFromString("p { color:red;}", s_eVersion);
    // Create structured media queries
    final List<CSSMediaQuery> aMQs = MediaQueryTools.parseToMediaQuery("screen", s_eVersion);
    // Wrap the source CSS with the specified media queries
    final CascadingStyleSheet aWrappedCSS = MediaQueryTools.getWrappedInMediaQuery(aBaseCSS, aMQs, false);
    assertEquals("@media screen{p{color:red}}", new CSSWriter(s_eVersion, true).getCSSAsString(aWrappedCSS));
Also used : CascadingStyleSheet(com.helger.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet) CSSMediaQuery(com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaQuery) CSSWriter(com.helger.css.writer.CSSWriter) Test(org.junit.Test)


CSSMediaQuery (com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaQuery)2 CascadingStyleSheet (com.helger.css.decl.CascadingStyleSheet)2 CSSImportRule (com.helger.css.decl.CSSImportRule)1 CSSMediaRule (com.helger.css.decl.CSSMediaRule)1 CSSNamespaceRule (com.helger.css.decl.CSSNamespaceRule)1 ICSSTopLevelRule (com.helger.css.decl.ICSSTopLevelRule)1 CSSWriter (com.helger.css.writer.CSSWriter)1 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1