use of com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Property in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4BidirectionalClientHelper method sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage.
public static void sendAS4UserMessageAndReceiveAS4SignalMessage(@Nonnull final IAS4CryptoFactory aCryptoFactory, @Nonnull final IPModeResolver aPModeResolver, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingAttachmentFactory aIAF, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingProfileSelector aIncomingProfileSelector, @Nonnull final AS4ClientUserMessage aClientUserMsg, @Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final String sURL, @Nullable final IAS4ClientBuildMessageCallback aBuildMessageCallback, @Nullable final IAS4OutgoingDumper aOutgoingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4IncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nullable final IAS4RetryCallback aRetryCallback, @Nullable final IAS4RawResponseConsumer aResponseConsumer, @Nullable final IAS4SignalMessageConsumer aSignalMsgConsumer) throws IOException, Phase4Exception, WSSecurityException, MessagingException {
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Sending AS4 UserMessage to '" + sURL + "' with max. " + aClientUserMsg.httpRetrySettings().getMaxRetries() + " retries");
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug(" ServiceType = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceType() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Service = '" + aClientUserMsg.getServiceValue() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" Action = '" + aClientUserMsg.getAction() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" ConversationId = '" + aClientUserMsg.getConversationID() + "'");
LOGGER.debug(" MessageProperties:");
for (final Ebms3Property p : aClientUserMsg.ebms3Properties()) LOGGER.debug(" [" + p.getName() + "] = [" + p.getValue() + "]");
LOGGER.debug(" Attachments (" + aClientUserMsg.attachments().size() + "):");
for (final WSS4JAttachment a : aClientUserMsg.attachments()) {
LOGGER.debug(" [" + a.getId() + "] with [" + a.getMimeType() + "] and [" + a.getCharsetOrDefault(null) + "] and [" + a.getCompressionMode() + "] and [" + a.getContentTransferEncoding() + "]");
final Wrapper<HttpResponse> aWrappedResponse = new Wrapper<>();
final ResponseHandler<byte[]> aResponseHdl = aHttpResponse -> {
// throws an ExtendedHttpResponseException on exception
final HttpEntity aEntity = ResponseHandlerHttpEntity.INSTANCE.handleResponse(aHttpResponse);
if (aEntity == null)
return null;
return EntityUtils.toByteArray(aEntity);
final AS4ClientSentMessage<byte[]> aResponseEntity = aClientUserMsg.sendMessageWithRetries(sURL, aResponseHdl, aBuildMessageCallback, aOutgoingDumper, aRetryCallback);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Successfully transmitted AS4 UserMessage with message ID '" + aResponseEntity.getMessageID() + "' to '" + sURL + "'");
if (aResponseConsumer != null)
// Try interpret result as SignalMessage
if (aResponseEntity.hasResponse() && aResponseEntity.getResponse().length > 0) {
final IAS4IncomingMessageMetadata aMessageMetadata = new AS4IncomingMessageMetadata(EAS4MessageMode.RESPONSE).setRemoteAddr(sURL);
// Read response as EBMS3 Signal Message
// Read it in any case to ensure signature validation etc. happens
final Ebms3SignalMessage aSignalMessage = AS4IncomingHandler.parseSignalMessage(aCryptoFactory, aPModeResolver, aIAF, aIncomingProfileSelector, aClientUserMsg.getAS4ResourceHelper(), aClientUserMsg.getPMode(), aLocale, aMessageMetadata, aWrappedResponse.get(), aResponseEntity.getResponse(), aIncomingDumper);
if (aSignalMessage != null && aSignalMsgConsumer != null)
} else"AS4 ResponseEntity is empty");
use of com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Property in project phase4 by phax.
the class SOAPHeaderElementProcessorExtractEbms3Messaging method processHeaderElement.
public ESuccess processHeaderElement(@Nonnull final Document aSOAPDoc, @Nonnull final Element aElement, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments, @Nonnull final AS4MessageState aState, @Nonnull final ErrorList aErrorList) {
final IMPCManager aMPCMgr = MetaAS4Manager.getMPCMgr();
IPMode aPMode = null;
final ICommonsMap<String, EAS4CompressionMode> aCompressionAttachmentIDs = new CommonsHashMap<>();
IMPC aEffectiveMPC = null;
String sInitiatorID = null;
String sResponderID = null;
final Locale aLocale = aState.getLocale();
// Parse EBMS3 Messaging object
final CollectingValidationEventHandler aCVEH = new CollectingValidationEventHandler();
final Ebms3Messaging aMessaging = Ebms3ReaderBuilder.ebms3Messaging().setValidationEventHandler(aCVEH).read(aElement);
// wellformed
if (aMessaging == null) {
// Invalid Header == not wellformed/invalid xml
for (final IError aError : aCVEH.getErrorList()) {
LOGGER.error("Header error: " + aError.getAsString(aLocale));
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Remember in state
// 0 or 1 are allowed
final int nUserMessages = aMessaging.getUserMessageCount();
if (nUserMessages > 1) {
LOGGER.error("Too many UserMessage objects (" + nUserMessages + ") contained.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// 0 or 1 are allowed
final int nSignalMessages = aMessaging.getSignalMessageCount();
if (nSignalMessages > 1) {
LOGGER.error("Too many SignalMessage objects (" + nSignalMessages + ") contained.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
if (nUserMessages + nSignalMessages == 0) {
// No Message was found
LOGGER.error("Neither UserMessage nor SignalMessage object contained.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Check if the usermessage has a PMode in the collaboration info
final Ebms3UserMessage aUserMessage = CollectionHelper.getAtIndex(aMessaging.getUserMessage(), 0);
if (aUserMessage != null) {
final Ebms3MessageInfo aMsgInfo = aUserMessage.getMessageInfo();
if (aMsgInfo != null) {
// Set this is as early as possible, so that eventually occurring error
// messages can use the "RefToMessageId" element properly
// PartyInfo is mandatory in UserMessage
// From is mandatory in PartyInfo
// To is mandatory in PartyInfo
final List<Ebms3PartyId> aFromPartyIdList = aUserMessage.getPartyInfo().getFrom().getPartyId();
final List<Ebms3PartyId> aToPartyIdList = aUserMessage.getPartyInfo().getTo().getPartyId();
if (aFromPartyIdList.size() > 1 || aToPartyIdList.size() > 1) {
LOGGER.error("More than one PartyId is containted in From or To Recipient please check the message.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Setting Initiator and Responder id, Required values or else xsd will
// throw an error
sInitiatorID = aFromPartyIdList.get(0).getValue();
sResponderID = aToPartyIdList.get(0).getValue();
final Ebms3CollaborationInfo aCollaborationInfo = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo();
if (aCollaborationInfo != null) {
// Find PMode
String sPModeID = null;
String sAgreementRef = null;
if (aCollaborationInfo.getAgreementRef() != null) {
sPModeID = aCollaborationInfo.getAgreementRef().getPmode();
sAgreementRef = aCollaborationInfo.getAgreementRef().getValue();
// Get responder address from properties file (may be null)
final String sAddress = AS4Configuration.getThisEndpointAddress();
aPMode = m_aPModeResolver.getPModeOfID(sPModeID, aCollaborationInfo.getService().getValue(), aCollaborationInfo.getAction(), sInitiatorID, sResponderID, sAgreementRef, sAddress);
// Should be screened by the XSD conversion already
if (aPMode == null) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to resolve PMode '" + sPModeID + "' using resolver " + m_aPModeResolver);
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// to use the configuration for leg2
PModeLeg aPModeLeg1 = null;
PModeLeg aPModeLeg2 = null;
// Needed for the compression check: it is not allowed to have a
// compressed attachment and a SOAPBodyPayload
boolean bHasSoapBodyPayload = false;
if (aPMode != null) {
aPModeLeg1 = aPMode.getLeg1();
aPModeLeg2 = aPMode.getLeg2();
// both are present
if (aPMode.getMEPBinding().getRequiredLegs() == 2 && aPModeLeg2 == null) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, PMode does not contain leg 2.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
final boolean bUseLeg1 = _isUseLeg1(aUserMessage);
final PModeLeg aEffectiveLeg = bUseLeg1 ? aPModeLeg1 : aPModeLeg2;
final int nLegNum = bUseLeg1 ? 1 : 2;
if (aEffectiveLeg == null) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, PMode does not contain effective leg " + nLegNum + ".");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
aState.setEffectivePModeLeg(nLegNum, aEffectiveLeg);
if (_checkMPCOfPMode(aEffectiveLeg, aMPCMgr, aLocale, aErrorList).isFailure())
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
bHasSoapBodyPayload = _checkSOAPBodyHasPayload(aEffectiveLeg, aSOAPDoc);
final String sEffectiveMPCID = _getMPCIDOfUserMsg(aUserMessage, aEffectiveLeg);
// PMode is valid
// Now Check if MPC valid
aEffectiveMPC = aMPCMgr.getMPCOrDefaultOfID(sEffectiveMPCID);
if (aEffectiveMPC == null) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, effective MPC ID '" + sEffectiveMPCID + "' is unknown!");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Remember in state
final Ebms3PayloadInfo aEbms3PayloadInfo = aUserMessage.getPayloadInfo();
if (aEbms3PayloadInfo == null || aEbms3PayloadInfo.getPartInfo().isEmpty()) {
if (bHasSoapBodyPayload) {
LOGGER.error("No PayloadInfo/PartInfo is specified, so no SOAP body payload is allowed.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// attachments in the message
if (aAttachments.isNotEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error("No PayloadInfo/PartInfo is specified, so no attachments are allowed.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else {
// Check if there are more Attachments then specified
if (aAttachments.size() > aEbms3PayloadInfo.getPartInfoCount()) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, the amount of specified attachments does not correlate with the actual attachments in the UserMessage. Expected " + aEbms3PayloadInfo.getPartInfoCount() + " but having " + aAttachments.size() + " attachments.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
int nSpecifiedAttachments = 0;
for (final Ebms3PartInfo aPartInfo : aEbms3PayloadInfo.getPartInfo()) {
// If href is null or empty there has to be a SOAP Payload
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(aPartInfo.getHref())) {
// Check if there is a BodyPayload as specified in the UserMessage
if (!bHasSoapBodyPayload) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage. Expected a SOAPBody Payload but there is none present.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else {
// Attachment
// To check attachments which are specified in the usermessage and
// the real amount in the mime message
final String sAttachmentID = StringHelper.trimStart(aPartInfo.getHref(), MessageHelperMethods.PREFIX_CID);
final WSS4JAttachment aIncomingAttachment = aAttachments.findFirst(x -> EqualsHelper.equals(x.getId(), sAttachmentID));
if (aIncomingAttachment == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to resolve MIME attachment '" + sAttachmentID + "' in list of " + aAttachments.getAllMapped(WSS4JAttachment::getId));
boolean bMimeTypePresent = false;
boolean bCompressionTypePresent = false;
if (aPartInfo.getPartProperties() != null)
for (final Ebms3Property aEbms3Property : aPartInfo.getPartProperties().getProperty()) {
final String sPropertyName = aEbms3Property.getName();
final String sPropertyValue = aEbms3Property.getValue();
if (sPropertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageHelperMethods.PART_PROPERTY_MIME_TYPE)) {
bMimeTypePresent = StringHelper.hasText(sPropertyValue);
} else if (sPropertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageHelperMethods.PART_PROPERTY_COMPRESSION_TYPE)) {
// Only needed check here since AS4 does not support another
// CompressionType
final EAS4CompressionMode eCompressionMode = EAS4CompressionMode.getFromMimeTypeStringOrNull(sPropertyValue);
if (eCompressionMode == null) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, CompressionType '" + sPropertyValue + "' of attachment '" + sAttachmentID + "' is not supported.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
aCompressionAttachmentIDs.put(sAttachmentID, eCompressionMode);
bCompressionTypePresent = true;
} else if (sPropertyName.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageHelperMethods.PART_PROPERTY_CHARACTER_SET)) {
if (StringHelper.hasText(sPropertyValue)) {
final Charset aCharset = CharsetHelper.getCharsetFromNameOrNull(sPropertyValue);
if (aCharset == null) {
LOGGER.error("Value '" + sPropertyValue + "' of property '" + MessageHelperMethods.PART_PROPERTY_CHARACTER_SET + "' of attachment '" + sAttachmentID + "' is not supported");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else if (aIncomingAttachment != null)
// else we don't care about the property
// got compressed
if (bCompressionTypePresent && !bMimeTypePresent) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage, MimeType for a compressed attachment ('" + sAttachmentID + "') is not present.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// This may also be an indicator for "external payloads"
if (nSpecifiedAttachments != aAttachments.size()) {
LOGGER.error("Error processing the UserMessage: the amount of specified attachments does not correlate with the actual attachments in the UserMessage. Expected " + aEbms3PayloadInfo.getPartInfoCount() + " but having " + aAttachments.size() + " attachments. This is an indicator, that an external attached was provided.");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else {
// Must be a SignalMessage
// all vars stay null
final Ebms3SignalMessage aSignalMessage = aMessaging.getSignalMessageAtIndex(0);
final Ebms3MessageInfo aMsgInfo = aSignalMessage.getMessageInfo();
if (aMsgInfo != null) {
// Set this is as early as possible, so that eventually occurring error
// messages can use the "RefToMessageId" element properly
final Ebms3PullRequest aEbms3PullRequest = aSignalMessage.getPullRequest();
final Ebms3Receipt aEbms3Receipt = aSignalMessage.getReceipt();
if (aEbms3PullRequest != null) {
final String sMPC = aEbms3PullRequest.getMpc();
final IMPC aMPC = aMPCMgr.getMPCOfID(sMPC);
if (aMPC == null) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to resolve the PullRequest MPC '" + sMPC + "'");
// Return value not recognized when MPC is not currently saved
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Create SPI which returns a PMode
for (final IAS4ServletPullRequestProcessorSPI aProcessor : AS4ServletPullRequestProcessorManager.getAllProcessors()) {
aPMode = aProcessor.findPMode(aSignalMessage);
if (aPMode != null) {"Found PMode '" + aPMode.getID() + "' for MPC '" + sMPC + "' in SignalMessage " + aSignalMessage);
if (aPMode == null) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to resolve PMode for PullRequest with MPC '" + sMPC + "'");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else if (aEbms3Receipt != null) {
final String sRefToMessageID = aSignalMessage.getMessageInfo().getRefToMessageId();
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sRefToMessageID)) {
LOGGER.error("The Receipt does not contain a RefToMessageId");
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} else {
// Error Message
if (!aSignalMessage.getError().isEmpty()) {
for (final Ebms3Error aError : aSignalMessage.getError()) {
* Ebms 3 spec 6.2.6: This OPTIONAL attribute indicates the
* MessageId of the message in error, for which this error is
* raised.
if (false)
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(aError.getRefToMessageInError())) {
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
// Remember in state
return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
use of com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Property in project phase4 by phax.
the class PeppolCompatibilityValidator method validateUserMessage.
public void validateUserMessage(@Nonnull final Ebms3UserMessage aUserMsg, @Nonnull final ErrorList aErrorList) {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aUserMsg, "UserMsg");
if (aUserMsg.getMessageInfo() == null) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageInfo is missing"));
} else {
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(aUserMsg.getMessageInfo().getMessageId()))
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageInfo/MessageId is missing"));
// Check if originalSender and finalRecipient are present
// Since these two properties are mandatory
final Ebms3MessageProperties aMessageProperties = aUserMsg.getMessageProperties();
if (aMessageProperties == null)
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageProperties is missing but 'originalSender' and 'finalRecipient' properties are required"));
else {
final List<Ebms3Property> aProps = aMessageProperties.getProperty();
if (aProps.isEmpty())
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageProperties/Property must not be empty"));
else {
String sOriginalSenderC1 = null;
String sFinalRecipientC4 = null;
for (final Ebms3Property sProperty : aProps) {
if (sProperty.getName().equals(CAS4.ORIGINAL_SENDER))
sOriginalSenderC1 = sProperty.getValue();
else if (sProperty.getName().equals(CAS4.FINAL_RECIPIENT))
sFinalRecipientC4 = sProperty.getValue();
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sOriginalSenderC1))
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageProperties/Property '" + CAS4.ORIGINAL_SENDER + "' property is empty or not existant but mandatory"));
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sFinalRecipientC4))
aErrorList.add(_createError("MessageProperties/Property '" + CAS4.FINAL_RECIPIENT + "' property is empty or not existant but mandatory"));
if (aUserMsg.getPartyInfo() == null) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("PartyInfo is missing"));
} else {
final Ebms3From aFrom = aUserMsg.getPartyInfo().getFrom();
if (aFrom != null) {
if (aFrom.getPartyIdCount() > 1)
aErrorList.add(_createError("PartyInfo/From must contain no more than one PartyID"));
else if (aFrom.getPartyIdCount() == 1) {
if (!PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_PARTY_TYPE_ID.equals(aFrom.getPartyIdAtIndex(0).getType())) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("PartyInfo/From[0]/@type must be '" + PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_PARTY_TYPE_ID + "' instead of '" + aFrom.getPartyIdAtIndex(0).getType() + "'"));
final Ebms3To aTo = aUserMsg.getPartyInfo().getTo();
if (aTo != null) {
if (aTo.getPartyIdCount() > 1)
aErrorList.add(_createError("PartyInfo/To must contain no more than one PartyID"));
else if (aTo.getPartyIdCount() == 1) {
if (!PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_PARTY_TYPE_ID.equals(aTo.getPartyIdAtIndex(0).getType())) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("PartyInfo/To[0]/@type must be '" + PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_PARTY_TYPE_ID + "' instead of '" + aTo.getPartyIdAtIndex(0).getType() + "'"));
if (aUserMsg.getCollaborationInfo() == null) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("CollaborationInfo is missing"));
} else {
final Ebms3AgreementRef aAgreementRef = aUserMsg.getCollaborationInfo().getAgreementRef();
if (aAgreementRef == null) {
aErrorList.add(_createError("CollaborationInfo/AgreementRef is missing"));
} else {
if (!PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_AGREEMENT_ID.equals(aAgreementRef.getValue()))
aErrorList.add(_createError("CollaborationInfo/AgreementRef must be '" + PeppolPMode.DEFAULT_AGREEMENT_ID + "' instead of '" + aAgreementRef.getValue() + "'"));
if (StringHelper.hasText(aAgreementRef.getType()))
aErrorList.add(_createError("CollaborationInfo/AgreementRef/@type must not be set"));
use of com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Property in project phase4 by phax.
the class Phase4PeppolServletMessageProcessorSPI method processAS4UserMessage.
public AS4MessageProcessorResult processAS4UserMessage(@Nonnull final IAS4IncomingMessageMetadata aMessageMetadata, @Nonnull final HttpHeaderMap aHttpHeaders, @Nonnull final Ebms3UserMessage aUserMessage, @Nonnull final IPMode aSrcPMode, @Nullable final Node aPayload, @Nullable final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aIncomingAttachments, @Nonnull final IAS4MessageState aState, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<Ebms3Error> aProcessingErrorMessages) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Invoking processAS4UserMessage");
final String sMessageID = aUserMessage.getMessageInfo().getMessageId();
final String sService = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getServiceValue();
final String sAction = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getAction();
final String sConversationID = aUserMessage.getCollaborationInfo().getConversationId();
final String sLogPrefix = "[" + sMessageID + "] ";
final Locale aDisplayLocale = aState.getLocale();
// Debug log
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (aSrcPMode == null)
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No Source PMode present");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " Source PMode = " + aSrcPMode.getID());
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Message ID = '" + sMessageID + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Service = '" + sService + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 Action = '" + sAction + "'");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 ConversationId = '" + sConversationID + "'");
// Log source properties
if (aUserMessage.getMessageProperties() != null && aUserMessage.getMessageProperties().hasPropertyEntries()) {
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " AS4 MessageProperties:");
for (final Ebms3Property p : aUserMessage.getMessageProperties().getProperty()) LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " [" + p.getName() + "] = [" + p.getValue() + "]");
} else
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No AS4 Mesage Properties present");
if (aPayload == null)
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " No SOAP Body Payload present");
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + " SOAP Body Payload = " + XMLWriter.getNodeAsString(aPayload));
// Read all attachments
final ICommonsList<ReadAttachment> aReadAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
if (aIncomingAttachments != null) {
int nAttachmentIndex = 0;
for (final IAS4Attachment aIncomingAttachment : aIncomingAttachments) {
final ReadAttachment a = new ReadAttachment();
a.m_sID = aIncomingAttachment.getId();
a.m_sMimeType = aIncomingAttachment.getMimeType();
a.m_sUncompressedMimeType = aIncomingAttachment.getUncompressedMimeType();
a.m_aCharset = aIncomingAttachment.getCharset();
a.m_eCompressionMode = aIncomingAttachment.getCompressionMode();
try (final InputStream aSIS = aIncomingAttachment.getSourceStream()) {
final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream aBAOS = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream();
if (StreamHelper.copyInputStreamToOutputStreamAndCloseOS(aSIS, aBAOS).isSuccess()) {
a.m_aPayloadBytes = aBAOS.getBufferOrCopy();
} catch (final IOException | AS4DecompressException ex) {
// Fall through
if (a.m_aPayloadBytes == null) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "Failed to decompress the payload");
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID()));
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(null);
// Read data as SBDH
// Hint for production systems: this may take a huge amount of memory,
// if the payload is large
final ErrorList aSBDHErrors = new ErrorList();
a.m_aSBDH = SBDHReader.standardBusinessDocument().setValidationEventHandler(new WrappedCollectingValidationEventHandler(aSBDHErrors)).read(a.m_aPayloadBytes);
if (a.m_aSBDH == null) {
if (aSBDHErrors.isEmpty()) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to read the provided SBDH document";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_OTHER.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID(), sMsg));
} else {
for (final IError aError : aSBDHErrors) {
final String sMsg = "Peppol SBDH Issue: " + aError.getAsString(aDisplayLocale);
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
aProcessingErrorMessages.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_OTHER.getAsEbms3Error(aDisplayLocale, aState.getMessageID(), sMsg));
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(null);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "AS4 Attachment " + nAttachmentIndex + " with ID [" + a.m_sID + "] uses [" + a.m_sMimeType + (a.m_sUncompressedMimeType == null ? null : " - uncompressed " + a.m_sUncompressedMimeType) + "] and [" + StringHelper.getToString(a.m_aCharset, "no charset") + "] and length is " + (a.m_aPayloadBytes == null ? "<error>" : Integer.toString(a.m_aPayloadBytes.length)) + " bytes" + (a.m_eCompressionMode == null ? "" : " of compressed payload"));
if (aReadAttachments.size() != 1) {
// In Peppol there must be exactly one payload
final String sMsg = "In Peppol exactly one payload attachment is expected. This request has " + aReadAttachments.size() + " attachments";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
// The one and only
final ReadAttachment aReadAttachment = aReadAttachments.getFirst();
// Extract Peppol values from SBD
final PeppolSBDHDocument aPeppolSBD;
try {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "Now evaluating the SBDH against Peppol rules");
final boolean bPerformValueChecks = Phase4PeppolServletConfiguration.isPerformSBDHValueChecks();
aPeppolSBD = new PeppolSBDHDocumentReader(SimpleIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE).setPerformValueChecks(bPerformValueChecks).extractData(aReadAttachment.standardBusinessDocument());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "The provided SBDH is valid according to Peppol rules, with value checks being " + (bPerformValueChecks ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
} catch (final PeppolSBDHDocumentReadException ex) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to extract the Peppol data from SBDH. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
if (m_aHandlers.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "No SPI handler is present - the message is unhandled and discarded");
} else {
// Start consistency checks?
final Phase4PeppolReceiverCheckData aReceiverCheckData = m_aReceiverCheckData != null ? m_aReceiverCheckData : Phase4PeppolServletConfiguration.getAsReceiverCheckData();
if (aReceiverCheckData != null) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Performing check if the provided data is registered in our SMP");
try {
// Get the endpoint information required from the recipient
// Check if an endpoint is registered
final IParticipantIdentifier aReceiverID = aPeppolSBD.getReceiverAsIdentifier();
final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocTypeID = aPeppolSBD.getDocumentTypeAsIdentifier();
final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID = aPeppolSBD.getProcessAsIdentifier();
final EndpointType aReceiverEndpoint = _getReceiverEndpoint(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getSMPClient(), aReceiverID, aDocTypeID, aProcessID);
if (aReceiverEndpoint == null) {
final String sMsg = "Failed to resolve SMP endpoint for provided receiver ID (" + (aReceiverID == null ? "null" : aReceiverID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/documentType ID (" + (aDocTypeID == null ? "null" : aDocTypeID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/process ID (" + (aProcessID == null ? "null" : aProcessID.getURIEncoded()) + ")/transport profile (" + m_aTransportProfile.getID() + ") - not handling incoming AS4 document";
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
// Check if the message is for us
_checkIfReceiverEndpointURLMatches(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getAS4EndpointURL(), aReceiverEndpoint);
// Get the recipient certificate from the SMP
_checkIfEndpointCertificateMatches(sLogPrefix, aReceiverCheckData.getAPCertificate(), aReceiverEndpoint);
} catch (final Phase4Exception ex) {
final String sMsg = "The addressing data contained in the SBDH could not be verified. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
} else { + "Endpoint checks for incoming AS4 messages are disabled");
for (final IPhase4PeppolIncomingSBDHandlerSPI aHandler : m_aHandlers) {
try {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug(sLogPrefix + "Invoking Peppol handler " + aHandler);
aHandler.handleIncomingSBD(aMessageMetadata, aHttpHeaders.getClone(), aUserMessage.clone(), aReadAttachment.payloadBytes(), aReadAttachment.standardBusinessDocument(), aPeppolSBD, aState);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + "Error invoking Peppol handler " + aHandler, ex);
if (aHandler.exceptionTranslatesToAS4Error()) {
final String sMsg = "The incoming Peppol message could not be processed. Technical details: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " - " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error(sLogPrefix + sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createFailure(sMsg);
return AS4MessageProcessorResult.createSuccess();
use of com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Property in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4eSENSCEFOneWayFuncTest method testEsens_TA20.
* Prerequisite:<br>
* SMSH and RMSH are configured to exchange AS4 messages according to the
* e-SENS profile: One-Way/Push MEP. SMSH sends an AS4 User Message including
* a TRACKINGIDENTIFIER property set by the producer.<br>
* <br>
* Predicate: <br>
* The RMSH returns a non-repudiation receipt within a HTTP response with
* status code 2XX and the received AS4 message contains the
* @throws Exception
* In case of error
public void testEsens_TA20() throws Exception {
// Add properties
final ICommonsList<Ebms3Property> aEbms3Properties = AS4TestConstants.getEBMSProperties();
final Ebms3MessageInfo aEbms3MessageInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3MessageInfo();
final Ebms3PayloadInfo aEbms3PayloadInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3PayloadInfo(m_aPayload != null, null);
final Ebms3CollaborationInfo aEbms3CollaborationInfo;
final Ebms3PartyInfo aEbms3PartyInfo;
aEbms3CollaborationInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3CollaborationInfo(m_aESENSOneWayPMode.getID(), DEFAULT_AGREEMENT, AS4TestConstants.TEST_SERVICE_TYPE, MockPModeGenerator.SOAP11_SERVICE, AS4TestConstants.TEST_ACTION, AS4TestConstants.TEST_CONVERSATION_ID);
aEbms3PartyInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3PartyInfo(CAS4.DEFAULT_INITIATOR_URL, AS4TestConstants.CEF_INITIATOR_ID, CAS4.DEFAULT_RESPONDER_URL, AS4TestConstants.CEF_RESPONDER_ID);
final Ebms3MessageProperties aEbms3MessageProperties = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3MessageProperties(aEbms3Properties);
final String sTrackerIdentifier = "trackingidentifier";
aEbms3MessageProperties.addProperty(MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3Property(sTrackerIdentifier, "tracker"));
final AS4UserMessage aDoc = AS4UserMessage.create(aEbms3MessageInfo, aEbms3PayloadInfo, aEbms3CollaborationInfo, aEbms3PartyInfo, aEbms3MessageProperties, m_eSoapVersion).setMustUnderstand(true);
final Document aSignedDoc = AS4Signer.createSignedMessage(m_aCryptoFactory, aDoc.getAsSoapDocument(m_aPayload), m_eSoapVersion, aDoc.getMessagingID(), null, s_aResMgr, false, AS4SigningParams.createDefault());
final NodeList aNL = aSignedDoc.getElementsByTagName("eb:MessageProperties");
assertEquals(aNL.item(0).getLastChild().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent(), sTrackerIdentifier);
final String sResponse = sendPlainMessage(new HttpXMLEntity(aSignedDoc, m_eSoapVersion.getMimeType()), true, null);