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Example 1 with IAS4Profile

use of com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4Profile in project phase4 by phax.

the class DefaultPModeResolver method getPModeOfID.

public IPMode getPModeOfID(@Nullable final String sPModeID, @Nonnull final String sService, @Nonnull final String sAction, @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sInitiatorID, @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sResponderID, @Nullable final String sAgreementRef, @Nullable final String sAddress) {
    final IPModeManager aPModeMgr = MetaAS4Manager.getPModeMgr();
    IPMode ret = null;
    if (StringHelper.hasText(sPModeID)) {
        // An ID is present - try to resolve this ID
        ret = aPModeMgr.getPModeOfID(sPModeID);
        if (ret != null)
            return ret;
    // the PMode id field is empty or null (or invalid)
    // try a combination of service and action
    ret = aPModeMgr.getPModeOfServiceAndAction(sService, sAction);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    // Use default pmode based on profile
    final IAS4Profile aProfile = MetaAS4Manager.getProfileMgr().getDefaultProfileOrNull();
    if (aProfile != null)
        return aProfile.createPModeTemplate(sInitiatorID, sResponderID, sAddress);
    if (!m_bUseDefaultAsFallback) {
        // Not found and no default -> null
        return null;
    // 2. Default default PMode
    return DefaultPMode.getOrCreateDefaultPMode(sInitiatorID, sResponderID, sAddress, true);
Also used : IAS4Profile(com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4Profile) IPModeManager(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPModeManager) IPMode(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPMode) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with IAS4Profile

use of com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4Profile in project phase4 by phax.

the class AS4IncomingHandler method processEbmsMessage.

public static IAS4MessageState processEbmsMessage(@Nonnull @WillNotClose final AS4ResourceHelper aResHelper, @Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final SOAPHeaderElementProcessorRegistry aRegistry, @Nonnull final HttpHeaderMap aHttpHeaders, @Nonnull final Document aSoapDocument, @Nonnull final ESoapVersion eSoapVersion, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aIncomingAttachments, @Nonnull final IAS4IncomingProfileSelector aAS4ProfileSelector, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<Ebms3Error> aErrorMessagesTarget) throws Phase4Exception {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aResHelper, "ResHelper");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aLocale, "Locale");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aHttpHeaders, "HttpHeaders");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSoapDocument, "SoapDocument");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(eSoapVersion, "SoapVersion");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aIncomingAttachments, "IncomingAttachments");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aAS4ProfileSelector, "AS4ProfileSelector");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aErrorMessagesTarget, "aErrorMessagesTarget");
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Received the following SOAP " + eSoapVersion.getVersion() + " document:");
        if (aIncomingAttachments.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Without any incoming attachments");
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Including the following " + aIncomingAttachments.size() + " attachments:");
    // This is where all data from the SOAP headers is stored to
    final AS4MessageState aState = new AS4MessageState(eSoapVersion, aResHelper, aLocale);
    // Handle all headers - modifies the state
    _processSoapHeaderElements(aRegistry, aSoapDocument, aIncomingAttachments, aState, aErrorMessagesTarget);
    // Remember if header processing was successful or not
    final boolean bSoapHeaderElementProcessingSuccess = aErrorMessagesTarget.isEmpty();
    if (bSoapHeaderElementProcessingSuccess) {
        // Every message can only contain 1 User message or 1 pull message
        // aUserMessage can be null on incoming Pull-Message!
        final Ebms3UserMessage aEbmsUserMessage = aState.getEbmsUserMessage();
        final Ebms3Error aEbmsError = aState.getEbmsError();
        final Ebms3PullRequest aEbmsPullRequest = aState.getEbmsPullRequest();
        final Ebms3Receipt aEbmsReceipt = aState.getEbmsReceipt();
        // Check payload consistency
        final int nCountData = (aEbmsUserMessage != null ? 1 : 0) + (aEbmsPullRequest != null ? 1 : 0) + (aEbmsReceipt != null ? 1 : 0) + (aEbmsError != null ? 1 : 0);
        if (nCountData != 1) {
            LOGGER.error("Expected a UserMessage(" + (aEbmsUserMessage != null ? 1 : 0) + "), a PullRequest(" + (aEbmsPullRequest != null ? 1 : 0) + "), a Receipt(" + (aEbmsReceipt != null ? 1 : 0) + ") or an Error(" + (aEbmsError != null ? 1 : 0) + ")");
            // send EBMS:0001 error back
            aErrorMessagesTarget.add(EEbmsError.EBMS_VALUE_NOT_RECOGNIZED.getAsEbms3Error(aLocale, aState.getMessageID()));
        // Determine AS4 profile ID (since 0.13.0)
        final String sProfileID = aAS4ProfileSelector.getAS4ProfileID(aState);
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Determined AS4 profile ID '" + sProfileID + "' for current message");
        final IPMode aPMode = aState.getPMode();
        final PModeLeg aEffectiveLeg = aState.getEffectivePModeLeg();
        if (aEbmsUserMessage != null) {
            // User message requires PMode
            if (aPMode == null)
                throw new Phase4Exception("No AS4 P-Mode configuration found for user-message!");
            // Only check leg if the message is a usermessage
            if (aEffectiveLeg == null)
                throw new Phase4Exception("No AS4 P-Mode leg could be determined!");
            // Only do profile checks if a profile is set
            if (StringHelper.hasText(sProfileID)) {
                // Resolve profile ID
                final IAS4Profile aProfile = MetaAS4Manager.getProfileMgr().getProfileOfID(sProfileID);
                if (aProfile == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("The configured AS4 profile '" + sProfileID + "' does not exist.");
                // Profile Checks gets set when started with Server
                final IAS4ProfileValidator aValidator = aProfile.getValidator();
                if (aValidator != null) {
                    if (aAS4ProfileSelector.validateAgainstProfile()) {
                        final ErrorList aErrorList = new ErrorList();
                        aValidator.validatePMode(aPMode, aErrorList);
                        aValidator.validateUserMessage(aEbmsUserMessage, aErrorList);
                        if (aErrorList.isNotEmpty()) {
                            throw new Phase4Exception("Error validating incoming AS4 message with the profile " + aProfile.getDisplayName() + "\n Following errors are present: " + aErrorList.getAllErrors().getAllTexts(aLocale));
                    } else {
                        LOGGER.warn("The AS4 profile '" + sProfileID + "' has a validation configured, but the usage was disabled using the AS4ProfileSelector");
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("AS4 state contains no AS4 profile ID - therefore no consistency checks are performed");
            // Ensure the decrypted attachments are used
            final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aDecryptedAttachments = aState.hasDecryptedAttachments() ? aState.getDecryptedAttachments() : aState.getOriginalAttachments();
            // Decompress attachments (if compressed)
            // Result is directly in the decrypted attachments list!
            _decompressAttachments(aDecryptedAttachments, aEbmsUserMessage, aState);
        } else {
            // Pull-request also requires PMode
            if (aEbmsPullRequest != null && aPMode == null)
                throw new Phase4Exception("No AS4 P-Mode configuration found for pull-request!");
        final boolean bUseDecryptedSOAP = aState.hasDecryptedSoapDocument();
        final Document aRealSOAPDoc = bUseDecryptedSOAP ? aState.getDecryptedSoapDocument() : aSoapDocument;
        assert aRealSOAPDoc != null;
        // Find SOAP body (mandatory according to SOAP XSD)
        final Node aBodyNode = XMLHelper.getFirstChildElementOfName(aRealSOAPDoc.getDocumentElement(), eSoapVersion.getNamespaceURI(), eSoapVersion.getBodyElementName());
        if (aBodyNode == null)
            throw new Phase4Exception((bUseDecryptedSOAP ? "Decrypted" : "Original") + " SOAP document is missing a Body element");
        final boolean bIsPingMessage = AS4Helper.isPingMessage(aPMode);
        if (bIsPingMessage)
  "Received an AS4 Ping message - meaning it will NOT be handled by the custom handlers.");
    return aState;
Also used : Ebms3Receipt(com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Receipt) IAS4Profile(com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4Profile) PModeLeg(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.leg.PModeLeg) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Ebms3Error(com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Error) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) Phase4Exception(com.helger.phase4.util.Phase4Exception) ErrorList(com.helger.commons.error.list.ErrorList) Ebms3PullRequest(com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3PullRequest) IPMode(com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPMode) Ebms3UserMessage(com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3UserMessage) IAS4ProfileValidator(com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4ProfileValidator) WSS4JAttachment(com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


IPMode (com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPMode)2 IAS4Profile (com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4Profile)2 ErrorList (com.helger.commons.error.list.ErrorList)1 WSS4JAttachment (com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment)1 Ebms3Error (com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Error)1 Ebms3PullRequest (com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3PullRequest)1 Ebms3Receipt (com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3Receipt)1 Ebms3UserMessage (com.helger.phase4.ebms3header.Ebms3UserMessage)1 IPModeManager (com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.IPModeManager)1 PModeLeg (com.helger.phase4.model.pmode.leg.PModeLeg)1 IAS4ProfileValidator (com.helger.phase4.profile.IAS4ProfileValidator)1 Phase4Exception (com.helger.phase4.util.Phase4Exception)1 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)1 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 Document (org.w3c.dom.Document)1 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)1