use of com.helger.phive.api.executorset.VESID in project phive by phax.
the class PhiveJsonHelperTest method testValidationResultsBackAndForth.
public void testValidationResultsBackAndForth() {
// Register
final ValidationExecutorSetRegistry<IValidationSourceXML> aRegistry = new ValidationExecutorSetRegistry<>();
final VESID aVESID = new VESID("group", "art", "1.0");
final ValidationExecutorSet<IValidationSourceXML> aVES = new ValidationExecutorSet<>(aVESID, "name", false);
aVES.addExecutor(ValidationExecutorXSD.create(new ClassPathResource("test/schema1.xsd")));
// Validate
final ValidationResultList aVRL = ValidationExecutionManager.executeValidation(aVES, ValidationSourceXML.create(new ClassPathResource("test/schema1.xml")));
// To JSON
final Locale aDisplayLocale = Locale.US;
final IJsonObject aObj = new JsonObject();
PhiveJsonHelper.applyValidationResultList(aObj, aVES, aVRL, aDisplayLocale, 123, null, null);
// And back
final IValidationExecutorSet<IValidationSourceXML> aVES2 = PhiveJsonHelper.getAsVES(aRegistry, aObj);
assertSame(aVES, aVES2);
final ValidationResultList aVRL2 = PhiveJsonHelper.getAsValidationResultList(aObj);
// direct equals doesn't work, because of the restored exception
assertEquals(aVRL.size(), aVRL2.size());
assertEquals(1, aVRL.size());
assertEquals(aVRL.get(0).getErrorList().size(), aVRL2.get(0).getErrorList().size());
// and forth
final IJsonObject aObj2 = new JsonObject();
PhiveJsonHelper.applyValidationResultList(aObj2, aVES2, aVRL2, aDisplayLocale, 123, null, null);
CommonsTestHelper.testDefaultImplementationWithEqualContentObject(aObj, aObj2);
use of com.helger.phive.api.executorset.VESID in project phive by phax.
the class VOM1Converter method _createExecutorSchematron.
private ValidationExecutorSchematron _createExecutorSchematron(@Nonnull final VOMSchematronType aSchematron) {
final IReadableResource aRes;
final String sBuiltIn = aSchematron.getBuiltIn();
if (StringHelper.hasText(sBuiltIn)) {"Trying to resolve built-in Schematron artifact '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
aRes = m_aResourceResolver.getResourceOfID(sBuiltIn);
if (aRes == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve built-in Schematron artifact '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
} else {
// External resource
final VESID aVESID = _createVESID(aSchematron.getResource());"Trying to resolve Schematron artifact with ID '" + aVESID.getAsSingleID() + "'");
aRes = m_aArtifactResolver.getArtifactOfID(aVESID);
if (aRes == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve Schematron artifact with ID '" + aVESID.getAsSingleID() + "'");
final EValidationType eValidationType;
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(aSchematron.getType()))
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_SCH;
switch(aSchematron.getType()) {
case "pure":
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_PURE;
case "sch":
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_SCH;
case "xslt":
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_XSLT;
case "schxslt":
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_SCHXSLT;
case "oioubl":
eValidationType = EValidationType.SCHEMATRON_OIOUBL;
throw new IllegalStateException("The Schematron type '" + aSchematron.getType() + "' is unsupported.");
if (aSchematron.getPrerequisiteCount() > 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Currently only 1 prerequsite path is supported");
final MapBasedNamespaceContext aNamespaceContext = new MapBasedNamespaceContext();
final VOMNamespacesType aNamespaces = aSchematron.getNamespaces();
if (aNamespaces != null) {
final String sBuiltIn = aNamespaces.getBuiltIn();
if (sBuiltIn != null) {
// Built-in"Trying to resolve built-in namespace context '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
final MapBasedNamespaceContext ret = m_aNamespaceContextResolver.getNamespaceContextOfID(sBuiltIn);
if (ret == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve built-in namespace context with ID '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
} else {
// Start empty
for (final VOMNamespaceMappingType aMapping : aNamespaces.getMapping()) {
// Default to the default namespace prefix
final String sPrefix = StringHelper.getNotNull(aMapping.getPrefix(), "");
aNamespaceContext.setMapping(sPrefix, aMapping.getNamespace());
final ValidationExecutorSchematron ret = new ValidationExecutorSchematron(new ValidationArtefact(eValidationType, aRes), aSchematron.hasPrerequisiteEntries() ? aSchematron.getPrerequisiteAtIndex(0) : null, aNamespaceContext.hasAnyMapping() ? aNamespaceContext : null);
// Custom errors afterwards (optional)
for (final VOMCustomError aCE : aSchematron.getCustomError()) ret.addCustomErrorLevel(aCE.getId(), getAsErrorLevel(aCE.getLevel()));
if (aSchematron.hasOptionEntries())
LOGGER.warn("Ignoring all Schematron options");
return ret;
use of com.helger.phive.api.executorset.VESID in project phive by phax.
the class VOM1Converter method _createExecutorXSD.
private ValidationExecutorXSD _createExecutorXSD(@Nonnull final VOMXSDType aXsd) {
final ValidationExecutorXSD ret;
final String sBuiltIn = aXsd.getBuiltIn();
if (StringHelper.hasText(sBuiltIn)) {"Trying to resolve built-in XSD artifact '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
final Schema aSchema = m_aXmlSchemaResolver.getXmlSchemaOfID(sBuiltIn);
if (aSchema == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve built-in XSD artifact '" + sBuiltIn + "'");
ret = new ValidationExecutorXSD(new ValidationArtefact(EValidationType.XSD, new ReadableResourceByteArray("built-in-" + sBuiltIn, ArrayHelper.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)), () -> aSchema);
} else {
// External resource
final VESID aVESID = _createVESID(aXsd.getResource());"Trying to resolve XSD artifact with ID '" + aVESID.getAsSingleID() + "'");
final IReadableResource aRes = m_aArtifactResolver.getArtifactOfID(aVESID);
if (aRes == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to resolve XSD artifact with ID '" + aVESID.getAsSingleID() + "'");
ret = ValidationExecutorXSD.create(aRes);
if (aXsd.hasOptionEntries())
LOGGER.warn("Ignoring all XSD options");
return ret;
use of com.helger.phive.api.executorset.VESID in project phive by phax.
the class PhiveJsonHelper method getAsVES.
public static <T extends IValidationSource> IValidationExecutorSet<T> getAsVES(@Nonnull final ValidationExecutorSetRegistry<T> aRegistry, @Nullable final IJsonObject aJson) {
ValueEnforcer.notNull(aRegistry, "Registry");
if (aJson != null) {
IJsonObject aObj = aJson.getAsObject(JSON_VES);
if (aObj == null)
aObj = aJson;
final String sVESID = aObj.getAsString(JSON_VESID);
if (StringHelper.hasText(sVESID)) {
final VESID aVESID = VESID.parseIDOrNull(sVESID);
if (aVESID != null)
return aRegistry.getOfID(aVESID);
return null;
use of com.helger.phive.api.executorset.VESID in project phive by phax.
the class PhiveJsonHelperTest method testValidationResults.
public void testValidationResults() {
final IJsonObject aObj = new JsonObject();
final Locale aDisplayLocale = Locale.US;
final VESID aVESID = new VESID("group", "art", "1.0");
final IValidationExecutorSet<?> aVES = new ValidationExecutorSet<>(aVESID, "name", false);
PhiveJsonHelper.applyValidationResultList(aObj, aVES, new CommonsArrayList<>(), aDisplayLocale, 123, null, null);
final String sJson = aObj.getAsJsonString();
assertEquals("{\"ves\":{\"vesid\":\"group:art:1.0\",\"name\":\"name\",\"deprecated\":false}," + "\"success\":true," + "\"interrupted\":false," + "\"mostSevereErrorLevel\":\"SUCCESS\"," + "\"results\":[]," + "\"durationMS\":123}", sJson);