Search in sources :

Example 1 with AS400FileRecordDescription

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_PC_IBMi method copyToSourceMember.

 * Copy PC text file to the IBM i source member.
 * @param sourcePathString
 * @param targetPathString
 * @param fromDirectory
 * @return
protected String copyToSourceMember(String sourcePathString, String targetPathString, boolean fromDirectory) {
    if (ibmCcsid.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
        ibmCcsid = "500";
        ibmCcsidInt = 500;
    // Extract individual names (libraryName, fileName, memberName) from the AS400 IFS path
    if (sourcePathString.endsWith(pcFileSep)) {
        sourcePathString = sourcePathString.substring(0, sourcePathString.lastIndexOf(pcFileSep));
    // Get source type from the PC file name
    String sourceType;
    if (sourcePathString.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) {
        // If file name has postfix with a dot, the posfix will be the source type
        sourceType = sourcePathString.substring(sourcePathString.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
    } else {
        // If file name does not have a postfix (there is no dot), the source type will be MBR
        sourceType = "MBR";
    // Path to input PC text file
    Path inTextFile = Paths.get(sourcePathString);
    // Path to the output source member
    String outMemberPathString = "/QSYS.LIB/" + libraryName + ".LIB/" + fileName + ".FILE" + "/" + memberName + ".MBR";
    IFSFile ifsMbr = new IFSFile(remoteServer, outMemberPathString);
    String clrPfmCommand;
    String chgPfmCommand;
    // Enable calling CL commands
    CommandCall cmdCall = new CommandCall(remoteServer);
    msgText = "";
    try {
        // Open PC input file regarded as a text file.
        if (pcCharset.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
            // Decode input using its encoding. Ignore PC charset parameter.
            inFile = Files.newBufferedReader(inTextFile);
        } else {
            // Decode input using PC charset parameter.
            inFile = Files.newBufferedReader(inTextFile, Charset.forName(pcCharset));
        try {
            // Read the first text line
            textLine = inFile.readLine();
        // If an error is found in the first line of the file,
        // processing is broken, the error is caught (see catch blocks), a message is reported,
        // and no member is created.
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            row = "Error: Data of the PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  cannot be copied to the source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  -  " + exc.toString();
            msgText = "ERROR";
            return msgText;
        // -----------------------------------
        if (ifsMbr.exists() && !properties.getProperty("OVERWRITE_FILE").equals("Y")) {
            row = "Info: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  cannot be copied to the existing source physical member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + "). Overwriting files is not allowed.";
            return "ERROR";
        // SEQUENCE NUMBER and DATE information fields in the first 6 + 6 positions.
        try {
            // Non-empty member can be checked for information fields if the line is longer than 12
            if (textLine != null && textLine.length() > 12) {
                int seqNbr = Integer.parseInt(textLine.substring(0, 6));
                int date = Integer.parseInt(textLine.substring(6, 12));
                seqAndDatePresent = true;
            } else {
                // Otherwise the line cannot have information fields
                seqAndDatePresent = false;
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            seqAndDatePresent = false;
        if (seqAndDatePresent) {
            // Input records contain sequence and data fields
            // ----------------------------------------------
            // Copying is done directly using a sequential file preserving sequence and data field values.
            // Clear physical file member
            clrPfmCommand = "CLRPFM FILE(" + libraryName + "/" + fileName + ") MBR(" + memberName + ")";
            // Obtain output database file record description
            AS400FileRecordDescription outRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, outMemberPathString);
            // Retrieve record format from the record description
            RecordFormat[] format = outRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
            // Obtain output record object
            Record outRecord = new Record(format[0]);
            // Note: Now create the member if no error was found in the first text line.
            // -----
            // Create the member (SequentialFile object)
            outSeqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, outMemberPathString);
            // Set the record format (the only one)
            try {
                // Open the member
            } catch ( as400exc) {
                // as400exc.printStackTrace();
                // Add new member if open could not be performed (when the member does not exist)
                // (the second parameter is a text description)
                // The new member inherits the CCSID from its parent Source physical file
                outSeqFile.addPhysicalFileMember(memberName, "Source member " + memberName);
                // Change member to set its Source Type
                chgPfmCommand = "CHGPFM FILE(" + libraryName + "/" + fileName + ") MBR(" + memberName + ") SRCTYPE(" + sourceType + ")";
                // Perform the CL command
                // Open the new member
            // Process all lines
            while (textLine != null) {
                // Get lengths of three fields of the source record
                int lenSEQ = format[0].getFieldDescription("SRCSEQ").getLength();
                int lenDAT = format[0].getFieldDescription("SRCDAT").getLength();
                // Set the three field values from the input text line according to their lengths
                outRecord.setField("SRCSEQ", new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(textLine.substring(0, lenSEQ)), 2));
                outRecord.setField("SRCDAT", new BigDecimal(textLine.substring(lenSEQ, lenSEQ + lenDAT)));
                outRecord.setField("SRCDTA", textLine.substring(lenSEQ + lenDAT));
                try {
                    // Write source record
                    // Read next text line
                    textLine = inFile.readLine();
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    row = "Error: 1 Data of the PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  cannot be copied to the source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  -  " + exc.toString();
                    msgText = "ERROR";
            // Close files
        } else {
            // Input records DO NOT contain sequence and data fields
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Copying is done indirectly using a temporary IFS file in the /home/userName directory.
            // First create an IFS '/home/userName directory if it does not exist
            String home_userName = "/home/" + userName;
            IFSFile ifsDir = new IFSFile(remoteServer, home_userName);
            // Create new directory
            // String for command CHGATR to set CCSID attribute of the new directory
            String command_CHGATR = "CHGATR OBJ('" + home_userName + ") ATR(*CCSID) VALUE(" + ibmCcsid + ") SUBTREE(*ALL)";
            // Perform the command
            // Create hidden temporary file (with leading dot) in the directory
            String tmp_File = home_userName + "/.tmp" + Timestamp.valueOf(;
            IFSFile ifsTmpFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, tmp_File);
            // Copy PC file to temporary IFS file
            copyFromPcFile(sourcePathString, tmp_File, notFromWalk);
            // Copy data from temporary IFS file to the member. If the member does not exist it is created.
            String commandCpyFrmStmfString = "CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('" + tmp_File + "') TOMBR('" + targetPathString + "') MBROPT(*REPLACE) CVTDTA(*AUTO) STMFCCSID(*STMF) DBFCCSID(*FILE)";
            // Perform the command
            // Delete the temporary file
        row = "Info: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to source physical file member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + "). Convert " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".";
        if (!msgText.isEmpty()) {
            return "ERROR";
        if (msgText.isEmpty() && !fromDirectory) {
            row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to source physical file member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + "). Convert " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".";
            return "";
        if (!msgText.isEmpty() && !fromDirectory) {
            row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT completely copied to source physical file member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + "). Convert " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".";
            return "ERROR";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception exce) {
        row = "Error: 3 PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  cannot be copied to the source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  -  " + exc.toString();
        // Must not continue in order not to lock an object
        return "ERROR";
    return "";
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) CommandCall( SequentialFile( RecordFormat( IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) AS400FileRecordDescription( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) Record( IFSFile(

Example 2 with AS400FileRecordDescription

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class SearchWindow method readSourceMember.

 * Read Source Member data into text area.
 * @return
protected JTextArea readSourceMember() {
    IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, mainWindow.sourcePathString);
    // Create an AS400FileRecordDescription object that represents the file
    AS400FileRecordDescription inRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, mainWindow.sourcePathString);
    try {
        // Decide what CCSID is appropriate for displaying the member
        int ccsidAttribute = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        // Get list of record formats of the database file
        RecordFormat[] format = inRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
        // Create an AS400File object that represents the file
        SequentialFile as400seqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, mainWindow.sourcePathString);
        // Set the record format (the only one)
        // Open the source physical file member as a sequential file, 0, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
        // Read the first source member record
        Record inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // --------------------
        while (inRecord != null) {
            StringBuilder textLine = new StringBuilder();
            // Source record is composed of three source record fields: seq.
            // number, date, source data.
            DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("0000.00");
            DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("000000");
            // Sequence number - 6 bytes
            String seq = df1.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCSEQ"));
            String seq2 = seq.substring(0, 4) + seq.substring(5);
            // Date - 6 bytes
            String srcDat = df2.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCDAT"));
            // textLine.append(srcDat);
            // Data from source record (the source line)
            byte[] bytes = inRecord.getFieldAsBytes("SRCDTA");
            // Create object for conversion from bytes to characters
            // Ignore "IBM i CCSID" parameter - display characters in the
            // member.
            AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(bytes.length, remoteServer);
            // Convert byte array buffer to text line (String - UTF-16)
            String translatedData = (String) textConverter.toObject(bytes);
            // Append translated data to text line
            // Append text line to text area
            // Read next source member record
            inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // Close the file
        // Set scroll bar to top
        // Display the window.
        mainWindow.row = "Info: Source member  " + mainWindow.sourcePathString + "  has CCSID  " + ccsidAttribute + ".";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        mainWindow.row = "Error: " + exc.toString();
    // Remove message scroll listener (cancel scrolling to the last message)
    return textArea;
Also used : SequentialFile( RecordFormat( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) PatternSyntaxException(java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException) AS400FileRecordDescription( AS400Text( Record( IFSFile(

Example 3 with AS400FileRecordDescription

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class DisplayFile method displaySourceMember.

 * Display source member using its CCSID attribute; Only data part of the source record is translated (to String -
 * UTF-16).
 * @param remoteServer
 * @param as400PathString
protected void displaySourceMember(AS400 remoteServer, String as400PathString) {
    this.setTitle("Display member  '" + as400PathString + "'");
    IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, as400PathString);
    // Create an AS400FileRecordDescription object that represents the file
    AS400FileRecordDescription inRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, as400PathString);
    try {
        // Decide what CCSID is appropriate for displaying the member
        int ccsidAttribute = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        characterSetLabel.setText("CCSID " + ccsidAttribute + " was used for display.");
        // Get list of record formats of the database file
        RecordFormat[] format = inRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
        // Create an AS400File object that represents the file
        SequentialFile as400seqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, as400PathString);
        // Set the record format (the only one)
        // Open the source physical file member as a sequential file, 0, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
        // Read the first source member record
        Record inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // --------------------
        while (inRecord != null) {
            StringBuilder textLine = new StringBuilder();
            // Source record is composed of three source record fields: seq.
            // number, date, source data.
            DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("0000.00");
            DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("000000");
            // Sequence number - 6 bytes
            String seq = df1.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCSEQ"));
            String seq2 = seq.substring(0, 4) + seq.substring(5);
            // Date - 6 bytes
            String srcDat = df2.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCDAT"));
            // textLine.append(srcDat);
            // Data from source record (the source line)
            byte[] bytes = inRecord.getFieldAsBytes("SRCDTA");
            // Create object for conversion from bytes to characters
            // Ignore "IBM i CCSID" parameter - display characters in the
            // member.
            AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(bytes.length, remoteServer);
            // Convert byte array buffer to text line (String - UTF-16)
            String translatedData = (String) textConverter.toObject(bytes);
            // Append translated data to text line
            // Append text line to text area
            // Read next source member record
            inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // Close the file
        // Set scroll bar to top
        // Display the window.
        row = "Info: Source member  " + as400PathString + "  has CCSID  " + ccsidAttribute + ".";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        row = "Error: " + exc.toString();
    // Remove message scroll listener (cancel scrolling to the last message)
Also used : SequentialFile( RecordFormat( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) Point(java.awt.Point) PatternSyntaxException(java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) AS400FileRecordDescription( AS400Text( Record( IFSFile(

Example 4 with AS400FileRecordDescription

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class EditFile method displaySourceMember.

protected void displaySourceMember() {
    this.setTitle("Edit member  '" + filePathString + "'");
    // Extract individual names (libraryName, fileName, memberName) from the AS400 IFS path
    IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, filePathString);
    // Create an AS400FileRecordDescription object that represents the file
    AS400FileRecordDescription inRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, filePathString);
    // Set editability
    try {
        ccsidAttribute = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        characterSetLabel.setText("CCSID " + ccsidAttribute + " was used for display.");
        // Get list of record formats of the database file
        RecordFormat[] format = inRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
        // Create an AS400File object that represents the file
        SequentialFile as400seqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, filePathString);
        // Set the record format (the only one)
        // Open the source physical file member as a sequential file, 0, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
        // Read the first source member record
        Record inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // --------------------
        while (inRecord != null) {
            StringBuilder textLine = new StringBuilder();
            // Prefix is not displayed because it must not be edited!!!
            // Source record is composed of three source record fields: seq.
            // number, date, source data.
            // -- DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("0000.00");
            // -- DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("000000");
            // Sequence number - 6 bytes String seq = df1.format((Number)
            // --inRecord.getField("SRCSEQ"));
            // String seq2 = seq.substring(0, 4) + seq.substring(5);
            // Date - 6 bytes
            // --String srcDat = df2.format((Number)
            // inRecord.getField("SRCDAT"));
            // Data from source record (the source line)
            byte[] bytes = inRecord.getFieldAsBytes("SRCDTA");
            // Create object for conversion from bytes to characters
            // Ignore "IBM i CCSID" parameter - display characters in the
            // member.
            AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(bytes.length, remoteServer);
            // Convert byte array buffer to text line (String - UTF-16)
            String translatedData = (String) textConverter.toObject(bytes);
            // Append translated data to text line
            // Append text line to text area
            // Read next source member record
            inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // Close the file
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        isError = true;
        row = "Error in displaying source member: " + exc.toString();
    // Remove message scroll listener (cancel scrolling to the last message)
Also used : SequentialFile( AS400Text( RecordFormat( Record( CannotUndoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException) CannotRedoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) IFSFile( AS400FileRecordDescription(

Example 5 with AS400FileRecordDescription

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class EditFile method rewriteSourceMemberDirect.

 * Rewrite source member with edited text area directly, without intermediate temporary IFS file; Records are
 * written, updated or deleted, with numbers and dates using BigDecimal objects;
 * THIS METHOD IS NOT USED because it is very slow.
 * @return
protected String rewriteSourceMemberDirect() {
    // Extract individual names (libraryName, fileName, memberName) from the
    // AS400 IFS path
    // Path to the output source member
    String outMemberPathString = "/QSYS.LIB/" + libraryName + ".LIB/" + fileName + ".FILE" + "/" + memberName + ".MBR";
    try {
        String[] lines = textArea.getText().split("\n");
        // ------------------------------------
        if (!properties.getProperty("OVERWRITE_FILE").equals("Y")) {
            row = "Info: Member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")   cannot be overwtitten. " + " Overwriting files is not allowed.";
            return "ERROR";
        // Overwrite is allowed
        // --------------------
        // Obtain output database file record description
        AS400FileRecordDescription outRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, outMemberPathString);
        // Retrieve record format from the record description
        RecordFormat[] format = outRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
        // Obtain output record object
        Record outRecord = new Record(format[0]);
        msgText = "";
        if (lines.length > 0) {
            // Create the member (SequentialFile object)
            outSeqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, outMemberPathString);
            // Set the record format (the only one)
            try {
      , 100000, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
            } catch ( as400exc) {
                // Add new member if open could not be performed (when the
                // member does not exist)
                // (the second parameter is a text description)
                // The new member inherits the CCSID from its parent Source
                // physical file
                outSeqFile.addPhysicalFileMember(memberName, "Source member " + memberName);
                // Open the new member
      , 100000, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
            // Member records contain sequence and data fields
            // -----------------------------------------------
            // Get length of member data field
            int lenDTA = format[0].getFieldDescription("SRCDTA").getLength();
            // Base sequential number - 6 digits
            BigDecimal seqNumber = new BigDecimal("0000.00");
            // Increment to the previous sequential number - 6 digits
            BigDecimal increment = new BigDecimal("0001.00");
            // Get actual date and transform it to YYMMDD
            LocalDate date =;
            int intYear = date.getYear();
            int intMonth = date.getMonthValue();
            int intDay = date.getDayOfMonth();
            String strYear = String.valueOf(intYear);
            String strMonth = String.valueOf(intMonth);
            if (intMonth < 10) {
                strMonth = "0" + strMonth;
            String strDay = String.valueOf(intDay);
            if (intDay < 10) {
                strDay = "0" + strDay;
            String strSrcDat = strYear.substring(2) + strMonth + strDay;
            String dataLine;
            // Process all lines
            for (int idx = 0; idx < lines.length; idx++) {
                // System.out.println("0'" + lines[idx] + "'");
                if (lines[idx].equals("\n")) {
                    // System.out.println("1'" + lines[idx] + "'");
                    dataLine = " ";
                } else {
                    // System.out.println("2'" + lines[idx] + "'");
                    dataLine = lines[idx].replace("\r", "");
                seqNumber = seqNumber.add(increment);
                // Insert sequential number into the source record (zoned
                // decimal, 2 d.p.)
                outRecord.setField("SRCSEQ", seqNumber);
                // Insert today's date YYMMDD into the source record (zoned
                // decimal, 0 d.p.)
                outRecord.setField("SRCDAT", new BigDecimal(strSrcDat));
                // Adjust data line obtained from the text area - truncate
                // or pad by spaces if necessary
                int dataLength;
                if (dataLine.length() >= lenDTA) {
                    // Shorten the data line to fit the data field in the
                    // record
                    dataLength = lenDTA;
                } else {
                    // Pad the data line with spaces to fit the data field
                    // in the record
                    char[] chpad = new char[lenDTA - dataLine.length()];
                    for (int jdx = 0; jdx < chpad.length; jdx++) {
                        // pad the data line with spaces
                        chpad[jdx] = ' ';
                    dataLine = dataLine + String.valueOf(chpad);
                    dataLength = lenDTA;
                // Insert data to the member data field
                outRecord.setField("SRCDTA", dataLine.substring(0, dataLength));
                // area
                try {
                    outSeqFile.positionCursor(idx + 1);
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    row = "Error: 1 Data cannot be written to the source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  -  " + exc.toString();
                    msgText = "ERROR";
            // Close file
            // Set caret at the beginning of the text area
            row = "Comp: Source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  was saved.";
            return "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception exce) {
        row = "Error: 3 Data cannot be written to the source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  -  " + exc.toString();
        // Must not continue in order not to lock an object
        return "ERROR";
    return "";
Also used : SequentialFile( RecordFormat( LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) Point(java.awt.Point) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) CannotUndoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException) CannotRedoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) AS400FileRecordDescription( Record(


AS400FileRecordDescription ( Record ( RecordFormat ( SequentialFile ( IFSFile ( AS400Text ( IllegalCharsetNameException (java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException)3 UnsupportedCharsetException (java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException)3 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)3 BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)3 Point (java.awt.Point)2 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)2 Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 PatternSyntaxException (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException)2 CannotRedoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException)2 CannotUndoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException)2 CommandCall ( BufferedWriter ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 LocalDate (java.time.LocalDate)1