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Example 1 with AS400Text

use of in project camel by apache.

the class Jt400PgmProducer method getParameterList.

private ProgramParameter[] getParameterList(Exchange exchange) throws InvalidPayloadException, PropertyVetoException {
    Object body = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody();
    Object[] params = (Object[]) body;
    ProgramParameter[] parameterList = new ProgramParameter[params.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
        Object param = params[i];
        boolean input;
        boolean output;
        if (getISeriesEndpoint().isFieldIdxForOuput(i)) {
            output = true;
            input = param != null;
        } else {
            output = false;
            input = true;
        byte[] inputData = null;
        // XXX Actually, returns any field length, not just output.
        int length = getISeriesEndpoint().getOutputFieldLength(i);
        if (input) {
            if (param != null) {
                AS400DataType typeConverter;
                if (getISeriesEndpoint().getFormat() == Jt400Configuration.Format.binary) {
                    typeConverter = new AS400ByteArray(length);
                } else {
                    typeConverter = new AS400Text(length, iSeries);
                inputData = typeConverter.toBytes(param);
        // Else, inputData will remain null.
        if (input && output) {
            LOG.trace("Parameter {} is both input and output.", i);
            parameterList[i] = new ProgramParameter(inputData, length);
        } else if (input) {
            LOG.trace("Parameter {} is input.", i);
            if (inputData != null) {
                parameterList[i] = new ProgramParameter(inputData);
            } else {
                parameterList[i] = new ProgramParameter();
                // Just for self documentation.
        } else {
            // output
            LOG.trace("Parameter {} is output.", i);
            parameterList[i] = new ProgramParameter(length);
    return parameterList;
Also used : ProgramParameter( AS400Text( AS400DataType( AS400ByteArray(

Example 2 with AS400Text

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_PC_IBMi method copyFromPcFile.

 * Copying simple PC file to IBMi IFS directory/file or to Source File/Source Member or to Save File
 * @param sourcePathString
 * @param targetPathString
 * @param fromWalk
 * @return
protected String copyFromPcFile(String sourcePathString, String targetPathString, boolean fromWalk) {
    if (!sourcePathString.contains(pcFileSep + ".")) {
        try {
            // Extract individual names (libraryName, fileName, memberName) from the AS400 IFS path
            // Path to PC file
            Path pcFilePath = Paths.get(sourcePathString);
            // IFS file or directory object
            IFSFile targetPath = new IFSFile(remoteServer, targetPathString);
            if (!targetPathString.startsWith("/QSYS.LIB")) {
                String outFileName;
                if (targetPath.isDirectory()) {
                    // to IFS directory:
                    // IFS file name = IFS directory name + PC file name
                    outFileName = targetPathString + "/" + pcFilePath.getFileName();
                    if (outFileName.endsWith(".savf")) {
                        copyToSaveFile(sourcePathString, outFileName, notToLibrary);
                        return "";
                } else {
                    // to IFS file:
                    // IFS file name does not change
                    outFileName = targetPathString;
                    if (outFileName.endsWith(".savf")) {
                        copyToSaveFile(sourcePathString, outFileName, notToLibrary);
                        return "";
                    // If input PC file ends with .savf, output IFS file must also end with .savf
                    if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".savf") && !outFileName.endsWith(".savf")) {
                        row = "Error: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  ending with suffix \".savf\" cannot be copied to IFS file  " + outFileName + "  with a different suffix.";
                        return "ERROR";
                // Create IFS file object
                IFSFile outFilePath = new IFSFile(remoteServer, outFileName);
                if (outFilePath.exists() && !properties.getProperty("OVERWRITE_FILE").equals("Y")) {
                    row = "Error: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT copied to the existing file  " + outFileName + ". Overwriting files is not allowed.";
                    return "ERROR";
                // Default CCSID for IFS files is 819
                if (ibmCcsid.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
                    ibmCcsid = "819";
                    ibmCcsidInt = 819;
                // no conversion id necessary and transfer is faster.
                if (pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("UTF-8") && ibmCcsid.equals("1208") || pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("UTF-16") && ibmCcsid.equals("1200") || pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("UTF-16") && ibmCcsid.equals("13488") || // ASCII Windows
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("WINDOWS-1250") && ibmCcsid.equals("1250") || // ASCII Windows
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("WINDOWS-1251") && ibmCcsid.equals("1251") || // ASCII Windows
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("CP1250") && ibmCcsid.equals("1250") || // ASCII Windows
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("CP1251") && ibmCcsid.equals("1251") || // ASCII Latin-1
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("ISO-8859-1") && ibmCcsid.equals("819") || // ASCII Latin-1
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("ISO-8859-1") && ibmCcsid.equals("858") || // EBCDIC Latin-1
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("IBM500") && ibmCcsid.equals("500") || // EBCDIC Latin-1
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("CP500") && ibmCcsid.equals("500") || // ASCII Latin-2
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("ISO-8859-2") && ibmCcsid.equals("912") || // EBCDIC Latin-2
                pcCharset.toUpperCase().equals("IBM870") && ibmCcsid.equals("870")) {
                    // Allocate buffer for data
                    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2000000);
                    // Open output IFS file - SHARED for all users, REWRITE data
                    IFSFileOutputStream ifsOutStream = new IFSFileOutputStream(remoteServer, outFileName, IFSFileOutputStream.SHARE_ALL, false);
                    // Force this CCSID as an attribute to the output IFS file
                    // Open the input PC file
                    FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel) Files.newByteChannel(pcFilePath);
                    // Copy PC file to IFS file with byte buffer
                    int bytesRead =;
                    while (bytesRead > 0) {
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < bytesRead; idx++) {
                            // New line byte must be changed for EBCDIC
                            if (byteBuffer.get(idx) == 0x15) {
                                byteBuffer.put(idx, (byte) 0x25);
                        ifsOutStream.write(byteBuffer.array(), 0, bytesRead);
                        // Set start of buffer to read next bytes into
                        bytesRead =;
                    // Close files
                    if (fromWalk) {
                        row = "Info: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied unchanged (binary) to IFS file  " + outFileName + ", CCSID " + ibmCcsid + ".";
                    } else {
                        row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied unchanged (binary) to IFS file  " + outFileName + ", CCSID " + ibmCcsid + ".";
                } else {
                    // Conversion from pcCharset to ibmCcsid
                    // -------------------------------------
                    byte[] byteArray = new byte[2000000];
                    // Open input
                    BufferedReader bufferedReader;
                    if (pcCharset.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
                        pcCharset = "ISO-8859-1";
                    // Input will be decoded using PC charset parameter.
                    bufferedReader = Files.newBufferedReader(pcFilePath, Charset.forName(pcCharset));
                    // }
                    // Open output
                    IFSFileOutputStream ifsOutStream = new IFSFileOutputStream(remoteServer, outFileName, IFSFileOutputStream.SHARE_ALL, false, ibmCcsidInt);
                    // Force the CCSID from application parameter to the IFS file as an attribute
                    // Copy data
                    int nbrOfBytes = 0;
                    String textLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
                    while (textLine != null) {
                        textLine += "\r\n";
                        // Decide how long in bytes the line is given target encoding.
                        if (ibmCcsid.equals("1200") || ibmCcsid.equals("13488")) {
                            // Get length in bytes for conversion to Unicode 1200 (UTF-16) and 13488 (UCS-2)
                            nbrOfBytes = textLine.length() * 2;
                        } else if (ibmCcsid.equals("1208")) {
                            // Get length in bytes
                            // for UTF-8 -> 1208
                            // and for single byte CCSIDs.
                            nbrOfBytes = textLine.getBytes().length;
                        } else {
                            // Get length of bytes of the text line for single byte characters
                            nbrOfBytes = textLine.length();
                        // Create text converter with correct length in bytes
                        AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(nbrOfBytes, ibmCcsidInt, remoteServer);
                        try {
                            byteArray = textConverter.toBytes(textLine);
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                            row = "Error: 1 Copying PC text file  " + sourcePathString + "  to IFS file  " + targetPathString + ".  Convert  " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".  -  " + exc.toString();
                            return "ERROR";
                        // Read next line
                        textLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
                    if (fromWalk) {
                        row = "Info: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to IFS file  " + outFileName + ",  Convert " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".";
                    } else {
                        row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to IFS file  " + outFileName + ",  Convert " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".";
                return "";
            } else // --------------------------------------------------------
            if (targetPathString.endsWith(".LIB")) {
                // Default CCSID for Library objects is 500 (EBCDIC Latin-1)
                if (ibmCcsid.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
                    ibmCcsid = "500";
                    ibmCcsidInt = 500;
                // PC file with suffix .savf to LIBRARY
                if (pcFilePath.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".savf")) {
                    msgText = copyToSaveFile(sourcePathString, targetPathString, toLibrary);
                } else // 
                // PC file without .savf suffix is NOT ALLOWED to copy to LIBRARY!
                    row = "Error: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  without .savf suffix cannot be copied to the library  " + libraryName + ".";
            // PC file to SAVE FILE
            } else if (targetPathString.contains(".LIB") && targetPathString.endsWith(".SAVF")) // && targetPath.getSubtype().equals("SAVF")
                msgText = copyToSaveFile(sourcePathString, targetPathString, notToLibrary);
                if (!msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT copied to the save file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + ".";
            } else if (targetPathString.endsWith(".FILE")) {
                // File ending with .savf is not allowed to source member
                if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".savf")) {
                    row = "Error: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  ending with .savf cannot be copied to source file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + ".";
                    return "ERROR";
                // Insert to source file as a member
                msgText = copyToSourceFile(sourcePathString, targetPathString);
                if (!msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    // + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "."
                    row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT copied to the existing source physical file  ";
            } else if (targetPathString.endsWith(".MBR")) {
                if (Files.isDirectory(pcFilePath)) {
                    // PC file to SOURCE MEMBER
                    msgText = copyToSourceMember(sourcePathString, targetPathString, fromDirectory);
                } else {
                    // File ending with .savf is not allowed to source member
                    if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".savf")) {
                        row = "Error: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  ending with .savf cannot be copied to source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "/" + memberName + ".";
                        return "ERROR";
                    // Rewrite source member
                    msgText = copyToSourceMember(sourcePathString, targetPathString, notFromDirectory);
                if (!msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    row = "Comp: PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT copied to the existing source physical member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ").";
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            row = "Error: 2 Copying PC file  " + sourcePathString + "  to IFS file  " + targetPathString + ". Convert  " + pcCharset + " -> " + ibmCcsid + ".  -  " + exc.toString();
            return "ERROR";
    return msgText;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) IFSFileOutputStream( AS400Text( FileChannel(java.nio.channels.FileChannel) BufferedReader( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IFSFile(

Example 3 with AS400Text

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class DisplayFile method displayIfsFile.

 * Display contents of the IFS file using its CCSID attribute
 * @param remoteServer
 * @param ifsFilePathString
protected void displayIfsFile(AS400 remoteServer, String ifsFilePathString) {
    this.setTitle("Display IFS file  '" + ifsFilePathString + "'");
    // The user can correct the parameter "IBMi CCSID" and try again.
    try {
        IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, ifsFilePathString);
        int attributeCCSID = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        characterSetLabel.setText("CCSID " + attributeCCSID + " was used for display.");
        byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[100000];
        byte[] workBuffer = new byte[100000];
        try (IFSFileInputStream inputStream = new IFSFileInputStream(remoteServer, ifsFilePathString)) {
            int bytesRead =;
            while (bytesRead != -1) {
                for (int idx = 0; idx < bytesRead; idx++) {
                    // Copy input byte to output byte
                    workBuffer[idx] = inputBuffer[idx];
                // Copy the printable part of the work array to a new buffer that will be written out.
                byte[] bufferToWrite = new byte[bytesRead];
                // Copy bytes from the work buffer to the new buffer
                for (int indx = 0; indx < bytesRead; indx++) {
                    bufferToWrite[indx] = workBuffer[indx];
                // Create object for conversion from bytes to characters
                AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(bytesRead, attributeCCSID, remoteServer);
                // Convert byte array buffer to text line
                String textLine = (String) textConverter.toObject(bufferToWrite);
                // Append the line to text area
                textArea.append(textLine + NEW_LINE);
                // Read next input buffer
                bytesRead =;
            // Set scroll bar to top
            // Display the window.
            row = "Info: IFS file  " + ifsFilePathString + "  has CCSID  " + attributeCCSID + ".";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        row = "Error: " + exc.toString();
    // Remove message scroll listener (cancel scrolling to the last message)
Also used : AS400Text( Point(java.awt.Point) PatternSyntaxException(java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) IFSFile( IFSFileInputStream(

Example 4 with AS400Text

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class EditFile method displayIfsFile.

 * Display contents of the IFS file using its CCSID attribute.
protected void displayIfsFile() {
    this.setTitle("Edit IFS file  '" + filePathString + "'");
    // Correct the parameter "IBMi CCSID".
    try {
        IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, filePathString);
        ccsidAttribute = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        characterSetLabel.setText("CCSID " + ccsidAttribute + " was used for display.");
        byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[100000];
        byte[] workBuffer = new byte[100000];
        try (IFSFileInputStream inputStream = new IFSFileInputStream(remoteServer, filePathString)) {
            int bytesRead =;
            while (bytesRead != -1) {
                for (int idx = 0; idx < bytesRead; idx++) {
                    // Copy input byte to output byte
                    workBuffer[idx] = inputBuffer[idx];
                // Copy the printable part of the work array
                // to a new buffer that will be written out.
                byte[] bufferToWrite = new byte[bytesRead];
                // Copy bytes from the work buffer to the new buffer
                for (int indx = 0; indx < bytesRead; indx++) {
                    bufferToWrite[indx] = workBuffer[indx];
                // Create object for conversion from bytes to characters
                AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(bytesRead, ccsidAttribute, remoteServer);
                // Convert byte array buffer to text line
                String textLine = (String) textConverter.toObject(bufferToWrite);
                // Append the line to text area
                textArea.append(textLine + NEW_LINE);
                // Read next input buffer
                bytesRead =;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        isError = true;
        row = "Error in displaying IFS file: " + exc.toString();
    // Remove message scroll listener (cancel scrolling to the last message)
Also used : AS400Text( Point(java.awt.Point) CannotUndoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException) CannotRedoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) IFSFile( IFSFileInputStream(

Example 5 with AS400Text

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class EditFile method rewriteSourceMember.

 * Rewrite source member with edited text area using an intermediate temporary IFS file; This method is fast enough.
 * @return
protected String rewriteSourceMember() {
    // Extract individual names (libraryName, fileName, memberName) from the AS400 IFS path
    // Path to the output source member
    String outMemberPathString = "/QSYS.LIB/" + libraryName + ".LIB/" + fileName + ".FILE" + "/" + memberName + ".MBR";
    // Enable calling CL commands
    CommandCall cmdCall = new CommandCall(remoteServer);
    IFSFileOutputStream outStream = null;
    try {
        // ------------------------------------
        if (!properties.getProperty("OVERWRITE_FILE").equals("Y")) {
            row = "Info: Member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")   cannot be overwtitten. " + " Overwriting files is not allowed.";
            return "ERROR";
        // Overwrite is allowed
        // --------------------
        // First create an IFS '/home/userName directory if it does not exist
        String home_userName = "/home/" + userName;
        IFSFile ifsDir = new IFSFile(remoteServer, home_userName);
        // Create new directory if it does not exist
        // Create hidden temporary file (with leading dot) in the directory
        String tmpFileString = home_userName + "/.tmp" + Timestamp.valueOf(;
        IFSFile ifsTmpFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, tmpFileString);
        IFSFile ifsTmpFilePath = new IFSFile(remoteServer, tmpFileString);
        // Force the memeber CCSID to the IFS file as an attribute
        // Copy edited text area to the temporary IFS file
        outStream = new IFSFileOutputStream(remoteServer, tmpFileString);
        String textAreaString = textArea.getText();
        byte[] byteArray;
        AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(textAreaString.length(), ibmCcsidInt);
        byteArray = textConverter.toBytes(textAreaString);
        // Write text from the text area to the file
        // Close file
        // Copy data from temporary IFS file to the member. If the member does not exist it is created.
        String commandCpyFrmStmfString = "CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('" + tmpFileString + "') TOMBR('" + outMemberPathString + "') MBROPT(*REPLACE) CVTDTA(*AUTO)";
        // Perform the command;
        // Get messages from the command if any
        AS400Message[] as400MessageList = cmdCall.getMessageList();
        // return.
        for (AS400Message as400Message : as400MessageList) {
            if (as400Message.getType() == AS400Message.ESCAPE) {
                row = "Error: Copy IFS file  " + tmpFileString + "  to source member  " + tmpFileString + "  using command CPYFRMSTMF  -  " + as400Message.getID() + " " + as400Message.getText();
                return "ERROR";
            } else {
                row = "Info: Copy IFS file  " + tmpFileString + "  to source member  " + tmpFileString + "  using command CPYFRMSTMF  -  " + as400Message.getID() + " " + as400Message.getText();
        // Delete the temporary file
        row = "Comp: Source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  was saved.";
        return "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception exce) {
        row = "Error: 3 Data cannot be written to the source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  -  " + exc.toString();
        // Must not continue in order not to lock an object
        return "ERROR";
Also used : CommandCall( IFSFileOutputStream( AS400Text( AS400Message( CannotUndoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException) CannotRedoException(javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException) IFSFile(


AS400Text ( IFSFile ( IllegalCharsetNameException (java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException)6 UnsupportedCharsetException (java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException)6 BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)6 IFSFileInputStream ( AS400FileRecordDescription ( IFSFileOutputStream ( Record ( RecordFormat ( SequentialFile ( PatternSyntaxException (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException)4 CannotRedoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException)4 CannotUndoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException)4 Point (java.awt.Point)3 BufferedWriter ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)3 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)3 AS400ByteArray ( AS400DataType (