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Example 36 with IFSFile

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_IBMi_PC method copyDataFromMemberToFile.

 * Copy data from source member to PC file;
 * If the output PC file does not exist, one is created.
 * @param remoteServer
 * @param as400PathString
 * @param pcPathString
 * @return
protected String copyDataFromMemberToFile(AS400 remoteServer, String as400PathString, String pcPathString) {
    IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, as400PathString);
    // Create an AS400FileRecordDescription object that represents the file
    AS400FileRecordDescription inRecDesc = new AS400FileRecordDescription(remoteServer, as400PathString);
    Path pcFilePath = Paths.get(pcPathString);
    try {
        int ccsidAttribute = ifsFile.getCCSID();
        int ccsidForDisplay = ccsidAttribute;
        // In this case, the universal CCSID 65535 is assumed.
        if (ccsidAttribute == 1208) {
            ccsidForDisplay = 65535;
        if (ibmCcsidInt == 1208) {
            ibmCcsidInt = 65535;
        // Get list of record formats of the database file
        RecordFormat[] format = inRecDesc.retrieveRecordFormat();
        // Create an AS400File object that represents the file
        SequentialFile as400seqFile = new SequentialFile(remoteServer, as400PathString);
        // Set the record format (the only one)
        // Open the source physical file member as a sequential file, 0, AS400File.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_NONE);
        if (Files.exists(pcFilePath) && !properties.getProperty("OVERWRITE_FILE").equals("Y")) {
            row = "Info: Source member " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ") cannot be copied to PC file " + pcPathString + ". Overwriting files is not allowed.";
            return "ERROR";
        // If the file does not exist, create it
        if (!Files.exists(pcFilePath)) {
        // Rewrite the PC file with records from the source member
        // -------------------
        // Open the output PC text file - with specified character set
        // ----------------------------
        // Characters read from input are translated to the specified character set if possible.
        // If input characters are incapable to be translated, an error message is reported (UnmappableCharacterException).
        BufferedWriter pcOutFile;
        if (pcCharset.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
            // Ignore PC charset parameter for binary transfer.
            pcOutFile = Files.newBufferedWriter(pcFilePath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
        } else {
            // Use PC charset parameter for conversion.
            pcOutFile = Files.newBufferedWriter(pcFilePath, Charset.forName(pcCharset), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING);
        // Read the first source member record
        Record inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // --------------------
        while (inRecord != null) {
            StringBuilder textLine = new StringBuilder();
            if (sourceRecordPrefixPresent) {
                // Source record is composed of three source record fields: seq. number, date, source data.
                DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("0000.00");
                DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("000000");
                String seq = df1.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCSEQ"));
                String seq2 = seq.substring(0, 4) + seq.substring(5);
                String srcDat = df2.format((Number) inRecord.getField("SRCDAT"));
            // Otherwise, source record consists of source data only
            // Convert source data into byte array
            byte[] byteArray = inRecord.getFieldAsBytes("SRCDTA");
            String translatedData;
            // Translate member data using parameter "IBM i CCSID"
            AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(byteArray.length, ibmCcsidInt, remoteServer);
            if (ibmCcsid.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
                // Translate member data using its CCSID attribute (possibly modified)
                textConverter = new AS400Text(byteArray.length, ccsidForDisplay, remoteServer);
            // Convert byte array buffer to String text line (UTF-16)
            String str = (String) textConverter.toObject(byteArray);
            if (pcCharset.equals("*DEFAULT")) {
                // Assign "ISO-8859-1" as default charset
                pcCharset = "ISO-8859-1";
            // Translate the String into PC charset
            translatedData = new String(str.getBytes(pcCharset), pcCharset);
            // Write the translated text line to the PC file
            // Read next source member record
            inRecord = as400seqFile.readNext();
        // Close the files
        row = "Info: Source member " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  was copied to PC file  " + pcPathString + " using charset " + pcCharset + ".";
        return "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        row = "Error: Copying member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  -  " + exc.toString();
        return "ERROR";
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) SequentialFile( RecordFormat( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) AS400FileRecordDescription( BufferedWriter( AS400Text( Record( IFSFile(

Example 37 with IFSFile

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_IBMi_PC method walkIfsDirectory_CreateNestedPcDirectories.

 * Walk through IFS directory recursively to create shadow directories in PC
 * target directory; Shadow directories are named by last names of the IFS
 * directory paths so that only one-level directories are inserted to the PC
 * target directory.
 * @param ifsDirectory IFS directory path
 * @param pcDirPathString Target PC directory name
 * @return
protected String walkIfsDirectory_CreateNestedPcDirectories(IFSFile ifsDirectory, String pcDirPathString) {
    try {
        // Get list of objects in the IFS directory that may be directories and single files.
        // Here we process directories only.
        IFSFile[] objectList = ifsDirectory.listFiles();
        // Process only non-empty directory
        if (objectList.length > 0) {
            for (IFSFile subDirectory : objectList) {
                // Only IFS sub-directories are processed
                if (subDirectory.isDirectory()) {
                    // Newly created PC directory path is built as
                    // PC directory path string from parameter  plus
                    // the last part (leaf) of the subDirectory path
                    String newPcDirectoryPathString = pcDirPathString + pcFileSep + subDirectory.getName();
                    // Create the new nested PC directory if it does not exist
                    if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(newPcDirectoryPathString))) {
                        row = "Info: PC directory  " + newPcDirectoryPathString + "  was created.";
                    // Recursive call with IFS sub-directory and new PC path (parent of the new PC directory)
                    walkIfsDirectory_CreateNestedPcDirectories(subDirectory, newPcDirectoryPathString);
        return "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        return "ERROR";
Also used : IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IFSFile(

Example 38 with IFSFile

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_IBMi_PC method copyFromSourceFile.

 * Copy Source File (all members) to PC directory.
 * @param remoteServer
 * @param as400PathString
 * @param pcPathString
 * @return
protected String copyFromSourceFile(AS400 remoteServer, String as400PathString, String pcPathString) {
    // Extract individual names (library, file, member) from the AS400 IFS path
    // Path to the input source file
    String inSourceFilePath = "/QSYS.LIB/" + libraryName + ".LIB/" + fileName + ".FILE";
    try {
        IFSFile ifsDirectory = new IFSFile(remoteServer, inSourceFilePath);
        // from Source Physical Files only
        if (ifsDirectory.isSourcePhysicalFile()) {
            // to PC directory only
            if (Files.isDirectory(Paths.get(pcPathString))) {
                String pcDirectoryName = pcPathString.substring(pcPathString.lastIndexOf(pcFileSep) + 1);
                // Create NEW directory with the Source Physical File name.
                if (!pcDirectoryName.equals(fileName)) {
                    pcPathString = pcPathString + pcFileSep + fileName;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception dir) {
                        row = "Error: Creating new PC directory  " + pcPathString + "  -  " + dir.toString();
                        return "ERROR";
                // If the PC directory has the same name as Source Physical File - NO new directory is created and processing continues.
                // -------------------------------------
                // Copy members to the PC directory
                boolean atLeastOneErrorInMembers = false;
                IFSFile[] ifsFiles = ifsDirectory.listFiles();
                for (IFSFile ifsFile : ifsFiles) {
                    // Insert new or rewrite existing file in PC directory
                    String msgTextMbr = copyFromSourceMember(remoteServer, ifsFile.toString(), pcPathString + pcFileSep + ifsFile.getName());
                    // If at least one message is not empty - note error
                    if (!msgTextMbr.isEmpty()) {
                        atLeastOneErrorInMembers = true;
                if (atLeastOneErrorInMembers) {
                    row = "Comp: Source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  was copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                } else {
                    row = "Error: Source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  was NOT completely copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                msgText = atLeastOneErrorInMembers ? "ERROR" : "";
        return msgText;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        row = "Error: Copying from source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  -  " + exc.toString();
        return "ERROR";
Also used : IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IFSFile(

Example 39 with IFSFile

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_IBMi_PC method copyToPcDirectory.

 * Copy IBM i IFS directory/file or Source file/member or Save file
 * to PC directory;
 * If the output PC file does not exist, one is created.
 * @param as400PathString
 * @param pcPathString
 * @param ifsPathStringPrefix
 * @return
protected String copyToPcDirectory(String as400PathString, String pcPathString, String ifsPathStringPrefix) {
    IFSFile ifsPath = new IFSFile(remoteServer, as400PathString);
    if (pcPathString == null) {
    // Alert - set target!
    sourcePathString = ifsPath.getPath();
    try {
        // ---------------
        if (sourcePathString.startsWith("/QSYS.LIB/")) {
            if (ifsPath.isDirectory()) {
                // --------------------
                if (ifsPath.isSourcePhysicalFile()) {
                    msgText = copyFromSourceFile(remoteServer, sourcePathString, pcPathString);
                    if (msgText.isEmpty()) {
                        row = "Comp: Source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  was copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                    } else {
                        row = "Comp: Source physical file  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "  was NOT completely copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                } else if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".LIB")) {
                    // Library to PC directory/file:
                    // -------
                    row = "Error: IBM i library  " + libraryName + "  cannot be copied to PC. Only files from the library can be copied.";
                    msgText = "ERROR";
                return msgText;
            } else if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".MBR")) {
                // Member of Source Physical File to PC file:
                // ------
                msgText = copyFromSourceMember(remoteServer, sourcePathString, pcPathString);
                if (msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    row = "Comp: Source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  was copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                } else {
                    row = "Comp: Source member  " + libraryName + "/" + fileName + "(" + memberName + ")  was NOT copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                return msgText;
            } else if (sourcePathString.endsWith(".SAVF")) {
                // Save File to PC directory/file:
                // ---------
                copyFromSaveFile(remoteServer, sourcePathString, pcPathString);
                return msgText;
        } else // 
        // IFS (Integrated File System):
        // -----------------------------
        // Path prefix is the leading part of the path up to and including the last slash:
        // ifsPathStringPrefix = sourcePathString.substring(0, sourcePathString.indexOf(ifsPath.getName()));
            if (ifsPath.isDirectory()) {
                // --------------
                try {
                    // Create the first shadow directory in PC target directory.
                    // The name of the directory is the IFS path name without the path prefix.
                    pcPathString = pcPathString + pcFileSep + ifsPath.toString().substring(ifsPathStringPrefix.length());
                    if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(pcPathString))) {
                        row = "Info: PC directory  " + pcPathString + "  was created.";
                        msgText = "";
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    msgText = "ERROR";
                    row = "Error: Copying IFS directory  " + sourcePathString + "  to PC directory  " + pcPathString + "  -  " + exc.toString() + ".";
                    // Fatal error - no continuation is possible
                    return "ERROR";
                // Create parameter for the next method call
                IFSFile ifsDirectory = new IFSFile(remoteServer, sourcePathString);
                // Create nested shadow directories in PC target directory
                msgText = walkIfsDirectory_CreateNestedPcDirectories(ifsDirectory, pcPathString);
                // Copy IFS files to appropriate PC shadow directories
                msgText = copyIfsFilesToPcDirectories(ifsDirectory, pcPathString, ifsPathStringPrefix);
                if (msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    row = "Comp: IFS directory  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                } else {
                    row = "Comp: IFS directory  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT completely copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                return msgText;
            } else // 
            // IFS stream file: to PC directory
            // ----------------
                IFSFile ifsFile = new IFSFile(remoteServer, sourcePathString);
                // If the output PC file does not exist - create an empty file and continue.
                // ------------------------------------
                // PC file = PC direcrory + IFS file
                String pcFilePathString = pcPathString + pcFileSep + ifsFile.getName();
                Path pcFilePath = Paths.get(pcPathString);
                // If the file does not exist, create one.
                if (Files.notExists(pcFilePath)) {
                // Copy the IFS file to PC file
                msgText = copyToPcFile(ifsFile.toString(), pcFilePathString, notFromWalk);
                if (msgText.isEmpty()) {
                    row = "Comp: IFS file  " + sourcePathString + "  was copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                } else {
                    row = "Comp: IFS file  " + sourcePathString + "  was NOT copied to PC directory  " + pcPathString + ".";
                return msgText;
        return "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        row = "Error: Copying  " + sourcePathString + "  to  " + pcPathString + "  -  " + exc.toString() + ".";
        return "ERROR";
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IFSFile(

Example 40 with IFSFile

use of in project IBMiProgTool by vzupka.

the class Copy_IBMi_PC method copyIfsFilesToPcDirectories.

 * Copying AS400 IFS files to PC directories created before (see
 * walkIfsDirectory_CreateNestedPcDirectories method).
 * @param ifsPath IFS directory path
 * @param pcDirPathString Target PC directory name
 * @param ifsPathStringPrefix
 * @return
protected String copyIfsFilesToPcDirectories(IFSFile ifsPath, String pcDirPathString, String ifsPathStringPrefix) {
    String msgTextDir;
    boolean atLeastOneErrorInFiles = false;
    try {
        IFSFile[] objectList = ifsPath.listFiles();
        if (objectList.length != 0) {
            for (IFSFile ifsDirFile : objectList) {
                String newDirPathString = pcDirPathString + pcFileSep + ifsDirFile.getName();
                // IFS directory
                if (ifsDirFile.isDirectory()) {
                    // Recursive call with different parameter values
                    copyIfsFilesToPcDirectories(ifsDirFile, newDirPathString, ifsPathStringPrefix);
                } else // 
                // Single IFS file
                    if (ifsDirFile.isFile()) {
                        ifsPathStringPrefix = ifsDirFile.toString().substring(0, ifsDirFile.toString().lastIndexOf("/"));
                        // Append
                        String newFilePathString = pcDirPathString + ifsDirFile.toString().substring(ifsPathStringPrefix.length());
                        // Copy the IFS file to PC directory created before
                        msgTextDir = copyToPcFile(ifsDirFile.toString(), newFilePathString, fromWalk);
                        if (!msgTextDir.isEmpty()) {
                            atLeastOneErrorInFiles = true;
                     if (atLeastOneErrorInFiles) {
                        row = "Comp: IFS file  " + ifsDirFile.toString() + "  was copied to PC directory  " + newFilePathString + ".";
                     } else {
                        //row = "Error: IFS file  " + ifsDirFile.toString() + "  was NOT copied to PC directory  " + newFilePathString + ".";
            msgText = atLeastOneErrorInFiles ? "ERROR" : "";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    return msgText;
Also used : IllegalCharsetNameException(java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) IFSFile(


IFSFile ( IllegalCharsetNameException (java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException)14 UnsupportedCharsetException (java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException)14 AS400Text ( CommandCall ( AS400Message ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)7 AS400FileRecordDescription ( IFSFileInputStream ( Record ( RecordFormat ( SequentialFile ( BadLocationException (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)5 Point (java.awt.Point)4 PatternSyntaxException (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException)4 IFSFileOutputStream ( DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)3 CannotRedoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException)3 CannotUndoException (javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException)3 BufferedWriter (