use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class DDRSymbolFinder method getModuleForInstructionAddress.
/* Logic stolen from SymbolUtil. */
private static IModule getModuleForInstructionAddress(IProcess process, long address) throws CorruptDataException {
Collection<? extends IModule> modules = process.getModules();
IModule matchingModule = null;
OUTER_LOOP: for (IModule thisModule : modules) {
for (IMemoryRange thisRange : thisModule.getMemoryRanges()) {
if (thisRange.contains(address)) {
matchingModule = thisModule;
return matchingModule;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ELFDumpReader method createModuleFromElfReader.
* Given an ELF reader, read the symbols, memory ranges and properties from the module
* and construct a Module object. The ELF reader may point to a segment within the core file
* or may point to a copy of the module on disk or appended to the core file.
* @param loadedBaseAddress of the module
* @param name of the module
* @param elfReader to the module
* @return IModule
* @throws IOException
private IModule createModuleFromElfReader(final long loadedBaseAddress, String name, ELFFileReader inCoreReader, ELFFileReader diskReader) {
if (name == null) {
return null;
if (inCoreReader == null) {
return new MissingFileModule(_process, name, Collections.<IMemoryRange>emptyList());
List<? extends ISymbol> symbols = null;
Map<Long, String> sectionHeaderStringTable = null;
List<SectionHeaderEntry> sectionHeaderEntries = null;
Properties properties;
Collection<? extends IMemorySource> declaredRanges;
ProgramHeaderEntry ehFrameEntry = null;
// so don't raise an error if it isn't present.
for (ProgramHeaderEntry ph : inCoreReader.getProgramHeaderEntries()) {
if (ph.isEhFrame()) {
ehFrameEntry = ph;
try {
if (ehFrameEntry != null) {
unwinder.addCallFrameInformation(loadedBaseAddress, ehFrameEntry, name);
} catch (MemoryFault mf) {
// We get known memory faults for in AMD64 dumps (at the first address it's loaded at)
// and The first of these turns up again at a location that works, the second is
// "magic" so we don't worry about them. We want this code to be as resilient as possible.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "MemoryFault reading GNU_EH_FRAME data for module with name " + name + " and base address " + Long.toHexString(loadedBaseAddress));
} catch (CorruptDataException cde) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "CorruptDataException reading GNU_EH_FRAME data for module with name " + name + " and base address " + Long.toHexString(loadedBaseAddress));
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "IOException reading GNU_EH_FRAME data for module with name " + name + " and base address " + Long.toHexString(loadedBaseAddress));
try {
if (diskReader != null) {
symbols = diskReader.getSymbols(loadedBaseAddress, true);
sectionHeaderStringTable = diskReader.getSectionHeaderStringTable();
sectionHeaderEntries = diskReader.getSectionHeaderEntries();
} else {
symbols = inCoreReader.getSymbols(loadedBaseAddress, false);
sectionHeaderStringTable = inCoreReader.getSectionHeaderStringTable();
sectionHeaderEntries = inCoreReader.getSectionHeaderEntries();
properties = inCoreReader.getProperties();
// Only ever get memory ranges from the data loaded into the core file!
// But we can use the section headers and string table from the disk or zipped library
// to navigate. (Section headers are redundant once the library is loaded so may not
// be in memory.)
declaredRanges = inCoreReader.getMemoryRanges(loadedBaseAddress, sectionHeaderEntries, sectionHeaderStringTable);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Error generating module with name " + name + " and base address " + Long.toHexString(loadedBaseAddress));
return null;
// Of the declared memory ranges, some will already be in core (i.e. .data) others will have been declared
// in the core, but not backed.
List<IMemoryRange> ranges = new ArrayList<IMemoryRange>(declaredRanges.size());
for (IMemorySource source : declaredRanges) {
IMemorySource coreSource = _process.getRangeForAddress(source.getBaseAddress());
* The following test skips sections that originally had an address of 0
* the section header table.
* Explanation follows - see also the example section header table at the top
* of
* Some of the later sections in the section header table have an address field
* 0. That is a relative address, relative to the base address of the module.
* They are usually the sections from .comment onwards.
* When the entry is constructed the code that creates the entry creates it with
* address (base address of the module) + (address field in the SHT) hence those
* that had an address of 0 will have an address == base address of the module.
* These entries are precisely those that are often not in the core file so it is
* not safe to create them as sections - they were there in the on-disk version of
* the library but often not in memory. The code above that called elfReader.getMemoryRanges
* may have been reading the version of the module from disk (which is good, it means
* you get a good section header string table so you get good names for all the
* sections) but not all the sections exist in memory. The danger of adding them
* as memory ranges is that they start to overlay the segments in the core file
* that come immediately afterwards; that is, they cause jdmpview, for example, to
* believe that the contents of these later areas of memory are backed by the
* contents of the library on disk when they are not.
* See CMVC 185753
* So, don't add sections that originally had address 0.
if (source.getBaseAddress() == loadedBaseAddress) {
// must have originally had address 0 in the section header table
if (null != coreSource) {
if (coreSource.isBacked()) {
// Range already exists
} else {
// from the library
if (source.getSize() > 0) {
} else {
if (source.getSize() > 0) {
return new Module(_process, name, symbols, ranges, loadedBaseAddress, properties);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class JniMemory method getMemoryRanges.
public Collection<? extends IMemoryRange> getMemoryRanges() {
List<MemoryRange> ranges = new LinkedList<MemoryRange>();
MemoryRange region = getValidRegionVirtual(0, searchSize);
while (region != null) {
region = getValidRegionVirtual(region.getBaseAddress() + region.getSize(), searchSize);
return ranges;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ModuleStream method loadModuleSections.
private void loadModuleSections(IAddressSpace as, long imageBaseAddress, long readingAddress, long e_lfanew, Collection<IMemoryRange> sections) throws MemoryFault {
int pemagic = as.getIntAt(readingAddress);
readingAddress += 4;
if (0x4550 != pemagic) {
logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "loadModuleSections", "PE Magic is: \"" + Integer.toHexString(pemagic));
// typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
// dump.readShort(); //machine
readingAddress += 2;
short numberOfSections = as.getShortAt(readingAddress);
readingAddress += 2;
// dump.readInt(); //date/time stamp
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //pointerToSymbolTable
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //numberOfSymbols
readingAddress += 4;
short sizeOfOptionalHeader = as.getShortAt(readingAddress);
readingAddress += 2;
// dump.readShort(); //characteristics
readingAddress += 2;
// now skip ahead to after the optional header since that is where section
// headers can be found
readingAddress = imageBaseAddress + e_lfanew + 24 + /* sizeof PE header */
(0xFFFFL & sizeOfOptionalHeader);
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSections; j++) {
// typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
byte[] rawName = new byte[8];
as.getBytesAt(readingAddress, rawName);
readingAddress += 8;
long virtualSize = as.getIntAt(readingAddress);
readingAddress += 4;
long virtualAddress = as.getIntAt(readingAddress);
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //sizeOfRawData
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //pointerToRawData
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //pointerToRelocations
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readInt(); //pointerToLineNumbers
readingAddress += 4;
// dump.readShort(); //numberOfRelocations
readingAddress += 2;
// dump.readShort(); //numberOfLineNumbers
readingAddress += 2;
// dump.readInt(); //section_characteristics
readingAddress += 4;
long relocatedAddress = virtualAddress + imageBaseAddress;
String name;
try {
name = new String(rawName, "ASCII");
// Trim off any trailing nulls.
name = name.trim();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
IMemoryRange section = new MemoryRange(as, relocatedAddress, virtualSize, name);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class J9DDRImageAddressSpace method getImageSections.
public Iterator<?> getImageSections() {
Collection<? extends IMemoryRange> ranges = as.getMemoryRanges();
List<ImageSection> sections = new ArrayList<ImageSection>(ranges.size());
IProcess proc = getPointerProcess();
// it may be the case that we can't determine the pointer size if there are no processes found in the address space
if (null == proc) {
return J9DDRDTFJUtils.emptyIterator();
for (IMemoryRange thisRange : ranges) {
J9DDRImageSection section = new J9DDRImageSection(proc, thisRange.getBaseAddress(), thisRange.getSize(), thisRange.getName());
return sections.iterator();