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Example 1 with UnwindModule

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class BaseWindowsOSThread method walkStack64.

/* Walking 64 bit stacks is not like 32 bit stacks.
	 * We have to apply the unwind info contained in the dll's.
	 * This is documented here:
private void walkStack64() throws CorruptDataException {
    // Get the module for the current instruction pointer.
    long ip = getInstructionPointer();
    long rsp = getStackPointer();
    while (ip != 0x0) {
        // Create a stack frame from that base pointer and instruction pointer.
        // On x86-64 the there is no base pointer.
        stackFrames.add(new OSStackFrame(rsp, ip));
        // Get the unwind info in the right module, for the current instruction pointer. (Step 1)
        UnwindModule module = getModuleForInstructionAddress(ip);
        RuntimeFunction rf = null;
        if (module != null) {
            rf = module.getUnwindDataForAddress(ip - module.getLoadAddress());
        } else {
        if (rf == null) {
            // functions. (Windows 7 does.)
        } else {
            // System.err.println("Found unwind data: " + rf + " for " + SymbolUtil.getProcedureNameForAddress(process, ip));
            UnwindInfo info = new UnwindInfo(process.getAddressSpace(), module, rf.getUnwindInfoAddress());
            // Uncomment to dump unwind information as we apply it.
            // System.err.println("Applying UNWIND_INFO: " + info);
            // Apply the unwind info to the stack and get the new
            // base pointer and stack pointer.
            rsp = info.apply(rsp);
            // Get the instruction/base pointer for the next frame.
            ip = process.getPointerAt(rsp);
            // New stack pointer is the slot after that. (I think)
            rsp += 8;
    // System.err.println(String.format("Next rsp = 0x%08x", rsp));
    // System.err.println(String.format("Next ip = 0x%08x", ip));
Also used : IOSStackFrame( OSStackFrame( UnwindInfo( UnwindModule( RuntimeFunction(

Example 2 with UnwindModule

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class BaseWindowsOSThread method getModuleForInstructionAddress.

public UnwindModule getModuleForInstructionAddress(long address) throws CorruptDataException {
    Collection<? extends IModule> modules = process.getModules();
    IModule matchingModule = null;
    OUTER_LOOP: for (IModule thisModule : modules) {
        for (IMemoryRange thisRange : thisModule.getMemoryRanges()) {
            if (thisRange.contains(address)) {
                matchingModule = thisModule;
                break OUTER_LOOP;
    if (matchingModule == null || !(matchingModule instanceof UnwindModule)) {
        return null;
    return (UnwindModule) matchingModule;
Also used : IMemoryRange( IModule( UnwindModule(

Example 3 with UnwindModule

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class ModuleStream method readFrom.

public void readFrom(MiniDumpReader dump, IAddressSpace as, boolean is64Bit) throws IOException, CorruptDataException {;
    int numberOfModules = dump.readInt();
    if (numberOfModules > 1024) {
        throw new CorruptDataException("Improbably high number of modules found: " + numberOfModules + ", location = " + Long.toHexString(getLocation()));
    class ModuleData {

        long imageBaseAddress;

        Properties properties;

        int nameAddress;
    ModuleData[] moduleData = new ModuleData[numberOfModules];
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfModules; i++) {
        moduleData[i] = new ModuleData();
        moduleData[i].imageBaseAddress = dump.readLong();
        int imageSize = dump.readInt();
        int checksum = dump.readInt();
        int timeDateStamp = dump.readInt();
        moduleData[i].nameAddress = dump.readInt();
        moduleData[i].properties = readProperties(dump, imageSize, checksum, timeDateStamp);
    for (ModuleData thisModule : moduleData) {
        final long imageBaseAddress = thisModule.imageBaseAddress;
        final String moduleName = getModuleName(dump, thisModule.nameAddress);
        final Properties properties =;
        short magic;
        try {
            magic = as.getShortAt(imageBaseAddress);
            if (0x5A4D != magic) {
                logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "readFrom", "Magic number was: " + Integer.toHexString(0xFFFF & magic) + " expected 0x5A4D");
        } catch (MemoryFault e1) {
            logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "readFrom", "MemoryFault reading magic number", e1);
        long e_lfanewAddress = imageBaseAddress + 0x3c;
        // load the e_lfanew since that is the load-address-relative location of
        // the PE Header
        Collection<IMemoryRange> sections = new LinkedList<IMemoryRange>();
        try {
            long e_lfanew = 0xFFFFFFFFL & as.getIntAt(e_lfanewAddress);
            // push us to the start of the PE header
            long readingAddress = e_lfanew + imageBaseAddress;
            List<ISymbol> symbols = null;
            if (0 != e_lfanew) {
                loadModuleSections(as, imageBaseAddress, readingAddress, e_lfanew, sections);
                symbols = buildSymbols(dump, as, imageBaseAddress);
            if (symbols == null) {
                symbols = new LinkedList<ISymbol>();
            // Load the list of RUNTIME_FUNCTION structures that map code
            // ranges to stack unwind information.
            List<RuntimeFunction> runtimeFunctionList = null;
            runtimeFunctionList = buildRuntimeFunctionList(dump, as, imageBaseAddress);
            IModule module;
            if (runtimeFunctionList != null) {
                module = new UnwindModule(as.getProcesses().iterator().next(), moduleName, symbols, sections, thisModule.imageBaseAddress, properties, runtimeFunctionList);
            // Uncommend to dump unwind info as we find it. This is very verbose.
            // ((UnwindModule)module).dumpUndwindInfo(System.err);
            } else {
                module = new Module(as.getProcesses().iterator().next(), moduleName, symbols, sections, thisModule.imageBaseAddress, properties);
            if (moduleName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".exe")) {
            } else {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Don't want to prevent RTE's propogating
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // this needs to be here in order to not fail completely whenever we
            // encounter a strange record
            logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "readFrom", "Problem reading symbols", e);
Also used : IModule( ISymbol( CorruptDataException( Properties(java.util.Properties) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) IOException( CorruptDataException( CorruptCoreException( UnsupportedEncodingException( IMemoryRange( MemoryFault( UnwindModule( IModule( Module( UnwindModule( RuntimeFunction(


UnwindModule ( IMemoryRange ( IModule ( RuntimeFunction ( CorruptDataException ( CorruptCoreException ( ISymbol ( MemoryFault ( Module ( UnwindInfo ( IOSStackFrame ( OSStackFrame ( IOException ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Properties (java.util.Properties)1