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Example 1 with OSStackFrame

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class BaseWindowsOSThread method walkStack64.

/* Walking 64 bit stacks is not like 32 bit stacks.
	 * We have to apply the unwind info contained in the dll's.
	 * This is documented here:
private void walkStack64() throws CorruptDataException {
    // Get the module for the current instruction pointer.
    long ip = getInstructionPointer();
    long rsp = getStackPointer();
    while (ip != 0x0) {
        // Create a stack frame from that base pointer and instruction pointer.
        // On x86-64 the there is no base pointer.
        stackFrames.add(new OSStackFrame(rsp, ip));
        // Get the unwind info in the right module, for the current instruction pointer. (Step 1)
        UnwindModule module = getModuleForInstructionAddress(ip);
        RuntimeFunction rf = null;
        if (module != null) {
            rf = module.getUnwindDataForAddress(ip - module.getLoadAddress());
        } else {
        if (rf == null) {
            // functions. (Windows 7 does.)
        } else {
            // System.err.println("Found unwind data: " + rf + " for " + SymbolUtil.getProcedureNameForAddress(process, ip));
            UnwindInfo info = new UnwindInfo(process.getAddressSpace(), module, rf.getUnwindInfoAddress());
            // Uncomment to dump unwind information as we apply it.
            // System.err.println("Applying UNWIND_INFO: " + info);
            // Apply the unwind info to the stack and get the new
            // base pointer and stack pointer.
            rsp = info.apply(rsp);
            // Get the instruction/base pointer for the next frame.
            ip = process.getPointerAt(rsp);
            // New stack pointer is the slot after that. (I think)
            rsp += 8;
    // System.err.println(String.format("Next rsp = 0x%08x", rsp));
    // System.err.println(String.format("Next ip = 0x%08x", ip));
Also used : IOSStackFrame( OSStackFrame( UnwindInfo( UnwindModule( RuntimeFunction(

Example 2 with OSStackFrame

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class BaseAIXOSThread method walkStack.

private void walkStack() {
    frames = new LinkedList<IOSStackFrame>();
    long stackPointer = getStackPointer();
    long instructionPointer = getInstructionPointer();
    if (0 == instructionPointer || !isValidAddress(instructionPointer)) {
        instructionPointer = getBasePointer();
    try {
        if (0 != instructionPointer && 0 != stackPointer && isValidAddress(instructionPointer) && isValidAddress(stackPointer)) {
            frames.add(new OSStackFrame(stackPointer, instructionPointer));
            long previousStackPointer = -1;
            final long stepping = process.bytesPerPointer();
            int loops = 0;
            // maximum 256 frames, for protection against excessive or infinite loops in corrupt dumps
            while (previousStackPointer != stackPointer && loops++ < 256) {
                previousStackPointer = stackPointer;
                stackPointer = process.getPointerAt(stackPointer);
                long addressToRead = stackPointer + stepping;
                // readAddress(); // Ignore conditionRegister
                addressToRead += stepping;
                instructionPointer = process.getPointerAt(addressToRead);
                frames.add(new OSStackFrame(stackPointer, instructionPointer));
        } else {
            // This is a temporary hack until we can understand signal handler stacks
            // better
            logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "walkStack", "MISSED");
        // TODO handle this case sensibly
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
    // TODO handle
Also used : IOSStackFrame( OSStackFrame( IOSStackFrame( CorruptDataException(

Example 3 with OSStackFrame

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class BaseWindowsOSThread method walkStack32.

private void walkStack32() throws CorruptDataException {
    // Windows stack frames can be read by following the ebp to the base of
    // the stack: old ebp is at ebp(0) and and return address to parent context
    // is ebp(sizeof(void*))
    // 1) find the ebp in the register file
    long ebp = getBasePointer();
    long eip = getInstructionPointer();
    long esp = getStackPointer();
    long stackStart = getStackStart();
    long stackEnd = getStackEnd();
    // eip may be -1 if we're in a system call
    if (-1 == eip && stackStart <= esp && esp < stackEnd) {
        try {
            eip = process.getPointerAt(esp);
        } catch (MemoryFault e) {
        // ignore
    int bytesPerPointer = process.bytesPerPointer();
    // Add the current frame first. If ebp doesn't point into the stack, try esp.
    if (Addresses.lessThanOrEqual(stackStart, ebp) && Addresses.lessThan(ebp, stackEnd)) {
        stackFrames.add(new OSStackFrame(ebp, eip));
    } else if (Addresses.lessThan(stackStart, esp) && Addresses.lessThan(esp, stackEnd)) {
        stackFrames.add(new OSStackFrame(esp, eip));
        ebp = esp + bytesPerPointer;
    while (stackStart <= ebp && ebp < stackEnd) {
        try {
            long newBP = process.getPointerAt(ebp);
            long retAddress = process.getPointerAt(ebp + bytesPerPointer);
            stackFrames.add(new OSStackFrame(newBP, retAddress));
            ebp = newBP;
        } catch (MemoryFault e) {
            // stop trying to read meaningless memory
Also used : IOSStackFrame( OSStackFrame( MemoryFault(


IOSStackFrame ( OSStackFrame ( CorruptDataException ( MemoryFault ( RuntimeFunction ( UnwindInfo ( UnwindModule (