use of in project ma-core-public by MangoAutomation.
the class NumericPointValueDaoTestHelper method testBookendExceptionInLastValueCallback.
public void testBookendExceptionInLastValueCallback() {
MutableInt count = new MutableInt();
MutableInt lastValueCallCount = new MutableInt();
MutableInt mutableIndex = new MutableInt();
MutableLong timestamp = new MutableLong(startTs - 1);
try {
// Skip first 3
// Check value
// Check time
// Check value is null as no data exists before the startTs for series 1
// Check time
// Check value
// Check time
// Check value
// Check time
this.dao.wideBookendQueryCombined(vos, startTs - 1, endTs, null, new WideCallback<IdPointValueTime>() {
int seriesIdCounter = 0;
// Skip first 3
int seriesId2Counter = 3;
public void firstValue(IdPointValueTime value, boolean bookend) {
if (value.getTime() < timestamp.getValue())"Timestamp out of order.");
if (value.getSeriesId() == vo2.getSeriesId()) {
// Check value
Assert.assertEquals(data.get(value.getSeriesId()).get(2).getDoubleValue(), value.getDoubleValue(), 0.001);
// Check time
} else {
// Check value is null as no data exists before the startTs for series 1
// Check time
Assert.assertEquals(startTs - 1, value.getTime());
public void accept(IdPointValueTime value) {
if (value.getTime() < timestamp.getValue())"Timestamp out of order.");
if (value.getSeriesId() == vo2.getSeriesId()) {
// Check value
Assert.assertEquals(data.get(value.getSeriesId()).get(seriesId2Counter).getDoubleValue(), value.getDoubleValue(), 0.001);
// Check time
Assert.assertEquals(data.get(value.getSeriesId()).get(seriesId2Counter).getTime(), value.getTime());
} else {
// Check value
Assert.assertEquals(data.get(value.getSeriesId()).get(seriesIdCounter).getDoubleValue(), value.getDoubleValue(), 0.001);
// Check time
Assert.assertEquals(data.get(value.getSeriesId()).get(seriesIdCounter).getTime(), value.getTime());
public void lastValue(IdPointValueTime value, boolean bookend) {
if (value.getTime() < timestamp.getValue())"Timestamp out of order.");
throw new QueryCancelledException(new Exception("Last Value Callback Exception"));
} catch (QueryCancelledException e) {
// noop
// Since the exception is thrown in last value all the true values should have been sent out already
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(totalSampleCount * 2), count.getValue());
// Ensure that last value is only called once due to the exception
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), lastValueCallCount.getValue());
use of in project ma-core-public by MangoAutomation.
the class AnalogStatisticsQuantizerTest method testStartValueOneValuePerPeriod.
// Test with Start Value and Values
public void testStartValueOneValuePerPeriod() throws QueryCancelledException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
List<IdPointValueTime> data = new ArrayList<>();
double value = 1.0;
while (time.toInstant().isBefore(to.toInstant())) {
data.add(new IdPointValueTime(1, new NumericValue(value), time.toInstant().toEpochMilli()));
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
AnalogStatisticsQuantizer quantizer = new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<AnalogStatistics>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(AnalogStatistics statisticsGenerator) throws QueryCancelledException {
AnalogStatistics stats = statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periiodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
ZonedDateTime sampleTime = time.plusHours(12);
// Start Value was 3 hrs before 1st period start
// Test Minimum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMaximumTime());
// Test Average
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
// 24Hrs
double integral = 1.0d * 24 * 60 * 60;
Assert.assertEquals(integral, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
// Test sum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getFirstValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getLastValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
// Test start (the first start value will be null
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getStartValue(), 0.0001);
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getCount());
// Test delta
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(new IdPointValueTime(1, new NumericValue(1.0), time.minusHours(3).toInstant().toEpochMilli()), true);
for (int count = 0; count < data.size(); count++) quantizer.accept(data.get(count));
quantizer.lastValue(data.get(data.size() - 1), true);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(31), counter.getValue());
use of in project ma-core-public by MangoAutomation.
the class AnalogStatisticsQuantizerTest method testStartValueAtPeriodStartNoPeriodValues.
public void testStartValueAtPeriodStartNoPeriodValues() throws QueryCancelledException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
AnalogStatisticsQuantizer quantizer = new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<AnalogStatistics>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(AnalogStatistics statisticsGenerator) throws QueryCancelledException {
AnalogStatistics stats = statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
ZonedDateTime sampleTime = time;
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// Test Minimum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMaximumTime());
// Test Average
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
// 24Hrs
double integral = 1.0d * 24 * 60 * 60;
Assert.assertEquals(integral, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
// Test sum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getFirstValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getLastValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
// Test start
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getStartValue(), 0.0001);
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getCount());
// Test delta
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
} else {
// No data in other periods
// Test Minimum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMaximumTime());
// Test Average
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
double integral = 1.0 * 24 * 60 * 60;
Assert.assertEquals(integral, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
// Test sum
Assert.assertEquals(0.0d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastTime());
// Test start
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getStartValue(), 0.0001);
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(0, stats.getCount());
// Test delta
Assert.assertEquals(0.0d, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(new IdPointValueTime(1, new NumericValue(1.0), time.toInstant().toEpochMilli()), false);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(31), counter.getValue());
use of in project ma-core-public by MangoAutomation.
the class AnalogStatisticsQuantizerTest method testStartValueAtStartManyValuesPerPeriod.
public void testStartValueAtStartManyValuesPerPeriod() throws QueryCancelledException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
NextTimePeriodAdjuster hourlyAdjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.HOURS, 1);
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
List<IdPointValueTime> data = new ArrayList<>();
while (time.toInstant().isBefore(to.toInstant())) {
// Insert 10 values per day
double value = 1.0;
ZonedDateTime daily = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(time.toInstant(), zoneId);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
data.add(new IdPointValueTime(1, new NumericValue(value), daily.toInstant().toEpochMilli()));
daily = (ZonedDateTime) hourlyAdjuster.adjustInto(daily);
value = value + 1.0d;
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
AnalogStatisticsQuantizer quantizer = new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<AnalogStatistics>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(AnalogStatistics statisticsGenerator) throws QueryCancelledException {
AnalogStatistics stats = statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periiodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
// Test Minimum
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(10.0, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusHours(12).plusHours(9).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMaximumTime());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusHours(12).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(10.0, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getMaximumTime());
// 1-9 for 1hr each, 10 for 12hrs at the start and 2hrs at the end
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
double integral = 1d * 13 * 60d * 60d + 2d * 60 * 60 + 3d * 60 * 60 + 4d * 60 * 60 + 5d * 60 * 60 + 6d * 60 * 60 + 7d * 60 * 60 + 8d * 60 * 60 + 9d * 60 * 60;
integral = integral + 10d * 3d * 60 * 60;
double average = integral / (24d * 60d * 60d);
Assert.assertEquals(average, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
Assert.assertEquals(integral, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
} else {
double integral = 1d * 60d * 60d + 2d * 60 * 60 + 3d * 60 * 60 + 4d * 60 * 60 + 5d * 60 * 60 + 6d * 60 * 60 + 7d * 60 * 60 + 8d * 60 * 60 + 9d * 60 * 60;
integral = integral + 10d * 15d * 60 * 60;
double average = integral / (24d * 60d * 60d);
Assert.assertEquals(average, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
Assert.assertEquals(integral, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
// Test sum
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
Assert.assertEquals(56d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getFirstValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(55d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, stats.getFirstValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusHours(12).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(10.0d, stats.getLastValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusHours(12).plusHours(9).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// Test start (the first start value will be null
Assert.assertEquals(1.0, stats.getStartValue(), 0.0001);
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(11, stats.getCount());
} else {
// Test start (the first start value will be null
Assert.assertEquals(10.0, stats.getStartValue(), 0.0001);
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getCount());
// Test delta
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// 1 to 10
Assert.assertEquals(9.0, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(0.0, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(new IdPointValueTime(1, new NumericValue(1.0), time.toInstant().toEpochMilli()), false);
for (int count = 0; count < data.size(); count++) quantizer.accept(data.get(count));
quantizer.lastValue(data.get(data.size() - 1), true);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(31), counter.getValue());
use of in project ma-core-public by MangoAutomation.
the class AnalogStatisticsQuantizerTest method testNoData.
public void testNoData() throws QueryCancelledException {
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
AnalogStatisticsQuantizer quantizer = new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<AnalogStatistics>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(AnalogStatistics statisticsGenerator) throws QueryCancelledException {
AnalogStatistics stats = statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periiodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
// Test Minimum
Assert.assertEquals(Double.NaN, stats.getMinimumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getMinimumTime());
// Test Maximum
Assert.assertEquals(Double.NaN, stats.getMaximumValue(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getMaximumTime());
// Test Average
Assert.assertEquals(Double.NaN, stats.getAverage(), 0.0001);
// Test Integral
Assert.assertEquals(Double.NaN, stats.getIntegral(), 0.0001);
// Test sum
Assert.assertEquals(0.0d, stats.getSum(), 0.0001);
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastTime());
// Test start
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getStartValue());
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(0, stats.getCount());
// Test delta
Assert.assertEquals(Double.NaN, stats.getDelta(), 0.0001);
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(31), counter.getValue());