use of com.jme3.export.InputCapsule in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class EffectTrack method read.
* Internal use only serialization
* @param im importer
* @throws IOException Exception
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule in = im.getCapsule(this);
this.particlesPerSeconds = in.readFloat("particlesPerSeconds", 0);
//reading the emitter even if the track will then reference its cloned counter part if it's loaded with the assetManager.
//This also avoid null pointer exception if the model is not loaded via the AssetManager.
emitter = (ParticleEmitter) in.readSavable("emitter", null);
//if the emitter was saved with a KillParticleControl we remove it.
// Control c = emitter.getControl(KillParticleControl.class);
// if(c!=null){
// emitter.removeControl(c);
// }
length = in.readFloat("length", length);
startOffset = in.readFloat("startOffset", 0);
use of com.jme3.export.InputCapsule in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class AbstractCinematicEvent method read.
* Used for serialization only.
* @param im importer
* @throws IOException
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
playState = ic.readEnum("playState", PlayState.class, PlayState.Stopped);
speed = ic.readFloat("speed", 1);
initialDuration = ic.readFloat("initalDuration", 10);
loopMode = ic.readEnum("loopMode", LoopMode.class, LoopMode.DontLoop);
use of com.jme3.export.InputCapsule in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class ShaderGenerationInfo method read.
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
attributes = ic.readSavableArrayList("attributes", new ArrayList<ShaderNodeVariable>());
vertexUniforms = ic.readSavableArrayList("vertexUniforms", new ArrayList<ShaderNodeVariable>());
varyings = ic.readSavableArrayList("varyings", new ArrayList<ShaderNodeVariable>());
fragmentUniforms = ic.readSavableArrayList("fragmentUniforms", new ArrayList<ShaderNodeVariable>());
fragmentGlobals = ic.readSavableArrayList("fragmentGlobals", new ArrayList<ShaderNodeVariable>());
vertexGlobal = (ShaderNodeVariable) ic.readSavable("vertexGlobal", null);
use of com.jme3.export.InputCapsule in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class Spatial method read.
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
name = ic.readString("name", null);
worldBound = (BoundingVolume) ic.readSavable("world_bound", null);
cullHint = ic.readEnum("cull_mode", CullHint.class, CullHint.Inherit);
batchHint = ic.readEnum("batch_hint", BatchHint.class, BatchHint.Inherit);
queueBucket = ic.readEnum("queue", RenderQueue.Bucket.class, RenderQueue.Bucket.Inherit);
shadowMode = ic.readEnum("shadow_mode", ShadowMode.class, ShadowMode.Inherit);
localTransform = (Transform) ic.readSavable("transform", Transform.IDENTITY);
localLights = (LightList) ic.readSavable("lights", null);
ArrayList<MatParamOverride> localOverridesList = ic.readSavableArrayList("overrides", null);
if (localOverridesList == null) {
localOverrides = new SafeArrayList<>(MatParamOverride.class);
} else {
localOverrides = new SafeArrayList(MatParamOverride.class, localOverridesList);
worldOverrides = new SafeArrayList<>(MatParamOverride.class);
//changed for backward compatibility with j3o files generated before the AnimControl/SkeletonControl split
//the AnimControl creates the SkeletonControl for old files and add it to the spatial.
//The SkeletonControl must be the last in the stack so we add the list of all other control before it.
//When backward compatibility won't be needed anymore this can be replaced by :
//controls = ic.readSavableArrayList("controlsList", null));
controls.addAll(0, ic.readSavableArrayList("controlsList", null));
userData = (HashMap<String, Savable>) ic.readStringSavableMap("user_data", null);
use of com.jme3.export.InputCapsule in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class Geometry method read.
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {;
InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this);
mesh = (Mesh) ic.readSavable("mesh", null);
material = null;
String matName = ic.readString("materialName", null);
if (matName != null) {
// Attempt to load material via J3M
try {
material = im.getAssetManager().loadMaterial(matName);
} catch (AssetNotFoundException ex) {
// Cannot find J3M file.
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot locate {0} for geometry {1}", new Object[] { matName, key });
// If material is NULL, try to load it from the geometry
if (material == null) {
material = (Material) ic.readSavable("material", null);
ignoreTransform = ic.readBoolean("ignoreTransform", false);
if (ic.getSavableVersion(Geometry.class) == 0) {
// Fix shared mesh (if set)
Mesh sharedMesh = getUserData(UserData.JME_SHAREDMESH);
if (sharedMesh != null) {
setUserData(UserData.JME_SHAREDMESH, null);