use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class TextureBlenderDDS method blend.
public Image blend(Image image, Image baseImage, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
this.prepareImagesForBlending(image, baseImage);
Format format = image.getFormat();
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int depth = image.getDepth();
if (depth == 0) {
depth = 1;
ArrayList<ByteBuffer> dataArray = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(depth);
PixelInputOutput basePixelIO = null;
float[][] compressedMaterialColor = null;
TexturePixel[] baseTextureColors = null;
if (baseImage != null) {
basePixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(baseImage.getFormat());
compressedMaterialColor = new float[2][4];
baseTextureColors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() };
float[] resultPixel = new float[4];
float[] pixelColor = new float[4];
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() };
int baseXTexelIndex = 0, baseYTexelIndex = 0;
float[] alphas = new float[] { 1, 1 };
for (int dataLayerIndex = 0; dataLayerIndex < depth; ++dataLayerIndex) {
ByteBuffer data = image.getData(dataLayerIndex);
ByteBuffer newData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(data.remaining());
while (data.hasRemaining()) {
if (format == Format.DXT3) {
long alpha = data.getLong();
// get alpha for first and last pixel that is compressed in the texel
byte alpha0 = (byte) (alpha << 4 & 0xFF);
byte alpha1 = (byte) (alpha >> 60 & 0xFF);
alphas[0] = alpha0 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
alphas[1] = alpha1 >= 0 ? alpha1 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha1 / 255.0f;
} else if (format == Format.DXT5) {
byte alpha0 = data.get();
byte alpha1 = data.get();
alphas[0] = alpha0 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
alphas[1] = alpha1 >= 0 ? alpha0 / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~alpha0 / 255.0f;
// only read the next 6 bytes (these are alpha indexes)
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(data.getShort());
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(data.getShort());
// compressing 16 pixels from the base texture as if they belonged to a texel
if (baseImage != null) {
// reading pixels (first and last of the 16 colors array)
// first pixel, dataLayerIndex, baseTextureColors[0], baseXTexelIndex << 2, baseYTexelIndex << 2);
// last pixel, dataLayerIndex, baseTextureColors[1], baseXTexelIndex << 2 + 4, baseYTexelIndex << 2 + 4);
// blending colors
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
if (negateTexture) {
pixelColor[3] = alphas[i];
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, compressedMaterialColor != null ? compressedMaterialColor[i] : materialColor, pixelColor, blenderContext);
colors[i].fromARGB(1, resultPixel[0], resultPixel[1], resultPixel[2]);
int argb8 = colors[i].toARGB8();
short rgb565 = RGB565.ARGB8_to_RGB565(argb8);
// just copy the remaining 4 bytes of the current texel
if (baseXTexelIndex > image.getWidth() >> 2) {
baseXTexelIndex = 0;
Image result = dataArray.size() > 1 ? new Image(format, width, height, depth, dataArray, ColorSpace.Linear) : new Image(format, width, height, dataArray.get(0), ColorSpace.Linear);
if (image.getMipMapSizes() != null) {
return result;
use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class TextureBlenderLuminance method blend.
public Image blend(Image image, Image baseImage, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
this.prepareImagesForBlending(image, baseImage);
Format format = image.getFormat();
PixelInputOutput basePixelIO = null;
TexturePixel basePixel = null;
float[] materialColor = this.materialColor;
if (baseImage != null) {
basePixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(baseImage.getFormat());
materialColor = new float[this.materialColor.length];
basePixel = new TexturePixel();
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int depth = image.getDepth();
if (depth == 0) {
depth = 1;
ArrayList<ByteBuffer> dataArray = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(depth);
float[] resultPixel = new float[4];
float[] tinAndAlpha = new float[2];
for (int dataLayerIndex = 0; dataLayerIndex < depth; ++dataLayerIndex) {
ByteBuffer data = image.getData(dataLayerIndex);
ByteBuffer newData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(data.limit() * 4);
int dataIndex = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
while (data.hasRemaining()) {
// getting the proper material color if the base texture is applied
if (basePixelIO != null) {, dataLayerIndex, basePixel, x, y);
if (x >= width) {
x = 0;
this.getTinAndAlpha(data, format, negateTexture, tinAndAlpha);
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColor, color, tinAndAlpha[0], blendFactor, blendType, blenderContext);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (tinAndAlpha[1] * 255.0f));
Image result = depth > 1 ? new Image(Format.RGBA8, width, height, depth, dataArray, ColorSpace.Linear) : new Image(Format.RGBA8, width, height, dataArray.get(0), ColorSpace.Linear);
if (image.getMipMapSizes() != null) {
return result;
use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class LandscapeHelper method toSky.
* Loads scene's sky. Sky can be plain or textured.
* If no sky type is selected in blender then no sky is loaded.
* @param worldStructure
* the world's structure
* @return the scene's sky
* @throws BlenderFileException
* blender exception is thrown when problems with blender file occur
public Spatial toSky(Structure worldStructure) throws BlenderFileException {
int skytype = ((Number) worldStructure.getFieldValue("skytype")).intValue();
if (skytype == 0) {
return null;
LOGGER.fine("Loading sky.");
ColorRGBA horizontalColor = this.toBackgroundColor(worldStructure);
float zenr = ((Number) worldStructure.getFieldValue("zenr")).floatValue();
float zeng = ((Number) worldStructure.getFieldValue("zeng")).floatValue();
float zenb = ((Number) worldStructure.getFieldValue("zenb")).floatValue();
ColorRGBA zenithColor = new ColorRGBA(zenr, zeng, zenb, 1);
// jutr for this case load generated textures wheather user had set it or not because those might be needed to properly load the sky
boolean loadGeneratedTextures = blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isLoadGeneratedTextures();
TextureHelper textureHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(TextureHelper.class);
List<CombinedTexture> loadedTextures = null;
try {
loadedTextures = textureHelper.readTextureData(worldStructure, new float[] { horizontalColor.r, horizontalColor.g, horizontalColor.b, horizontalColor.a }, true);
} finally {
TextureCubeMap texture = null;
if (loadedTextures != null && loadedTextures.size() > 0) {
if (loadedTextures.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("There should be only one combined texture for sky!");
CombinedTexture combinedTexture = loadedTextures.get(0);
texture = combinedTexture.generateSkyTexture(horizontalColor, zenithColor, blenderContext);
} else {
LOGGER.fine("Preparing colors for colorband.");
int colorbandType = ColorBand.IPO_CARDINAL;
List<ColorRGBA> colorbandColors = new ArrayList<ColorRGBA>(3);
if ((skytype & SKYTYPE_BLEND) != 0) {
if ((skytype & SKYTYPE_PAPER) != 0) {
colorbandType = ColorBand.IPO_LINEAR;
if ((skytype & SKYTYPE_REAL) != 0) {
colorbandColors.add(0, zenithColor);
int size = blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getSkyGeneratedTextureSize();
List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<Integer>(colorbandColors.size());
if (colorbandColors.size() == 2) {
positions.add(size - 1);
} else if (colorbandColors.size() == 3) {
positions.add(size / 2);
positions.add(size - 1);
LOGGER.fine("Generating sky texture.");
float[][] values = new ColorBand(colorbandType, colorbandColors, positions, size).computeValues();
Image image = ImageUtils.createEmptyImage(Format.RGB8, size, size, 6);
PixelInputOutput pixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat());
TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel();
LOGGER.fine("Creating side textures.");
int[] sideImagesIndexes = new int[] { 0, 1, 4, 5 };
for (int i : sideImagesIndexes) {
for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) { = values[y][0]; = values[y][1]; = values[y][2];
for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
pixelIO.write(image, i, pixel, x, y);
LOGGER.fine("Creating top texture.");, 0, pixel, 0, image.getHeight() - 1);
for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
pixelIO.write(image, 3, pixel, x, y);
LOGGER.fine("Creating bottom texture.");, 0, pixel, 0, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
pixelIO.write(image, 2, pixel, x, y);
texture = new TextureCubeMap(image);
LOGGER.fine("Sky texture created. Creating sky.");
return SkyFactory.createSky(blenderContext.getAssetManager(), texture, SkyFactory.EnvMapType.CubeMap);
use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class ImageUtils method mix.
* This method merges two given images. The result is stored in the
* 'target' image.
* @param targetImage
* the target image
* @param sourceImage
* the source image
public static void mix(Image targetImage, Image sourceImage) {
if (sourceImage.getDepth() != targetImage.getDepth()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given images should have the same depth to merge them!");
if (sourceImage.getWidth() != targetImage.getWidth()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given images should have the same width to merge them!");
if (sourceImage.getHeight() != targetImage.getHeight()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given images should have the same height to merge them!");
PixelInputOutput sourceIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(sourceImage.getFormat());
PixelInputOutput targetIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(targetImage.getFormat());
TexturePixel sourcePixel = new TexturePixel();
TexturePixel targetPixel = new TexturePixel();
int depth = targetImage.getDepth() == 0 ? 1 : targetImage.getDepth();
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) {
for (int x = 0; x < sourceImage.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < sourceImage.getHeight(); ++y) {, layerIndex, sourcePixel, x, y);, layerIndex, targetPixel, x, y);
targetIO.write(targetImage, layerIndex, targetPixel, x, y);
use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class TextureHelper method applyColorbandAndColorFactors.
* This method applies the colorband and color factors to image type
* textures. If there is no colorband defined for the texture or the color
* factors are all equal to 1.0f then no changes are made.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* @param image
* the image that will be altered if necessary
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
private void applyColorbandAndColorFactors(Structure tex, Image image, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
float rfac = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("rfac")).floatValue();
float gfac = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("gfac")).floatValue();
float bfac = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("bfac")).floatValue();
float[][] colorBand = new ColorBand(tex, blenderContext).computeValues();
int depth = image.getDepth() == 0 ? 1 : image.getDepth();
if (colorBand != null) {
TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel();
PixelInputOutput imageIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat());
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) {
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) {, layerIndex, pixel, x, y);
int colorbandIndex = (int) (pixel.alpha * 1000.0f); = colorBand[colorbandIndex][0] * rfac; = colorBand[colorbandIndex][1] * gfac; = colorBand[colorbandIndex][2] * bfac;
pixel.alpha = colorBand[colorbandIndex][3];
imageIO.write(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y);
} else if (rfac != 1.0f || gfac != 1.0f || bfac != 1.0f) {
TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel();
PixelInputOutput imageIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat());
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) {
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) {, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); *= rfac; *= gfac; *= bfac;
imageIO.write(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y);