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Example 6 with CNull

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class RandomTests method testClone.

public void testClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    CArray c1 = C.Array(C.Void(), C.Void()).clone();
    CBoolean c2 = C.Boolean(true).clone();
    CDouble c4 = C.Double(1).clone();
    CFunction c5 = new CFunction("", Target.UNKNOWN).clone();
    CInt c6 = C.Int(1).clone();
    CNull c7 = C.Null().clone();
    CString c8 = C.String("").clone();
    Construct c9 = C.Void().clone();
    Command c10 = new Command("/c", Target.UNKNOWN).clone();
    IVariable c12 = new IVariable(Auto.TYPE, "@name", C.Null(), Target.UNKNOWN).clone();
    Variable c13 = new Variable("$name", "", false, false, Target.UNKNOWN);
Also used : CInt(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt) IVariable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable) Variable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Variable) Command(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Command) CBoolean(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CBoolean) IVariable(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CDouble(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble) CFunction(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CFunction) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull) CString(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with CNull

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ConfigRuntimeException method GetReaction.

 * If a exception bubbles all the way up to the top, this should be called first, to see what reaction the plugin
 * should take. Generally speaking, you'll want to use {@link #HandleUncaughtException} instead of this, though if
 * you need to take custom action, you can determine the user's preferred reaction with this method.
 * @param e
 * @return
public static Reaction GetReaction(ConfigRuntimeException e, Environment env) {
    // If there is an exception handler, call it to see what it says.
    Reaction reaction = Reaction.REPORT;
    if (env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetExceptionHandler() != null) {
        CClosure c = env.getEnv(GlobalEnv.class).GetExceptionHandler();
        CArray ex = ObjectGenerator.GetGenerator().exception(e, env, Target.UNKNOWN);
        if (e.getEnv() != null) {
            MCCommandSender sender = e.getEnv().getEnv(CommandHelperEnvironment.class).GetCommandSender();
        Construct ret = CNull.NULL;
        try {
            c.execute(new Construct[] { ex });
        } catch (FunctionReturnException retException) {
            ret = retException.getReturn();
        if (ret instanceof CNull || Prefs.ScreamErrors()) {
            reaction = Reaction.REPORT;
        } else {
            if (Static.getBoolean(ret, Target.UNKNOWN)) {
                reaction = Reaction.IGNORE;
            } else {
                reaction = Reaction.FATAL;
    return reaction;
Also used : CClosure(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CClosure) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CommandHelperEnvironment(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.CommandHelperEnvironment) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) GlobalEnv(com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv) MCCommandSender(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCCommandSender) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)

Example 8 with CNull

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class InventoryManagement method IsMatch.

 * Gets whether or not the two items are a match based on the given item array map.
 * @param map The original item array map of what to compare
 * @param is The MCItemStack to compare all other items with, converted from the item array map
 * @param iis The current MCItemStack we're comparing
 * @param t
 * @return Whether or not the items are a match
private static boolean IsMatch(CArray map, MCItemStack is, MCItemStack iis, Target t) {
    if (!is.getType().equals(iis.getType())) {
        return false;
    if ((map == null || map.containsKey("data")) && is.getDurability() != iis.getDurability()) {
        return false;
    if (map != null && map.containsKey("meta")) {
        Construct c = map.get("meta", t);
        if (c instanceof CNull) {
            if (iis.hasItemMeta()) {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (!iis.hasItemMeta()) {
                return false;
            CArray metamap = (CArray) c;
            MCItemMeta im = is.getItemMeta();
            MCItemMeta iim = iis.getItemMeta();
            if (metamap.containsKey("display")) {
                if (im.hasDisplayName()) {
                    if (!iim.hasDisplayName() || !im.getDisplayName().equals(iim.getDisplayName())) {
                        return false;
                } else if (iim.hasDisplayName()) {
                    return false;
            if (metamap.containsKey("lore") && im.hasLore() && !im.getLore().equals(iim.getLore())) {
                return false;
            if (metamap.containsKey("enchants") && !im.getEnchants().equals(iim.getEnchants())) {
                return false;
    return true;
Also used : CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) MCItemMeta(com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCItemMeta) Construct(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)

Example 9 with CNull

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class MObject method set.

 * Sets the field to the given parameter. If the field is a non-dynamic property, it is actually set in the object
 * (and converted properly), otherwise it is simply added to the dynamic field list.
 * @param field
 * @param value
 * @param t
public final void set(String field, Construct value, Target t) {
    String alias = alias(field);
    if (alias != null) {
        field = alias;
    for (Field f : this.getClass().getFields()) {
        if (f.isAnnotationPresent(nofield.class)) {
            // Skip this one
        if (f.getName().equals(field)) {
            // This is it, so let's set it, (converting if necessary) then break
            Object val;
            Class fType = f.getType();
            if (value instanceof CNull) {
                // TODO
                // Easy case
                val = null;
            } else {
                if (fType == byte.class) {
                    val = Static.getInt8(value, t);
                } else if (fType == short.class) {
                    val = Static.getInt16(value, t);
                } else if (fType == int.class) {
                    val = Static.getInt32(value, t);
                } else if (fType == long.class) {
                    val = Static.getInt(value, t);
                } else if (fType == char.class) {
                    if (value.val().length() == 0) {
                        val = null;
                    } else {
                        val = value.val().charAt(0);
                } else if (fType == boolean.class) {
                    val = Static.getBoolean(value, t);
                } else if (fType == float.class) {
                    val = Static.getDouble32(value, t);
                } else if (fType == double.class) {
                    val = Static.getDouble(value, t);
                } else if (fType == MMap.class) {
                    CArray ca = Static.getArray(value, t);
                    MMap m = new MMap();
                    for (String key : ca.stringKeySet()) {
                        m.put(key, ca.get(key, t));
                    val = m;
                } else if (fType == MList.class) {
                    CArray ca = Static.getArray(value, t);
                    MList m = new MList();
                    if (ca.inAssociativeMode()) {
                        throw new CRECastException("Expected non-associative array, but an associative array was found instead.", t);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ca.size(); i++) {
                        m.add(ca.get(i, t));
                    val = m;
                } else if (Construct.class.isAssignableFrom(fType)) {
                    val = value;
                } else if (MObject.class.isAssignableFrom(fType)) {
                    CArray ca = Static.getArray(value, t);
                    val = MObject.Construct(fType, ca);
                } else {
                    // Programming error.
                    throw new Error(this.getClass().getName() + " contained the public field " + f.getName() + " of type " + fType.getName() + ", which is an unsupported field type.");
            try {
                // val is now set correctly, guaranteed.
                f.set(this, val);
            // These exceptions cannot happen.
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
                throw new Error(ex);
    // Always put the dynamic parameter, regardless
    fields.put(field, value);
Also used : CRECastException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)

Example 10 with CNull

use of com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.

the class ObjectGenerator method vector.

 * Modifies an existing vector using a given vector object. Because Vector3D is immutable, this method does not
 * actually modify the existing vector, but creates a new one.
 * @param v the original vector
 * @param c the vector array
 * @param t the target
 * @return the Vector
public Vector3D vector(Vector3D v, Construct c, Target t) {
    if (c instanceof CArray) {
        CArray va = (CArray) c;
        double x = v.X();
        double y = v.Y();
        double z = v.Z();
        if (!va.isAssociative()) {
            if (va.size() == 3) {
                // 3rd dimension vector
                x = Static.getNumber(va.get(0, t), t);
                y = Static.getNumber(va.get(1, t), t);
                z = Static.getNumber(va.get(2, t), t);
            } else if (va.size() == 2) {
                // 2nd dimension vector
                x = Static.getNumber(va.get(0, t), t);
                y = Static.getNumber(va.get(1, t), t);
            } else if (va.size() == 1) {
                x = Static.getNumber(va.get(0, t), t);
        } else {
            if (va.containsKey("x")) {
                x = Static.getNumber(va.get("x", t), t);
            if (va.containsKey("y")) {
                y = Static.getNumber(va.get("y", t), t);
            if (va.containsKey("z")) {
                z = Static.getNumber(va.get("z", t), t);
        return new Vector3D(x, y, z);
    } else if (c instanceof CNull) {
        // fulfilling the todo?
        return v;
    } else {
        throw new CREFormatException("Expecting an array, received " + c.getCType(), t);
Also used : Vector3D(com.laytonsmith.PureUtilities.Vector3D) CArray(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray) CREFormatException(com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREFormatException) CNull(com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)


CNull (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CNull)13 CArray (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CArray)12 Construct (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.Construct)11 CString (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CString)8 CInt (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CInt)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 MCItemMeta (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCItemMeta)4 GlobalEnv (com.laytonsmith.core.environments.GlobalEnv)4 CRECastException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CRECastException)4 MCItemStack (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCItemStack)3 CBoolean (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CBoolean)3 CDouble (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.CDouble)3 IVariable (com.laytonsmith.core.constructs.IVariable)3 AbstractCREException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.AbstractCREException)3 CREFormatException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.CRE.CREFormatException)3 ConfigRuntimeException (com.laytonsmith.core.exceptions.ConfigRuntimeException)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 MCBannerMeta (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBannerMeta)2 MCBlockStateMeta (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBlockStateMeta)2 MCBookMeta (com.laytonsmith.abstraction.MCBookMeta)2