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Example 16 with GameCharacter

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class Body method getPregnancyDetails.

public String getPregnancyDetails(GameCharacter owner) {
    descriptionSB = new StringBuilder();
    if (owner.isVisiblyPregnant()) {
        GameCharacter father = owner.getPregnantLitter().getFather();
        if (father.isPlayer()) {
            descriptionSB.append("<p><span style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_ARCANE.toWebHexString() + ";'>From one of your sexual encounters, you've ended up impregnating [].</span>");
        } else {
            descriptionSB.append("<p><span style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_ARCANE.toWebHexString() + ";'>From one of [npc.her] sexual encounters, [] has ended up getting impregnated by " + father.getName() + ".</span>");
        if (owner.hasStatusEffect(StatusEffect.PREGNANT_1)) {
            descriptionSB.append(" [npc.Her] belly is only a little swollen, as [npc.she]'s only in the first stage of pregnancy.");
        } else if (owner.hasStatusEffect(StatusEffect.PREGNANT_2)) {
            descriptionSB.append(" [npc.Her] belly is noticeably swollen, as [npc.she]'s well into [npc.her] pregnancy.");
        } else {
            descriptionSB.append(" [npc.Her] belly is massively swollen, and although [npc.she]'s clearly ready for it, [npc.she] hasn't decided to give birth just yet.");
    if (!owner.getLittersBirthed().isEmpty()) {
        descriptionSB.append("<p>" + "<span style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_ARCANE.toWebHexString() + ";'>" + "[npc.Name] has given birth " + Util.intToString(owner.getLittersBirthed().size()) + " " + (owner.getLittersBirthed().size() == 1 ? "time" : "times") + ".</span>");
        for (Litter litter : owner.getLittersBirthed()) {
            int daysSpentPregnant = litter.getDayOfBirth() - litter.getDayOfConception();
            if (litter.getFather().isPlayer()) {
                descriptionSB.append("</br>On day " + litter.getDayOfConception() + ", you impregnated [npc.herHim], and " + Util.intToString(daysSpentPregnant) + " day" + (daysSpentPregnant != 1 ? "s" : "") + " later, [npc.she] gave birth to ");
            } else {
                descriptionSB.append("</br>On day " + litter.getDayOfConception() + ", " + litter.getFather().getName() + " impregnated [npc.her], and " + Util.intToString(daysSpentPregnant) + " day" + (daysSpentPregnant != 1 ? "s" : "") + " later, [npc.she] gave birth to ");
    if ( {
        for (PregnancyPossibility pp : {
            if (pp.getFather() == owner) {
                descriptionSB.append("<p>" + "<span style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_ARCANE.toWebHexString() + ";'>From one of your sexual encounters, you've been impregnated, and it's possible that [] is the father.</span>" + "</p>");
    if (! {
        int fatheredLitters = 0;
        for (Litter litter : {
            if (litter.getFather() == owner) {
        if (fatheredLitters != 0) {
            descriptionSB.append("<p>" + "<span style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_ARCANE.toWebHexString() + ";'>" + "[npc.Name] is the father of some of your children, and has, in total, impregnated you " + Util.intToString(fatheredLitters) + " " + (fatheredLitters == 1 ? "time" : "times") + ".</span>");
            for (Litter litter : {
                int daysSpentPregnant = litter.getDayOfBirth() - litter.getDayOfConception();
                if (litter.getFather() == owner) {
                    descriptionSB.append("</br>On day " + litter.getDayOfConception() + ", [npc.she] impregnated you, and " + Util.intToString(daysSpentPregnant) + " day" + (daysSpentPregnant > 1 ? "s" : "") + " later, you gave birth to " + litter.getBirthedDescriptionList() + ".");
    return UtilText.parse(owner, descriptionSB.toString());
Also used : Litter( PregnancyPossibility( GameCharacter(


GameCharacter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 OrificeType ( Fetish ( NPC ( TestNPC ( Response ( InventorySelectedItemEventListener (com.lilithsthrone.controller.eventListeners.InventorySelectedItemEventListener)2 InventoryTooltipEventListener (com.lilithsthrone.controller.eventListeners.InventoryTooltipEventListener)2 TooltipInformationEventListener (com.lilithsthrone.controller.eventListeners.TooltipInformationEventListener)2 Attribute ( CoverableArea ( Perk ( StatusEffect ( GenericAndrogynousNPC ( GenericFemaleNPC ( GenericMaleNPC ( SpecialAttack ( Spell ( DialogueNodeOld (