use of in project malmo by Microsoft.
the class ClassroomDecoratorImplementation method buildOnWorld.
public void buildOnWorld(MissionInit missionInit) throws DecoratorException {
this.drawContext = new BlockDrawingHelper();
if (this.buildingWidth == 0) {
// We are using complexity so these need to be sampled from the Gaussian
this.buildingWidth = Math.max((int) (rand.nextGaussian() * 2 + this.buildingComplexity * MAX_BUILDING_SIZE + MIN_ROOM_SIZE), MIN_ROOM_SIZE);
this.buildingLength = Math.max((int) (rand.nextGaussian() * 2 + this.buildingComplexity * MAX_BUILDING_SIZE + MIN_ROOM_SIZE), MIN_ROOM_SIZE);
this.buildingHeight = Math.max(Math.max(this.buildingWidth, this.buildingLength) * ROOM_HEIGHT / MIN_ROOM_SIZE, ROOM_HEIGHT);
// create the room grid
ArrayList<Room> rooms = this.createRooms();
// randomize the indices used to query different divisions. This has the effect of making
// the path to the goal random each time.
// determine how long the path to the goal should be
if (this.pathLength == 0) {
this.pathLength = (int) ((1 - 0.25 * this.pathComplexity) * rooms.size()) - 1;
} else {
this.pathLength = Math.min(this.pathLength, rooms.size() - 1);
// find a path to the goal
ArrayList<Divider> path = new ArrayList<Divider>();
Room startRoom, goalRoom;
if (this.pathLength > 0) {
for (Room room : rooms) {
for (Room markRoom : rooms) {
markRoom.mark = false;
if (findPath(path, room, this.pathLength)) {
if (path.size() < this.pathLength) {
// error
throw new DecoratorException("Unable to find path to goal");
startRoom = path.get(0).getIn();
goalRoom = path.get(path.size() - 1).getOut();
for (Divider divider : path) {
divider.setHint(this.rand.nextDouble() < this.hintLikelihood);
// create all of the obstacles along the path
} else {
startRoom = goalRoom = rooms.get(0);
startRoom.isComplete = true;
// find orphan rooms
for (Room room : rooms) {
if (room.isComplete) {
for (Room markRoom : rooms) {
markRoom.mark = false;
if (findPath(path, room, rooms.size())) {
// portion of the building back to the orphan room.
for (Divider obstacle : path) {
// create all of the obstacles along the path
} else {
throw new DecoratorException("Unable to join orphan room to goal path");
// carve out the building
World world = MinecraftServer.getServer().getEntityWorld();
for (int x = START_X; x < START_X + this.buildingWidth; x++) {
for (int y = START_Y; y < START_Y + this.buildingHeight; y++) {
for (int z = START_Z; z < START_Z + this.buildingLength; z++) {
world.setBlockToAir(new BlockPos(x, y, z));
// this should clear all of the torches and levers left over from last time. It doesn't.
drawContext.clearEntities(world, START_X - 1, START_Y - 1, START_Z - 1, START_X + this.buildingWidth, START_Y + this.buildingHeight, START_Z + this.buildingLength);
// draw the rooms
for (Room room : rooms) {
room.draw(world, this.rand, this.palette);
// place goal
setBlockState(world, new BlockPos(goalRoom.x + this.rand.nextInt(goalRoom.width - 4) + 2, goalRoom.y, goalRoom.z + goalRoom.length - 2), this.palette.goal);
// set the agent positions
PosAndDirection p2 = new PosAndDirection();
p2.setX(new BigDecimal(startRoom.x + this.rand.nextInt(goalRoom.width - 2) + 0.5));
p2.setY(new BigDecimal(1 + startRoom.y));
p2.setZ(new BigDecimal(startRoom.z + 0.5));
// TODO - for the moment, force all players to being at the maze start point - but this needs to be optional.
for (AgentSection as : missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection()) {
use of in project malmo by Microsoft.
the class ClassroomDecoratorImplementation method buildOnWorld.
public void buildOnWorld(MissionInit missionInit, World world) throws DecoratorException {
this.drawContext = new BlockDrawingHelper();
if (this.buildingWidth == 0) {
// We are using complexity so these need to be sampled from the Gaussian
this.buildingWidth = Math.max((int) (rand.nextGaussian() * 2 + this.buildingComplexity * MAX_BUILDING_SIZE + MIN_ROOM_SIZE), MIN_ROOM_SIZE);
this.buildingLength = Math.max((int) (rand.nextGaussian() * 2 + this.buildingComplexity * MAX_BUILDING_SIZE + MIN_ROOM_SIZE), MIN_ROOM_SIZE);
this.buildingHeight = Math.max(Math.max(this.buildingWidth, this.buildingLength) * ROOM_HEIGHT / MIN_ROOM_SIZE, ROOM_HEIGHT);
// create the room grid
ArrayList<Room> rooms = this.createRooms();
// randomize the indices used to query different divisions. This has the effect of making
// the path to the goal random each time.
// determine how long the path to the goal should be
if (this.pathLength == 0) {
this.pathLength = (int) ((1 - 0.25 * this.pathComplexity) * rooms.size()) - 1;
} else {
this.pathLength = Math.min(this.pathLength, rooms.size() - 1);
// find a path to the goal
ArrayList<Divider> path = new ArrayList<Divider>();
Room startRoom, goalRoom;
if (this.pathLength > 0) {
for (Room room : rooms) {
for (Room markRoom : rooms) {
markRoom.mark = false;
if (findPath(path, room, this.pathLength)) {
if (path.size() < this.pathLength) {
// error
throw new DecoratorException("Unable to find path to goal");
startRoom = path.get(0).getIn();
goalRoom = path.get(path.size() - 1).getOut();
for (Divider divider : path) {
divider.setHint(this.rand.nextDouble() < this.hintLikelihood);
// create all of the obstacles along the path
} else {
startRoom = goalRoom = rooms.get(0);
startRoom.isComplete = true;
// find orphan rooms
for (Room room : rooms) {
if (room.isComplete) {
for (Room markRoom : rooms) {
markRoom.mark = false;
if (findPath(path, room, rooms.size())) {
// portion of the building back to the orphan room.
for (Divider obstacle : path) {
// create all of the obstacles along the path
} else {
throw new DecoratorException("Unable to join orphan room to goal path");
// carve out the building
for (int x = START_X; x < START_X + this.buildingWidth; x++) {
for (int y = START_Y; y < START_Y + this.buildingHeight; y++) {
for (int z = START_Z; z < START_Z + this.buildingLength; z++) {
world.setBlockToAir(new BlockPos(x, y, z));
// this should clear all of the torches and levers left over from last time. It doesn't.
drawContext.clearEntities(world, START_X - 1, START_Y - 1, START_Z - 1, START_X + this.buildingWidth, START_Y + this.buildingHeight, START_Z + this.buildingLength);
// draw the rooms
for (Room room : rooms) {
room.draw(world, this.rand, this.palette);
// place goal
setBlockState(world, new BlockPos(goalRoom.x + this.rand.nextInt(goalRoom.width - 4) + 2, goalRoom.y, goalRoom.z + goalRoom.length - 2), this.palette.goal);
// set the agent positions
PosAndDirection p2 = new PosAndDirection();
p2.setX(new BigDecimal(startRoom.x + this.rand.nextInt(goalRoom.width - 2) + 0.5));
p2.setY(new BigDecimal(1 + startRoom.y));
p2.setZ(new BigDecimal(startRoom.z + 0.5));
// TODO - for the moment, force all players to being at the maze start point - but this needs to be optional.
for (AgentSection as : missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection()) {
use of in project malmo by Microsoft.
the class MissionBehaviour method initAgent.
private void initAgent(MissionInit missionInit) {
AgentHandlers handlerset = missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection().get(missionInit.getClientRole()).getAgentHandlers();
// Instantiate the various handlers:
for (Object handler : handlerset.getAgentMissionHandlers()) createAndAddHandler(handler);
// If this is a multi-agent mission, need to ensure we have a team reward handler
// to receive rewards from other agents.
List<AgentSection> agents = missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection();
if (agents != null && agents.size() > 1)
addHandler(new RewardFromTeamImplementation());
use of in project malmo by Microsoft.
the class MazeDecoratorImplementation method recordStartAndEndPoints.
private void recordStartAndEndPoints(Cell start, Cell end, MissionInit missionInit) {
// TODO: how do we set the goal position, now it no longer has a declaration in the Mission xml?
int scale = this.mazeParams.getSizeAndPosition().getScale();
// Position the start point:
PosAndDirection p = new PosAndDirection();
p.setX(new BigDecimal(scale * (start.x + 0.5) + this.xOrg));
p.setY(new BigDecimal(1 + this.yOrg + this.startHeight));
p.setZ(new BigDecimal(scale * (start.z + 0.5) + this.zOrg));
this.startPosition = p;
// TODO - for the moment, force all players to being at the maze start point - but this needs to be optional.
for (AgentSection as : missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection()) {
if (this.mazeParams.getAddQuitProducer() != null) {
String desc = this.mazeParams.getAddQuitProducer().getDescription();
this.quitter = new AgentQuitFromReachingPosition();
PointWithToleranceAndDescription endpoint = new PointWithToleranceAndDescription();
endpoint.setTolerance(new BigDecimal(0.5 + scale / 2.0));
double endX = scale * (end.x + 0.5) + this.xOrg;
// Assuming we approach on the optimal path, need the height of the goal to be reachable.
double endY = 1 + this.optimalPathHeight + this.yOrg;
double endZ = scale * (end.z + 0.5) + this.zOrg;
endpoint.setX(new BigDecimal(endX));
endpoint.setY(new BigDecimal(endY));
endpoint.setZ(new BigDecimal(endZ));
use of in project malmo by Microsoft.
the class SnakeDecoratorImplementation method setStartPoint.
private void setStartPoint(MissionInit missionInit) {
// Position the start point:
PosAndDirection p = new PosAndDirection();
p.setX(new BigDecimal(this.buildX));
p.setY(new BigDecimal(this.buildY));
p.setZ(new BigDecimal(this.buildZ));
for (AgentSection as : missionInit.getMission().getAgentSection()) {