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Example 1 with CommandResult

use of com.mongodb.CommandResult in project morphia by mongodb.

the class DatastoreImpl method process.

void process(final MappedClass mc, final Validation validation) {
    if (validation != null) {
        String collectionName = mc.getCollectionName();
        CommandResult result = getDB().command(new BasicDBObject("collMod", collectionName).append("validator", parse(validation.value())).append("validationLevel", validation.level().getValue()).append("validationAction", validation.action().getValue()));
        if (!result.ok()) {
            if (result.getInt("code") == 26) {
                ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions().validator(parse(validation.value())).validationLevel(validation.level()).validationAction(validation.action());
                getDatabase().createCollection(collectionName, new CreateCollectionOptions().validationOptions(options));
            } else {
Also used : BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) CreateCollectionOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions) ValidationOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions) CommandResult(com.mongodb.CommandResult)

Example 2 with CommandResult

use of com.mongodb.CommandResult in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class MongoConnectionImpl method getMongoVersion.

private Version getMongoVersion(DB adminDb) {
    final CommandResult buildInfoResult = adminDb.command("buildInfo");
    if (buildInfoResult.ok()) {
        final BasicDBList versionArray = (BasicDBList) buildInfoResult.get("versionArray");
        if (versionArray == null || versionArray.size() < 3) {
            LOG.debug("Couldn't retrieve MongoDB version");
            return null;
        final int majorVersion = (int) versionArray.get(0);
        final int minorVersion = (int) versionArray.get(1);
        final int patchVersion = (int) versionArray.get(2);
        return Version.forIntegers(majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion);
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Couldn't retrieve MongoDB buildInfo: {}", buildInfoResult.getErrorMessage());
        return null;
Also used : BasicDBList(com.mongodb.BasicDBList) CommandResult(com.mongodb.CommandResult) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with CommandResult

use of com.mongodb.CommandResult in project felix by apache.

the class MongoDBStoreTest method canRunTest.

 * Sets up MongoDB and tries to clear the useradmin collection. When this fails, it is assumed that no MongoDB service is available.
private boolean canRunTest() throws BundleException {
    Bundle mongoBundle = getMongoDBBundle();
    Bundle mongoStoreBundle = getMongoDBStoreBundle();
    // Provision an empty configuration...
    BundleContext context = mongoStoreBundle.getBundleContext();
    ServiceReference serviceRef = context.getServiceReference(ManagedService.class.getName());
    ManagedService service = (ManagedService) context.getService(serviceRef);
    try {
        Mongo mongo = new Mongo();
        DB db = mongo.getDB("ua_repo");
        DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("useradmin");
        // we always get a collection back, regardless if there is an actual MongoDB listening, hence we should do
        // some actual calls that cause a connection to MongoDB to be created...
        collection.remove(new BasicDBObject(), WriteConcern.SAFE);
        CommandResult lastError = db.getLastError();
        return (lastError.getException() == null && collection.getCount() == 0L);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Ignore; apparently, we failed to connect to MongoDB...
    return false;
Also used : ManagedService( DBCollection(com.mongodb.DBCollection) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) Mongo(com.mongodb.Mongo) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) DB(com.mongodb.DB) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) BundleContext(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) ServiceReference(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference) CommandResult(com.mongodb.CommandResult)

Example 4 with CommandResult

use of com.mongodb.CommandResult in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class StandaloneMongoSplitter method calculateSplits.

public List<InputSplit> calculateSplits() throws SplitFailedException {
    final DBObject splitKey = MongoConfigUtil.getInputSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final DBObject splitKeyMax = MongoConfigUtil.getMaxSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final DBObject splitKeyMin = MongoConfigUtil.getMinSplitKey(getConfiguration());
    final int splitSize = MongoConfigUtil.getSplitSize(getConfiguration());
    final MongoClientURI inputURI;
    DBCollection inputCollection = null;
    final ArrayList<InputSplit> returnVal;
    try {
        inputURI = MongoConfigUtil.getInputURI(getConfiguration());
        MongoClientURI authURI = MongoConfigUtil.getAuthURI(getConfiguration());
        if (authURI != null) {
            inputCollection = MongoConfigUtil.getCollectionWithAuth(inputURI, authURI);
        } else {
            inputCollection = MongoConfigUtil.getCollection(inputURI);
        returnVal = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
        final String ns = inputCollection.getFullName();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(String.format("Running splitVector on namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s", inputURI.getDatabase(), inputURI.getCollection(), inputURI.getHosts()));
        final DBObject cmd = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("splitVector", ns).add("keyPattern", splitKey).add("min", splitKeyMin).add("max", splitKeyMax).add("force", false).add("maxChunkSize", splitSize).get();
        CommandResult data;
        boolean ok = true;
        try {
            data = inputCollection.getDB().getSisterDB(inputURI.getDatabase()).command(cmd, ReadPreference.primary());
        } catch (final MongoException e) {
            // 2.0 servers throw exceptions rather than info in a CommandResult
            data = null;
  , e);
            if (e.getMessage().contains("unrecognized command: splitVector")) {
                ok = false;
            } else {
                throw e;
        if (data != null) {
            if (data.containsField("$err")) {
                throw new SplitFailedException("Error calculating splits: " + data);
            } else if (!data.get("ok").equals(1.0)) {
                ok = false;
        if (!ok) {
            final CommandResult stats = inputCollection.getStats();
            if (stats.containsField("primary")) {
                final DBCursor shards = inputCollection.getDB().getSisterDB("config").getCollection("shards").find(new BasicDBObject("_id", stats.getString("primary")));
                try {
                    if (shards.hasNext()) {
                        final DBObject shard =;
                        final String host = ((String) shard.get("host")).replace(shard.get("_id") + "/", "");
                        final MongoClientURI shardHost;
                        if (authURI != null) {
                            shardHost = new MongoClientURIBuilder(authURI).host(host).build();
                        } else {
                            shardHost = new MongoClientURIBuilder(inputURI).host(host).build();
                        MongoClient shardClient = null;
                        try {
                            shardClient = new MongoClient(shardHost);
                            data = shardClient.getDB(shardHost.getDatabase()).command(cmd, ReadPreference.primary());
                        } catch (final Exception e) {
                            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                        } finally {
                            if (shardClient != null) {
                } finally {
            if (data != null && !data.get("ok").equals(1.0)) {
                throw new SplitFailedException("Unable to calculate input splits: " + data.get("errmsg"));
        // Comes in a format where "min" and "max" are implicit
        // and each entry is just a boundary key; not ranged
        final BasicDBList splitData = (BasicDBList) data.get("splitKeys");
        if (splitData.size() == 0) {
            LOG.warn("WARNING: No Input Splits were calculated by the split code. Proceeding with a *single* split. Data may be too" + " small, try lowering 'mongo.input.split_size' if this is undesirable.");
        // Lower boundary of the first min split
        BasicDBObject lastKey = null;
        // If splitKeyMin was given, use it as first boundary.
        if (!splitKeyMin.toMap().isEmpty()) {
            lastKey = new BasicDBObject(splitKeyMin.toMap());
        for (final Object aSplitData : splitData) {
            final BasicDBObject currentKey = (BasicDBObject) aSplitData;
            returnVal.add(createSplitFromBounds(lastKey, currentKey));
            lastKey = currentKey;
        BasicDBObject maxKey = null;
        // If splitKeyMax was given, use it as last boundary.
        if (!splitKeyMax.toMap().isEmpty()) {
            maxKey = new BasicDBObject(splitKeyMax.toMap());
        // Last max split
        final MongoInputSplit lastSplit = createSplitFromBounds(lastKey, maxKey);
    } finally {
        if (inputCollection != null) {
    if (MongoConfigUtil.isFilterEmptySplitsEnabled(getConfiguration())) {
        return filterEmptySplits(returnVal);
    return returnVal;
Also used : MongoException(com.mongodb.MongoException) MongoInputSplit(com.mongodb.hadoop.input.MongoInputSplit) MongoClientURI(com.mongodb.MongoClientURI) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) MongoException(com.mongodb.MongoException) CommandResult(com.mongodb.CommandResult) DBCollection(com.mongodb.DBCollection) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) MongoClient(com.mongodb.MongoClient) BasicDBList(com.mongodb.BasicDBList) DBCursor(com.mongodb.DBCursor) MongoClientURIBuilder(com.mongodb.hadoop.util.MongoClientURIBuilder) BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) DBObject(com.mongodb.DBObject) InputSplit(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit) MongoInputSplit(com.mongodb.hadoop.input.MongoInputSplit)

Example 5 with CommandResult

use of com.mongodb.CommandResult in project mongo-hadoop by mongodb.

the class MongoSplitterFactory method getSplitterByStats.

public static MongoCollectionSplitter getSplitterByStats(final MongoClientURI uri, final Configuration config) {
    /* Looks at the collection in mongo.input.uri
         * and choose an implementation based on what's in there.  */
    MongoCollectionSplitter returnVal;
    // big split for the whole collection.
    if (!MongoConfigUtil.createInputSplits(config)) {
        returnVal = new SingleMongoSplitter(config);
    } else {
        MongoClientURI authURI = MongoConfigUtil.getAuthURI(config);
        CommandResult stats;
        DBCollection coll = null;
        CommandResult buildInfo;
        try {
            if (authURI != null) {
                coll = MongoConfigUtil.getCollectionWithAuth(uri, authURI);
                stats = coll.getStats();
      "Retrieved Collection stats:" + stats);
            } else {
                coll = MongoConfigUtil.getCollection(uri);
                stats = coll.getStats();
            buildInfo = coll.getDB().command("buildinfo");
        } finally {
            if (coll != null) {
        if (!stats.getBoolean("ok", false)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to calculate input splits from collection stats: " + stats.getString("errmsg"));
        if (!stats.getBoolean("sharded", false)) {
            // Prefer SampleSplitter.
            List versionArray = (List) buildInfo.get("versionArray");
            boolean sampleOperatorSupported = ((Integer) versionArray.get(0) > 3 || ((Integer) versionArray.get(0) == 3 && (Integer) versionArray.get(1) >= 2));
            if (sampleOperatorSupported) {
                returnVal = new SampleSplitter(config);
            } else {
                returnVal = new StandaloneMongoSplitter(config);
        } else {
            // Collection is sharded
            if (MongoConfigUtil.isShardChunkedSplittingEnabled(config)) {
                // Creates one split per chunk.
                returnVal = new ShardChunkMongoSplitter(config);
            } else if (MongoConfigUtil.canReadSplitsFromShards(config)) {
                // Creates one split per shard, but ignores chunk bounds.
                // Reads from shards directly (bypassing mongos).
                // Not usually recommended.
                returnVal = new ShardMongoSplitter(config);
            } else {
                // Not configured to use chunks or shards -
                // so treat this the same as if it was an unsharded collection
                returnVal = new StandaloneMongoSplitter(config);
    return returnVal;
Also used : DBCollection(com.mongodb.DBCollection) MongoClientURI(com.mongodb.MongoClientURI) List(java.util.List) CommandResult(com.mongodb.CommandResult)


CommandResult (com.mongodb.CommandResult)16 BasicDBObject (com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)7 DB (com.mongodb.DB)5 DBCollection (com.mongodb.DBCollection)4 DBObject (com.mongodb.DBObject)3 MongoException (com.mongodb.MongoException)3 AggregationOutput (com.mongodb.AggregationOutput)2 BasicDBList (com.mongodb.BasicDBList)2 MongoClientURI (com.mongodb.MongoClientURI)2 File ( List (java.util.List)2 InputSplit (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit)2 DateTime (org.joda.time.DateTime)2 HostAndPort ( BasicDBObjectBuilder (com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder)1 DBCursor (com.mongodb.DBCursor)1 EmbedMongoDB (com.mongodb.EmbedMongoDB)1 Mongo (com.mongodb.Mongo)1 MongoClient (com.mongodb.MongoClient)1 ServerAddress (com.mongodb.ServerAddress)1