use of in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class MkdirJob method processFile.
// //////////////////////////
// FileJob implementation //
// //////////////////////////
* Creates the new directory in the destination folder.
protected boolean processFile(AbstractFile file, Object recurseParams) {
// Stop if interrupted (although there is no way to stop the job at this time)
if (getState() == FileJobState.INTERRUPTED)
return false;
do {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Creating: {}", file);
// Check for file collisions, i.e. if the file already exists in the destination
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(null, file);
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
// File already exists in destination, ask the user what to do (cancel, overwrite,...) but
// do not offer the multiple files' mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'.
DialogAction choice = waitForUserResponse(new FileCollisionDialog(getMainFrame(), getMainFrame(), collision, null, file, false, false));
// Overwrite file
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Delete the file
} else // Cancel or dialog close (return)
// else if (choice==-1 || choice==FileCollisionDialog.OverwriteAction.CANCEL) {
return false;
// Create file
if (mkfileMode) {
// Use mkfile
if (allocateSpace == -1) {
} else // Allocate the requested number of bytes
OutputStream mkfileOut = null;
try {
// using RandomAccessOutputStream if we can have one
if (file.isFileOperationSupported(FileOperation.RANDOM_WRITE_FILE)) {
mkfileOut = file.getRandomAccessOutputStream();
((RandomAccessOutputStream) mkfileOut).setLength(allocateSpace);
} else // manually otherwise
mkfileOut = file.getOutputStream();
// Use BufferPool to avoid excessive memory allocation and garbage collection
byte[] buffer = BufferPool.getByteArray();
int bufferSize = buffer.length;
try {
long remaining = allocateSpace;
int nbWrite;
while (remaining > 0 && getState() != FileJobState.INTERRUPTED) {
nbWrite = (int) (remaining > bufferSize ? bufferSize : remaining);
mkfileOut.write(buffer, 0, nbWrite);
remaining -= nbWrite;
} finally {
} finally {
if (mkfileOut != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else // Create directory
// Resolve new file instance now that it exists: remote files do not update file attributes after
// creation, we need to get an instance that reflects the newly created file attributes
file = FileFactory.getFile(file.getURL());
// Select newly created file when job is finished
// Return Success
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// thrown, this is normal behavior
if (mkfileMode && getState() == FileJobState.INTERRUPTED)
return false;
LOGGER.debug("IOException caught", e);
DialogAction action = showErrorDialog(Translator.get("error"), Translator.get(mkfileMode ? "cannot_write_file" : "cannot_create_folder", file.getAbsolutePath()), Arrays.asList(FileJobAction.RETRY, FileJobAction.CANCEL));
// Retry (loop)
if (action == FileJobAction.RETRY)
// Return Failure
return false;
} while (true);
use of in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class FileMonitorTest method testSizeAttribute.
* Validates that FileMonitor properly reports {@link FileMonitor#SIZE_ATTRIBUTE} changes when a file's size changes.
* @throws IOException should not normally happen
public void testSizeAttribute() throws IOException {
RandomAccessOutputStream raos = file.getRandomAccessOutputStream();
try {
assert hasAttributeChanged(SIZE_ATTRIBUTE);
} finally {
if (raos != null)
use of in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class ZipOutputStream method finalizeEntryData.
* Writes the size and CRC information of an entry. This method is to be called right after a file entry's data
* has been written.
* <p>The size and CRC information is written to the given <code>OutputStream</code>, either as a data descriptor or
* in the entry's local file header, and is set in the given {@link ZipEntry} instance.
* @param entry the entry
* @param zeos the Zip entry's output stream
* @param out the
* @param useDataDescriptor if true, a data descriptor will be written to out. If false, size and CRC information
* will be written in the local file header (requires out to be a RandomAccessOutputStream).
* @param zipBuffer a ZipBuffer instance used to convert integer values to Zip variants
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
protected static void finalizeEntryData(ZipEntry entry, ZipEntryOutputStream zeos, OutputStream out, boolean useDataDescriptor, ZipBuffer zipBuffer) throws IOException {
long crc = zeos.getCrc();
if (entry.getMethod() == DEFLATED) {
((DeflatedOutputStream) zeos).finishDeflate();
long compressedSize = adjustToLong(zeos.getTotalOut());
} else {
// Method is STORED
long size = zeos.getTotalOut();
// the correct CRC and compressed/uncompressed sizes
if (!useDataDescriptor) {
RandomAccessOutputStream raos = (RandomAccessOutputStream) out;
long save = raos.getOffset(); + 14);
raos.write(ZipLong.getBytes(entry.getCrc(), zipBuffer.longBuffer));
raos.write(ZipLong.getBytes(entry.getCompressedSize(), zipBuffer.longBuffer));
raos.write(ZipLong.getBytes(entry.getSize(), zipBuffer.longBuffer));;