use of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class AppearancePanel method importLookAndFeelLibrary.
* Tries to import the specified library in the extensions folder.
* <p>
* If there is already a file with the same name in the extensions folder,
* this method will ask the user for confirmation before overwriting it.
* </p>
* @param library library to import in the extensions folder.
* @return <code>true</code> if the library was imported, <code>false</code> if the user cancelled the operation.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred while importing the library
private boolean importLookAndFeelLibrary(AbstractFile library) throws IOException {
// Tries to import the file, but if a version of it is already present in the extensions folder,
// asks the user for confirmation.
AbstractFile destFile = ExtensionManager.getExtensionsFile(library.getName());
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(library, destFile);
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
// Do not offer the multiple files mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'
DialogAction action = new FileCollisionDialog(parent, parent, collision, library, destFile, false, false).getActionValue();
// User chose to overwrite the file
if (action == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Simply continue and file will be overwritten
} else if (action == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE_IF_OLDER) {
// Overwrite if the source is more recent than the destination
if (library.getDate() <= destFile.getDate()) {
return false;
// Simply continue and file will be overwritten
} else if (action == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE_IF_SIZE_DIFFERS) {
// Overwrite if the source and target file size differs
if (library.getSize() == destFile.getSize()) {
return false;
// Simply continue and file will be overwritten
} else // User chose to cancel or closed the dialog
return false;
return ExtensionManager.importLibrary(library, true);
use of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class AppearancePanel method exportTheme.
* Exports the specified theme.
* @param theme theme to export.
private void exportTheme(Theme theme) {
JFileChooser chooser;
AbstractFile file;
chooser = createFileChooser();
chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new ExtensionFileFilter("xml", Translator.get("prefs_dialog.xml_file")));
chooser.setDialogTitle(Translator.get("prefs_dialog.export_theme", theme.getName()));
if (chooser.showDialog(parent, Translator.get("prefs_dialog.export")) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
file = FileFactory.getFile(chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
lastSelectedFolder = file.getParent();
// Makes sure the file's extension is .xml.
try {
if (// Note: getExtension() may return null if no extension
file = lastSelectedFolder.getDirectChild(file.getName() + ".xml");
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(null, file);
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
// Do not offer the multiple files mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'
DialogAction action = new FileCollisionDialog(parent, parent, collision, null, file, false, false).getActionValue();
// User chose to overwrite the file
if (action == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Simply continue and file will be overwritten
} else // User chose to cancel or closed the dialog
// Exports the theme.
ThemeManager.exportTheme(theme, ( file.getUnderlyingFileObject());
// changes.
if (lastSelectedFolder.equals(ThemeManager.getCustomThemesFolder()))
}// Notifies users of errors.
catch (Exception exception) {
InformationDialog.showErrorDialog(this, Translator.get("write_error"), Translator.get("cannot_write_file", file.getName()));
use of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class AbstractCopyJob method checkForCollision.
* Checks if there is a file collision (file exists in the destination).
* If there is no collision this method returns destFile.
* If there is a collision this method returns: <ul>
* <li>null if a user cancelled the transfer
* <li>null if a user skipped the file
* <li>destFile if a user resumed the transfer (and sets append flag)
* <li>destFile if a user has chosen to overwrite the file
* <li>new file if a user renamed the file
* </ul>
* @param file a source file
* @param destFolder a destination folder
* @param destFile a destination file
* @param allowCaseVariation if true,
* @return destFile the new destination file
protected AbstractFile checkForCollision(AbstractFile file, AbstractFile destFolder, AbstractFile destFile, boolean allowCaseVariation) {
append = false;
while (true) {
// Check for file collisions (file exists in the destination, destination subfolder of source, ...)
// if a default action hasn't been specified
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(file, destFile);
// destination being the same.
if (allowCaseVariation && collision == FileCollisionChecker.SAME_SOURCE_AND_DESTINATION) {
String sourceFileName = file.getName();
String destFileName = destFile.getName();
if (sourceFileName.equalsIgnoreCase(destFileName) && !sourceFileName.equals(destFileName)) {
// Handle collision, asking the user what to do or using a default action to resolve the collision
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction choice;
// Use default action if one has been set, if not show up a dialog
if (defaultFileExistsAction == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.ASK) {
FileCollisionDialog dialog = new FileCollisionDialog(getProgressDialog(), getMainFrame(), collision, file, destFile, true, true);
choice = (FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction) waitForUserResponse(dialog);
// If 'apply to all' was selected, this choice will be used for any other files (user will not be asked again)
if (dialog.applyToAllSelected()) {
defaultFileExistsAction = choice;
} else {
choice = defaultFileExistsAction;
// Cancel, skip or close dialog
if (choice == QuestionDialog.DIALOG_DISPOSED_ACTION || choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.CANCEL) {
return null;
} else // Skip file
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.SKIP) {
return null;
} else // Append to file (resume file copy)
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.RESUME) {
append = true;
} else // Overwrite file
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Do nothing, simply continue
} else // Overwrite file if destination is older
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE_IF_OLDER) {
// Overwrite if file is newer (strictly)
if (file.getDate() <= destFile.getDate()) {
return null;
} else if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE_IF_SIZE_DIFFERS) {
if (file.getSize() == destFile.getSize()) {
return null;
} else if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.RENAME) {
FileCollisionRenameDialog dlg = new FileCollisionRenameDialog(getMainFrame(), destFile);
String destFileName = (String) waitForUserResponseObject(dlg);
if (destFileName != null) {
destFile = createDestinationFile(file, destFolder, destFileName);
} else {
// turn on FileCollisionDialog, so we don't loop indefinitely
defaultFileExistsAction = FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.ASK;
// continue with collision checking
// no collision
return destFile;
use of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class MkdirJob method processFile.
// //////////////////////////
// FileJob implementation //
// //////////////////////////
* Creates the new directory in the destination folder.
protected boolean processFile(AbstractFile file, Object recurseParams) {
// Stop if interrupted (although there is no way to stop the job at this time)
if (getState() == FileJobState.INTERRUPTED)
return false;
do {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Creating: {}", file);
// Check for file collisions, i.e. if the file already exists in the destination
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(null, file);
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
// File already exists in destination, ask the user what to do (cancel, overwrite,...) but
// do not offer the multiple files' mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'.
DialogAction choice = waitForUserResponse(new FileCollisionDialog(getMainFrame(), getMainFrame(), collision, null, file, false, false));
// Overwrite file
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Delete the file
} else // Cancel or dialog close (return)
// else if (choice==-1 || choice==FileCollisionDialog.OverwriteAction.CANCEL) {
return false;
// Create file
if (mkfileMode) {
// Use mkfile
if (allocateSpace == -1) {
} else // Allocate the requested number of bytes
OutputStream mkfileOut = null;
try {
// using RandomAccessOutputStream if we can have one
if (file.isFileOperationSupported(FileOperation.RANDOM_WRITE_FILE)) {
mkfileOut = file.getRandomAccessOutputStream();
((RandomAccessOutputStream) mkfileOut).setLength(allocateSpace);
} else // manually otherwise
mkfileOut = file.getOutputStream();
// Use BufferPool to avoid excessive memory allocation and garbage collection
byte[] buffer = BufferPool.getByteArray();
int bufferSize = buffer.length;
try {
long remaining = allocateSpace;
int nbWrite;
while (remaining > 0 && getState() != FileJobState.INTERRUPTED) {
nbWrite = (int) (remaining > bufferSize ? bufferSize : remaining);
mkfileOut.write(buffer, 0, nbWrite);
remaining -= nbWrite;
} finally {
} finally {
if (mkfileOut != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} else // Create directory
// Resolve new file instance now that it exists: remote files do not update file attributes after
// creation, we need to get an instance that reflects the newly created file attributes
file = FileFactory.getFile(file.getURL());
// Select newly created file when job is finished
// Return Success
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// thrown, this is normal behavior
if (mkfileMode && getState() == FileJobState.INTERRUPTED)
return false;
LOGGER.debug("IOException caught", e);
DialogAction action = showErrorDialog(Translator.get("error"), Translator.get(mkfileMode ? "cannot_write_file" : "cannot_create_folder", file.getAbsolutePath()), Arrays.asList(FileJobAction.RETRY, FileJobAction.CANCEL));
// Retry (loop)
if (action == FileJobAction.RETRY)
// Return Failure
return false;
} while (true);
use of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.file.FileCollisionDialog in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class ArchiveJob method jobStarted.
// //////////////////////
// Overridden methods //
// //////////////////////
* Overriden method to initialize the archiver and handle the case where the destination file already exists.
protected void jobStarted() {
// Check for file collisions, i.e. if the file already exists in the destination
int collision = FileCollisionChecker.checkForCollision(null, destFile);
if (collision != FileCollisionChecker.NO_COLLISION) {
// File already exists in destination, ask the user what to do (cancel, overwrite,...) but
// do not offer the multiple files mode options such as 'skip' and 'apply to all'.
DialogAction choice = waitForUserResponse(new FileCollisionDialog(getProgressDialog(), getMainFrame(), collision, null, destFile, false, false));
// Overwrite file
if (choice == FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.OVERWRITE) {
// Do nothing, simply continue and file will be overwritten
} else // 'Cancel' or close dialog interrupts the job
// Loop for retry
do {
try {
// Tries to get an Archiver instance.
this.archiver = Archiver.getArchiver(destFile, archiveFormat);
} catch (Exception e) {
DialogAction choice = showErrorDialog(Translator.get("pack_dialog.error_title"), Translator.get("cannot_write_file", destFile.getName()), Arrays.asList(FileJobAction.CANCEL, FileJobAction.RETRY));
// Retry loops
if (choice == FileJobAction.RETRY)
// 'Cancel' or close dialog interrupts the job
} while (true);