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Example 1 with WorkingDirectory

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class RemoteJavaApplicationLauncherTest method shouldSetWorkingDirectory.

public void shouldSetWorkingDirectory() throws Exception {
    String appName = "sleeping";
    File folder = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
    String appNameSanitized = PlatformSeparators.autoDetect().asSanitizedFileName(appName);
    File expectedDirectory = new File(folder, appNameSanitized);
    // build and start the SleepingApplication
    Platform platform = getRemotePlatform();
    try (JavaApplication application = platform.launch(JavaApplication.class, ClassName.of(SleepingApplication.class), DisplayName.of(appName), WorkingDirectory.subDirectoryOf(folder))) {
        String dir = application.invoke(new GetWorkingDirectory());
        Assert.assertThat(dir, is(expectedDirectory.getCanonicalPath()));
        WorkingDirectory workingDir = application.getOptions().get(WorkingDirectory.class);
        Assert.assertThat(workingDir, is(notNullValue()));
        Assert.assertThat(workingDir.getValue(), is((Object) expectedDirectory));
Also used : SleepingApplication( WorkingDirectory( Platform( LocalPlatform( RemotePlatform( JavaApplication( CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) File( AbstractRemoteTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with WorkingDirectory

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class AbstractRemoteApplicationLauncher method launch.

public A launch(Platform platform, MetaClass<A> metaClass, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
    // establish the diagnostics output table
    Table diagnosticsTable = new Table();
    if (platform != null) {
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Target Platform", platform.getName());
    // ----- establish the launch Options for the Application -----
    // add the platform options
    OptionsByType launchOptions = OptionsByType.of(platform.getOptions()).addAll(optionsByType);
    // add the meta-class options
    metaClass.onLaunching(platform, launchOptions);
    // ---- establish the default Options ----
    // define the PlatformSeparators as Unix if they are not already defined
    // define the default Platform Shell (assume BASH)
    // define the "local.address" variable so that is can be used for resolving this platform address
    launchOptions.add(Variable.with("local.address", LocalPlatform.get().getAddress().getHostAddress()));
    // ----- establish an identity for the application -----
    // add a unique runtime id for expression support
    launchOptions.add(Variable.with("", UUID.randomUUID()));
    // ----- establish default Profiles for this Platform (and Builder) -----
    // auto-detect and add externally defined profiles
    for (Profile profile : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(Profile.class)) {
        profile.onLaunching(platform, metaClass, launchOptions);
    // ----- add the diagnostic table to the options so it can be used by the terminal -----
    // ----- prior to launching the application, let the implementation enhance the launch options -----
    // ----- give the MetaClass a last chance to manipulate any options -----
    metaClass.onLaunch(platform, launchOptions);
    // ----- determine the display name for the application -----
    DisplayName displayName = getDisplayName(launchOptions);
    // determine the Executable
    Executable executable = launchOptions.get(Executable.class);
    // ----- deploy remote application artifacts -----
    // determine the DeploymentArtifacts based on those specified by the Deployment option
    ArrayList<DeploymentArtifact> artifactsToDeploy = new ArrayList<>();
    Deployment deployment = launchOptions.get(Deployment.class);
    if (deployment != null) {
        try {
            artifactsToDeploy.addAll(deployment.getDeploymentArtifacts(platform, launchOptions));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to determine artifacts to deploy", e);
    // determine the separators for the platform
    PlatformSeparators separators = launchOptions.get(PlatformSeparators.class);
    // assume the remote directory is the working directory
    WorkingDirectory workingDirectory = launchOptions.getOrSetDefault(WorkingDirectory.class, WorkingDirectory.temporaryDirectory());
    File remoteDirectoryFile = workingDirectory.resolve(platform, launchOptions);
    if (remoteDirectoryFile == null) {
        remoteDirectoryFile = WorkingDirectory.temporaryDirectory().resolve(platform, launchOptions);
    String remoteDirectory = separators.asPlatformFileName(remoteDirectoryFile.toString());
    // Set the resolved working directory back into the options
    if (remoteDirectoryFile != null) {
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Working Directory", remoteDirectoryFile.toString());
    // Obtain the RemoteShell that will be used to launch the process
    RemoteTerminalBuilder terminalBuilder = launchOptions.getOrSetDefault(RemoteTerminalBuilder.class, RemoteTerminals.ssh());
    RemoteTerminal terminal =;
    // create the working directory
    terminal.makeDirectories(remoteDirectory, launchOptions);
    // deploy any artifacts required
    Deployer deployer = launchOptions.getOrSetDefault(Deployer.class, new SftpDeployer());
    DeployedArtifacts deployedArtifacts = deployer.deploy(artifactsToDeploy, remoteDirectory, platform, launchOptions.asArray());
    // add the remote directory as something to clean up
    if (!deployedArtifacts.isEmpty()) {
        // when we've deployed artifacts we need to add a listener to clean them up
        launchOptions.add(Decoration.of(new ApplicationListener<A>() {

            public void onClosing(A application, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
            // nothing to do on closing

            public void onClosed(A application, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
                Level logLevel = optionsByType.get(LaunchLogging.class).isEnabled() ? Level.INFO : Level.OFF;
                try (DiagnosticsRecording diagnostics = DiagnosticsRecording.create("Undeploy Diagnostics for " + application.getName() + " on platform " + platform.getName()).using(LOGGER, logLevel)) {
                    diagnostics.add("Platform", "Resource");
                    try (DiagnosticsRecording local = DiagnosticsRecording.section("Local Platform")) {
                        // clean up the locally created temporary artifacts
               -> {
                            try {
                                // attempt to remove the local file
                                // include diagnostics
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // log exceptions when attempting to remove local sources
                                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to remove temporary " + artifact.toString() + " for application " + application.getName(), e);
                                // include diagnostics
                                local.add(artifact.getSourceFile() + " (failed to undeploy)");
                    // undeploy the deployed artifacts
                    deployer.undeploy(deployedArtifacts, platform, launchOptions.asArray());

            public void onLaunched(A application) {
            // nothing to do after launching
    // Realize the application arguments
    Arguments arguments = launchOptions.get(Arguments.class);
    List<String> argList = arguments.resolve(platform, launchOptions);
    // Set the actual arguments used back into the options
    // TODO: put a try/catch around the terminal.launch here so we can clean up the RemoteExecutor if
    // the application failed to launch
    // determine the application class that will represent the running application
    Class<? extends A> applicationClass = metaClass.getImplementationClass(platform, launchOptions);
    diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application", displayName.resolve(launchOptions));
    if (argList.size() > 0) {
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Arguments "," ")));
    diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Launch Time", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));
    // ----- start the process and establish the application -----
    // launch the remote process
    RemoteApplicationProcess remoteProcess = terminal.launch(this, applicationClass, launchOptions);
    // adapt the remote process into something that the application can use
    ApplicationProcess process = adapt(remoteProcess);
    // create the Application based on the RemoteApplicationProcess
    A application;
    try {
        // attempt to find a constructor(Platform, JavaApplicationProcess, Options)
        Constructor<? extends A> constructor = ReflectionHelper.getCompatibleConstructor(applicationClass, platform.getClass(), process.getClass(), OptionsByType.class);
        // create the application
        application = constructor.newInstance(platform, process, launchOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to instantiate the Application class specified by the MetaClass:" + metaClass, e);
    // ----- after launching the application, let the implementation interact with the application -----
    onLaunched(application, launchOptions);
    // ----- notify the MetaClass that the application has been launched -----
    metaClass.onLaunched(platform, application, launchOptions);
    for (Profile profile : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(Profile.class)) {
        profile.onLaunched(platform, application, launchOptions);
    // notify the ApplicationListener-based Options that the application has been launched
    for (ApplicationListener listener : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(ApplicationListener.class)) {
    return application;
Also used : DiagnosticsRecording( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Deployment( Profile( DisplayName( Executable( Deployer( SftpDeployer( PlatformSeparators( WorkingDirectory( Table( Arguments( Date(java.util.Date) ApplicationListener( SftpDeployer( Level(java.util.logging.Level) ApplicationProcess( OptionsByType( File( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)

Example 3 with WorkingDirectory

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class LocalPlatformJavaApplicationTest method shouldSetWorkingDirectory.

public void shouldSetWorkingDirectory() throws Exception {
    String appName = "TestApp";
    File folder = temporaryFolder.newFolder();
    String appNameSanitized = PlatformSeparators.autoDetect().asSanitizedFileName(appName);
    File expectedDirectory = new File(folder, appNameSanitized);
    try (JavaApplication application = getPlatform().launch(JavaApplication.class, ClassName.of(SleepingApplication.class), DisplayName.of(appName), IPv4Preferred.yes(), WorkingDirectory.subDirectoryOf(folder))) {
        String dir = application.invoke(new GetWorkingDirectory());
        assertThat(dir, is(expectedDirectory.getCanonicalPath()));
        WorkingDirectory workingDir = application.getOptions().get(WorkingDirectory.class);
        assertThat(workingDir, is(notNullValue()));
        assertThat(workingDir.getValue(), is((Object) expectedDirectory));
Also used : SleepingApplication(classloader.applications.SleepingApplication) WorkingDirectory( CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) File( SocketBasedRemoteChannelTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with WorkingDirectory

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class JSchRemoteTerminal method launch.

public RemoteApplicationProcess launch(Launchable launchable, Class<? extends Application> applicationClass, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
    // acquire the remote platform on which to launch the application
    RemotePlatform platform = getRemotePlatform();
    // establish a specialized SocketFactory for JSch
    JSchSocketFactory socketFactory = new JSchSocketFactory();
    // initially there's no session
    Session session = null;
    try {
        // create the remote session
        session = sessionFactory.createSession(platform.getAddress().getHostName(), platform.getPort(), platform.getUserName(), platform.getAuthentication(), socketFactory, optionsByType);
        ChannelExec execChannel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
        // (re)define the "local.address" variable so that we can use for resolving the platform
        optionsByType.add(Variable.with("local.address", socketFactory.getLastLocalAddress().getHostAddress()));
        // ----- establish the remote environment variables -----
        String environmentVariables = "";
        // get the remote environment variables for the remote application
        Properties variables = launchable.getEnvironmentVariables(platform, optionsByType);
        // determine the format to use for setting variables
        String format;
        Shell shell = optionsByType.getOrSetDefault(Shell.class, Shell.isUnknown());
        switch(shell.getType()) {
            case SH:
            case BASH:
                format = "export %s=%s ; ";
            case CSH:
            case TSCH:
                format = "setenv %s %s ; ";
                // when we don't know, assume something bash-like
                format = "export %s=%s ; ";
        List<String> arguments = launchable.getCommandLineArguments(platform, optionsByType);
        CommandInterceptor interceptor = optionsByType.get(CommandInterceptor.class);
        String executableName = launchable.getCommandToExecute(platform, optionsByType);
        File workingDirectory = optionsByType.get(WorkingDirectory.class).resolve(platform, optionsByType);
        String remoteCommand;
        if (interceptor == null) {
            for (String variableName : variables.stringPropertyNames()) {
                environmentVariables += String.format(format, variableName, StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNecessary(variables.getProperty(variableName)));
            // ----- establish the application command line to execute -----
            // determine the command to execute remotely
            StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(executableName);
            // add the arguments
            for (String arg : arguments) {
                command.append(" ").append(arg);
            // the actual remote command must include changing to the remote directory
            remoteCommand = environmentVariables + String.format("cd %s ; %s", workingDirectory, command);
        } else {
            remoteCommand = interceptor.onExecute(executableName, arguments, variables, workingDirectory);
        // ----- establish the remote application process to represent the remote application -----
        // establish a RemoteApplicationProcess representing the remote application
        RemoteApplicationProcess process = new JschRemoteApplicationProcess(session, execChannel);
        if (optionsByType.get(LaunchLogging.class).isEnabled()) {
            Table diagnosticsTable = optionsByType.get(Table.class);
            if (diagnosticsTable != null && LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Executable ", executableName);
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Oracle Bedrock " + Bedrock.getVersion() + ": Starting Application...\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + diagnosticsTable.toString() + "\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        // connect the channel
        return process;
    } catch (JSchException e) {
        if (session != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create remote application", e);
Also used : RemoteApplicationProcess( JSchException(com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException) WorkingDirectory( Table( CommandInterceptor( Properties(java.util.Properties) ChannelExec(com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec) Shell( LaunchLogging( File( RemotePlatform( Session(com.jcraft.jsch.Session)

Example 5 with WorkingDirectory

use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.

the class SimpleApplicationLauncher method launch.

public Application launch(Platform platform, MetaClass<Application> metaClass, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
    // establish the diagnostics output table
    Table diagnosticsTable = new Table();
    if (platform != null) {
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Target Platform", platform.getName());
    // ----- establish the launch Options for the Application -----
    // add the platform options
    OptionsByType launchOptions = OptionsByType.of(platform.getOptions()).addAll(optionsByType);
    // add the meta-class options
    metaClass.onLaunching(platform, launchOptions);
    // ----- establish default Profiles for this Platform (and Builder) -----
    // auto-detect and add externally defined profiles
    for (Profile profile : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(Profile.class)) {
        profile.onLaunching(platform, metaClass, launchOptions);
    // ----- give the MetaClass a last chance to manipulate any options -----
    metaClass.onLaunch(platform, launchOptions);
    // ----- determine the display name for the application -----
    // ensure there's a display name
    DisplayName displayName = launchOptions.getOrSetDefault(DisplayName.class, DisplayName.of(launchOptions.get(Executable.class).getName()));
    // ---- establish the underlying ProcessBuilder -----
    // determine the Executable
    Executable executable = launchOptions.get(Executable.class);
    if (executable == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to define an Executable option");
    // we'll use the native operating system process builder to create
    // and manage the local application process
    LocalProcessBuilder processBuilder = createProcessBuilder(StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNecessary(executable.getName()));
    // ----- establish the working directory -----
    // set the working directory for the Process
    WorkingDirectory workingDirectory = launchOptions.getOrSetDefault(WorkingDirectory.class, WorkingDirectory.currentDirectory());
    File directory = workingDirectory.resolve(platform, launchOptions);
    // Set the resolved working directory back into the options
    if (directory != null) {;
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Working Directory", directory.toString());
    // ----- establish environment variables -----
    EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = launchOptions.get(EnvironmentVariables.class);
    switch(environmentVariables.getSource()) {
        case Custom:
            diagnosticsTable.addRow("Environment Variables", "(cleared)");
        case ThisApplication:
            diagnosticsTable.addRow("Environment Variables", "(based on parent process)");
        case TargetPlatform:
            diagnosticsTable.addRow("Environment Variables", "(based on platform defaults)");
    // add the optionally defined environment variables
    Properties variables = environmentVariables.realize(platform, launchOptions.asArray());
    for (String variableName : variables.stringPropertyNames()) {
        processBuilder.environment().put(variableName, variables.getProperty(variableName));
    if (variables.size() > 0) {
        Table table = Tabularize.tabularize(variables);
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("", table.toString());
    // ----- establish the application command line to execute -----
    List<String> command = processBuilder.command();
    // add the arguments to the command for the process
    List<String> arguments = launchOptions.get(Arguments.class).resolve(platform, launchOptions);
    diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application", displayName.resolve(launchOptions));
    diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Executable ", executable.getName());
    if (arguments.size() > 0) {
        diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Arguments "," ")));
    diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Launch Time", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));
    // set the actual arguments used back into the options
    // should the standard error be redirected to the standard out?
    ErrorStreamRedirection redirection = launchOptions.get(ErrorStreamRedirection.class);
    boolean launchLogging = optionsByType.get(LaunchLogging.class).isEnabled();
    if (launchLogging && LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Oracle Bedrock " + Bedrock.getVersion() + ": Starting Application...\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + diagnosticsTable.toString() + "\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    // ----- start the process and establish the application -----
    // create and start the native process
    Process process;
    try {
        process = processBuilder.start(launchOptions);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to build the underlying native process for the application", e);
    // determine the application class that will represent the running application
    Class<? extends Application> applicationClass = metaClass.getImplementationClass(platform, launchOptions);
    Application application;
    try {
        // attempt to find a constructor(Platform, LocalApplicationProcess, Options)
        Constructor<? extends Application> constructor = ReflectionHelper.getCompatibleConstructor(applicationClass, platform.getClass(), LocalApplicationProcess.class, OptionsByType.class);
        // create the application
        application = constructor.newInstance(platform, new LocalApplicationProcess(process), launchOptions);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to instantiate the Application class specified by the MetaClass:" + metaClass, e);
    // ----- notify the MetaClass that the application has been launched -----
    metaClass.onLaunched(platform, application, launchOptions);
    for (Profile profile : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(Profile.class)) {
        profile.onLaunched(platform, application, launchOptions);
    // notify the ApplicationListener-based Options that the application has been realized
    for (ApplicationListener listener : launchOptions.getInstancesOf(ApplicationListener.class)) {
    return application;
Also used : LocalProcessBuilder( SimpleLocalProcessBuilder( Properties(java.util.Properties) ErrorStreamRedirection( EnvironmentVariables( LaunchLogging( DisplayName( Executable( WorkingDirectory( Table( Arguments( IOException( Date(java.util.Date) IOException( OptionsByType( File( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)


WorkingDirectory ( File ( Table ( Properties (java.util.Properties)5 OptionsByType ( Arguments ( DisplayName ( LaunchLogging ( Profile ( Executable ( IOException ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)3 Date (java.util.Date)3 Option ( Timeout ( ApplicationListener ( ApplicationProcess ( Platform ( EnvironmentVariables ( ErrorStreamRedirection (